Cele|bitchy |
- Will Smith on shoving and slapping that reporter: “It was just awkward”
- Tara Reid is drunk at Cannes, might be dating a 60-year-old jewelry designer
- Masseur-gate: John Travolta’s team is trying to discredit John Doe #2
- Trainer Tracy Anderson gives birth to a baby girl, did she have a falling out with Goop?
- Kristen Stewart & Kirsten Dunst at the Cannes ‘On the Road’ photo call: cute?
- Baz Luhrmann’s acid-trip trailer for ‘The Great Gatsby’ released: awful or interesting?
- 29 year-old Olympian Lolo Jones reveals she’s a virgin: not a big deal & too personal?
- Joaquin Phoenix stars in ‘The Master’ trailer: is he earning his rep back?
- Nicole Kidman arrives in France, debuts new bangsy hairstyle: cute or awful?
- Does Kim Kardashian have a problem with Valium & sleeping pills?
Will Smith on shoving and slapping that reporter: “It was just awkward” Posted: 23 May 2012 08:39 AM PDT I was really glad to see so many of you defending Will Smith – or not outright bashing him – for his "slapping" of a Ukrainian journalist in Moscow last week. We covered it on Sunday – Will was working the press line at the Moscow premiere of Men In Black III when this Ukrainian reporter tried to kiss Will on both cheeks and the mouth. Will shoved the guy away, and then as Will was walking away, he lightly back-slapped the guy's cheek. The situation was really awkward, and I thought Will didn't really deserve the public bashing he got on some sites. I don't think the slap was necessary, but then again, the kissing was over-the-top. Here's the video again: You know what I like about that video? It shows Will reacting, laughing about it, and then simply moving on to the next media outlet. Dude's a pro. He didn't pitch a hissy fit, he didn't bitch out one of his handlers and make it into some epic drama. He just moved on and continued doing his job. Anyway, Will was on The Late Show with David Letterman last night, and Dave asked him about the incident. Will's reaction was still pretty solid, I think. Will said: "He says, ‘I’m you’re biggest fan, can I have a hug?’ So I go to give this joker a hug, and he tries to lean in and kiss me! It was just awkward, Dave…They were like, ‘Oh, no, we're sorry, you know. It's just his ‘schtick,’ you know. And I said, ‘well, that’s why his ass got schtuck.’” Here's the video: Eh. I still think it's fine. I mean, I hate when people invade my personal space too, so I can completely understand Will's reaction, and I think he's talking about it with the right attitude. If anything, this incident has kind of made me like him more. |
Tara Reid is drunk at Cannes, might be dating a 60-year-old jewelry designer Posted: 23 May 2012 08:29 AM PDT After Tara Reid showed up at the recent American Pie Reunion premiere not looking like a total trainwreck, I had some hope that perhaps she had stopped boozing it up so much. Oh what a fool am I, for Tara’s been partying her ass off in Cannes. I guess perhaps my first clue should have been that only just last year, Tara enjoyed a quickie faux marriage (and they really never did get married) to businessman Zach Kehayov, who was actually pretty cute in a Billy Zane sort of way and didn’t mind carrying her shopping bags while she flashed her panties all over London. At this point though, I think Tara is all about finding some rich dude who will tolerate her partying lifestyle to (legitimately) marry, and word on the street (which originated from Lainey’s site) is that Tara is now hooking up with jewelry designer Fawaz Gruosi in Cannes, who has allegedly gifted her with many pieces of jewelry. That’s him in the photo above this story, and here are some details:
[From HuffPo] CB totally thinks this dude looks older than 60 but that this discrepancy might be explained by a lot of booze and sun exposure, which would at least give him a few things in common with Tara. I mean, what else would she have to talk about with a 60-year-old man? It’s also possible that this is a “paid arrangement” and maybe she was just Fawaz’s companion for the evening or something. After all, here are some photos of Tara at Cannes while getting drunk with her friends at another party. She’s such a total mess. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Masseur-gate: John Travolta’s team is trying to discredit John Doe #2 Posted: 23 May 2012 08:07 AM PDT We didn't have a John Travolta/Masseur-Gate story yesterday! Did you miss the Masseur-Gate scandal? I didn't. Although I find the daily revelations interesting, there's a weird vibe to everything. People are comparing it to the Tiger Woods Mistress Spectacular, but really, Masseur-Gate is just creepy and sad and there's an element of danger too. Like, I'm worried about all of the dudes coming out to claim Travolta groped them. I'm worried about the Church of Scientology's repercussions. Not just for the accusers, but for Travolta as well. For now, Travolta's lawyer seems to have finally found a way to discredit John Doe #2. Remember, Travolta's lawyer went after everybody else's claims specifically and Doe #2 (the Georgia masseur) was left relatively unscathed (which made me think his claims were true). Well, I'm still not going to print Doe #2's full name (he can go by "Casey" for now), but enjoy this hit piece about Doe #2 being a skeeve.
