Thursday, February 2, 2012



The New Hunger Games Trailer Shows More Of Caesar Flickerman And Cinna

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:58 AM PST

new Hunger Games trailer with Caesar Flickerman

Today is just the day of Hunger Games announcements, isn’t it? First there was the reveal that Lionsgate is working on the social media game The Hunger Games Adventures. Then we revealed that one lucky Crushable reader will win two tickets to the movie’s premiere on March 12th (as part of the #HungerGames50 countdown). And now the studio has released a new Hunger Games trailer! It’s almost too much to handle for just one day.

Yahoo! Movies has the exclusive: Though it’s shorter than the first trailer, it doesn’t spend as much time setting up the world of The Hunger Games and instead gives us more insight into Katniss’ (Jennifer Lawrence) life in District 12 as well as her time in the Capitol before the Games begin.

Through Katniss’ eyes, we get a better understanding of the two men in the Capitol who help her pass off her image as a sweet but strong fighter: We see how Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci) kisses her hand in front of the crowds, and her stylist Cinna (Lenny Kravitz) advising her to keep her mockingjay pin hidden backstage. Then there’s an ominous moment where Katniss sees Caesar getting along swimmingly with her fellow District 12 tribute — and ultimate competitor — Peeta (Josh Hutcherson). I’m excited to see more of those mind games in a future trailer.

It seems that Lionsgate’s plan is to keep the Hunger Games themselves — which take place in an enclosed Arena filled with forests, lakes, and cliffs — a mystery up until the movie’s release on March 23, 2012. The most we see in this trailer is Katniss and the other tributes running to grab their supplies at the Cornucopia… but we still haven’t seen the gold structure that plays into the plot later. We catch glimpses of Katniss moving through the woods at night and when someone sets the forest on fire to force tributes out… but it’s footage from the original teaser.

So, if we can ask Lionsgate for just one more thing, it would be for a teaser that shows us the other tributes in action in the Arena: Beautiful Glimmer (Leven Rambin), sneaky Foxface (Jackie Emerson), quiet Rue (Amandla Stenberg), and ruthless Cato (Alexander Ludwig).

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‘Family Values’ Group Picked The Wrong Target In Ellen Degeneres

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:55 AM PST

Yesterday, news came out that “family values” (i.e. anti-gay bigotry) group has started a petition against clothing retailer JC Penney for hiring Ellen Degeneres as a spokesperson. Do they really think this is a fight they can win?

“Funny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families,” writes OMM in a statement. “More sales will be lost than gained unless they replace their spokesperson quickly. Unless JC Penney decides to be neutral in the culture war then their brand transformation will be unsuccessful.”

First, would it kill them to hire a copywriter? Someone who understands adverbs? That paragraph is hurting my eyes. Second, it would hardly make them “neutral” in the culture war to fire Ellen Degeneres for being gay. That would be taking quite the position, no? The position that lesbians are gross, depraved, and totally unfit to promote boxy casualwear, when everyone knows they look great in it. It’s also ridiculous to think straight people won’t buy JC Penney’s clothing unless their spokesperson is straight, too. Ellen’s marriage only erodes “family values” if you think that for every gay marriage that occurs, a straight marriage immediately crumbles.

But the biggest reason this campaign is stupid (on a practical level at least), is that it is Ellen. People love Ellen. I mean, look at her. She’s fucking adorable! Ellen and Portia de Rossi are probably the most famous lesbian couple in America, and also the most accepted by the mainstream. They are the nice, normal, white, cisgender, cuddly same-sex couple that dimwits can look at and begin to realize that gay people are people, too, just like them. Ellen gives college scholarships to homeless girls, helps cute animals find homes, and even dances with the president (although OMM probably doesn’t like him, either). She has the most general of general interest shows on TV. She is basically the white lesbian version of Oprah, in that even my racist old family members love Oprah. Everyone but the most horrid of anti-gay bigots smiles when they see Ellen’s shining face on television, and that’s why picked a strategically disadvantageous target for their hatred. Not that there’s ever a “good” target for shit like this.

Then again, I don’t think anyone at OMM thinks they’re going to win this fight. They’re just using this as an excuse to spew yet more gross rhetoric about people who are different from them. I doubt Ellen is letting it get to her; I’m more worried about any gay kids the people at OMM might have.

