Cele|bitchy |
- Paris Hilton’s cokevadge vows to return to Japan
- Gisele: “Before you have children, you have got to make sure you’ve got a great man”
- Mel Gibson thinks “male menopause” explains why he’s a violent predator
- Life & Style: Angelina Jolie “manipulates” Shiloh into being tomboy
- ITW: David Beckham cheated on Posh with a hooker… in 2007 (update: denial)
- People: Demi Moore’s marriage under fire - are they calling her out?
- Julia Roberts keeps all her husband’s love letters to give to her daughter
- Pamela Anderson: “My children are made fun of because I have posed naked”
- Demi Moore to appear in Melbourne court, suing for photobooth pics in tabloid
- New cover of OK! Jennifer Aniston: I’m back with John Mayer
Paris Hilton’s cokevadge vows to return to Japan Posted: 22 Sep 2010 08:59 AM PDT I'm a bit of a World War II nerd (and these are difficult days to be a WWII nerd, what with everyone raping history just to call people they disagree with "like Hitler" or "like Stalin"). So when I saw the headlines "Paris to Japan: I Shall Return," I got a chill. Thankfully, Paris Hilton has no idea who General Douglas MacArthur was, so I don't think we should worry. Anyway, after Paris Hilton's little wonkblocked jaunt to Japan, she has vowed - on Twitter - that she will return at some point to visit all of her Asian fans. Note to Asia: Do NOT encourage this.
[From Radar] I do feel slightly bad for Paris, only because you know that flight was long and hellish, and you know it sucks hard to get right back on the plane for another long flight home. Still, it's Paris, so she deserves it. And good on Japan. You know what I don't understand though - why did she have to cancel her whole Asian tour? Those other countries don't have the same laws as Japan - I bet Malaysia and Indonesia would let her come in. Another brilliant plan. I bet it didn't even occur to her that she could skip Japan and still do the other countries. Paris thinks, "If my cokevadge can't go to Japan, that must be the rule for all of the not white countries." Also, have we talked about this yet: When did Paris's boobs get so f-cking big? |
Gisele: “Before you have children, you have got to make sure you’ve got a great man” Posted: 22 Sep 2010 08:29 AM PDT As we all know, Gisele thinks all of you mothers out there suck. You ladies blow. Hard. Says Gisele. You're not breastfeeding in the correct Gisele-approved way, you're not potty-training your baby at 6 months old, the way Gisele did, and of course, you're fat. You shouldn't treat your body like a garbage disposal, fatty. Especially when you're pregnant. Oh, and you should definitely give birth naturally, because you suck if you don't. Now, if Gisele had just said "this is my opinion, this is how I plan to be pregnant, this is my experience" that would be one thing. But Gisele is a strident, sanctimonious bitch, and she loves to use her own experiences with pregnancy and motherhood to deign to tell other women how they MUST experience it. And now not only does Gisele deign to tell us how we must experience motherhood, she's now getting into the procreation orders. We must not get pregnant unless "you have got to make sure you’ve got a great man. You can’t settle for less . . . someone you love, and someone who has the same beliefs.” F-ck you, single mothers. Oh, and f-ck you too Bridget Moynahan.
