Thursday, February 2, 2012



Olivia Wilde on her post-divorce life: “I put on a few extra pounds”

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:45 AM PST

Olivia Wilde makes an appearance on two March covers – Town & Country and Angeleno magazine. I can't find any good usable images from T&C, so we'll just make do with the Angeleno photo shoot, which I think it pretty but boring, much like Ol' Cockburn herself. Olivia is not talking about her newish relationship with Jason Sudeikis, but she is still talking about her divorce – she keeps bringing it up because she can no longer drop "I'm a princess!" into her interviews. I'm surprised she doesn't start conversations with "I used to be a princess!" Here are some highlights from her Town & Country interview:

On Jason Sudeikis: She says she has a boyfriend in the "entertainment world," but won't confirm that it's "SNL" star Jason Sudeikis. "[He's] in a much more interesting part of the business than I am. If I have a drink with a guy, it becomes an affair."

Post-divorce: “I put on a few extra pounds… But I’m trying to be healthier now.” Previously, she said, “I got a divorce and self-medicated with food. But I figure that’s better than self-medicating with crack cocaine.”

Feeling like a failure: “When you go through a breakup, you lose faith for a while. It makes you feel like such a failure, but I think this whole traumatic year has made me a better actor. And the good thing about getting divorced young – if there is a good thing – is that it makes you realize there’s no schedule in life. It blasts you wide open and frees you to be honest with yourself.”

On her impulsive elopement at the age of 18: “The danger is that you evolve over the years and find yourself in a different place."

On her ex: “Tao was, and is, totally involved with his work, and for me there’s nothing sexier than a man who is busy and obsessed with what he’s doing. I guess I saw that in my parents’ marriage. They had real respect for their work and for each other.”

An early connection to SNL: “My dad took me to see Saturday Night Live as a birthday treat, and I knew at that moment that this was what I wanted to do,” she says.

A George Clooney story: Later, as a teen, Wilde remembers having lunch with George Clooney on the set of The Peacemaker, the 1997 movie for which her parents, Leslie and Andrew Cockburn, wrote the screenplay. “Having George Clooney be the first Hollywood actor I met set a pretty high standard,” she said. “He’s genuinely sincere, smart, gracious, and I like his politics, too, which always helps.”

On Hugh Laurie: “I spent four years on House and learned so much from Hugh. I owe my entire film career to him. I wouldn’t be anywhere near where I am now without Hugh and the series. It was the first time I’d been allowed to play somebody not defined by my looks.”

[From Page Six & People]

I did notice that Olivia had gained some weight, and I really liked the way she looked too – she got a little bit more in the bust, and her hips and butt "filled out" a bit, and in my opinion, she looked even prettier. I understand that the weight gain came from post-divorce depression, but she should still consider keeping on a few extra pounds. As for the Clooney story – I wouldn't mind Clooney and Ol' Cockburn as a couple. Right? He likes women with a bigger bust, true, but he could always buy Olivia some new boobs. Other than that, I think they would make an interesting match.

Photos courtesy of Angeleno Mag.
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Octavia Spencer: “The weight obsessed media is destroying not only us but our children”

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:17 AM PST

Octavia Spencer just posted to Facebook one of the most thoughtful missives on weight and body image that I’ve read from a celebrity. I really appreciated both what she had to say and how she came across. Lately Octavia has been making headlines for some quotes about her weight. Right after Octavia won the SAG, People ran a story with the headline “Octavia Spencer: My Weight Is ‘Not Healthy’.” Then we heard that she admitted to wearing three pairs of Spanx under her SAGs outfit. Well in this latest essay, Octavia makes it clear that she was asked these questions by journalists, that she answered them honestly, and that she finds them a little sexist. What’s more is that she’s perfectly happy with her body and wants to convey that message to everyone, particularly young people who may be influenced by a media obsessed with weight and body image.

After being honored by my Guild on Sunday, I was whisked to the Press Room where one of the first questions I was asked (by Ted Casablanca) was ‘what I felt about underweight women’. (i’m paraphrasing here) I’m thinking….this is relevant because… Then I started thinking, would these questions ever be asked of my male counterparts? Better yet, underweight actors or actresses? Nah, I don’t think so!

