Via Nerdist, here’s an awesome rendering of Don Draper himself Jon Hamm as Superman which I’m posting entirely because I’m a huge fucking dork and it’s my birthday. On that note, don’t be surprised if there’s a delayed start tomorrow morning. Not that I’ll be out “winning” tonight in the Charlie Sheen sense of the Read More ...
When we last left Charlie Sheen he was not only claiming to be clean and sober, but hooked on a drug so powerful “if you try it once, you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body,” The name of that drug? Charlie Sheen. Snort forward to Read More ...
- Tom Cruise will finally prove that 80’s glam-rock wasn’t latently homosexual. — Wait. - David Beckham imagines himself as Jesus getting a sensual massage from his Cherub sons. That’s how I read this. - Vanessa Hudgens at the Beastly premiere. - Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law should host the Oscars. - Heather Read More ...
Presumably to pitch their own reality show considering just last week she was pregnant with a baby that literally anybody could’ve been the father of, Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley were spotted shopping for a “promise ring” over the weekend at Kay Jewelers. Of course, the whole thing would’ve looked less staged if Gary didn’t Read More ...
When he’s not blaming Satan for reminding everyone he beat Rihanna’s face into a car door then bit her about the face and neck like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum in the toy aisle, Chris Brown also likes to tweet photos of his new hairdos. This time around he’s dyed it blonde which, God Read More ...
And here’s everybody else at last night’s Academy Awards so we can move the hell on with our lives. That said, I think my favorite part of the Oscars each year is watching the industry pundits feign shock over the show being the boring mound of bland, vanilla jokes it’s always been. As if it’s Read More ...
Despite appearing in both Iron Man 2 and He’s Just Not That Into You, Scarlett Johansson was still invited to the Oscars where she made a rare post-divorce appearance and brought her agent as a date. Also, surprisingly in attendance was Sandra Bullock who seems like the type that carries a gun in her purse Read More ...
Anytime Reese Witherspoon has been photographed over the past few months she’s been jogging like a goddamn maniac, so it’s no surprise she showed up to the Oscars looking incredible. Yes, she probably helped the caterers fine-touch a few ice sculptures with her chin, but that just means she’s comfortable with her handicap and exudes Read More ...
Don't you dare get our hopes up!!! This better be HUGE!!!
Last week, Britney Spears reportedly posted a short video message on, but it went as soon as it came due to copyright issues.
However, sources did get a glimpse of the video before it vanished and in the snippet, Britney promised her fans something big on March 29th, the day Femme Fatale officially drops. She didn't say much, but she insisted that it'll be a "morning to remember" for all those who love the Brit-Brit.
Over the weekend, Darren Criss was in Las Vegas celebrating his 24th birthday. Though his fellow Gleeks were all back in El Lay still working on their upcoming Regionals episode, it doesn't look like they were that sorely missed! Just look at the smile on his face! He's having a great time!
Check out more pics of Darren sexin' up the red carpet at LAVO nightclub (below)!
If you are liking Beth Ditto's new musical direction for her solo project, then we really think you're going to enjoy Jessica 6.
Made up of some former member's of Hercules & Love Affair, the band - like Ditto - is making pop music with a disco feel and a real soulful vibe as well.
We love it!
Check out Jessica 6's new video for White Horse (above).
Then CLICK HERE to listen to more music from the band!
MTV reality star Abram Boisewas arrested in Massachusetts after he was caught urinating in public, and THAT'S not even the disgusting part…
After being arrested, while sitting in his cell, Boise "defecated in his hands and smeared it on the cell."
It gets worse. Apparently, Boise also peed on the cell's floor, and then after being moved to a second cell, he once again defecated into his hand and smeared it over the wall AGAIN!
Boise's arraignment takes place today. It's difficult to have too much sympathy for him after hearing these horrid reports!
We wonder if he actually stayed true to his word and tried to show up this morning!