[From Page Six] Granted, I get what Gisele is saying, just as I've understand her various sanctimonious points in previous "Jesus, Gisele" posts. I really don't think Gisele means to come across so stridently and with every word dripping in sanctimonious judgment, but she does comes across that way ALL THE TIME. In this interview, I think she was just trying to praise/brag about Tom Brady and how awesome he is to her and how she couldn't do it without him. Instead, I heard "Haha, all of you bitches have to settle with some balding douche while I get Tom Brady as my baby-daddy! Why do you even want to have a baby? You're so fat." And I also think it was directed at Bridget. Because I'm fun. Gisele at a UN event on Sept. 20, 2010. Credit: WENN. |
Mel Gibson thinks “male menopause” explains why he’s a violent predator Posted: 22 Sep 2010 07:54 AM PDT Shock of shocks, TMZ is still running exclusives from Team Diabeetus Kitty. Actually, that makes Mel sound a lot cuter then what he actually is - a crazed, racist, misogynistic, violent abuser. But now we have Mel's own reasoning for why he's such a jacked piece of crap. According to a letter that Mel wrote - that TMZ magically got their hands on! - Mel thinks he's going through male menopause. Now… male menopause is real thing, sort of. I've heard about it before, and I just looked it up on WebMD. They describe it as "Along with the decline in testosterone, some men experience symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, depression, and sexual problems. The relationship of these symptoms to the decreased testosterone levels is still controversial." Nowhere could I find any medical literature suggesting that male menopause would be an excuse for telling your glum c-nt girlfriend that she should be "raped by a pack of n-ggers" after you've beaten the hell out of her. Here's more from Team Declining Testosterone:
[From TMZ] If you go to TMZ here, you can see that the letter is handwritten and undated. So, basically, Team Beater could have written this sh-t a couple of days ago after thinking up a new strategy. "Hey, dude, what if we said he has male menopause?" "Sure, why not? Could hurt." "By the way, where's Mel?" "Oh, I think he's outside, screaming at a tree, something about the tree blowing him before the Jacuzzi." Also - Radar has this story up about Mel's alleged "proof" that Oksana was trying to extort him, this alleged "smoking gun evidence" that Team Beater has been pushing at TMZ. Radar claims that the evidence is just a brief exchange of texts in which Oksana says that she wouldn't have released the tapes (or had them released by some intermediary) if Mel had taken care of Lucia and treaty Lucia like a legit daughter. Eh. Vintage Mel photos, courtesy of Fame. |
Life & Style: Angelina Jolie “manipulates” Shiloh into being tomboy Posted: 22 Sep 2010 07:20 AM PDT For. The. Love. Of. God. Life & Style seems to think they've got a winning tabloid recipe by continuing the "Angelina Jolie is evil, and a horrible mother, because Shiloh is dressed like a boy" cover stories. I've lost count of how many covers they've run on that theme - this might be the sixth, maybe? It's beyond ridiculous. Life & Style's editors seems to think that Angelina and Angelina alone is the "reason" that Shiloh wears pants. According to their sources and experts, when Angelina isn't sending messages to the gerbils via carrier pigeon, she's barking orders at her stylist to find some cargo pants for Shiloh. "Yes," Angelina says, rubbing her hands together. "It's her fault for not being born a boy, I will rectify the situation by giving her a bowl cut."
[From Life & Style] I thought they named her Shiloh because Angelina's mother Marcheline loved the name "Shiloh Baptist" and Marcheline always wanted to name one of her kids that? And "Shiloh" was a name that was used by both Angelina and James Haven at various times in their lives, and it had great significance to them? As far as wanting to change her name - yeah. A lot of kids do that. I wanted to be called "Diane" for years when I was a kid. And now I write under a completely different name too. And I wear pants ALL THE TIME. ZOMG!!! Angelina has forced me to become a lesbian too!!! So, basically, I wish Life & Style would eat a big, burning bag of d-cks. F-ckers. Life & Style cover courtesy of CoverAwards. |
ITW: David Beckham cheated on Posh with a hooker… in 2007 (update: denial) Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:57 AM PDT Can you guys believe that somehow, somewhere, I pulled the name "Rebecca Loos" out of my memory bank? I really do have an encyclopedic memory for crap. It's not like I even care about David and Victoria Beckham's marriage - but I do enjoy a good cheatin’ scandal, especially if there have been notable harbingers of doom in the preceding years. And that brings me to Rebecca Loos - she was David's personal assistant back in 2003-2004. She and Becks had a torrid affair in multiple cities as she traveled with him everywhere. Then she began selling her story to outlets, and everyone was like "Oh, yeah, this happened, and it was probably pretty hot too." Long story short, David and Victoria fought back, sort of, and they stuck together, and it seemed like they were stronger than ever, especially these past few years. And now In Touch Weekly is all "Hey, Posh, your husband was boning a hooker."