Anyway, I answer: “Women would be alot happier if they ate…However, it is society that has told them and continues to tell them that you are less valued if you are of a certain age, or weight…something has to change. ” I began that by addressing my own weight issue..”Granted I’m not at the healthiest weight because when you are heavier around the middle…” blah blah blah. YOu get it. The next thing I read, Octavia Spencer is WORRIED ABOUT HER WEIGHT…. OCTAVIA SPENCER FEELS SHE IS LESS VALUED BECAUSE OF HER WEIGHT…

Of course I was miffed that not only was I being misrepresented, but it was sending THE WRONG MESSAGE to kids out there.

So, I decided to tell you IN MY OWN DAMNED WORDS the truth! First of all, Ladies and Gents here’s what i am NOT DOING….I am NOT WORRYING ABOUT MY WEIGHT! I AM NOT TRYING TO CONFORM TO an unrealistic model of beauty.

I AM however being proactive in being the healthiest I can be. And before you ask, NO, awards season is not the reason. I’ve been doing this for the past 10 years because it took that long to gain the weight! Right now, believe it or not, I’m pretty damn healthy! 20 LBS (max) is all I intend to lose.

Now hopefully having cleared up the constantly tweeted, and blogged about “I am less valuable because of my weight” MISQUOTES attributed to me, I want to touch on the real issue here. The weight obsessed media is destroying not only us but our children! Our culture is at the precipice of redifining who we are. Right now in this salacious age of the internet coupled with the “beauty and fashion” industries respectively ONLY promoting a “certain” kind of pretty, we’ve seen a dramatic increase in bullying, eating disorders and body dysmorphia among MALE and female teens. This is no joking matter.

Here’s what I will leave you with: Be happy in your own skin. If you are unhealthy start by making small changes to become healthier. You are unique, beautiful, and worthy. Last but certainly not least, don’t buy into any of it. AND I MEAN LITERALLY! I don’t buy magazines that don’t feature women who represent my physicality or varying ethicities on their cover because they are saying, YOU DON’T MATTER TO ME…YOU ARE NOT MY DEMOGRAPHIC. To that I say, good, that’s $35 a week I can save!

God bless!

[From Facebook via Huffington Post]

I love her! I really needed to hear this too, because I’ve gained a little weight and I obsess about it. I don’t know if I blame the media for this issue, but they do perpetuate it. I think that so many people, especially women, think about their weight and size constantly that it just tends to get more media coverage because that’s what we want to talk about. Is that the media’s issue because we’re bombarded with images of women who are very thin and fit, or is that our issue because we strive for an ideal that’s hard to achieve? It’s a feedback loop that’s hard to piece apart. It’s just nice to hear a celebrity say that they’re fine with how they are, that they’re worthy, and that we are too, even if we’re don’t look like the women on those magazines. Even the women on those magazines don’t look like that, though.

photo credit:

Blake Lively basically says she’s only slept with four dudes, all boyfriends

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:05 AM PST

Blake Lively covers the March issue of Elle Magazine. I feel like she hasn't done many magazines in the past year…? Maybe something last summer, but it's nice that she doesn't over-saturate the market with mag cover after mag cover, interview after interview. Blake knows the value of a little mystery. Blake knows the value of parceling out gossip nuggets to the bigger media outlets. Of course, Elle is not Vogue. But Elle still has millions of readers, and it's one of the major fashion/beauty mags out there. This was a smart cover for Blake to do.

As for the photo shoot – it's nothing special, although Blake's crazy body is on full display. I'm sure the photo where she's wearing the red swimsuit will get a lot of attention, but look at the shot of Blake in those skin-tight black pants. THAT ASS. My goodness. Anyway, you can see Elle's slideshow here, and here are some highlights from Blake's interview:

Blake on boyfriends: “I’ve had four boyfriends in my whole life," she tells the mag, adding that she doesn’t sleep around. “I’ve never been with anyone that's not a boyfriend. I didn’t have a boyfriend until I was 17."

On "dates": “I’ve never gone on a date. Maybe I’m too shy,” she says. “If I’ve ever had a man in my life, it’s because I know him well, and he really means something to me. I don’t take that stuff lightly. I'd rather be by myself than be spending any time or energy on somebody that I didn’t feel sure about.”

