Saturday, February 4, 2012



Etsy Round-Up: Be My Valentine

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 10:59 AM PST

There’s only ten days until Valentine’s Day, and just as important as the gift you get for your significant other is the card. Handmade cards are more romantic then store bought ones, but not all of us are artists. Here are ten cards that will let you say a unique “I Love You,” without subjecting your valentine to a glued pasta heart.

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Daniel Radcliffe Was Sometimes Drunk While On The Set Of Harry Potter

Posted: 04 Feb 2012 09:18 AM PST

Daniel Radcliffe
admitted to a drinking problem after he’d decided to quit, which made the news less likely to become a tabloid headline. Harry Potter has a drinking problem is infinitely more attention grabbing then Harry Potter had a drinking problem.

Now, however, in a promotional interview for his new movie The Woman in Black, Daniel has admitted that his drinking encroached on his work on the Harry Potter set; he’s actually come in for a shoot drunk. Daniel explained, “I went into work still drunk, but I never drank at work … I can point to many scenes where I'm just gone. Dead behind the eyes."

One of the big questions he leaves unanswered is which Potter films he shot smashed. He didn’t stop drinking until August of 2010, after the last filmed wrapped, meaning he could have been less than sober even as he battled it out with Lord Voldemort for the last time (and who could blame him, that movie was rough).

The legal age to buy alcohol in the UK in England is eighteen, so he could have easily been hiding his habit since the sixth film, but being underage doesn’t mean you can’t access alcohol. Was he tipsy as early as The Goblet of Fire, when he got long rebellious hair, or even The Prisoner of Azkaban when the three stars started looking like teens instead of kids? At any rate it’s great he realized he had a problem and was able to quit.

He should expect a supercut by Monday though: Harry Potter Scenes Where Daniel Radcliffe Does Look a Little Glassy-eyed.

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The Dictator Launches Republic Of Wadiya Website

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:38 PM PST

The Dictator - Republic of Wadiya websitePart of what’s making Sacha Baron Cohen‘s new persona/movie The Dictator do so well is that we’re all in on the joke. With Borat and Bruno, the performer went around in-costume and embarrassed people, filming the pranks for the subsequent movies. But with The Dictator coming to theaters on May 11, the studio has been putting out in-character announcements and jokes that include audiences instead of alienating them.

First there was Supreme Leader Shabazz Aladeen‘s public statement about the death of Kim Jong-Il; now, the Republic of Wadiya has its own official website. You can read along in either Wadiyan or English, and learn about the weather forecast — like 30 Rock‘s mockery of North Korea, it’s “sunny all the time” — as well as the history of this grand, oppressed fictional country.

Of course, the best part is Aladeen’s biography, which charts his humble rise to power after his six siblings were killed in horrible Hot Wheels-related accidents, as well as his generosity to his country. Some selections:

His mother was an Air France stewardess who tragically died of an oxygen underdose shortly after Aladeen's birth in 1982 – this fact means he is now 30 years old. Any photos you may have seen of Aladeen as a child in the mid-70s, including a great one of him at the premiere of Saturday Night Fever, were doctored by the corrupt Zionist Western media.

Tragically, Aladeen's remaining three brothers perished in a typical suicide pact by simultaneously shooting themselves in the back multiple times with automatic rifles.

Part of his research managed to confirm that there's not enough oxygen for a political opponent to survive at altitudes higher than 45,000 feet. In the same experiment, he confirmed that there is enough gravity at 45,000 feet for a political opponent's body to return to Earth when thrown from an aircraft.

Aladeen also hosts, judges and competes in Wadiya’s Next Top Model which he has won for a record 14 years running.

The site is worth poking around, including Aladeen’s recommendations for other websites, like the “high end hookers” at Victoria’s Secret and the “funny” Western joke site the UN Commission on Human Rights. Plus, it turns out Aladeen is a big fan of sporting events, as evidenced by this new TV spot about the Super Bowl:

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Willow Smith Shaves Her Head, Causes Twitter To Freak Out

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 03:47 PM PST

Yes. It’s true. Willow Smith, famous for whipping her hair and being conceived by celebrities, shaved all her hair off and tweeted out a photo. Like the rest of the world I heard the news and made a joke to myself about how her famous song is now null and void. Then I moved on with my day.

However it appears that not everyone was ready to move on three seconds after hearing the news. In fact, some people took it so hard that they felt compelled to tweet about it — and tweet about it enough that it became a trending topic.

