Did Mariah Carey schedule a C-section for her third anniversary? Posted: 02 May 2011 08:47 AM PDT  We still don't have the baby names, so I'm just sticking with Princess Sparkle Glitter and Blueberry Cannon. Princess and Blueberry were born on Saturday, as I already wrote about on the day of. It turns out that the twins' birthday was Mariah and Nick's third wedding anniversary (they were married in 2008), The High Holy Day of Sparkle Glitter Pony Butterfly Action. Many people thought that Mariah had scheduled a C-section for their anniversary, just to be cute or whatever, and perhaps to distract from the royal wedding stuff. According to Mariah's rep Cindi Berger, not so much: "No, not even Mariah could plan that. I spoke to both of them… and they are both completely overjoyed.” Nick's version of events seem to indicate that this was less a planned C-section and more like Mariah going into labor and Nick rushing her to the hospital. According to Nick (and Mariah's rep), Nick rushed Mariah to the hospital in their Rolls-Royce Phantom and both Mariah and Nick assumed it was another false labor incident. Also, apparently Nick was so nervous that "he went to the wrong unit in the hospital, and had to be guided to the maternity ward by a nurse." After the births (the girl was born first!), Nick tweeted: “My wife just gave me the most incredible anniversary gift ever in life! I won’t ever be able to top this! I’m in the happiest place I’ve ever been in my life. I never had more amazing things happening. I am humbled by God’s Favor!” And that's not all! It seems that after Mariah gave birth, Rev. Al Sharpton came to the hospital and renewed Mariah and Nick's vows. FOR REAL. It’s been a busy week for Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon! One day after the singer, 42, gave birth to twins, the couple renewed their wedding vows with a hospital ceremony conducted by Rev. Al Sharpton on Sunday. “We just had a wedding in the hospital!” Cannon, 30, confirmed via Twitter. “Mariah looks great, and the babies are beautiful,” Sharpton, 56, added. “I am so moved by the sincere spiritual commitment of Mariah and Nick. They have not let success separate them from God. I am so proud.” According to Carey’s rep, the baby girl was born first, weighing 5 pounds, 3 ounces, measuring 18 inches long; her brother followed, weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces, and was 19 inches. Carey and Cannon have not yet named their children. [From Us Weekly] It's just too, too, TOO MUCH. But that's Mariah. And God bless her. I'm really and truly happy for Mariah and Nick, and I'm so glad the babies are healthy and everything. I tend to believe that Mariah went into labor rather than went in for a scheduled C-section. I think if Mariah was going to schedule it, she would have made sure the hospital was painted pink and that there was a swarm/rabble/flutter/kaleidoscope of butterflies in the delivery room.    Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Mila Kunis in black, strapless Versace: bombed or bombshell? Posted: 02 May 2011 08:14 AM PDT  Finally! We've finally gotten some decent photos from this weekend's White House Correspondents' Dinner. Note: I updated that Sean Penn-ScarJo post with new photos as well. So here we have Mila Kunis, who I think was a guest of CNN (she was sitting at CNN's table…?). Mila wore this sleek black Versace that I absolutely love. What is it about Mila? All of a sudden, she's a bombshell.  Anna Paquin in another simple dress, with her husband Stephen Moyer. They both look nice.  Bristol Palin looks like she lost some weight, right? Funny, she never lost weight when she did Dancing With the Stars, but now she's slimming down? Atkins?  And finally, we have Seth Meyers, who gave the "keynote" speech/roast of the evening. I still haven't seen this stuff, but apparently Seth (and the president) were both mocking Donald Trump pretty hard. The Donald wasn't happy about it, and he claims that Seth's act was not good because Seth is "a stutterer." Is that Seth's girlfriend? She's very pretty.  Photos courtesy of Fame.  |