On her French-flavored summer romance with Leo DiCaprio: Lively, who next stars in the gritty flick Savages, plays coy about her summertime 2011 romance with DiCaprio, 37, with whom she was first photographed in Europe. The actress tells ELLE she was already living in the south of France for the summer, renting an apartment and enrolling in a month-long French language course. “I was in school every single day!” Lively explains. “I’d get off, and, you know, we’d go on a boat in my harbor in my little village, and there’d be people hiding in a bush. Then people said, ‘There’s photos of you coming out of some hotel.’ I was on a school field trip! And my friend at the time,” she says, without naming DiCaprio, “joined the school field trip, and we were walking down the street.”

Getting hit on: “I had a few strangers hit on me!” she marvels. “Some guy acted like he liked my hat. Another guy acted like he liked my shoes!” They’re staring at your derrière, saying, 'Hey, I really like your hat.' Come on, dude!”

On not having a stylist: "When I'm going to an event, I'll send Christian (Louboutin) a picture of my outfit and say, 'What shoes do you think I should wear with this?'"

On kids: "I hope to have a few girls one day. If not girls, they better be trannies. Because I have some amazing shoes and bags and stories that need to be appreciated."

On a report that she and Ryan Reynolds are looking for an apartment on Fifth Avenue: "Newspapers say a lot of stuff, don't they? Though I wish I could afford half the places that I hear I'm looking at. Sign me up!"

[From Us Weekly, Elle Magazine]

What is with women talking about the sexual orientation of their real or imaginary children? Dame Gwyneth was yammering on and on about Apple hopefully being a "lipstick lesbian" and now Blake is dropping the word "tranny" to describe her dreams for sons who love clothes?

As for the whole "four boyfriends" thing – sure. She's had four boyfriends. She's only slept with four guys. I guess I believe her…? The question I have isn't about the number as much as it's about the timing and potential overlap. Like, WHEN did she first sleep with Leonardo? Was it when she was still with Penn Badgley? Also: "I'd rather be by myself than be spending any time or energy on somebody that I didn’t feel sure about." The voices in Jennifer Lopez's head just started hissing.

Photos courtesy of Elle magazine, slideshow here.
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Bruce Jenner on Kat-face: “It’s tough for a woman at 30, not married, no kids”

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:05 AM PST

Ol' Kat-face takes the cover of this week's Life & Style, and those are maybe the funniest cover lines I've ever seen on a tabloid: Undateable, Losing Millions, Gained 15 Pounds and No Friends. OMG 15 POUNDS!!!!! Like that's really on the list of why Kim Kardashian is totally going to have a "breakdown" y'all. As for the "undateable" thing – my mother and I were actually discussing Kim's dating prospects (for real, this was an actual conversation I had with my mom). My mom thinks that Kim is a "catch" for a certain kind of rich, powerful man ("in LA," my mother hedged), while I think that no dude who has any self-respect would get involved with the Kardashian Katastrophe at this point.

But it doesn't really matter. This Life & Style piece is just some fluff to make us feel sorry for poor Kat-face. Bruce Jenner even gets into the act by describing the DIRE circumstances Kim finds herself in currently – "It’s tough for a woman at 30 — not married, no kids." STFU, Facelift. Being a single, childfree, 30-year-old woman is not "tough." God, I can't believe I'm defending her.

On the season finale of Kourtney & Kim Take New York, viewers watched Kim Kardashian melt down on camera, admitting she felt “dead inside” as she let her husband, Kris Humphries, know she was giving up on their marriage.

That meltdown was taped months ago but the situation has only gotten worse. Since filing for divorce on Oct. 31, Kim has struggled to deal with the public backlash — being criticized and under constant attack for her every move — and now insiders tell Life & Style she is on the brink of a breakdown.

“She stays home all the time. It’s like she’s afraid to be in public,” an insider tells Life & Style.

But on Jan. 22, Kim stepped out for the night to see pals Loren Ridinger and Jonathan Cheban and confessed she feels lonelier than ever. “I am so alone,” an eyewitness overheard Kim lamenting to Loren and Jonathan over dinner at Cipriani Downtown in NYC. “I didn’t expect all of this. It’s devastating.”

