Cele|bitchy |
- Snooki admits that her drastic weight loss is due to diet pills
- OK Magazine claims Kim Kardashian is pregnant
- Jonah Hill and Matthew Morrison’s bitch-fight continues
- Jada Pinkett Smith gets photographed without her wedding ring, significant?
- LeAnn Rimes: “It’s important to take the highroad for the kids’ sake”
- Ashton Kutcher’s mistress lawyers up, will Ashton & Demi announce a split?
- Jennifer Aniston: “It’s not even worth discussing” Brad Pitt’s comments
- Linnocent covers Lovecat Mag, tagline: “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful”
- Guess who got voted off DWTS (hint: man face & was replaced by a wrestler)
- Giuliana Rancic & husband record video to their future “embryo”: sweet or weird?
Snooki admits that her drastic weight loss is due to diet pills Posted: 28 Sep 2011 09:27 AM PDT Last weekend, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi spent her weekend much like any other in recent history; that is, she hosted a nightclub bash, this time close to home in New Jersey’s Atlantic City. From these pictures, it’s fairly obvious that Snooki (whlie no less orange than usual) has lost a lot of weight lately, and this has been a work in progress for most of the summer. In addition, Snooki’s figure also got a story plant in People in June. Supposedly, she’s lost about 15 pounds this year, which wouldn’t be considered “drastic” but for the fact that 15 pounds makes a great deal of difference on a smaller frame like Snooki’s. Until now, many people had believed that the Snookster had achieved this goal by hitting the gym pretty hard and drinking a lot less. However, Snooki has now admitted to having a little help from some little pills:
[From Daily Mail] With side effects like those listed above, I can only assume that Zantrex is something like a non-prescription form of Adderall. Poor Snooki. And I really do mean that in a way because, while diet pills are almost always bad news, the girl must be under terrible pressure to lose weight while being compared to the likes of fellow cast members like hard-bodied J-Woww. Also, Snooki is very short, and petites unfortunately have to consume less calories to stay slim alongside their taller counterparts. Once upon a time, my father once told my high-school self something while I was upset about all of the cute little cheerleaders getting the boyfriends that I wanted: “If you’re short and gain 5 pounds, it looks like 15 pounds. If you’re tall and gain 5 pounds, it looks like you just put on too much mascara.” Wise words. Photos courtesy of Fame ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OK Magazine claims Kim Kardashian is pregnant Posted: 28 Sep 2011 09:08 AM PDT
So here’s part of OK’s story that Kim is pregnant. She’s not and this is just speculative, like so many other OK fake pregnancy stories in the past that I can’t be bothered to recap. (OK, here’s a highlights post on the ones they’ve done of Jennifer Aniston, since I’m anal like that.)
[From OK!] If Kim was pregnant she wouldn’t be going with low budget OK!, she would sell that exclusive, and a bunch of disgusting details about how pukey she’s feeling and how her bowel movements have changed, to either People or US if they would meet her price. This is the girl who sold photos of her engagement. She is a hustler of the highest order. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s pregnant. That’s the next step for her and she’s talked about babies enough times. Here’s Kim out in New York last night. What THE HELL is she wearing? Pleather pants complete with camel tow, a bra with a fringed dickie over it and a loose draped jacket. She looks more ridiculous than is even usual for her. Even the chick next to her with the pink ‘fro can’t stand Kim’s look. With Kris on 9/12. She looks like a sex doll here. Photo credit: Pacific Coast News, WENN.com |
Jonah Hill and Matthew Morrison’s bitch-fight continues Posted: 28 Sep 2011 08:56 AM PDT I don't know why I didn't cover the original salvo launched in this bitch-fight. Maybe it was because I'm kind of creeped out by Thin Jonah Hill? I know that's wrong and I should be happy that he's healthier, but Thin Jonah is still weird to me. Anyway, last week, Jonah Hill was on Jimmy Fallon, and he told some anecdotes about Hollywood. He ended up calling out Matthew Morisson as a bully, telling two stories:
After Jonah told those stories to Fallon, he challenged Morrison to "bring his s–t" the next time. Well, Morrison has responded: Morrison says: “I heard that Jonah said I should bring my sh-t next time… Well guess what, this is next time. Jonah, pick a date and I will meet you on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and we will settle this like men. Because nobody messes with someone from musical theatre." It's cute, I guess. I thought Jonah seemed kind of silly and paranoid about Matthew, especially when it seems pretty clear (to me) that Matthew was just trying to play-fight and mess around. Like, even though Jonah was just telling the story for effect, you could tell that it actually did kind of bother him. Whatever… Matthew handled it the right way. |