"IRONY!!" screams Marty Singer. "We'll win this case because of IRONY!" So, I don't know if Doe #2 is really a "creeper" but it could be. I do think it's sketchy that Travolta's legal team and his church and his supporters have been investigating the accusers and all they could come up with are eight-year-old claims of improper sheet draping. But here's the real question – why does everyone assume these two claims are mutually exclusive? Can't an improper sheet draper be a victim of John Travolta's groping hands just the same as anyone else? Meanwhile, Doe #Gym Employee has now gotten a lawyer too.
[From Radar] I'm kind of hoping that all of Travolta's victims end up represented by Gloria Allred and this becomes the biggest class-action lawsuit of its kind in the history of American jurisprudence. But it looks like various dudes are seeking out various lawyers and Travolta's legal team is probably going to fight the charges on many different fronts. |
Trainer Tracy Anderson gives birth to a baby girl, did she have a falling out with Goop? Posted: 23 May 2012 07:28 AM PDT
Around the time that Madonna dumped Tracy as her beck and call trainer, Tracy was dating Philippe van den Bossche, the former head of Madonna’s Raising Malawi charity. That was in the fall of 2009 and millions of dollars in donations went “coincidentally” missing from the charity under van den Bossche’s watch. Much hyped plans for a girls’ school in Malawi had to be scrapped and the charity was put under investigation for tax evasion. Fast forward less than three years and Tracy married some other guy and just had his baby. It’s very sketchy, like a lot of things this woman gets involved with. Here’s more, from US Weekly.
[From US Weekly] Here’s my question in the title. If Goop only sent a gift and didn’t bother to attend Tracy’s baby shower, does that mean they had a falling out? At least she sent something, but I doubt these two are close anymore. I checked and the last time Gwyneth shilled any of Tracy’s products in her newsletter was back in October, 2011. Gwyneth invested money in Tracy’s NY fitness studio in early 2009. Given this woman’s history of money and business management, I doubt Goop has seen a return on her investment. In a February Bazaar profile, Goop said she still works out with Tracy daily, though. You would think if that’s still the case she would have come to her baby shower. Anyway, congratulations to Tracy and her latest husband on their new baby. I’ll say something nice: Penelope is a cute name. Tracy and the former head of Madonna’s charity, Philippe van den Bossche, in May, 2010. Her bulimia cheeks have gone down a lot since then. Photo credit: PRPhotos and WENN.com |
Kristen Stewart & Kirsten Dunst at the Cannes ‘On the Road’ photo call: cute? Posted: 23 May 2012 06:59 AM PDT These are photos from today's Cannes Film Festival photo call for On the Road. You know what I like? I like that Kirsten "Kiki" Dunst is being treated like the "Queen of Cannes". I was expecting more photos of Kristen Stewart, and while Kristen was definitely a photographer favorite, so was Kiki. Kiki stars in On the Road with her current boyfriend, Garrett Hedlund, and at one point during the photo call, Kiki and Garrett stood beside each other and photographers scored this pretty picture: Kiki wore Dolce & Gabbana, and at one point she drapped Viggo Mortensen's Canadian flag around her waist like a skirt. As for K-Stew's outfit, it's all Balenciaga. Interesting jeans/pants. At one point during the photo call, K-Stew and Kiki posed together, with no one else, and K-Stew kept making motions to Kiki's belly… like, are we supposed to think that Kiki is pregnant? Would it surprise you if Kirsten Dunst was pregnant, presumably by Garrett Hedlund? I don't know. Viggo looks really hot, doesn't he? Also pictured: Tom Sturride, director Walter Salles and Sam Riley. This photo call has actually made me a bit excited for the movie. Shall we see the trailer again? Sure! |