In addition to the backlash from fans and viewers, she’s taking a hit from lost business deals: Mattel issued a statement that a Kardashian Barbie line would not be manufactured at this time and Shoe Dazzle, the online styling service she co-founded, announced it was closing its U.K. site. She could be losing millions — and her ex Kris continues to lash out, alleging to pals that Kim even planned his proposal.

Even stepfather Bruce admits it’s been a rough time for the two-time divorcee. “It’s tough for a woman at 30 — not married, no kids,” Bruce confides to Life & Style. “Kim’s an idealist.”

[From Life & Style]

It really is no wonder that Kim is trying to reach out to Jesus, right? Poor Kat-face is just so distraught, it's all she can do to famewhore her faith in the hopes of burying herself in virginal Tebow dong. Whatever she does next, she's nothing if she doesn't lose those 15 pounds, right? Because that’s the big “OMG!” cover line.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.
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Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston is “doing everything she can to have a baby”

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:04 AM PST

These are some more photos from Jennifer Aniston's appearance at the Directors Guild Awards over the weekend – we discussed the photos and their significance on Sunday. While it was clear to me that the tabloids were full of it when they claimed Aniston was well into her second trimester, some of you second-guessed me. Some of you think that these photos – which do show Aniston with a slight weight gain – are proof positive that Aniston is either A) preggo or B) on fertility drugs to get preggo. You may be right – I think the fertility drug theory has legs. In any case, Us Weekly reports this week that Aniston is definitely On The Path To Babies. But first she and Justin Theroux have to settle into their new mansion.

Ever since she settled down with Justin Theroux, 40, Jennifer Aniston has had a one-track mind: "She is doing everything she can to have a baby," a source says of the actress, who just turned 43. "That's really what she and Justin want more than anything."

The pair of eight months also want to be prepared – they recently snapped up an 8,500-square-foot mansion in LA's Ble Air – and they're eager to put their stamp on it.

"They're going to do some work to it before moving in," says the source. "It's exciting because it will be a project they can do together."

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

I go back and forth on Aniston and the state of her womb, obviously. I think Theroux is probably the "best" boyfriend she's had in years, and he damn well makes a better candidate for "baby-daddy" than someone like John Mayer. But, do I really think Aniston even gives a crap about having babies? In the past, my answer was always "Hell no." She likes her life – drinking, free time, dogs, vacations, working out. A baby might put a crimp in that. But I also think Theroux has changed Jennifer – and maybe babies are part of the plan now?

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Michael Fassbender was partying so hard, he was asked to leave his own party

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 07:33 AM PST

I'm writing this for several reasons. One, I can't help myself – when we have loads of new Michael Fassbender photos, I feel the itch (in my drawers) to talk about them endlessly. Two, I only covered the red carpet photos yesterday, not these candids of Fassy after the London premiere of A Dangerous Method. Three, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. All of the little Twihards were in a full-blown meltdown because I DARED to say that Kristen Stewart was an unprofessional brat for flipping the bird once while she was with Karl Lagerfeld in Paris. So here's a photo of Fassy being equally unprofessional, flipping the bird at some paparazzi who were photographing him as he (drunkenly?) smoked some cigarettes outside of 34 Restaurant during A Dangerous Method's post-premiere party. He too looks like an a–hole, just like K-Stew. There, I said it. Fassy and Kristen are the same in this instance, equally douchey. Not only that, Fassy was so out of control, he was asked to leave the party:

Michael Fassbender was asked to leave the after-party for his movie ‘A Dangerous Method’ on Tuesday night (31.01.12).

The 34-year-old actor was in high spirits as he celebrated at Mayfair restaurant 34 following the London premiere of the film but following antics including dancing his co-stars Keira Knightley and Viggo Mortensen around the room, taking over the venue’s piano and finally lighting up a cigarette, he was asked to leave.

Speaking about Michael – who was carried out of the party on his friend’s back – a source told The Sun newspaper: “Michael was politely asked to leave. He was in good spirits but it was becoming a bit of a handful for the other guests.

“He was grabbing his co-stars and waltzing around the room with them. He lit a cigarette indoors and that was the point it had gone too far. He’s a great actor and women loved him in ‘Shame’. It might have something to do with him having his todger penis out for most of the movie.”