Britney Spears is still under lock and key, has a sober companion Posted: 02 May 2011 08:00 AM PDT  This week’s In Touch has a kind of sad story about the state of Britney Spears’ day to day life. While many of us assumed that Britney’s dad has loosened his tight hold on her now that she’s in a stable relationship and is doing so much better, In Touch says that’s not the case at all. We just heard that Britney’s upcoming tour is banning not only drugs and alcohol for her dancers, but junk food like cookie dough and hot dogs too! Well, according to em>In Touch it goes much further than that. Britney is on a tight budget, she doesn’t have her own credit card or cell phone, and when she’s not with her boyfriend Jason Trawick she’s accompanied by a “sober companion” to babysit her. Three years after the meltdown that landed her in a mental health facility, Britney lives like a prisoner in her own home, with virtually every aspect of her life under the control of her father/conservator, Jamie Spears. “She isn’t allowed to have a cell phone, and she’s not allowed to take incoming calls to her home unless security screens them first,” reveals an insider. “If she wants to make outgoing calls, security has to dial the numbers for her. She still has an allowance, and if she wants extra cash, she must submit a formal request… Allowed contact with few people other than Jamie, her sons Jayden, 4, and Sean, 5, and her boyfriend, talent agent Jason Trawick - with whom she frequently fights - the onetime party girl is “incredibly lonely,” says the insider. She has no privacy and yet at the same time, she has no time to herself. “Most people don’t know this, but Britney has a sober companion who is with her constantly, whenever Jason isn’t,” shares another close source. “The companion follows her everywhere she goes - even to the bathroom in restaurants or other public places - to ensure there’s no way anyone can slip her drugs.” [From In Touch, print edition, May 9, 2011] It sounds pretty extreme, but I still remember that creepers that Britney was involved in before the conservatorship, like Sam Lutfi and Adnan Ghalib. She’s easily influenced. If you’re not familiar with this story about how Lutfi was drugging Britney’s food and controlling her, I would recommend you read it. Back in 2008, this nefarious character was running Britney’s life and she was involved with a paparazzo who was selling her out to the tabloids. When her parents stepped in and got restraining orders against Adnan and Sam, she got secret cell phones and contacted them anyway. We also heard back then that Britney spent $22 million in a year and a half. So while it may seem unfair that she so closely watched and controlled, you can see where her dad is coming from. Remember when she used to drive around aimlessly and talk in a British accent? Now she’s back to being Britney and she can see her boys again, but she needs a lot of supervision. Britney and Jason are shown watching one of Sean Preston’s little league games on 4/17/11. Credit: Fame. K-Fed’s pregnant girlfriend, Victoria Prince, is shown on 4/17 and 4/30/11. Credit: WENN       |
January Jones shows off her small bump (update: Jason Sudeikis is the dad?) Posted: 02 May 2011 07:42 AM PDT  These are some newish photos of January Jones, one of several sets of candids January has managed since she announced her surprise pregnancy and impending single motherhood late Thursday. Honestly, January gets pap'd often enough - I think the paparazzi camp outside of her house for some quick shots of her walking her dog, because there are quite a lot of shots of her like that. So perhaps January hasn't arranged these photos. Perhaps the paparazzi are just hunting her because shots of her tiny bump will sell, because there's still so much speculation as to the baby-daddy. You know what's weird though? No one really has any friggin' clue for the baby-daddy. A few sources are saying it might be her ex, Jason Sudeikis, but other than that possibility, the speculation is quiet. She's hasn't been photographed with anyone in a while, not even at awards shows or parties. Even I have literally no idea. Some people also think that January's pregnancy could be written into Mad Men - making Betty pregnant (presumably) with her new husband's baby. A little Henry Francis! Oh, that would be a hot mess, because Betty is such a terrible mother and Henry is just starting to realize that Betty is a disaster. That potential storyline is exciting! UPDATE: Okay, a Washington Post reporter got ahold of Jason Sudeikis over the weekend, and she asked about January and whether Jason was the daddy. Here's what went down: When I asked if he had any comment on the recent news about Jones, who split with Sudeikis back in January, he said, "I'd rather — yes but no." Was he surprised to find out she was pregnant? "No, I —," then he paused and stammed. "No, I didn't have anything [else to say]." He stammered some more.and that was the extent of our conversation on the subject. Sudeikis seemed comfortable being asked about the situation, just unwilling to say too much. [From WaPo] Yeah, it's probably him. But I'm not ruling out other candidates!     Photos courtesy of Fame.  |