Jada Pinkett Smith gets photographed without her wedding ring, significant? Posted: 28 Sep 2011 08:13 AM PDT
Photo agency X-17 and MSNBC’s The Scoop are making a big deal out of the fact that Jada Pinkett Smith stepped out without her massive pear-shaped diamond wedding ring. I did some forensic analysis (ha!) of older photos of Jada, and even when she’s casually dressed and out without Will, she wears that ginormous bauble. For example here she is at the LA Times Festival Of Books in April, wearing jeans and a jean jacket, but still with her ring. I couldn’t find any photos of her without it at any of our agencies (which don’t have recent photos). I did find these photos of her ringless in late August, which could possibly be dismissed since she’s out exercising. Given the fact that she still isn’t wearing her ring, I would say that things are close to over between her and Will. Remember how they were rumored to be planning to sue In Touch for their split article last month? We haven’t heard anything about that since. So did Jada cheat with Marc Anthony on the set of HawthoRNe? Marc has denied it, but I bet there was at least an inappropriately close “friendship” there. That can happen when one party wants out of a marriage, and it often blows up into an affair. An emotional affair can be just as devastating to a marriage, though, and whatever went on between Jada and Marc may have hastened the end of Marc’s marriage to J.Lo. Are Jada and Will the next celebrities who are going to announce a split? I wouldn’t count on it. I bet they’ll keep it under wraps for as long as possible. It’s probably the best way to deal with it, given their kids’ ages (10 and 13) and how an announcement could affect them. |
LeAnn Rimes: “It’s important to take the highroad for the kids’ sake” Posted: 28 Sep 2011 07:40 AM PDT UGH. I hate LeAnn Rimes's blog. I mean, I don't hate the fact that she has yet another outlet to spew her delusions (that's just funny), but I HATE the way her blog is set up. You can't cut-and-paste her posts! You have to either retype it or find some other site who has excerpted heavily. Anyway, if you want to read LeAnn's new post, "No Step About It", go here. It's all about how she's a step-mother and how difficult it is to raise her stepchildren in an atmosphere filled with drama. What's funny is that LeAnn completely bypasses her own role in her self-perpetuating drama machine, instead laying the blame on the media (cough). Here are some excerpts:
[From LeAnn's World] Did you catch the part about LeAnn hoping that Brandi will remarry? "Eddie has always encouraged me to look at us as a family and a part of our family are the two beautiful boys that we share with their mother and hopefully one day another wonderful man." My guess is that Eddie (and LeAnn, since it's probably her money) won't have to pay so much in alimony if Brandi gets remarried, right? So both Eddie and LeAnn are really praying for Brandi to get a man… which LeAnn will probably steal again, and continue on her Single White Female course unabated. As far as her complaining about the media spreading lies, and playing the pity card because those "lies" are hard on the kids… boohoo. LeAnn has done more to damage her reputation and lose her fan base all on her own, with little to no help from the media. |
Ashton Kutcher’s mistress lawyers up, will Ashton & Demi announce a split? Posted: 28 Sep 2011 07:13 AM PDT
[From Radar] Still no word from Ashton or Demi on their Twitter accounts on this, and you know they’ve heard of it by now. Do you think they’ll release an official statement on their separation soon? I do. It’s early on the West Coast now, but I’m expecting it sometime today. Especially given this latest cover of Star. I’m interested to see how many other mistresses Star unearthed. If they’re out there, Allred will find them. She’s an expert at that. This sheds a lot of light onto that bizarre anti sex trafficking campaign that Ashton did for his charity with those stupid joking videos about how real men don’t buy girls. I guess real men pick them up at bars and make sure they’re legal first. Star cover via PopBytes. These photos are from April and May. Credit: Pacific Coast News. |
Jennifer Aniston: “It’s not even worth discussing” Brad Pitt’s comments Posted: 28 Sep 2011 07:07 AM PDT There are twenty-million new Jennifer Aniston stories, but none of them are very significant. Meaning she's not gushing about Justin or bitching about Brad or saying anything huge. I think most of the interviews are from the Five red carpet two nights ago, and must have been quick little soundbyte interviews Aniston did on the carpet. People Magazine had an interesting piece, only because someone else mentions that Justin was on the set while Aniston directed her part of Five… which makes me wonder when Aniston shot her part? Was it when Justin was still technically "with" his girlfriend of 14 years? Does anyone know when Five filmed?
