Cele|bitchy |
- “Should ‘Bridesmaids’ get an Oscar nomination for Best Picture?” links
- Rooney Mara tries to backpedal on “awful, stupid” Law & Order comments
- Kardashian Khristmas Kard 2011: Ridiculously hilarious or just sad?
- Sean Penn is a “communist a–hole,” says Maria Conchita Alonso
- Was Beyonce allowed to fly to Vancouver despite being nearly 9 months pregnant?
- James Franco got an NYU professor fired for giving him a “D” grade
- Duchess Kate in black velvet Alexander McQueen: beautiful or boring?
- Courtney Stodden’s Very Special Christmas photo op: spank me Santa!
- Ryan Gosling is “coolest” & “best dressed” in year-end lists: deserved or wtf?
- Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes at the NYC ‘MI4′ premiere: were they phoning it in?
“Should ‘Bridesmaids’ get an Oscar nomination for Best Picture?” links Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:49 AM PST Should Bridesmaids get a Best Picture Oscar nom? Mm… no. It was funny, sure, but it wasn't one of the best movies of the year or anything. But don't listen to me, X-Men: First Class was one of my favorite films of the year. [Jezebel] |
Rooney Mara tries to backpedal on “awful, stupid” Law & Order comments Posted: 20 Dec 2011 09:29 AM PST Last week, one of our biggest stories was about Rooney Mara's Allure cover profile, in which Rooney talked smack about her early roles. She had unkind words for her first professional acting job in a 2006 episode of Law & Order: SVU. Her exact words:
[Allure via previous Celebitchy story] It struck me at the time that I remembered Rooney mentioning something disparaging about SVU in another interview, but I didn't think to look it up. Turns out, she also had a little SVU snipe in her Vogue interview as well, and this was months ago:
[From Vogue] As I've said before: Portrait of the Artist as a Smug Bitch. Anyway, someone must have told her to tone it down lest she get a reputation as The Next Gwyneth Paltrow. So Rooney tried to eat sh-t in a Huffington Post interview:
[From The Huffington Post] "People take things out of context…" and "whatever that quote was, I don’t know, but it’s certainly not what I meant. If anything, I didn’t mean that the storyline was ridiculous; I meant that humanity is ridiculous…" Really? Is that really what she was bitching about in TWO interviews, months apart, both times disparaging her early jobs? Why is it always "blame someone else for taking your words at face value"? Why can't it be "I'm sorry I said that. That was a dick thing to say. I love being a working actress, and I shouldn't have bitched about my early jobs"? |
Kardashian Khristmas Kard 2011: Ridiculously hilarious or just sad? Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:58 AM PST The Kardashians just released their 2011 Christmas (Khristmas) card, and woo doggy, is it epic. Although… remember last year's Kardashian Christmas card? Last year's was done in the "corpsey drag queen" vibe with more slate-grey and a touch of pink and orange (orange from the skin color). This year's card is all blues and blacks. Still corpsey. Still drag queen-y. Still Photoshopped to within an inch of their cat-faced lives. It's like they were photographed through a mist, the "famewhore haze" if you will. You know what struck me, though? How much time and planning and coordination this must have taken. Seriously! Think about it. These people have WAY too much time on their hands. Anyway, Kim even included some close-ups on her Celebuzz page (she also included the 3D image too, for the love of God), which I will caption, just for the hell of it. Kim: "This pole was where Kris Humphries was supposed to stand. The pole is a better conversationalist, honestly." Bruce: "Wait, what are we doing? Ah, Blue Steel into the famewhore mist. Right." Lamar: "Jesus, this family." Kourtney: "Do you think anyone would notice if I farted?" Photos courtesy of Kim's Celebuzz page. |
Sean Penn is a “communist a–hole,” says Maria Conchita Alonso Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:57 AM PST Back in 2009, actress Maria Conchita Alonso wrote an open letter to Sean Penn, who she had worked with in the 1988 film Colors. Maria is Cuban-American (but she was raised in Venezuela), and she hated that Sean Penn was (is?) so chummy with Hugo Chavez, and she said so. Sean never bothered to respond, at least not that I remember. Anyway, Page Six had an interesting little update on the now on-going war between Penn and Alonso:
[From Page Six] I should use "bleep-hole" as an insult more often. It's funnier than "a–hole". Anyway, it sounds like they both behaved badly, and I hate to admit it, but Alonso sounds like the instigator and Sean sounds like he was just defending himself from a woman who was berating him. Not that she didn't have a point, and not that she doesn't have a right to speak her mind. But Sean has a right to defend himself too, although I think his insults missed the mark by calling her a "pig" (ugh) and mentioning that she doesn't look the same as she used to – because, really, neither does he, and mentioning her looks is like responding to a political criticism with "Well, you're FAT." Anyway, that's America. This is all a convoluted exercise in free speech. By the way, I kind of hate how "communist" has come back into fashion as a go-to insult. I feel the same way about labeling people "socialists" or "fascists" – because more often than not, the people that you're labeling communists, socialist or fascists aren't really any of those things. They just have a different point of view, and they're seriously nothing like the true communists, socialists and fascists. Also: stop comparing everything to Nazism too. People really have no sense of history anymore. |
Was Beyonce allowed to fly to Vancouver despite being nearly 9 months pregnant? Posted: 20 Dec 2011 07:20 AM PST I read yesterday that Beyonce had accompanied her husband, Jay-Z, to his tour stop in Vancouver. I didn't think much of it, not even sure if the story was true – turns out, it is. There were even photos of a very full-bodied-looking Beyonce backstage at the concert. So, it happened. And I started to wonder… is it weird that Bey flew to Vancouver at this late stage of her pregnancy? On September 23, she said she was six months pregnant. Which means that three months later, she's coming up on full-term, correct? And she's repeatedly said she's "due" in January, meaning she'll be "giving birth" within the next month, probably. Considering I've never been pregnant, I asked Bedhead and CB what the general rule is for flying while in your third trimester, and I got mixed responses – various doctors say different things, but it definitely seems like Bey is cutting it very close. That is, she's cutting it close if she's really pregnant. Have detachable pillow, will travel. Apparently, when she was in Vancouver, she also did some shopping too:
[From People] You can see some of the shopping photos here – I just don't get how she's more than eight months pregnant, and the only part of her that's "showing" is her bump. I know, I know, all women are different, all women will carry differently, but this is just the strangest pregnancy ever. It's right up there with Katie Holmes's pregnancy (I do think Katie was pregnant, she just lied about when she gave birth) and Nicole Kidman's pregnancy (never happened). Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN, PCN. |
James Franco got an NYU professor fired for giving him a “D” grade Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:37 AM PST Remember when James Franco was just a quirky young actor on “Freaks and Geeks” and “General Hospital” and everyone loved him because we didn’t yet realize what a pretentious twit he’d show himself to be? Yeah, it’s been a long time since then, and these days, Franco is convinced that everything is AAART (even his butt), and we’re pretty much all puppets in some performance art production directed by — who else? — Franco himself. And boy, does Franco have a temper if anyone dares to cross his artsy-fartsiness. Between his Twitter tantrums and the fact that he skipped his own Oscar party like a poor sport, Franco is fairly insufferable as a rule. Also, remember how he wanted a role in Breaking Dawn but only as performance art? Well, the filmmakers turned him down, and he just happened to review the film and rip it into shreds, probably because he was grumpy about not being able to make it worse by running across the screen with a penis attached to his nose or some such nonsense. Now and according to the NY Post, Franco has turned his wrath upon a poor NYU professor who dared to give him a bad grade for barely attending class even though Franco still expected a great grade. Well, of course he should’ve passed — he’s James Franco, right? C’mon, it’s AAART:
[From NY Post] Ugh, Franco is such a tool. This is all pretty rich for a guy who once fell asleep during a lecture at Columbia University. Why does he believe that he’s too good to attend class like any other grad student, and how come the professor is paying the price for calling him out on his crap? From what I recall (and it’s been a handful of years for myself), attendance is a pretty big deal in graduate and professional programs. My undergrad professors didn’t care at all whether people showed up, but my law professors actually went down the roster every day, and some of them even deducted half a letter grade for every absence. So by that standard, Franco actually got off lucky with a “D” grade because at least he still earned credit for the course instead of flunking outright. Then again, holding a poor GPA isn’t AAART. Photos courtesy of Fame |