So in no particular order, here are the best Twitter reactions to Willow shaving her head:

[Photo courtesy of ABC News]

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Billionaire John Goodman Adopts His Girlfriend As His Daughter

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 02:20 PM PST

John Goodman adopts girlfriend Heather Laruso HutchensI know, I got you with the headline, right? Rest assured, I’m not making it up, but it’s a less salacious story than you might imagine. Florida polo club founder John Goodman, 48, made the strange decision to adopt his 42-year-old girlfriend back in October 2011… because he was afraid of losing his money in the drunk driving trial in which he’s currently embroiled.

You’re really not going to like Goodman in a second: In February 2010, he ran a stop sign and crashed into the car of Scott Patrick Wilson, a kid home from college visiting his parents. It was a hit-and-run; Goodman didn’t even alert the police or an ambulance. And his blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit.

Goodman’s civil and criminal trials start up in March; he could face 30 years if convicted. He also stands to lose the trust funds he set up for his kids, which is why he formally adopted his girlfriend of three years, Heather Laurso Hutchens. Neither of his children are 35, which is the youngest they’d be able to access their money; because Hutchens is 42, she’s entitled to a third of the fund.

Interestingly, it’s only now that Goodman made this proactive step, that the parents of Wilson believe that Goodman’s money should be included in possible damages. “Plaintiffs view the adoption of Ms. Hutchins as a ‘game-changer’ and as grounds to now include the assets of the children’s trust, at least in some fashion, in the punitive damages calculation,” Judge Glenn Kelley wrote.

They also take exception with him adopting his girlfriend as opposed to a child in need. It seems they believe that Goodman would continue to control at least a third of the money — which hit $100 million in 1998 and has been increasing for the past 14 years — rather than providing for his biological children.

Plus, it’s just plain skeevy. If Goodman gets off, would they reverse the adoption? Judge Kelley added that with Goodman’s decision, the case’s many twists now “border on the surreal and take the Court into a legal twilight zone.” You can say that again.

Post from: Crushable

Spencer Pratt Used Lauren Conrad’s Birthday To Drum Up Publicity For Himself

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:57 PM PST

Spencer tweets happy birthday to Lauren ConradSpencer Pratt is broke. Hollywood knows he’s crazy, and he’s living at home with his folks because he doesn’t have any money to pick himself back up again. He calls his agency thirty times a day and can’t get work. But then February 1 came, and it was a glorious day—it was Lauren Conrad‘s birthday, and Spencer knew that he would be able, if only for a few days after, to be relevant again.

He tweeted out a seemingly positive message to LC, though he quickly had to explain himself since his and her fans probably called bullshit immediately:

@LaurenConrad Happy Birthday! Thanks for helping me find my miracle wife @heidimontag !

My birthday wish for @LaurenConrad is for her to find true love like #Speidi

I wasn’t being sarcastic! I really do wish the best for @LaurenConrad on her birthday! #forgiveandforget

Mentioning the friend that Lauren lost because she chose him over her, and trying to get “Speidi” trending again even though it’s a horrid piece of pop culture slang we’d rather forget? Yeah, not helping Spencer’s case.

Ultimately, Lauren ignored Spencer’s attempts at reconciliation since she has a job as a style guru and seems to be doing pretty damn well without the crutch of reality television. Instead, she posted photos like this one of her wearing a birthday hat and trying to open a Hello Kitty champagne bottle, and joked that no one had wished her a happy Groundhog Day.

Lauren Conrad celebrating her 26th birthday

But according to a friend, Lauren really just didn’t take her former on-screen enemy seriously because Twitter isn’t the place for genuine apologies. “Lauren loves using Twitter to interact with her fans and promote her brands,” the source said, “but obviously she doesn't think it's an effective way to apologize or try to mend bridges… In this case, like others, she's going to continue to do what works best with Spencer and that's obviously to ignore him.”

Heidi Montag must be in on the reconciliation idea, too: They sent some flowers off to former co-star Kristin Cavallari, who’s pregnant with her first child. “Heidi and Spencer actually sent me flowers, which was really sweet,” she recently told Us. The way they left things on The Hills, Spencer got kicked off after threatening the producers, and Heidi was convinced that Kristin was doing drugs. But apparently bygones are bygones for Kristin; maybe it’s the baby that has her so forgiving.

