Wednesday, February 1, 2012



Amanda Seyfried’s Bruise Makeup Shows Lovelace Will Be Tough To Watch

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:45 AM PST

For anyone still laboring under the delusion that Lovelace will be a fun movie full of sexxxy girls and 70s porno hijinx, here is the Wikipedia entry on Linda Lovelace here are some photos of Amanda Seyfried filming a dramatic scene with some very convincing bruise makeup on her face.

The photo above is jarring, to say the least. Here’s another one from the same scene:

While the first look at Amanda as Linda showed her looking somewhat happy with her creepy husband Chuck Traynor (as played by Peter Sarsgaard), these photos tell a different story: Traynor abused his young wife and forced her to perform in pornographic films against her will, prompting her to eventually become an anti-porn crusader. I have no doubt Seyfried will do a fine job with this difficult role, but I’m not really looking forward to watching those gritty scenes. In any case, I’m already certain this film will surpass Inferno (the one that initially cast Lindsay Lohan in the lead) in both realism and sensitivity.

(Via HuffPo)

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Parenting Lessons From Teen Mom 2: Opposite Day

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 10:41 AM PST

For the most part, the fathers on this show are portrayed as useless schlubs who haven’t made an effort in their child’s life since the seven minutes it took to conceive him/her. But this week, things started to shift. Obviously Corey was still a shit, further upsetting Leah; but Jo showed surprising maturity in asking to meet Jordan, and Kieffer told Jenelle that he was willing to quit smoking pot for her. Meanwhile, Chelsea made the most out of her break-up with Adam by raising money for premature babies with the March of Dimes.

Even though at least one couple is headed for a break-up, I can still cautiously say that these kids did OK this week.

Jo and Jordan make friends on Teen Mom 2 "Love Comes and Goes"


DO: Encourage a support structure for your kid

Kailyn’s worried because Jo told her he wants to meet her new boyfriend Jordan. I can see why she might feel awkward, especially since Jo’s reasoning is “I don’t want some weirdo around my son.” But what he really means is that he doesn’t want there to be a string of unreliable guys in and out of Kailyn’s, and Isaac‘s, lives. As the father, that’s his right and his duty, so kudos to him.

DON’T: Expect the worst

But as worried as Kailyn is, Jordan has no problem with officially meeting her babydaddy. They have this cute, lighthearted exchange:

Kailyn: “How does old boyfriend meet new boyfriend?”
Jordan: “I dunno, I’ve never had an old boyfriend.”

DO: Have your kid’s best interests at heart

Jo and Jordan seem to hit it off, but Jo understands the awkwardness of the situation enough to explain his motivations. “I want to be able to pick up the phone,” he says. “If [Isaac] needs something and I can’t get in touch with her, then I can call you.”

“There doesn’t need to be tension,” he adds. Does that mean that he and Kailyn are also dealing with their feud over child support? These kids mumble so much, it’s hard to tell which developments from last week have stuck around.

DO: Acknowledge your faults

Jo quizzes Jordan on if he smokes or drinks, with Jordan responding that he’s not into that stuff. “Better than me,” Jo remarks with a wry smile. Good for him!

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The 10 Best Quotes From George Clooney’s Appearance On Inside The Actors Studio

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:55 AM PST

George Clooney best quotes from Inside the Actors Studio

If you’re a Pace student who gets to attend the master-class-turned-TV-series Inside the Actors Studio, you want to have a guest like George Clooney. The man is an icon, but his interview with James Lipton was incredibly down-to-earth. Though Lipton teased him about his lack of modesty, George managed to be pretty self-deprecating when discussing his infamous nipple-tastic Batman suit and his silly flip-flop scene from Oscar nominee The Descendants.

We’ve pulled our ten favorite quotes from the episode, including George’s favorite curse word, his bit on South Park, and what prank he has in store for buddy Brad Pitt.

1. “If Batman had to wear the suit, everyone would die. Because you’re laying on the board like this and they just prop you up and you’re like, [gravelly voice] ’I'm Batman.’ And then… [imitates himself being laid back downJoel Schumacher was directing; he’s very funny, because he’d be like, ‘OK George, remember, your parents are dead, you have nothing to live for, and–action!’”

And as a bonus, here’s the video:

2. On his time in the recording studio for the Coen brothers’ O Brother, Where Art Thou?: ”And I’m just singing as hard as I can. I finish and look up at the glass booth with T-Bone [Burnett] and everyone, but they’re not looking at me. They’re looking down… They have me listen to it, hoping I’ll hear that it’s terrible. And it’s terrible! But I’m not gonna let them off the hook that easily, so I say, ‘It’s great!’”