(Via RadarOnline)

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Emma Watson Leaves the Comforts of Hogwarts for a Therapist’s Couch

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:25 AM PST

Like every fairly well off 20-something trying to find her way in the world, Emma Watson’s going to see a therapist to discuss her life’s woes and challenges. Unlike every fairly well off 20-something, Emma Watson’s seeing a therapist because it’s part of her possible new role in the film Your Voice in My Head.

The film revolves around the story of a young suicidal woman saved by her cancer-ridden psychiatrist and is being directed by four-time Harry Potter directing alum, David Yates. Throw in Snape playing the office receptionist and you have a full-blown Harry Potter spin-off. (Throw in anyone ever involved with Chelsea Handler and you have NBC’s new hit sitcom.)

According to the Huffington Post: United Kingdom, Emma’s following in Daniel Radcliffe’s lead and taking on darker and grittier roles in a presumed effort to avoid Harry Potter typecasting. While I understand that they don’t want to be remembered for the films that made them insanely famous and world beloved, I don’t understand how anything gets darker and grittier than the world of Harry Potter.

Let’s compare for a hot sec:

Which movie has a grittier location?

Your Voice in My Head: New York. Sure some parts are gross and dirty (wink face at the A train), but other parts are the 10 outrageously priced floors of Barney’s and the outrageously overcrowded that-omelette-better-be-egg-white brunch destinations.

Harry Potter 1-7ish: The Slytherin common room, the Forbidden Forest and Azkaban “home of souless humans” prison. Let`s not even get into the Dursley`s place.

Which movie has a scarier villain?

Your Voice in My Head: Your emotionally distressed self.

Harry Potter 1-7ish: The unkillable (no spoilers here kids) Voldermort.

Which movie has the darker storyline?

Your Voice in My Head:  A troubled young woman must come to terms with her mental health.

Harry Potter 1-7ish: An emotionally abused orphan has to save the entire world from a magical sociopath.

So there you have it. I think we all can see the clear winner in this highly scientific comparison. While I wish Emma Watson all the luck in the world, I just want her to remember that she’ll never do anything darker or gritter than the work she did in the Harry Potter franchise.




Post from: Crushable

Giveaway: Enter To Win Two Tickets To The Hunger Games Premiere!

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:03 AM PST

Lionsgate is really helping to make the countdown to March 23, 2012, a.k.a. the release date of The Hunger Games, go by faster. With 100 days to go, they scattered 100 puzzle pieces around the internet (including on our site) for fans to construct a really cool poster. Now, that we’re at the 50-day mark, they’re offering 100 tickets to fans to attend The Hunger Games‘ premiere in Los Angeles on March 12. And we’ve got two of those tickets to give away to one lucky Crushable reader!

Entering is easy… much easier than Katniss making her way through the Arena. All you have to do is “Like” Crushable on Facebook. Already a fan? Follow this link to enter to win. If you’re not a fan, enter here, too.  You’ll have until 5 p.m. EST on February 22 to enter; we’ll be announcing the winner on February 29. (Full terms and conditions here)

The one catch is, you have to get yourself to LA. But with the chance to see stars Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Liam Hemsworth on the red carpet — not to mention seeing the movie twelve days before anyone else – we believe in you to find a way to get there. And if you already live there, even better!

Plus, every friend you get to "Like" Crushable on Facebook by sharing the giveaway on your Facebook page will mean additional entries for you. Liking  the official Hunger Games Facebook page will give you extra entries, too! Visit The Hunger Games‘ Facebook page to learn more about Advance Ticketing and RSVP right now for a screening of the movie.

So, enter now—and I’m so tickled to get to say, with no irony, may the odds be ever in your favor!

(Photo via Lionsgate)

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Courtney Love Caused Two Of Frances Bean’s Pets To Die, And Other Horrifying Stories

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 09:33 AM PST

A new e-book published by addiction recovery site The Fix contains many never-before-seen stories about Courtney Love‘s life and struggles with addiction, many of them told directly to the author by Courtney herself,

As you might imagine, the stories are alternately sad and funny. Courtney was good at math when she was on crack! Courtney bought Dr. Phil‘s house and couldn’t sell it! Courtney hangs out with Sam Lufti, that creepy guy who used to manage Britney Spears! But perhaps the saddest part of the book details her eroding relationship with daughter Frances Bean Cobain, who took out a temporary restraining order on her in 2009.