Michael’s co-star Keira has previously revealed the pair got through the more uncomfortable scenes in the film – which include Michael spanking her – by turning to alcohol.

Keira said: “We only had one or two shots maximum. It was a vodka shot to calm our nerves and away you go really. Then we had champagne. We drank quite a lot of champagne actually. You can count on Michael to buy a bottle of champagne when one is required. The vodka and champagne is a good combination.”

[From The Free Press]

Would this be a bigger story if it was an actress who was asked to leave her premiere because she was drunk and smoking and trying to waltz with people? Probably. So, there's some sexism here. But I still want to party with Fassy.

I also have a good story about Fassy… and you know it involves his beast and your sweetshop and, of course, spanking. Dear God. *crosses self*

Michael Fassbender has revealed Dutch American actor Viggo Mortensen taught him how to spank in their new film A Dangerous Method.

They star as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung in the story about the early days of psychoanalysis and the movie involves some quite explicit scenes.

Fassbender told Sky News he took on the role for a number of reasons including: “Spanking, always up for a bit of spanking and I got some lessons from you (Viggo) the motion, I wasn’t following through, like a tennis stroke. You’ve always got to be ambidextrous – that’s what you said to me at the time I remember,” Fassbender said at the movie’s London premiere.

[Via Sky News]

There's video too. These bastards even act out the spanking. No joke. UPDATE: Ah, there are issues with the embed – you can see the video here.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
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Brandi Glanville says her ex Eddie Cibrian will cheat on LeAnn Rimes too

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 07:07 AM PST

Brandi Glanville is doing what she needs to do to ensure that her gig on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills continues into next season. She staged a fake wedding, she revealed a fling with Gerard Butler, she defended revealing her fling with Gerard Butler after he denied ever knowing her, and now she’s issuing some “no sh*t” advice to LeAnn Rimes: that Eddie will cheat on her too. Somewhere in her fat-starved self-obsessed brain, LeAnn knows this and it’s driving her every f’ing decision. It’s got to eat away at her, leading her to cling and clutch and obsess like Gollum next to his dark lake.

“He will be with her until he cheats again,” Glanville tells me. “They won’t be together forever. I’m totally over Eddie. I’ve moved onto Ken. Ken is a better looking Eddie,” she teased about fellow Real Housewife Lisa Vanderpump’s husband, Ken Todd.

But in actuality, Glanville said it hasn’t been easy having her husband leave her for another woman, especially when children are involved.

“We share custody, it’s difficult,” she said. “I think it was more difficult in the beginning to all of a sudden not be with your kids half the time. But now the kids are at my house and say, ‘can we go to dads?’ and when they are at their dad’s house they say, ‘can we go to moms?’”

And although it is awkward when both ladies are forced to interact for the sake of the ex-couple’s children, Glanville said her kids will always be more important than what she thinks about Rimes.

“It was my son’s last soccer game and [Rimes] was there,” she said. “Everyone is making a big deal of it because of the picture [which shows the ladies ignoring one another], but this has gone on for two-and-a-half years. So, for me, I really don’t put too much energy into it because it will eat you alive.”

[From Huffington Post]

I believe that Brandi is right, and “Once a cheater…” comes to mind. Brandi later backtracked on Twitter, though, and wroteI haven’t talked about them specifically! I was talking cheating in general. Uggggg.” But she was quoted as saying (see above) “He will be with her until he cheats again. They won’t be together forever.” How can that be a general comment about cheaters?

Also, I doubt that LeAnn will dump Eddie when he cheats. She’ll believe his excuses and lies and he’ll get better at hiding his side pieces. He’s got too easy of a gig with her fawning all over him and paying for everything. He’s not going to ruin that unless he finds a richer and more naive sugar mamma. They don’t come more eager to please or easier to take advantage of than LeAnn.

LeAnn is shown on 1-29-12 and with Eddie on 1-7-12. Brandi is shown on 8-13-11. Credit: Fame Flynet

Amanda Seyfried in Glamour: “I’m terrified of being promiscuous”

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:39 AM PST

The socially awkward Amanda Seyfried covers the March issue of Glamour. While the cover shot (seriously, a hairdryer?) looks like it belongs on the cover of Teen magazine instead, the rest of the shoot (included below) is much better. As far as the accompanying interview is concerned, Amanda discusses her on-off again boyfriend Dominic Cooper, babies, and getting naked with her dog.