[From People] "She introduced [Justin] to me and I’m like, ‘Who?' And she got a little bit hysterical and she was like, 'OMG, he's only the most famous, attractive, gentlemanly artist/screenwriter/actor out there, I can't believe you don't know his name by now!' And I was like, 'Oh, that dude who played the premature ejaculator on Sex and the City. That dude.' And then Aniston hugged him from behind." Let's see, more stuff…Aniston said directing again was "like a dream come true, honestly, and such an important piece that we all were invested in. It was like working with, not only our best friends, but they're also incredible producers, and all of us coming together. We just can't believe that we're actually here. It's amazing." She also said that she "hopes" to direct more: "That's the plan. I'm not sure what or when or where, but yes." Oh, Aniston told Access Hollywood that her move to NYC is only temporary: "It's literally like a month or two, just bits and pieces here. LA is really where work is. But I just had to have a little place to lay my head." And regarding Brad Pitt's Parade comments, Jennifer said, "Oh, lord, it's not even worth discussing on a night like this." Meaning that she will discuss it, but she'll wait a few months until she's promoting Wanderlust, I guess. Meanwhile, Jennifer's BFF (and longtime hachetwoman - Aniston sends her out to do a lot of dirty work in the press) Kristin Hahn went to In Touch Weekly to discuss Aniston and BABIES. Of course. Hahn says, apropo of nothing, "She'll be an adoring mom… She's very big on boundaries with kids, and respect. She would have boundaries, but the adoration would be big!" Hahn also "likes" Justin "very, very much" and when ITW asked about Aniston's alleged plans to marry at the beach, Hahn said, "She loves the sun and moisture and heat. That's her element. And she looks great in a bikini!" Well done, Kristin Hahn. |
Linnocent covers Lovecat Mag, tagline: “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” Posted: 28 Sep 2011 07:01 AM PDT Back in August, Linnocent got crackie with a surfboard for a photo shoot with Lovecat Magazine. Surprisingly enough, Lovecat hasn't released any images of Linnocent actually getting crackie with the surfboard - instead, we're faced with this odd cover in which Linnocent seems to be declaring (nay, demanding) that we not hate her because she's beautiful. My rebuttal: "SCREEEEEEE!" That should be the cover shot for every Linnocent pictorial. If magazines get tired of that one, I could also pull out my favorite Linnocent-in-a-furry pink coat photos. Anyway, Lovecat's editor, Prince Chenoa (I know, I know) did do this odd little Q&A about Linnocent's cover shoot. By the way, this is one the second issue ever of Lovecat Magazine. What are the chances that this magazine will be out of business within three months? Typhoid Crackhead ruins everything she touches.