Baz Luhrmann’s acid-trip trailer for ‘The Great Gatsby’ released: awful or interesting? Posted: 23 May 2012 05:16 AM PDT For whatever reason, my expectations for Baz Luhrmann's version of The Great Gatsby were quite different than the realities presented in this new trailer, the first for the film. I guess I thought Baz's acid-trip-style had mellowed with age and that this was going to be an impeccable costume drama, authentic in every way. But… from the first few seconds of the trailer, I was instantly reminded of the party scene in Romeo + Juliet, and how much Baz Luhrmann likes to churn up the psychodrama of a party scene. In the end… I'm kind of disappointed. Some nice things: the scene with all of Gatsby's shirts – that looks like it's done really, really well. It was always my favorite bittersweet scene in the book, and I love the look of Gatsby's two-story closet. I guess I should say something about the actors? Carey Mulligan is such a fine actress. She's one of my favorites of the new girls, and I think she was a splendid choice for Daisy, and maybe one of the best actresses to portray the Daisy character ever. It seems a bit like she's in another movie, though – like she thought she was making a more sedate, period, costume drama. As for Leonardo DiCaprio as Gatsby… um, he looks really good. I don't see any bloated face, and he manages to avoid looking ratty too. Probably because Leo as Gatsby is kind of perfect casting too – who else could really play Gatsby amongst today's actors? Only Leo, really. I didn't catch sight of Isla Fisher at all, right? She's not in the trailer? She plays Myrtle. Joel Edgerton plays Tom Buchanan, and Elizabeth Debicki is Jordan Baker (incidentally, when I first read the book, I thought "Jordan Baker" was THE most sophisticated name for a woman ever). Anyway… it looks okay. I do want to see it, but I think I need to lower my expectations a bit. Poster and stills from 'The Great Gatsby'. |
29 year-old Olympian Lolo Jones reveals she’s a virgin: not a big deal & too personal? Posted: 23 May 2012 05:11 AM PDT
The few times I’ve watched HBO’s Real Sports, I’ve been blown away by the stories they’ve told. I don’t actively seek it out, though, as I’m not that interested in sports. I would love to see an entertainment equivalent of Real Sports. We don’t need any more talk shows or reality shows, I would like to know more about how the industry works and see some interviews that are in depth and revealing. In one of the latest interviews on Real Sports, a 29 year-old Olympic Track and Field athlete named Lolo Jones reveals that she’s a virgin by choice, and is saving herself for marriage. There’s a clip of the interview above. I don’t know what to think about it, except to wonder why she’s made this decision, and why she’s sharing it with the world. Here’s more, from People:
[From People] It’s her body, her choice. Many people make the decision to wait to have sex until marriage. To me, it seems like you might be rushing into marriage in order to give yourself permission to have sex, but to each their own. A quick read of Jones’ Wikipedia entry reveals that she had an extremely rough childhood. She moved to a new school almost every year as a child, and was raised by a single mom with four other children. At one point in the third grade, she lived in the basement of a church with her family. This 2008 USA Today profile of Jones gives a revealing glimpse into the extreme poverty and setbacks she had to deal with, from a very young age. She’s overcome so many hurdles (literal and figurative) to get where she is, and she will let nothing get in her way. Now that I know more about Jones’ past, I understand why she’s saving herself for marriage. She’s got an amazing story and I’ll be rooting for her in London this summer. Lolo is shown in 2011 at events and competing in 2010. Credit: PRPhotos |
Joaquin Phoenix stars in ‘The Master’ trailer: is he earning his rep back? Posted: 23 May 2012 05:10 AM PDT It’s only been a little over a year since we first reported that Joaquin Phoenix was preparing to return to “serious” acting in the latest Paul Thomas Anderson project — the rumored anti-Scientology film also starring Philip Seymour Hoffman that is now known by its proper name, The Master. If all goes as planned, then Anderson will probably end up reinvigorating Joaquin’s career after a few years of willful douchiness. Remember back in 2009 when he looked like this? Poor Casey Affleck’s bank account will never be the same after he collaborated with Joaquin on their coke-snorting, hooker-hiring, faux documentary, I’m Still Here. Whatever happened to Casey? He’s been in a few indie movies since directing (and financing) Joaquin doing a poor imitation of Andy Kaufman, and now Joaquin himself is poised to make a comeback. Just check out his face (!) in the trailer for The Master below: This trailer gives me the same creepy feeling of impending dread that I felt while watching There Will Be Blood and Magnolia. The movie is set in the 1950s and revolves around a disciple of a faith-based organization that is pretty much Scientology in its infancy. I suspect that a lot of people who watch the trailer aren’t picking up on the CO$ vibes, but they’re definitely hidden in there quite nicely. Of