Despite production of Two and a Half Men being shut down, with the possibility for good, Charlie Sheen maintained last week that he would still come in for work today, but it seems as though network execs are laying down the law, because security has been put on alert that the batshit crazy 'unpredictable' actor is banned from the Warner Brothers lot!
A source explains:
"The top people in the studio's security department were all called together Friday night, and the word was passed to all the guards: Charlie Sheen is officially banned. If he and his driver show up on Monday — as Charlie has said he would — they are to be turned away. Charlie is not allowed on the lot under any circumstances. Everyone was told not to even let him in far enough that he could make a U-turn and leave. If he approaches the gate, he'll have to back up to leave, no matter how many cars we may have to move behind him. It's that serious."
And, as to be expected, Sheen did not take too kindly to this news, and responded pretty much exactly how we thought he would!
He claimed:
"Wow, that's kind of strange given [Warner Bros. Television President] Peter Roth always said it was my show that kept the lights on. Doesn't matter too much because after Wednesday they'll have to rename Warner Bros. as Charlie's Bros. I will fire those clowns and bring in my own team."
Oh, good! This way Sheen's Corner will have a place to be filmed, seeing as HBO apparently has no clue when they greenlit the new show!
LOLz! This all just needs to end.
Time to accept that you screwed the pooch and just move on!
Chace Crawford was reportedly spotted getting more than a little cozy with Emma Roberts at the Elton John AIDS Foundation's Academy Award viewing party last night in El Lay!
Throughout the evening, insiders saw the two holding hands at the event, and were together for a majority of the time!
The source explained:
"Emma is clearly smitten with Chace. They weren't making out, but you could tell they had a definite chemistry and were into one another."
We can't say we blame her!
It will be inneresting to see if this develops into anything more serious!
According to Tampa, Florida's 933FLZ radio station, Britney Spears will be releasing her yet-to-be announced second single from her new album, Femme Fatale, as early as next week!
"GaGa is Stefani Germanotta. I don't create any separation between my birth name and my subsequent birth name–Lady Gaga. That's the point of what I'm trying to say. Gaga is not manufactured . . . it is not artificial. I wish I could give that gift to everyone on the planet–the ability for you to create an idea and perceive of something, whether it be a name or a vision for yourself, and just choose to become it. The world, and I base this on the music industry, is obsessed with artists and glamour and creativity and fashion. And artistry has become something that people believe is artificial. For myself, it is my reality. I exist at all times halfway between reality and fantasy. That's the way I was born."
After months of litigation, sources are reporting that it is finally looking like Mel Gibson will be charged with domestic violence.
Though nothing is set in stone yet, insiders close to the case explain that the District Attorney feels there is plenty of evidence to bring up a formal charge against Mel, the least of which being the declaration Mel had his lawyers file in which he admits to slapping Oksana Grigorieva because she was shaking their baby Lucia "wildly."
However, the charge will most likely be filed as a misdemeanor, not a felony, which could result maximum penalty of six months in jail.
Furthermore, the same source reports that it DOESN'T look like Oksana will be charged with extortion. Though Sheriff's investigators believe there is sufficient evidence, the D.A. does not and doesn't seem interested in pursuing anything further in the case.
We're told the official decisions on both matter should be made in the coming weeks.
Neither one of them seems really innocent in this situation, but we're glad to hear Mel will face some kind of punishment for his violent actions, no matter how minimal it may seem. Violence is never the answer and unfortunately, some people have to learn that the hard way.
Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the highlight of the Academy Awards thus far. And when I say “highlight,” I’m referring to the unexpected lack of presence in James Franco’s...
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Well, the Oscars might have been a terrible bore, but the red-carpet show was definitely worth it because Scarlett Johansson has finally resurrected her butt and boobs after that horrid Iron Man 2...
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Following the recent demise of the White Stripes, the ghostly Jack White has seemingly had enough with forming new bands with the turn of each season, according to The Guardian: Jack White has...
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Once again proving that the best Oscar-associated things take place outside of the main awards ceremony, Amanda Seyfried planted her feet outside the Vanity Fair Oscar Afterparty. Nice bra, girlie.
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