Sparkles denies that the K-Stew romance is studio-manufactured Posted: 02 May 2011 07:28 AM PDT  Robert Pattinson has an excellent new interview and photo shoot in the June issue of Elle UK. The photographs are by Hedi Slimane, and I LOVE them. Sparkles sometimes comes across like he's trying too hard to give a James Dean vibe, but I think these photos strike the appropriate balance of Sparkles/James Dean fetishism. Just like actresses are always pulling a Marilyn, men are always going to try for Dean, but in Sparkles' case, it feels like he's still doing his own thing. As for the interview, you can read the entire transcript of it here, at one of Sparkles' many fansites (they are so on top of things, always!). The piece is called "The Lost Boy" and there are some really good quotes. Here are the highlights: Pattinson on older women: “Every girl I went out with in my teens was older than me. My first girlfriend was 26, I was 17. Women who were older always seemed more exciting.” Because they knew more? “I guess so. I used to think I was a bit of a bad-ass when I was younger. I liked that it annoyed people how much younger I was. I liked walking into a room with a woman and people looking at us and thinking: they do not look right together.” Pattinson on his own laziness. “My ideal job would be one day a week. When I first started acting, I’d get one job a year that lasted three months, and then I’d do nothing the rest of the time but I’d have enough money to survive. I’d read all the papers every day, get in a lot of DVDs… That was great.” He breaks into a wide-cheekboned smile, eyes heavy-lidded, gentle and slightly feline; like James Dean, without the self-hatred. He loves chicken kebab: He’s 24 now, but, perhaps ironically, given his vampiric alter-ego’s perpetual teenagedhood, seems younger. His face lights up when he sees his favourite lunch has been delivered to the studio: chicken kebab. "I’ve got simple tates.” He’s a sweet, goofy boy, quick to laugh and smile, though he doesn’t seem particularly happy. But he is, he says, more content than he used to be. He used to write music as a release (his compositions appeared on the Twilight soundtrack) but hasn’t felt the need for a while. “I have to be incredibly depressed to write songs and I’m not. What makes me want to write songs is when I wake up crying. I would have no idea why I was crying, but it made me sad for myself… ” And he bursts out laughing. On perhaps doing a play in London: “I’d really really love to do a play in London,” he says. “But I’d just be afraid it would turn into an ‘NSync concert. Or people would come along expecting it to be something like Twilight. From the little amount of theatre I’ve done, I know that usually you can feel a push from the audience, who have come along wanting the show to succeed. But when I go to premieres, it’s more like the crowd is pulling, really wanting something from you. I always feel completely drained afterwards. It would be very strange and exhausting to have that kind of experience every night on stage.” He doesn't believe the Twihard thing is really about HIM: He says he’s simply a cipher that makes the frenzy permissible. “It’s very clear that people have gone there for an excuse to go crazy. You can’t stand around in the street and go crazy but get together with your friends at a Twilight thing and you have an environment where you can.” Small vanities: A little vanity comes with the territory, though and Pattinson prepares for shirtless scenes by “going to the gym for four hours a day. I don’t eat at all expect for protein shakes. But I don’t understand how you could maintain that all your life. After the scene’s done, I don’t work out again. It’s a ridiculous idea that you’re not a proper actor unless you have a six-pack.” He doesn't own a home: “I came close to buying a house in Los Angeles, but 20 minutes from signing the contract I freaked out. So I don’t own a house or really have a home. It can drive you a bit crazy not having any kind of anchor. Hopefully it will settle down some time soon but for the next few years, I’m going to be filming all over the place. I thought I would get a dog. Then wherever the dog was would kind of be my home.” On his dog, and his girlfriend: He adopted Bear, a German shepherd-pitbull crossbreed (”100 pet cent mutt”), from a dog shelter in Louisiana: a canine death row. “Bear was two days away from