course PTA isn’t dumb enough to actually make a movie that simply shouts, “Hey, this is about Scientology!” Yet I’ll bet some of you who’ve done extensive reading on the cult will know what I’m talking about without me getting all pedantic about the details. Certainly, Paul Thomas Anderson has geared this movie to focus upon his own views of religion in general, which he’s made no secret of in the past. Even for those who aren’t completely into the subject matter, it’s sure to be a compelling film. PTA, who is a true auteur in every sense of the word, even shot this thing on on 65 mm film, which is basically unheard of these days. For the curious, Blackbook has some behind the scenes photos of several of the movie’s supporting players, and here are some peeks at the gorgeous set on Mare Island, California. Now back to the trailer: does Joaquin Phoenix bring it after years of Unabomber-esque ridiculousness, or is he past redemption? Not everyone loves a comeback kid, but I think Joaquin will do just fine (great even) in The Master. Screencaps courtesy of YouTube; photo of Joaquin in 2009 courtesy of WENN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Nicole Kidman arrives in France, debuts new bangsy hairstyle: cute or awful? Posted: 23 May 2012 04:29 AM PDT These are photos of Nicole Kidman arriving in the South of France yesterday. Her new film, The Paperboy, debuts at the Cannes Film Festival on Thursday, and I'm expecting more photos of Nicole throughout the next few days. The Paperboy also stars Zac Efron, which… I mean… really? Nicole the Botox-Monster and Zac Efron, Permanent Jailbait (yes, I know he's of age but his face always says "jailbait" to me). The film is being described in some quarters as an "explosive sexual thriller". I tried reading the (spoiler-ridden) Wiki synopsis of the book, but I got kind of confused as to who does what. Oh, and the film also stars Matthew McConaughey and John Cusack. Maybe Nicole gets it on with one of them (hopefully?). But for now, let's talk about Nicole's new look. And by that I mean BANGS. I've been confused before with some ladies' bangs – I have a hard time figuring out if some women are wearing clip-on bangs or if they actually chopped their hair into some kind of traumatic situation. I don't know what Nicole is doing, but I suspect this is her real hair and she really did give herself bangs. Now, Nicole has done bangs to varying degrees of success in the past – the best of which (in my opinion) was back when she was styling herself like Brigitte Bardot, and the bangs added to her kittenishness. This current look, however, is kind of… not all that. I realize that she probably just got off the plane, etc. But how are these limp, flat-ironed-looking bangs somehow preferable to a simple bun or ponytail? And I don't even want to talk about her lips anymore. Those slugs are so depressing. I swear, they are as bad as Lindsay Lohan's. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Does Kim Kardashian have a problem with Valium & sleeping pills? Posted: 23 May 2012 04:26 AM PDT These are some new photos of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West in Cannes. For real!! Kim and Kanye are in the South of France for a reason, y'all. And the reason is not just "famewhoring". According to Page Six, Kanye will premiere a new film tonight in Cannes. The film is called Cruel Summer – unfortunately, it's not Kanye's epic docu-drama on the awesomeness that is Bananarama. The movie is being called an "immersive 'Seven Screen Experience' for the eyes and ears unlike anything West has attempted before." Kanye directed, wrote and produced it. I would imagine that it's not very good, but God knows. Damn it, now I can't get the song out of my head. I HATE YOU KANYE. That's not true. I love this song so much. In other Kanye-Kim news, Radar and some Australian tabloid are now claiming that Kim could be a pillhead. Hm…
But! Kim's spokesperson did tell The Mail that the report "is ridiculous." And considering the whole story originated with an Australian tabloid, I tend to think it's BS too. Plus, for all of her faults, I just don't buy that Kim is a drug user, whether it's prescription drugs or illegal drugs. The woman barely drinks any alcohol – she's not some crackie. Her drugs of choice are fame, money and plastic surgery. Last thing – yes, Kim is totally wearing the exact same Pucci gown that Gwyneth Paltrow wore to last year's Emmys. Is it weird that I kind of like it better on Kim? Not from the back! But from the front, I kind of like the way Kim fills it out. |
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