3. Pointing out that as an actor he takes four months out of his life to do a movie — and a year as a director — he says, “I’m going to work on sets that are fun… I’m not gonna work on a set where people are yelling and screaming and unhappy. I’m working in the luckiest profession.”

4. Talking about his The Descendants co-star Amara Miller: ”The little one can act, but she scares me. It was her first movie… It’s like she’s the spawn of Satan. She didn’t understand doing multiple takes. So they pull out this bowl of ice cream for the first scene and she’s just scarfing it… She does the scenes and Alexander [Payne] says, ‘OK, let’s do it again’ and they pull out another bowl. She goes through a few more [bowls] like a mad woman, and then it starts to hit her.”

5. When asked about taking on this less-manly role: ”I went to the wardrobe fitting and they put me in a pair of khakis up to my armpits and tucked in a Hawaiian shirt. I put away my masculinity and vanity right there.”

6. On his South Park debut: ”They asked me to play a part. I plaeyd Sparky the gay dog. They came over with a tape recorder, ‘What do you want me to do?’ They said, ‘Bark.’… I made him a smaller dog, like ‘whuf’. They turned off the tape recorder, and left.”

7. “There’s a lot really filthy words you can say, but I like ‘dipshit.’ When you say that about someone, you know who they really are.”

8. His least favorite profession? Proctology: “I don’t really honestly believe that anyone starts out med school going, ‘I want to be the ass doctor.’ You have failed… there’s a professor who pulls you aside and goes, ‘Listen. This whole pulmonary thing isn’t gonna work out, so we’re thinking you should go a little further south.’”

9. “If we’d sat there the whole time trying to make [a scene] dark and sad, it would’ve started that way from the beginning. Actors know how things are going to end, people don’t. Actors try to cry, people try not to cry. So you need a gentle, soft, fun place to work in.”

10. Thankfully, one kid asked him about his famous pranks, and he hinted at a big one he’s been developing for quite some time: ”I have done some horrible things to people. I’m working on one right now for Brad Pitt. It might end his career. I owe him, so I’m getting him. I”ve been working on it for two years. I’m not gonna tell you what it is, but just know, I got it.”

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Madonna Cuts Daughter Lourdes Out Of Movie

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:42 AM PST

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Meet Jenni: Crushable’s New Editor-in-Chief

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:39 AM PST


I’m Jenni, your new editor-in-chief at Crushable. I’m super excited to be joining the team here and I hope that we all become the bestest of online friends (are there any better kinds of friends these days?). To  make that happen a little bit easier and a little bit faster, I thought I would share a little bit about myself.

My born-and-raised Northeastern parents decided that raising my siblings and I in the NYC suburbs wasn’t exciting enough for them. So when I was 9,  they moved us to Tampa — home of 90% of all stories you hear about crazy Floridians. So I’m this super weird mix of liberal Northeasterner and part-time alligator hunter. Or to put it another way, I can talk really, really fast about things like hammocks, Cuban food and the Nick Hogan scandal of 2007.

I officially started my relationship with the Internet in high school when I googled “7th Heaven is the Worst Show on TV, but I can’t stop watching it” and found a forum that was devoted to that exact Google search. Ever since then, I’ve watched increasingly horrible TV with the intention of reading random internet commenters’ opinions on it. I’ve never understood the phrase “guilty pleasure” because I don’t think anything I watch would be described as an innocent pleasure. From Dance Moms to Real Housewives to Lifetime Original Movies, I watch it all. Although I will say, I do know that I need to start watching Downton Abbey stat. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve prioritized all day Sunday Law & Order: SVU marathons over that. While I’m filling you in on all the things I don’t put on my online dating profile, I might as well add I have an unhealthy obsession with celebrity children and I truly believe that Titanic 3D will be the best movie of 2012.

Before working at Crushable, I worked at COED Media Group where I oversaw content and writers for three completely different sites: CollegeCandy, COEDMagazine and Busted Coverage. One covered college women’s lifestyle topics, one covered men’s lifestyle topics and one covered sports. So in the two years that I worked there I learned a lot about how to have sex in an extra-long dorm bed, how to work the sideboob on the Red Carpet and how to smile and nod politely when people talk enthusiastically about sporting events.

I can’t wait to cover entertainment, pop-culture and everything in-between here at Crushable.