euthanasia. We thought he was traumatized by his near-death experience.” Who’s we? Was this a solo rescue mission, or was Pattinson accompanied by a certain elfin co-star? He has long been linked with Kristen Stewart, but adopting a dog together would surely mean they were getting serious. “Well…” He looks flustered. Are you going to be a single parent to Bear? “Um, yes, I guess so.” The rumours about their impending marriage aren’t true, then? “No they’re not. I was told I was meant to be getting married somewhere called ‘Napa Valley’. It sounded quite cool. Maybe I will get married there.” Whether his relationship is a studio fabrication: “No,” he says, kindly but firmly. “Oh no. I’d love it if they tried. If studio tried to get involved with my personal life, I could start messing around with them in return… No. There’s nothing nefarious going on, I just don’t like people taking my picture. It’s not nice when your life becomes someone else’s news. Even when you’re having a good time and someone takes a picture and days, “Look at them having a good time!” I feel like, it’s not your good time.” So he isn’t working to a careful PR strategy? “People think we have people organizing everything, that it’s all a publicity stunt. It’s not. There is no magical entourage - you’re just a person on your own. You have to figure it out.” On getting away with stuff: “It just isn’t possible to get away with that stuff with camera phones around. I can’t do it. If I have four beers, I’m destroyed the entire next day. I just don’t understand how these stars used to go on benders all the time.” He pauses. “Cocaine. Must be." Home life in England: He sends every script to his parents to read (”They always come up with good advice because they think differently from the industry. My dad compares every script to Jaws and Superman…”) and still misses his childhood pet, a West Highland terrier called Patty Pattinson - “and her middle name was Pat.” He really loves that elephant named Tai. “I saw her recenly and she remembered me; at least I think she did. She had a new headpiece on and I said “Nice hat, Tai” and her trunk went up to her head. She’s amazing.” What his money buys: When asked what the greatest extravagance his not-insignificant pay packet has brought him, he says, “It sounds ridiculous but my dog was sick with a puppy disease called parvo and it was such a relief being able to go into the vet and say, ‘I want the best, immediately.’” More about Water for Elephants: “I looked at Gary Cooper films, at his stance and stillness. Camera technique wasn’t what it is, and you used to have to stay really still. Acting was much more about your voice. Also, my character is a vet, so there’s a calmness to him, as there is with anyone who’s good around animals.” He and Reese Witherspoon crackle on screen; by his standards, the decade between them is nothing. “She isn’t really much older than me at all,” he says gallantly. In the end: “I never get what I want,” he sighs at one point. His puppy is sick, he doesn’t have a home and, reading between the lines, his love life is looking distinctly grey. The mournful edge in his personality is what makes him so desirable, though - and so romantic. Thank goodness this multi-millionaire matinee idol isn’t as pleased with himself as he should be: he’d be unbearable. As it is, he’s still an outsider, soft and pliable and modest, still waiting to come out of his shell. [From Elle UK, transcribed by Robert's fansite] Sigh… he really is dreamy, isn't he? I will always maintain this - whether or not Sparkles is actually a talented actor (questionable), he will continue to work and work in the industry because he consistently builds up goodwill, and because he comes across as a very genuine and sweet celebrity. Also, note to conspiracy theorists: do you buy Sparkles' denial of a studio-manufactured romance with K-Stew? I do. I think he just loves her, because he loves surly bitches. When he meets me, Kristen is going to fall by the wayside.   Elle UK scans courtesy of The Fashion Spot.  |