In details from the (previously sealed) deposition papers, Frances described what it was like to live with Courtney as her caretaker. In a word: bad.

She took her on field trips to yell at her ex boyfriend’s house:

In a sworn statement to the court on December 10, 2009, Frances recalled accompanying her mother to the home of a former boyfriend, James Barber, years earlier. "She took me in a taxi to his house in the middle of the night, and from outside the house, in her bare feet, she screamed at him, threw rocks at the house, and threatened to burn his house down. His children were inside the house, but that did not stop my mother."

She’d get really jazzed up about her claims of “fraud,” which Frances seems to think are, themselves, fraudulent:

"My mother is obsessed with uncovering fraud and spends much of her day raging about the fraud that has been perpetrated on her and on me,” her statement continued. “She incessantly rages about her many theories relating to the supposed incidences of ‘fraud.’ She slams doors, breaks things, stomps around the hotel or apartment and spends hours on the phone, yelling."

She’s dependent on prescription drugs and occasionally starts fires:

Love "has taken drugs for as long as I can remember. She basically exists now on…Xanax, Adderall, Sonata and Abilify, sugar and cigarettes. She rarely eats….She often falls asleep in her bed while she is smoking, and I am constantly worried that she will start a fire (which she has done at least three times) that will threaten our lives.”

According to the deposition, she also threatened to jump off a balcony and commit suicide while her daughter watched. But perhaps the most heart wrenching detail is the assertion that not one, but two of Frances’ pets died entirely preventable deaths under Courtney’s watch. Died. And I’m not just talking turtles, but a cat and a dog:

Frances further claimed that her cat died after getting entangled in piles of Etsy fabrics, boxes of paperwork, trash and other possessions, and that a dog died after swallowing a pile of Love's pills. In addition to keeping Courtney away from Frances, Frances’ grandmother and Frances’ aunt, the restraining order also prevents Courtney from contact with Frances's dog, Uncle Fester.

Etsy fabrics she may or may not have paid for! This all begs the question: how the hell did Frances Bean survive to adulthood? The girl must have some amazing instincts.

(Via The Fix)

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Does Anyone Else Think It’s Weird That Gwyneth Paltrow Bathes With Her Kids?

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 09:24 AM PST

Do you remember the last time you saw your parents naked? Unless you grew up in a “naked house,” to quote Charlotte York from Sex and the City, or you were raised in a nudist colony, you probably can’t remember when you last saw either one of your parents in the buff.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s kids, however, see her naked on a daily basis. Not only that, but when it comes to bath time, she just gets right in there with Apple and Moses and scrubs them on down. While this could be deemed environmentally friendly because they’re using the same bath water for all three of them, her kiddos are seven and five years old. If they didn’t have private tutors and actually went to school like the rest of the kids their age, one has to wonder exactly how a teacher would respond to a seven-year-old telling them “Mommy gets right in the tub with us and we have a wash fest!”

As Paltrow told Harper’s Bazaar quite frankly: ”We all get into the tub together.” On top of that somewhat creepy factor, what sort of tub do these people have? Is it the size of a small swimming pool? And is there the potential for these kids to be scarred from seeing their mom’s hooha at that age? But I wasn’t raised in a naked house, so I don’t know what’s appropriate naked behavior.

If someone could fill me on whether or not this is normal, I’d greatly appreciate it.

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Jonah Hill Doesn’t Want to Follow In The Funny Fat Man Mold

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:48 AM PST

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On This Groundhog Day Let’s See What Other Predictions Punxsutawney Phil Has For Us

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:46 AM PST

If Punxsutawney Phil could talk he’d probably tell all those men in top hats to back the fuck off and leave him the hell alone.

Every February 2nd the mildly crazy people of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania gather around their beloved Phil before sunrise and wait to see whether the little devil is going to see his shadow. No shadow means spring is on its way, while if he does see his shadow then we must endure six more weeks of winter. Well, in case you were wondering, the furball saw his shadow this morning, so six more weeks it is. Although based on the weather these last few days, Phil might be losing his touch.