[From In Touch Weekly] On one side, I think it's pretty cheesy that they had to reach back to 2007 for a cheating scandal. On the other side, I think this probably happened, and that Victoria may have even known. I think Victoria "allows" David's indiscretions as long as he is discreet. It's not so much an open marriage, but maybe it's an old-fashioned "let the man do what he wants as long as he comes home to me" marriage. And maybe it's a victory for Posh - after all, David hired a hooker rather than become entangled in an actual love affair with a friend or colleague, you know? Eh. I'm struggling for the silver lining. Anyway, I doubt this will damage their marriage. Also: Beckham’s perfumed, burning dong? LOVE. And I love that he told the hooker he preferred Posh’s old body. Gain some weight, Posh! UPDATE: Us Weekly has the Beckhams' formal denial. According to their rep, In Touch's allegations "are completely untrue and totally ridiculous, as the magazine was clearly told before publication. Sadly we live in a world where a magazine can print lies and believe they can get away with it. We are taking legal action against the magazine.” A source also tells the mag that David and Victoria will "fight this. They’re fed up with people trying to tear them apart. Their love is strong.” |
People: Demi Moore’s marriage under fire - are they calling her out? Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:37 AM PDT It has been said that once People Magazine calls you out, your CatFace is in trouble. So it is with Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. As I wrote earlier, Star Magazine released their third cover story in a row about Ashton cheating on Demi with much younger club girls - one a hot young blonde at Madeo, the other a young Demi-type named Brittany Jones, who Ashton allegedly boned on his wife's couch. I'm struggling to figure out if Demi's people organized this People Magazine cover story to combat the Star stories, or whether People is calling out Demi and Ashton. Here's the online excerpt:
[From People Magazine] So… it doesn't seem like Demi or Ashton are quoted in the story, but it does seem like they authorized some people to talk on their behalf about how in love they are. People seems to have gone one step further, though, and they got themselves some harsh quotes. My mom and I were talking about it last night - my mom's opinion is that Ashton is gay and that Demi is going to leave him. My opinion is that Ashton is a player and that he's probably always been unfaithful to Demi throughout the years, and that when Demi takes a good long look at her marriage, she's going to leave his ass. I believe that Demi is strong enough to leave, and let's hope she proves me right. Meanwhile, Radar has an addendum to Star Magazine's reporting about the affair. They make Brittney Jones sound like an old-fashioned starf-cker, in the vein of one of Tiger's Ho-Jo's waitresses:
[From Radar] Yeah. I believe Ashton and Brittany f-cked too. And I think Ashton should have known better. People cover courtesy of CoverAwards. |
Julia Roberts keeps all her husband’s love letters to give to her daughter Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:24 AM PDT Eat, Pray Love opens here in Germany tomorrow, Thursday, and it seems like Julia Roberts is all over the place. There are signs up at my gym, billboards around town, and she’s being interviewed in the German press. In one interview, with German newspaper Bild, she reveals that she has a box that a friend gave her in which she keeps all her love letters from the past ten years from her husband, Danny Moder. She says that she’s going to give them to her daughter someday.
