Cele|bitchy |
- Will ‘The Social Network’ live up to the hype?
- Kiernan Shipka (Mad Men’s Sally Draper) is 10 years old & completely wonderful
- Ryan Seacrest & Jennifer Lopez are already in a hilarious diva war
- Ryan Gosling can wear the hell out of some jeans
- Lea Michele: My teachers were too threatened by me to teach me anything
- Paris Hilton’s boyfriend runs over a photographer’s leg with his car, leaves the scene
- Jamie Oliver says celebrity kids are “little sh-ts”
- Tony Curtis, actor and mensch, passes away at age 85
- Michael Lohan is filing for a conservatorship for Lindsay
- Seal’s sexy music video featuring makeout scenes with naked wife Heidi Klum
Will ‘The Social Network’ live up to the hype? Posted: 30 Sep 2010 08:32 AM PDT These are photos from a screening of The Social Network last night. Justin Timberlake is in it! Except he's not the lead, Jesse Eisenberg is. Jesse's face got cut off in the photos, see? Yeah. That says it all. Timberlake is getting good notices from The Social Network, though, and there's even talk (don't laugh) about a possible Oscar nomination for JT. Would that happen? Really? Or is the studio just trying to create buzz? That's my problem with this - I want to like The Social Network, and I do want to see it. But I want to see it because films like this don't get made anymore, and because I respect the pedigree of the people involved. David Fincher directed it - Aaron Sorkin wrote the screenplay. Jesse Eisenberg, a totally solid, underrated actor, gets a big starring role after years of supporting work in independent films. But all anyone is talking about is the dumb stuff, like whether Timberlake will get an Oscar nomination. The critics universally adore the film though - it's scoring a 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, which makes it possibly the best-reviewed film of the year, even better than Inception. My favorite go-to critic Roger Ebert thinks it's wonderful - read his review here. At this point, I do see an Oscar campaign… for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay. But for Timberlake? Um. So, will The Social Network live up to the hype and be regarded as one of the best films of the year? Header: JT on Sept. 29, 2010. Credit: WENN. |
Kiernan Shipka (Mad Men’s Sally Draper) is 10 years old & completely wonderful Posted: 30 Sep 2010 07:57 AM PDT Over the years as I've watched the beauty of Mad Men, I've noticed that they cast one of the finest child actors working today. Her name is Kiernan Shipka, and she's ten years old. She plays Sally "Salamander" Draper, Don and Betty Draper's oldest child. In this current season of Mad Men (Season 4), she's finally been bumped up to full cast member, with her name appearing on the opening credits and everything. Honestly, she deserved to be a full cast member the whole time - she's always acted her ass off. The Sally Draper character is wonderful, at times used as a Greek chorus to give voice to the audience, at times she's used to simply call out her mother and her father on their bad behavior. In this season, Sally is starting to grow up and act out - in one memorable episode, Sally even masturbated while watching The Man From U.N.C.L.E. While at a sleepover. She's in therapy now, she's losing her lisp, she's throwing fits, and she's running away, and she's going to come of age when some really bad sh-t is going down. She's wonderful. Anyway, HuffPo has an interview with Kiernan, and she's just the kind of effortlessly precocious and intelligent young lady that you would expect:
[From Huffington Post] Don't you love her? "Betty has never once catered to Sally’s emotional needs" - do you know any 10 year olds who talk like that? She's epic. I predict a long career for this one - at least I hope so. Because this one could truly be the second coming of Jodie Foster (suck it, Lohan). |
Ryan Seacrest & Jennifer Lopez are already in a hilarious diva war Posted: 30 Sep 2010 07:29 AM PDT Well, this was totally predictable. I mean that in two ways - it's completely predictable that Jennifer Lopez would immediately become engaged in some diva war (to the death!) with someone on American Idol, and it's totally predictable that we would hear about it. My personal opinion is that J.Lo just got the judging gig because while people don't see her movies, people do love to gossip about her, and Idol wanted some tabloid stories and added publicity. As for J.Lo's incessant diva feuding… well, I'm just glad that she and Ryan Seacrest are trying to take each other out so soon. This should get good.