Phil has been making these predictions since 1887 with, according to the StormFax Weather Almanac, an accuracy rate of only 39%. But that percentage doesn’t seem to affect the tradition nor does it shake the legend that’s it’s been the same Phil who’s been doing all these prediction for the past 120+ years.

How does a groundhog that has a maximum lifespan of six years in the wild and 10 years in captivity manage to live so long? Groundhog Elixir, of course. Each summer, so as to keep himself alive and kicking and making predictions, Phil is given a sip of the Elixir that is comprised of “mostly of orphan blood, which magically lengthens his life for seven years.” This is distributed by the Inner Circle members of the Groundhog Club, which is safe to assume are those men in the top hats.


But instead of keeping his predictions to just seasons, let’s see what other insight Phil has to offer.

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Nickelodeon Star Jamie Lynn Spears Was Afraid To Ask For Birth Control

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 10:18 AM PST

Jamie Lynn Spears was afraid to ask for birth control at 16Before MTV made beaucoup bucks off Jenelle Evans and the other Teen Moms, the most famous sixteen-year-old to get knocked up was Britney Spears‘ little sister Jamie Lynn Spears. But after the tabloid hubbub of her engagement to and breakup with babydaddy Casey Aldridge, Jamie Lynn disappeared. She’s resurfaced to write a piece for Glamour about turning 21 and how the last thing she was feeling was happiness when she announced her pregnancy with her sister and mom on the cover of OK! magazine.

Unlike fellow young mom Bristol Palin, who has hemmed and hawed over where she went wrong with birth control, Jamie bravely admits that she simply didn’t have any.

I believe in safety and birth control as prevention. But like many young girls… I was really scared to go to the doctor. And I was on a Nickelodeon show, and it [felt] especially embarrassing to ask someone to put me on birth control. I didn’t want to ask my doctor, because she had a little girl.

The Nickelodeon kids have always been held in higher esteem than their Disney counterparts, who have drug problems and rehab stints under their belts. It’s no wonder that Jamie felt a more subtle pressure to present a wholesome image and felt that it couldn’t be publicized that she was having sex.

What’s also interesting is Jamie Lynn’s side of how she was portrayed during her pregnancy. With the big magazine announcement and her decision to keep the baby, it certainly seemed as if she were glamorizing teen pregnancy. After all, the family had been supportive of Britney having two children at the relatively young age of 24. However, Jamie Lynn apologizes here for “the young girls and the mothers who I probably confused and let down.”

If you reread her quotes from the big announcement in 2007, you can see that even in the beginning she was more resigned than overjoyed. “I'm the one who has to live with it for the rest of my life,” she said. “I put myself in this position, an adult position, so I have to act like an adult and take responsibility for what I did.” That means ducking out of the spotlight and not exploiting daughter Maddie with a reality show or staged paparazzi shots.

However, just because she wasn’t on MTV didn’t mean that Jamie Lynn wasn’t excited to watch 16 and Pregnant and its sequel Teen Mom. “When I saw MTV’s Teen Mom was coming out,” she writes, “I remember thinking, Oh my God, I cannot wait to see this show because there’s someone else out there.” Interestingly, she doesn’t comment on any of the teen moms’ troubles with the law, or their subsequent breakups with their children’s fathers.

I definitely recommend you read the whole essay at Glamour, because there’s no bullshit about what she was going through. “I was a kid who did a kid show,” she writes. “Then I went away and raised my child, and the world has never met me as an adult.” I for one am glad to meet this adult.

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Crushable Quotable: Brad Pitt Has A Great Idea For How To Judge The Oscars

Posted: 02 Feb 2012 08:17 AM PST

Brad Pitt seems like a painfully obvious choice for a celebrity crush, but what with all the funny and charming things he says and does, he pretty much leaves us no choice. On last night’s episode of The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, Brad talked about the Oscars. Specifically, his fool-proof plan to fairly judge them:

We should just put a trophy on the table, and like one of those card contests, we should all just put our hands on it, see who can hold it the longest. The last man standing takes the trophy. Hands on the Oscar.

“That is the most awesome idea I’ve ever heard,” Jon Stewart replied, and I agree. But who would win Best Actor? Gary Oldman might give him a run for his money, but I’m pretty sure Pitt possesses the combination of peak physical condition and mental fortitude needed for this kind of contest.

(Via Vulture)

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