[From video interview on Bild.de] It sounds kind of awkward where she says “it’s grateful” but the video is dubbed in German and I had a hard time hearing exactly what she said. Most of us know how Julia met a then-married Danny when he was working as a cameraman on the set of The Mexican in 2001. I’m sure he sent her plenty of sweet notes while they were cheating as well as in the early stages of their relationship. They’ve been married for eight years and have three children together, so maybe Julia gets a pass for everything now, despite the very petty things she did to Moder’s ex wife. It’s been nine years and everyone has moved on. I don’t know if she should be so willing to share all that with her daughter, although Hazel, now nearly six, will be a grown woman when she inherits her parents’ love letters and is confronted with the reality of her father’s infidelity. Swiss newspaper 20 Minuten (it’s one of those free papers they give out at the tram stations) has several non-dubbed English video interviews with Julia and her delicious co-star, Javier Bardem. They’re really flirty with each other and Julia tells a story about how her friends gasped when they first saw Javier in the trailer for their movie. Penelope should watch her back. |
Pamela Anderson: “My children are made fun of because I have posed naked” Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:04 AM PDT These are photos of Pamela Anderson arriving at the Vivienne Westwood show in London a few days ago. Go Fug Yourself commended Pam for actually being covered up and not looking so blatantly like a 50-year-old hooker eating pancakes at Denny’s at 4 a.m. But I think Pam still looks like hell - look at her horrible makeup! And while the dress isn't terrible, Pam makes any outfit look ridiculously trashy. Meh. Anyway, Pam recently gave an interview to a television show in Romania (sure, why not?), and she discussed her history of nude modeling and how it affects her two sons now:
[From The Superficial] Pam has admitted before that her two sons get teased about her sex tape, so I guess all of those school kids found their dads' old copies of Playboy starring Pam. Poor boys. Is this why Pam's sons are violent terrors? Or are they violent little bastards because Pam and Tommy suck as parents? Well, look at it this way - if Pam and Tommy had daughters instead of sons, those girls would be following in their mom's footsteps into pornography right now. Something to think about. Also - Hollywood Life is asking whether Pam reduced the size of her implants - I think she did. Pamela in London on Sept. 19, 2010. Credit: Fame. |
Demi Moore to appear in Melbourne court, suing for photobooth pics in tabloid Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:04 AM PDT
[From News.com.au] The photos in question can be seen in this video, and there’s nothing particularly incriminating about them at all. There are some cute snaps of Rumor pulling faces, although Moore looks strange. She must be seething that she couldn’t personally approve the photos and never got paid for them. I’m surprised she didn’t either drop this lawsuit or settle it out of court. It’s been over two years, after all. This is typical behavior from her, though. At least this gives her a distraction from all the news and evidence that her husband is cheating on her. Both Demi and Ashton have cooled down their tweets since the news broke about Ashton’s maybe-affair, which he didn’t directly deny. Are they going to work through it or will they split up, I wonder. Thanks Smartie for the tip! Send tips to info-at-celebitchy.com Photos from 8/27/10. Credit: WENN.com |
New cover of OK! Jennifer Aniston: I’m back with John Mayer Posted: 22 Sep 2010 05:59 AM PDT
OK!’s story is one we heard over a week ago, about how Aniston and Mayer hooked up in Atlanta when he was stopped there on tour. They add some alleged details and insider quotes, with a “pal” insisting that “she’s still hopelessly in love with him.” The “friend” goes on to add that “Jen feels it was actually John who was the love of her life and the one who got away.” Here’s part of OK!’s story:
[From OK! Magazine, print edition, October 4, 2010] OK! claims that John and Jen’s meeting was “the first time the stars have been together in more than a year.” Assuming they did hook up at a hotel a couple of weeks ago, it could have been just some friendly ex sex. We haven’t heard much about them since although maybe they’re laying low. It’s hard to tell if this is spin from her PR people or some creative storytelling from OK! Given the way OK! has declared her pregnant multiple times, I’m thinking it’s straight from them. Still, it’s suspicious that they’re painting John as a changed man and making it sound like he deserves another chance. That’s like setting us up for a reunion. If they are getting back together, we’re sure to know about it pretty soon. If that’s the case, and that’s a big “if,” John will bolt again soon. Photo below of Aniston from 8/16/10. Mayer is shown performing on 9/11/10 in West Palm Beach, CA. Get a haircut! Credit: WENN.com |
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