Post from: Crushable

BlindGossip Says That Leslie Carter’s Death Was From Drugs

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:32 AM PST

Leslie Carter cause of death

Blind Gossip’s newest blind item really can’t be all that blind, since it was posted within hours of the announcement of Leslie Carter‘s mysterious death. It doesn’t seem likely that this item, about a famous family trying to cover up the cause of their child’s death to save face, could be about anyone else. Here’s the full text:

More than one person in this family has achieved fame and success in the music industry, and several others have been television regulars. One of the members of the family recently passed at a very young age. While it is usual for families to ask for privacy when they are in mourning, this family is doing everything they can to cover up the cause of death. It turns out that several members of the family have had similar struggles and they loathe the thought of having to discuss it in public.

The Carter family announced Leslie’s death this morning; she passed away midday on Tuesday in upstate New York. They asked for privacy during this time and would not disclose why the singer and young mother had suddenly died at the age of 25. The music industry part of the blind item obviously fits former Backstreet Boys member Nick Carter and his brother Aaron, who had some success with cheesy songs like “Aaron’s Party” and “That’s How I Beat Shaq.”

“TV regulars” is a bit of a stretch to describe the family, but they did have their E! reality show House of Carters, which starred all four kids trying to rejuvenate their various careers. Plus, Aaron has competed on Dancing with the Stars and Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-Off.

Most importantly, both Aaron and Nick have both received treatment for drugs and other issues. In 2009, Nick finally faced the damage that he’d done to himself after a decade of hard partying: “I went out and just went nuts,” he told People at the time. “I drank so much and I did a bunch of blow.” In January 2011, Aaron entered rehab for “emotional and spiritual issues.” It’s no wonder the family would want to cover things up.

The only other possibility seems to be the Osmond family, but again, the timing makes it much more likely that this is a sinister cap on Leslie’s shocking death.

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Video: Taiwanese Animation House Tackles The Lana Del Rey Phenomenon

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:03 AM PST

As the Lana Del Rey hype cycle (hopefully) draws to a close with the release of her underwhelming album Born To Die, it’s time for her cautionary tale to written in its entirety. And who better to tell her story than Taiwanese animation house

NMA is known for their blunt and accurate, if slightly bizarre, animated shorts based on American pop culture, and they do the LDR story proud. The short shows Ms. Del Rey being pushed around by Brian Williams and Juliette Lewis, receiving a giant bag of money from her dad, and even (my favorite) having her record bludgeoned with baseball bats by representatives of Spin, Billboard and Pitchfork.

Lukewarm reviews are hardly akin to assault with a blunt object, and the best among them try to understand where Lana is coming from; I found The New York Times, The Village Voice and Pitchfork‘s reviews to be especially fair and well argued. Nevertheless, the video gives a good enough minute-long summary of the LDR phenomenon that you can show it to your mom what she asks what all this Llama Del Faye business is about.

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The World Is Officially Out Of Whack: Snooki Might Be Preggers And She’s Talking Politics

Posted: 01 Feb 2012 09:04 AM PST

Between Harry Potter admitting he likes a furry cooter and now news that maybe Snooki is knocked-up and she’s getting all political to boot, it’s safe to assume it’s the end of the world. Things are just not as they should be and I firmly expect to grow a third arm by the day’s end.

Everyone’s favorite orange meatball, Snooki took to Twitter to officially announce her un-endorsement of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. This is definitely important for the legions of Jersey Shore fans who think that Snooki and her fellow “buffoons” speak the word of god.

Her tweet to be exact was: “I will not be voting for Chris Christie. Love always, the ‘buffoons’ from that degrading Jersey Shore show.” Gov. Christie must be really rethinking his bid to run for governor again; if he doesn’t have Snooki’s vote, he has nothing. When you can’t even get the vote of woman who probably has never even voted nor can name the vice-president, you know your campaign is fucked. Seriously, he might as well just throw in the towel and move to Ohio where he can find himself a respectable job at a fast food chain and his career isn’t hinged on voters.

In addition to her new interest in politics, Star magazine is claiming that Snooki got herself preggers by her boyfriend Jionni LaValle. It’s hard to say what’s more terrifying: Snooki procreating and likely having a fetal alcohol syndrome bambino or her having to give up the sauce for a whole nine months. How does one survive so long without falling down drunk several times a week? I’ll tell you: they don’t.

Although we can confirm that Snooki’s tweet was obviously legit, the rumor of her pregnancy is still up in the air. Let’s just hope for the sake of humanity it is just a rumor, and that Snooki’s brief interest in politics is now behind her, because we really need to get this world back on track.

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