[From Milkmade] What "film," you may ask? Thank you for your question. Several months ago, Linnocent "starred" in a cracked-out post-modern masterpiece, shot by photographer Richard Phillips (the photographer who shot Linnocent for Lovecat). We discussed the dog turd of a short film here, but I love it so much, I'm going to include it again. Now I've got to wonder - Lovecat seems to have only used images from this "short film" and not from the new photo shoot with the surfboard. I wonder what was wrong with those photos? Haha, it's more fun to guess. Also - this story is sad/funny/typical: before leaving for Italy, Linnocent was memorably being a cracked-out catastrophe in New York City, punching bystanders, throwing drinks, being a violent drama queen, etc. She was also trying to acquire free clothes, in typical Linnocent fashion. The full story is here, at Scallywag and Vagabond, where they have an interview with an "associate" who works at Alexander Wang in NYC. The gist of the story: Linnocent had no money or credit cards on her person, and yet she spent a long time "shopping" in the Alexander Wang store in NYC. Maybe she expected the store to simply give her the clothes for free - meanwhile, Wang security was keeping an eye on her to make sure she didn't steal everything that wasn't nailed down. The "associate" tells the site that Linnocent "was outside smoking, while here creepy little overly flamboyant… gay [friend], went to pay… Card got denied twice,.. Said they'd be back after lunch and calling the bank! She never came back!" The cost? $5000. Photos courtesy of Fame, Lovecat. |
Guess who got voted off DWTS (hint: man face & was replaced by a wrestler) Posted: 28 Sep 2011 06:59 AM PDT
[From E! Online] Aw, her plans are to “gain weight,” meaning she has nothing on the table. Maybe she can do a photo op and plan a clothing line with Christian Audiger that will never materialize. In related DWTS news, Nancy Grace claims her nip slip on Monday’s episode wasn’t a real nip and told TMZ that the object that was briefly shown on camera was a pasty or nip covering, not her actual nipple. She said “When I got dressed, I was wearing Petals (nipple covers) and an industrial strength bra … my dancing dress also had a bra sewn into it. I have been judged guilty without a trial … I will go to my grave denying the nip slip.” Oh Nancy, you judge people every night on your show, but when it comes to whether your boob popped out you can’t handle the fallout. It’s not like you’re accused of killing someone. Nancy also denied the boob slip to E! and she went on about it even further, saying “That is not a nipple. That’s going to be on my gravestone. There was no nipple. I certainly don’t want my children to learn to read and read on the Internet that mommy’s a tramp and mommy flashed America! That did not happen. I deny, deny, deny it. You can’t break me. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” She’s trying to be funny, but she still can’t own up to it. Check out Nancy’s boob here, if that’s a pasty they’re making them look exactly like silicone nipples complete with parts that poke out. Here are Elisabetta’s two performances on DWTS. Her first dance: Second dance: |
Giuliana Rancic & husband record video to their future “embryo”: sweet or weird? Posted: 28 Sep 2011 06:33 AM PDT
The Daily Mail has details of the season closer, where Giuliana and Bill undergo a third round of IVF treatments, the first two being unsuccessful. They’ve been filmed during previous IVF treatments on their show, and have been open about the pain and disappointment they experienced from one unsuccessful treatment and an another that resulted in a miscarriage at eight weeks. After that they decided to take a year off from trying to conceive, having started the process in early 2009. Giuliana has been very defensive about the fact that she refused to follow her doctor’s orders to gain weight in order to increase her chances of conception. On this episode, she discussed her fear of undergoing another round of IVF after her time off, and recorded a video with Bill to their potential future child. It sounds kind of cheesy to me, especially when they call him/her a “beautiful embryo,” but I get the sentiment.
[From The Daily Mail] You know that Giuliana was nervous about IVF because of the weight gain, not because of how it would make her feel. That may sound harsh, but read what this woman has said about her weight in the past. She’s obsessed with her body image to an unhealthy degree. She doesn’t seem to mind feeling hungry constantly, she’s just concerned with looking anything more than skeletal. I do hope that she’s able to get pregnant and carry a healthy baby to term, like her idols Rachel Zoe and Posh. Then we’ll be treated to baby photos and baby anecdotes and “how I lost the baby weight fast!” articles on her website. She’ll be one of those know-it-all moms who tells everyone else how to raise their kids, just wait. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Photo credit: WENN.com |
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