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Roseanne Barr Is Running For President!

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:25 PM PST

Bullshit artists, watch your back! Blue collar feminist/TV star/macadamia nut farmer Roseanne Barr has filed documents declaring her desire to be the Green Party’s 2012 candidate for President of the United States of America.

No, really. “I am pleased to announce that I am seeking the Green Party’s nomination for President of these United States of America,” Barr said in a statement. “The Democrats and Republicans have proven that they are servants—bought and paid for by the 1%—who are not doing what’s in the best interest of the American people. As a long time supporter of the Green Party, I look forward to working with people who share my values. Behold the greening of America!”

Following her announcement, Barr took to twitter to clarify her motivations for running, namely, to bring attention to the issues she believes matter the most: jobs, healthcare, and listening to the voices of all Americans, not just the ones with money and power:

I’m not sure the Green Party represents the middle way between Democrats and Republicans, so much as “what the Democratic party would be if it had any balls/was not already bought off by corporate money,” but I still support most of her sentiments. It’s a shame Barr has little chance of winning, but if she can bring these important issues to the attention of the actual winner, her run will have been worthwhile.

(Via E!)

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Crushable’s Fantasy Crush Week Is Next Week And We Want Your Stories & Photos

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:59 PM PST

Crushable’s proud to announce that starting this coming Monday, we’ll be hosting our first ever Fantasy Crush Week on the site. From your first celebrity crush to your first real life crush, we’ll be covering it all from every possible angle.

Are you already remembering your Leonardo DiCaprio shrine from 7th grade? Or maybe you’re picturing that cute guy from high school who you dreamed about talking to everyday and then finally hooked up with you at the end of the year? Or maybe, just maybe you’re thinking about the time you actually kissed a real celebrity crush.

Either way, we want to hear all about it!

Send your stories, photos and anything else you think we should see to Editor(@)Crushable (dot)com.  The best stories and photos will be featured on the site next week.


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Miley Cyrus Tweets Awkward Family Photo

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:01 PM PST

Miley Cyrus awkward family photoLast week, we got a kick out of seeing Miley Cyrus lick the penis cake at boyfriend Liam Hemsworth‘s birthday celebration. This week’s Miley-centric photo is equally awkward, but more G-rated: She tweeted this portrait of the Cyrus clan circa the early 1990s.

Awkward family photos. Look @billyraycyrus always giving face! she wrote, referencing her dad Billy Ray Cyrus‘ feathered hair and sexyface from the days when his single “Achy Breaky Heart” dominated the airwaves and no one knew the name Hannah Montana.

Miley herself was born in 1992 when “Achy Breaky Heart” was first released, so we’re assuming that she’s the smallest gal in this photo (on the right, near mom Tish). I can’t tell for sure, but I think that means the two boys on the left are her older half-brothers Christopher Cody and Trace; and the girl holding Miley is her older half-sister Brandi. Miley was the first child of Billy Ray and Tish, with younger siblings Braison and Noah being born over the next few years.

It’s sweet that Miley can reminisce on memories like this with her family. In late 2010, it seemed as if her parents were going to split up after 17 years of marriage, but about a year ago, in March 2011, they called off the divorce. It seems as if the Cyrus clan has been happy ever since.

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Is Mario Lopez Living Vicariously Through His Dog?

Posted: 03 Feb 2012 01:01 PM PST

Remember when Mario Lopez was the coolest cat in town. No one could sit backward on a chair quite like Slater could. Sure he was a misogynist pig, but it was the ’90s and the only thing that really mattered was who got to deliver Mrs. Belding’s baby in the elevator. Then Saved by the Bell ended and Mario Lopez resurfaced as America’ most generic TV host. Forget his macho swagger and his neon sleeveless tanks, he was all boring and all grown-up.

But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still yearn for the days of yesteryear. When people looked at him and thought, “wow, Mario Lopez is totally tubular man!” (If I recall correctly, that’s how they spoke in the ’90s.) In fact, I think we have pretty good proof that he wishes he was still Slater.

Meet Julio César Chávez Lopez, his foul-mouthed Twitter-savvy dog.

While Mario has to tweet things like:

@JulioCCLopez gets to tweet things like this:

It’s like he gets to live in the best of both worlds: advertiser-friendly reality TV show host world and 15-year-old teenage boy forever world.

[Photo via Petsugar]

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