Is Drew Barrymore scaring off her boyfriend with baby and marriage talk? Posted: 02 May 2011 07:02 AM PDT  In what reads like a cautionary tale from one of those romcoms that made her famous (it seems most of the stars of He’s Just Not That Into You didn’t learn much from it, except maybe Ginnifer Goodwin and Jennifer Connelly) Drew Barrymore’s new boyfriend is allegedly getting scared off by her talk of marriage and babies after they’ve been dating just three months. Drew’s boyfriend, an “art consultant” named Will Kopelmann who comes from money, was described as a “playboy” back when the news broke that they were dating. That hasn’t changed and he’s supposedly ready to bolt now that Drew is getting so serious. Sources say Drew’s boyfriend, Los Angelees art consultant Will Kopelmann, is looking to make a clean getaway from the man-crazy actress after just three months of dating. Why? She scared him off with talk of a quickie marriage…and babies! The former wild child hooked up with Will, 33, in February and has already been telling pals that she’s found her soul mate. But insiders say Will is a playboy at heart and is not ready to settle down. “Drew went from Zero to 60 overnight and quickly smothered Will,” continued the source. “Within weeks of hooking up, she overwhelmed him with talks of a wedding and kids and insisted he move into her Los Angeles home. “Now, Will is getting scared off.” Drew, 36, is starting to feel her biological clock tick, explains the source. “She sees friends like Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz in love and settling down and it triggered a change in the usually free-spirited Drew. But Will went into this romance only looking for a fun hookup.” [From The National Enquirer, print edition, May 9, 2011] Drew has been married twice, in 1994 to Jeremy Thomas and in 2001 to Tom Greene. I could have sworn she was married more times than that, but I guess engagements don’t count. She’s 36 now and it’s understandable if she hears her biological clock ticking. Drew has her career nailed down, she’s one of the richest women in Hollywood. Check out her new house. I’m hoping this isn’t true though, and that she’s the one who’s nonchalant about the relationship. You know that Drew falls hard and fast though. Photos are from 3/25/11, 2/26/11 and 2/23/11. Drew has since dyed her hair red. Credit: WENN.com and Fame Pictures     |
Jim Caviezel blames Jesus for his career slump Posted: 02 May 2011 06:54 AM PDT  Several weeks ago, we finally gave in to one person's fervent requests for Jim Caviezel to appear on Hot Guy Friday. I found some recent photos of him, in which I discovered that the once attractive young man had turned into a very dour and hard-looking older man. I said what I thought about him - that he reminded me of a certain kind of (Republican) politician, that my Douche Meter detected notes of sketchiness in Jim. Some of you yelled at me, but whatever. Jim bugged me for a while. It's not because he played Jesus in Passion of the Christ - I'm not going to hate on the dude for taking a role in a movie. I think what bothered me, at the time, was the way Jim promoted his work in the film by acting like he was in fact The Second Coming. But that was then, and this is now. Nowadays Jesus gets shoved under the bus as Jim pursues a new career path. Okay, Jim isn't really shoving Jesus under the bus, but he does seem to blame his super-amazing portrayal of Jesus for his career slump, and yes, he compares his career slump to crucifixion. True story. Actor Jim Caviezel has claimed his Hollywood career was wrecked by playing Jesus. He said he was 'rejected in my own industry' after taking on the lead role in Mel Gibson’s controversial movie 'The Passion of the Christ'. Since playing the son of God in the 2004 film he said offers had dried up and he is shunned by many within the industry. Although a box office hit taking more than $400million worldwide it was condemned as being anti-Semitic. Gibson, the film’s director, was later accused of making anti-Jewish remarks after being arrested for drink driving. Caviezel said he was warned against taking the part by Gibson who warned him he would never work in Hollywood again. ‘He said, “You’ll never work in this town again.” I told him, “We all have to embrace our crosses”.’ Caviezel told an audience of churchgoers in Orlando, Florida. Since Passion of the Christ, the 42-year-old has only appeared in a handful of films. Prior to playing Jesus he was considered one of Hollywood rising stars and appeared in The Count of Monte Cristo' and Angel Eyes with Jennifer Lopez. One of his biggest hits was in 2000 with time-travel thriller Frequency opposite Dennis Quaid. Caviezel, a devout Roman Catholic, said he knew playing Jesus would be risky. ‘Jesus is as controversial now as he has ever been,' Caviezel said. 'Not much has changed in 2,000 years.' He said he wasn’t worried about the stalling of his career. During his 20 minute talk, Caviezel spoke of the troubles that have dogged Gibson. 'Mel Gibson, he’s a horrible sinner, isn’t he?' Caviezel said. 