On dating non-celebs: You learn very quickly what people are so enamored with, and it's not necessarily me. I think it's all the bullsh-t of the idea of someone who's famous, which seems more exotic than the fact. You have to be careful whom you date, but I had a great time this summer.”

On her ex, Dominic Cooper: “He was my last real boyfriend. We still joke about having kids, like, ‘If it doesn’t work out with other people, we might as well just have a child,’” Seyfried says. “And there’s a part of that that feels. . . possible.”

Is she going through a 20s slut phase? “No! I’m terrified of being promiscuous. I don’t like the feeling you get when it’s not something that you truly want to do, and I hate the emotional abuse you give yourself afterward. It’s just uncomfortable when you’re with somebody and you're like, ‘I don’t really know if I’m even comfortable with this. Why did I? Eww!’ I think dating can come without sex. I think that's a really fun way to do it. Right now I’m happy to not have someone’s naked body around me. Except for my dog’s.”

She’ll never date Justin Timberlake: “I think any female that meets him at first is like, ‘I want to date you.’ He seems so perfect, but you get to know him, and he’s a good pal. He’ll tell you what he really feels. But, you know, he's really famous, which has its downsides.”

On having kids: “I think about kids all the time. I feel like the next person I commit to, that’s going to be the guy who I’m going to have kids with. That’s in my crazy female brain. So that’s why I’m like, ‘I can’t commit.’”

[From Glamour]

When Amanda insists that she’s not promiscuous and can do dating without sex, is she trying to tell us that she never slept with sort of ex-boyfriend Ryan Phillipe? I really hope that’s the case — not because I don’t want Amanda to get any action but because it’s so damn amusing to think of Ryan wining and dining a gorgeous chick (and taking her to Paris) and still not getting anywhere in the sack. Let’s face it, Ryan is a douche, and Amanda is better off without him.

As opposed to her personal life, Amanda seemingly has no problem playing loose women on camera. She’s currently playing Linda Lovelace, got super naked in Chloe, and made out with Megan Fox in Jennifer’s Body. So I guess she reserves her wild side for her acting career, which is fine. Here’s the rest of the Glamour editorial spread with Amanda. She’s so damn unmistakably beautiful, but it’s such a shame that she’s not terribly interesting as an interview subject.

Photos courtesy of Glamour and HuffPo

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Reese Witherspoon: “I don’t think I need plastic surgery at this point”

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:37 AM PST

Reese Witherspoon covers the March issue of Glamour UK, all to promote her latest film, This Means War. That's the one where we're supposed to buy that Chris Pine and Tom Hardy are super-spies vying for Reese's affection. The styling on this photo shoot is much more standard Reese, as opposed to how Elle Mag was trying to make her seem last month – like a Jennifer Aniston-style beachy ditz. Glamour UK made Reese look how she usually looks – pulled-together, dainty, lady-like, pretty. I prefer Reese like this, because I think this is close to how she really is. Anyway, here are some highlights from Reese's interview:

Reese on plastic surgery: "I’m not for it. I’m not against it. I have plenty of friends who do stuff and if it makes you feel good, great … but I don’t think it’s the fix for some sort of unease that you’re having about who you are as a human being. I don’t think I need plastic surgery at this point: Can we just go day-by-day on that one?"

On body image (she has an underwear scene in the film): “‘I don’t worry about it. I have the body I earned: I had two kids and I’m still strong and healthy. And you start to have a different respect for your body the older you get. Instead of tearing yourself apart all the time, you start to go ‘Oh wow.’”

On being frugal: Although she recently splashed out on a black Valentino bag, she revealed she can’t bring herself to buy an expensive bag from The Row – Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen’s fashion label. She laments: "I have this fixation about this black leather The Row purse, but it’s so prohibitively expensive, I will not allow myself to buy it. I literally go to the store to visit it. Too much money – it feels decadent. I can’t wrap my brain around it. If I bought it, I’d only feel upset about it and take it back." However, she justified her purchase of the Valentino bag, because "it’s super-plain and beautiful and just feels like something you’ll have forever."