[From In Touch Weekly] "She's acting like she's a much bigger star than he is." Isn't she? Jennifer Lopez was a big actress with a string of hit films, plus she's sold millions of albums, plus she's dated a bunch of famous dudes and she's a fashion and beauty icon for millions of women. La Seacrest is reality show hobgoblin, host and producer with a Napoleon complex. J.Lo is far superior, in my opinion. Take him down, J.Lo. Use your voodoo to make him shorter. |
Ryan Gosling can wear the hell out of some jeans Posted: 30 Sep 2010 07:06 AM PDT These are new photos of our lover (I'm sharing!) Ryan Gosling on the set of his new film, Drive, in Los Angeles yesterday. He was eating an apple (cute!) and wearing the f-ck out of a pair of jeans and a tight blue shirt. My God… the costuming department needs some awards, stat! Thank you thank you thank you to whoever put Gosling in this ensemble. I know, it seems like we're on constant Bulge Watch over here (check out The Hamm's bulge earlier this week!), but in our defense, there are some good bulges going around. And there are so many sites devoted to bikinis and cleavage and upskirts and all. Bulge Watch just seems harmless and fun and like the girls can get something too. As for the film, Drive seems somewhat Michael Bay-esque. I know, there's horrible to say. But here's the plot description: "A Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a wheelman discovers that a contract has been put on him after a heist gone wrong." So a dude is doing stunt driving all over LA (probably) as he runs for his life and beds babes, probably. The cast includes Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Christina Hendricks, Bryan Cranston, Albert Brooks and Ron Perlman. There's a potential for love scenes for Ryan with Hendricks and Mulligan, hopefully. Can I just say - Christina and Ryan's love scenes could be really, really hot. Fingers crossed. Ryan & Carey on Sept. 29, 2010. Credit: Fame. |
Lea Michele: My teachers were too threatened by me to teach me anything Posted: 30 Sep 2010 06:31 AM PDT We were just sent Lea Michele's cover shoot & interview excerpts for the November issue of Marie Claire UK. Oh. My. God. This chick is… crazy. I mean… I feel like a total bitch for criticizing her whenever I write about her, but my God, she really, really needs to take it down a notch. Just to do full-disclosure - I read about Lea's diva antics before I even saw Glee. I still haven't ever seen a full episode, but I get it. I get why people like the show. I get that Lea was typecast as the anal retentive tight-ass diva, probably because that's who she is in real life. And I really believe that as Glee continues to succeed, it's just going to get worse. Okay - the Marie Claire slideshow is here, with some interview excepts. Here is what I've pulled out, and we'll discuss this once you're done. Take notes!
[From Marie Claire UK] The two parts that immediately jumped out at me and had me rolling my eyes were the "I'm so gorgeous" part and the "my teachers were totally jealous of me" part. For goodness sake! Yes, the girl is cute, and yes, she's got a great voice. But she really thinks she's the second coming of Barbra Streisand, doesn't she? And while I think it's great that a young star - with her first blush of international stardom - is still level-headed and confident, Lea's blowing "confident" out of the water. She's treading into some very narcissistic waters, and a little humility never hurt anyone. Especially considering that while Glee is popular right now, I personally don't think it's going to still be on the air in two years. And yes, more people are probably tuning into NCIS, like me. Just my opinion. As for her teachers and how they were too jealous to teach her anything - get off the cross, Lea, people need the wood. It probably never occurred to her that perhaps her teachers saw her as an anal-retentive narcissist who would never deign to take their advice anyway. Photos courtesy of Marie Claire UK. |
Paris Hilton’s boyfriend runs over a photographer’s leg with his car, leaves the scene Posted: 30 Sep 2010 06:22 AM PDT
To be fair he did stop and ask her if she was ok, the woman said “yes” and that’s when he left. Paris later tweeted about how the paparazzi “ruined” her evening. She wrote “Lovely evening with friends and family ruined by aggressive paparazzi. They are literally insane!” Then why did she go to a restaurant where they’re known to frequent? I’m sure her boyfriend ruined more than that woman’s evening when he ran over her damn leg and left the scene.
[From Radar Online] I was ready to condemn Waits for this, but it looks like it could have been a mistake if you watch the videos on Radar and TMZ. I guess he turned right unexpectedly, but it didn’t look like me that he was gunning the car or like he was deliberately trying to hit someone as a paparazzo claims afterwards in that video on Radar. He was driving the car slow and lurching along, not gunning it. The photographers were surrounding it and harassing him and Paris. I hate that I’m defending either one of them, but it’s not like they were trying to hurt anyone and it didn’t look to me like the guy was driving recklessly. He should have stayed there and waited for cops, but he did return afterwards at least. And I was hoping Paris was driving and would get sent to jail. Maybe that will happen next month, as in October. Paris is shown out on 9/29. Credit: Fame |
Jamie Oliver says celebrity kids are “little sh-ts” Posted: 30 Sep 2010 05:48 AM PDT Jamie Oliver, celebrity chef and father of four, is taking on celebrity children in a new interview. According to Oliver, celebrity kids are for the most part "little sh-ts" and that "I think few children of famous people succeed." The newspaper points out that he was mostly directing his comments at people like Peaches Geldof (ha) and Calum Best (who is the son of a famous footballer, I believe). Of course, I want to point out that Jamie Oliver's kids are not only too young to be included in Jamie's diatribe, but that Jamie and his wife Jools have given them added headaches by naming them: Poppy Honey Rosie (born 18 March 2002), Daisy Boo Pamela (born 10 April 2003) and Petal Blossom Rainbow (born 3 April 2009); and son Buddy Bear Maurice (born 15 September 2010). I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if my parents named me something like Poppy Petal Bear, I MIGHT have a drug problem.