'Mel Gibson doesn’t need your judgment, he needs your prayers.' Caviezel said that his faith is his guide, both personally and professionally. He said it was no coincidence that 'in my 33rd year, I was called to play Jesus,' and joked about his initials also being the same as Jesus Christ. The actor spoke about the film and its negative effect on his career while at a megachurch in Orlando to promote a new audio book of the Bible. Caviezel plays Jesus and other Hollywood stars, including Richard Dreyfuss, appear on the CD. Pointing to a DVD of his famous film, Caviezel said 'This is The Passion of the Christ.' Pointing to the CD boxed set of the new audio book of the Bible, Words of Promise, he said: 'This is The Passion on Steroids.' [From The Daily Mail] If Jesus was an actor, I think he would be more like Tom Hanks, right? Just a thought. Anyway, I was looking through Jim's IMDB page, and I tend to think his career "slump" is kind of overblown. Let's face it - he's not some world-class actor, and when you think about how little most actors work, Jim has a decent career these days, mostly on television. Jesus enjoys basic cable, apparently.   Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Sean Penn is turning out to be a half-decent boyfriend for Scarlett Johansson Posted: 02 May 2011 06:20 AM PDT  I'm so sad that we don't have the new photo of Scarlett Johansson and Sean Penn in Washington, DC over the weekend. You can see the photo here, at People Mag. ScarJo has dyed her hair red, and she and Sean are holding hands, and Scar has a little bit of a belly. Unfortunately, we don't have ANY photos of Scarlett at the White House correspondents' dinner over the weekend, but we do have some new pics of Sean Penn in Washington, lurking behind Michael Stipe and generally looking surly and crusty. After a series of romantic-looking sightings, Sean Penn and Scarlett Johansson all but confirmed their coupledom with the ultimate public display of affection for super-private stars. Hand holding. They were spotted in the incriminating position Saturday night, outside a White House Correspondents’ Dinner after-party in Washington, D.C. Johansson – wearing an Elie Saab cocktail dress and newly auburn hair – started the evening off with her brother, Hunter Johansson, in attendance of the annual event before joining up with Penn at the Vanity Fair/Bloomberg bash. They reportedly left together around 2:30 a.m. In addition to their cozy outings close to home, Johansson and Penn have also been seen together in Mexico. The actress’s husband of two years, Ryan Reynolds, filed for divorce in December. [From People] Wow, Sean Penn seems like a half-decent boyfriend, honestly. He drops everything to be Scarlett's date to her agent's wedding, he flies to Washington to be her date at a big media event. They're probably living together, and the pregnancy rumors are flying, and still, Sean is sticking with it. I'm really starting to think that Sean has a full-blown case of biscuit-haze. It’s kind of nice, right? I mean, I wouldn’t have imagined this dynamic, but they actually seem to… gasp!… care about each other. Oh, here's a photo of ScarJo in profile at the Vanity Fair party on Saturday. Yes, that's Bradley Cooper! SCANDAL. You can see more photos (THE HAMM!) at the VF slideshow here.  UPDATE: More photos of ScarJo - she didn’t look pregnant on the red carpet!    Photos courtesy of WENN and Vanity Fair.  |
Tallulah Willis, 17, busted for underage drinking Posted: 02 May 2011 06:12 AM PDT  The last time we saw Tallulah Willis, Bruce and Demi’s youngest girl, 17, she was wearing a bikini top and cut offs and sucking on a cig at Coachella. Fast forward about two weeks later and little Tallaluah is getting cited in LA for underage drinking. Radar Online has this news and it seems to be a minor incident as far as teenage antics go, (at least no one was driving drunk and no drugs were involved) but still it points to the fact that she’s acting wild and needs to reign it in. Friday night, the 17-year-old youngest daughter of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis was cited for underage drinking in Hollywood, RadarOnline.com has confirmed. Because of her age, cops weren’t able to simply release Tallulah. Mom Demi came and collected her errant daughter… Neither mom, dad or stepdad Ashton Kutcher have made any comment about Tallulah’s teenage indiscretion. [From Radar Online] I checked Demi and Ashton’s Twitter accounts and they’re mostly tweeting about that bizarre RealMen campaign they launched for their charity against sex slavery. It’s all very sketchy in that it’s a new charity and is helmed by Demi and Ashton. They’re members of that Kabbalah cult that Madonna belongs to and we know what happened to her charity. Getting back to reality, maybe Demi and Ashton should be concentrating their efforts a little closer to home. A lot of teenagers go through rebellious periods and underage drinking and smoking is potentially minor in comparison to what other kids are doing. Still, Tallulah could be doing much worse behind the scenes and she needs her parents around for guidance. You know that Bruce is going to be sitting her down and having a talk with her at least. I doubt Demi and Ashton are particularly strict parents.     |