[From The Mail]

I'm sure Reese's comments about plastic surgery will get lots of play, but I find them pretty boiler plate. I buy that she's not getting tweaked, and I buy that she doesn't judge (too much) when her friends get tweaked. Meh. What I find really interesting is the stuff about her frugality – do you think that's for real? I'll buy that Reese is the kind of woman (like me) who can talk herself out of buying something expensive even though she really wants it. But it feels like Reese is trying too hard to relate to "normal" women, right? That's the aim of the story – "I live on a budget too, y'all!"

Glamour UK photos courtesy of The Mail.
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Did Gabriel Aubry just win his court battle for joint custody or is a ruling still pending?

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 06:16 AM PST

I first wrote most of this story with the assumption that Gabriel Aubry had just won his court custody battle, and that the judge had ruled that no changes be instituted in his joint custody agreement with Halle Berry for their nearly four year-old daughter, Nahla. However, a careful re-reading of this story on Radar helped me to realize that I was wrong. I asked Kaiser to read it too, and she came to the same conclusion. Gabriel Aubry’s team has been feeding details to Radar (see these two articles) and in this latest leak, they try to make the claim in the title that “Halle Berry’s Baby Daddy, Gabriel Aubry, Triumphant In Custody Battle.” All the article claims, though, is that the hearing went heavily in Aubry’s favor. Nowhere in the article does it state that a ruling has been made, just that Child and Family Services recommends that no changes be made to the current agreement.

To recap: Halle was calling for a “no contact” order following an incident in which a nanny alleged that Gabriel pushed and screamed at her. The nanny’s request for a restraining order against Gabriel following that instance was not granted, nor was the “no contact” order by Halle. An investigation into the charges of battery and child endangerment against Gabriel is ongoing. Meanwhile Child and Family Services has recommended joint parenting classes for Halle and Gabriel, counseling for each of them, anger management classes for Gabriel and counseling for Nahla. They’ve also apparently recommended that the custody agreement continue as is, but that’s just their recommendation. Here’s Radar’s report. TMZ has very little detail on this court hearing, probably since it favors Gabriel and there’s no official ruling yet.

As previously reported the former couple squared off in a Los Angeles courtroom on Monday over allegations that Aubry pushed the nanny while holding the toddler. The hunky Canadian model has emphatically denied the allegations, but is under criminal investigation for battery and child endangerment.

The Los Angeles Department of Children & Family Services became involved after the nanny filed a police report, which is routine in any situation when allegatiosn of child abuse are made.

“Social workers recommended that absolutely no changes be made in the current custody agreement, which the judge gives tremendous weight and consideration to," a source close to the situation tells "Halle and Gabriel essentially have joint custody of Nahla. DCFS found absolutely no basis to the claims that Gabriel physically assaulted the nanny, or has ever physically abused Nahla.

"There was nothing found to substantiate the nanny’s claims, and social workers felt that a restraining order that Halle was seeking wasn’t necessary, and would actually harm Nahla by keeping her from her father…”

While it appears that Aubry will be triumphant in the custody dispute, he and the Academy Award winning actress are going to have to learn together the best way to raise their daughter.

“The report does recommend that Halle and Gabriel attend parenting classes together, so that they can co-parent Nahla. The classes will give them the tools to work through their issues, and hopefully become better parents for it,” an insider said.

Meanwhile, "Gabriel Aubry is unlikely to be charged with any crime in relation to the police report the nanny filed,” a law enforcement source revealed.

[From Radar]

This is probably accurate, and Gabriel may win this custody battle, but isn’t it dumb and reactionary for his side to feed details to the press? Isn’t the judge going to see this report on Radar and go “hold on a minute, this is misleading”? I get that Gabriel is trying to counter all the happy family photo ops Halle is staging with her fiance and “Gabriel is an abusive ass” stories that she’s leaking, but he’s coming off almost as badly as she is. Someone needs to take the high road in this, just for the sake of their daughter. It’s going to be interesting if they ever do attend joint parenting classes. How do you teach exes to grow the hell up and stop fighting over every little thing?

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Photos are from 1-29, 1-31 and 2-1. Credit: Fameflynet and

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