[From The Daily Star] Okay, so Stella McCartney is obviously cool in Jamie's book, but what about the other McCartney kids? Didn't Paul and Linda have, like, three other kids? I guess they're all crap. As are all people with famous parents who don't manage to become famous fashion designers with enough money to eat at one of Jamie's fancy restaurants. Whatever. Header: Jamie in May, credit: WENN. |
Tony Curtis, actor and mensch, passes away at age 85 Posted: 30 Sep 2010 05:18 AM PDT The icons always pass away in threes, people. I know it's an old-wives' tale, but it's so, so true. First it was Eddie Fisher, then Gloria Stuart, and now Tony Curtis. Curtis passed away last night at his Las Vegas home. He was 85 years old, and it looks like he died of a heart attack/cardiac arrest. MSNBC has an extensive biography here.
[From MSNBC] Yes, poor Jamie Lee Curtis - I'm sure she's probably heartbroken, although she insinuated throughout the years that she kind of thought her father was an a–hole, but she still loved him a lot. My favorite of Tony's films is, of course, Some Like It Hot. The behind-the-scenes stories on that one are almost as good as the film - Curtis and Marilyn Monroe absolutely hated each other, but Curtis and Jack Lemmon were lifelong friends. I think it was on TCM that I also heard Tony Curtis speak about his lifelong admiration for Cary Grant, whom he worked with a handful of times. They worked together on my second favorite Tony Curtis film, Operation Petticoat. Sigh… rest in peace, you mensch. |
Michael Lohan is filing for a conservatorship for Lindsay Posted: 30 Sep 2010 05:10 AM PDT Michael Lohan was bitching just a couple days ago that his ex wife, enabling mom-in-denial, Dina, planned to file for a conservatorship for their daughter Lindsay. According to Michael, Dina and Lindsay’s business manager, Lou Taylor, were hatching a plot to control Lidnsay’s personal life, money and business dealings. Rather than wait for Dina to wrestle control over her daughter’s affairs, Michael is filing for his own conservatorship of Lindsay. He tells E! and Radar that he’s retained a lawyer and plans to file for a conservatorship run by two independent third parties “who don’t have an interest in Lindsays money, but rather her as a person and human being.” When has Michael shown that he has an interest in Lindsay as a human being? Was it when he sold tapes of her sobbing and begging for help? As Kaiser mentioned on this earlier, it’s not a bad idea for someone to establish a conservatorship over Lindsay. The issue is that neither Michael nor Dina have her best interests at heart. Both are terrible parents, and both have ulterior motives. Even if Michael had a conservatorship established and gets it run by other people, he would try to influence those people and squeeze money out of his daughter. He’s earning money every time he runs to the press with news about her, and he’s been making a living by selling incriminating photos and tapes of the people he once claimed to love. The good news is that Lindsay’s in rehab now, at an undisclosed facility in Orange County, CA. While I’m sure she’s resistant to the program and thinks she doesn’t need any help and that it’s everyone else’s problem, at least she’s there. She’s predictably said to be using rehab as a tactic to avoid or at least delay serving more time in jail. Lindsay’s younger brother, Michael Lohan Jr., 22, issued a statement to People about his sister and he blamed everyone around her for enabling her, just like his father did. He said:
[From People] At least one of the Lohan family members has some sense, although I suspect that statement was carefully crafted by Lindsay’s PR people. It’s interesting that Lindsay’s brother is careful to specify that it’s her mother, brothers and sister who have been there for her, while leaving out their ex con dad. Michael Lohan Sr. said something very similar about his daughter - that he “truly believe[s] that she's finally in a place where she wants to be, but it's just a few people in her life that keep leading her off that path and enabling her.” The Lohans might be divided in their opinion of who should be responsible for Lindsay but that all agree that it’s not a 24 year-old woman’s fault that she ended up in jail after two DUIs and multiple failed drug tests. |
Seal’s sexy music video featuring makeout scenes with naked wife Heidi Klum Posted: 30 Sep 2010 05:07 AM PDT
I was prepared to roll my eyes at this video but it’s frankly very well done. It seems to capture intimate moments between a husband and wife who still are very much in love. I love how tender and gentle it feels, like a couple who is content to be with each other and isn’t in any kind of hurry. There’s nakedness and kissing, but more than anything I find this video kind of heartwarming. It’s sexy but in a calm, adult way, if that make sense. It portrays a relationship with a high level of comfort and safety. The video really goes well with the song. US Magazine premiered this video and has quotes from Heidi and Seal on what it means to them. Seal said “The song, the movie, it’s the story of our love.” Heidi said “It’s the story of two people in love. My husband is what I always wanted and never thought I would have.” I like them both a lot and think they’re a very solid couple. |
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