Former stripper Channing Tatum to strip for Steven Soderburgh movie Posted: 02 May 2011 05:52 AM PDT  Despite appearances, I am slowly coming to realize that Channing Tatum is something of an anomaly. While I’ve admittedly found him rather bland as an actor (probably due to a few lackluster choices like Dear John), the man does give good interview and seems to have a good attitude about the fact that people are rather unkind towards him. After all, he can manage to joke about his rumored missing chromosome (”I don't know, could be true”) and talk at length about the painful memory of that time his penis almost got burned off. Also, he very deftly handles questions about his (NSFW) year as stripper Chan Crawford, which has to be just a little bit embarrassing. Now, just as Tatum’s preparing to appear in 21 Jump Street movie reboot, news comes down the pike that Tatum will be re-living his stripper days in a Steven Soderbergh movie: First off, Steven Soderbergh does still plan to step away from directing with more or less the same timeline, however he’s a workhorse and seeing another interesting project cross his desk–luckily for us–he’s decided to squeeze in one more picture onto his schedule. The director plans to team with Channing Tatum, who stars in Soderbergh’s forthcoming “Haywire,” on the actor's passion project “Magic Mike.” The film is one Tatum has been talking about making for a while now, as it’s an autobiographical tale about his young days as a stripper. Way back in early 2010, Tatum talked about the project and at the time had another helmer in mind saying, “I've already got the director picked out. I’d like Nicolas Refn, who did the movie ‘Bronson,’ to do it because he’s insane for it. It needs to be a crazy film and I think it’s also possible to do a cute, romantic movie.” Obviously, in the time that has since passed, Tatum hooked up with Soderbergh and the two seem to have hit it off smashingly. The story will find Tatum playing the titular character, who teaches a younger dancer how to hustle his wares on stage and off, and it's inspired by the actor's own experiences. “This was a wild and pivotal time in my life and I couldn’t be more thrilled to go down the rabbit hole with Steven,” Tatum said in a statement obtained by Deadline. “When Channing talked to me about this, I thought it was one of the best ideas I’d ever heard for a movie,” Soderbergh said in a statement. “I said I wanted in immediately. It’s sexy, funny and shocking. We’re using ‘Saturday Night Fever’ as our model, so hopefully we’re on the right track.” We’ve been told that the film will be a low budget affair, not quite as lean as the production of “The Girlfriend Exprience,” but likely coming in with a $6-7 million pricetag. The script will be penned by Reid Carolin who will also produce alongside Nick Wechsler, Gregory Jacobs and Tatum. “Magic Mike” will be taken to buyers next month at Cannes for foreign pre-sales where as part of the presentation a teaser cut by Soderbergh will be shown featuring Tatum. And lensing on this will begin very soon with a September/October shoot in the works. [From The Playlist] LMAO. Are they totally serious about using Saturday Night Fever as a template? This could be a complete disaster in the making, and considering how Soderberg made The Girlfriend Experience a boring movie despite the fact that it starred porn star Sasha Grey, well, I don’t have really high hopes for a great film here. Still, Tatum really has the stripper moves, and I find it quite interesting that Tatum can turn on the charm for interviews and on the red carpet, but he’s a real wet blanket (see below) when getting papped. He should, you know, dance for the cameras at all times like he did as Chan Crawford. Here’s that NSFW video again, by the way. Nice socks!      Photos courtesy of Fame Pictures  |
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