Duchess Kate in black velvet Alexander McQueen: beautiful or boring? Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:36 AM PST Yay! New Duchess Kate photos! These are pics of Kate on her special date night with both Prince Harry and Prince William. She was the black velvet meat in that sandwich, at least on that red carpet. Now… I've written some fan fiction about the possibility that Kate and Harry will end up in a "situation" with each other and that Kate's future child could be a ginger, but none of the tabloids have picked up on it yet. COME ON. We've had fan-fiction and William and Pippa – we need Harry/Waity fan-fiction. Anyway, the princes and the duchess were at the Sun Military Awards ("A Night of Heroes"), and Kate wore this lovely black velvet Alexander McQueen gown. I love the gown. I love the skirt of the gown in particular – it's a beautifully cut dress. I like that Kate doesn't look pregnant (I don't think she is yet, and I don't think she will be for months), but she looks… like she's been eating solids? Her arms look toned and muscular, not bony. That's nice. The only thing I don't like? Her hair/weave/whatever. This dress deserved a real red carpet hairstyle, and Kate just did the same old thing. Also – the jewelry that she's wearing? Those pieces are apparently "wedding presents." Who gives a bride jewelry for her wedding? Besides, like, the Queen and the bride's parents, maybe. This was one of the last public appearances Kate will make in 2011. She and William are due to make a charity visit later this week and then they'll head to Sandringham for a royal holiday. And then in January, we're supposed to hear which charities Kate will be signing on for. If she doesn't have the goalpost moved again. |
Courtney Stodden’s Very Special Christmas photo op: spank me Santa! Posted: 20 Dec 2011 05:12 AM PST
[From Radar] They were on Mt. Baldy. Is that genius or just a coincidence? I’ll repeat what I said in our last story on their prom dress photo op at the Grove: this means they’re getting desperate. There’s no reality show contract yet, they turned down a supporting role on a D-list VH1 reality show because the think they’re better than that (they’re not, they’re not even that good) and they’re holding out for more money and fame. They better take a hard look at the Octomom because they’re headed for a similar fate once the photo ops dry up. Courtney always has her “music career” to fall back on, and barring that, she can concentrate on bringing “back the classy beautiful edge of old Hollywood.” In her prescription drug-addled mind, that means a raunchier reality-show version of Benny Hill. Here are some photos of Cats dressed up for Christmas just to cleanse your mind palate now. |
Ryan Gosling is “coolest” & “best dressed” in year-end lists: deserved or wtf? Posted: 20 Dec 2011 04:59 AM PST Perhaps it’s appropriate that year-end lists signal the death of every single year, but they really don’t mean anything in the end. Such is the case with two new “honors” that have been bestowed upon Ryan Gosling, who has been named “Best Dressed Man of 2011″ by HuffPo Style. We’ll get back to that title a bit later with a review of his 2011 red-carpet and press-friendly looks, but he’s shown in the above photo at January’s VH1 awards dressed in what is symptomatic of his main style disease — pairing a suit with either a v-neck or unbuttoned shirt, which looks really sleazy (as well as very 1980s) in my opinion. Obviously, Gosling’s fans (who held a protest in his honor after he wasn’t named Sexiest Man of the Year) would disagree with my assessment, which is perfectly okay. Like I said, we’ll get back to the style issue in a moment. Secondly, Time has named Gosling 2011 Coolest Person of the Year because he is “tough but emotional” in manner of Marlon Brando. In doing so, Time admits that it bypassed the likes of SEAL Team 6, Melissa McCarthy, Julian Assange, and Zach Galifianakis. Well, I guess that Time didn’t get Gosling’s own memo that he is neither handsome nor cool:
[From Time] While that’s a sweet little (not to mention very timely and appropriate) James Franco joke at the end, I have to disagree with Gosling as the “coolest.” Maybe the characters that he plays are cool (and some of them are), but any guy that lets his dog pee in yoga class and generally acts like a poseur is not “cool.” Then again, we’re talking about a silly year-end award in name only, and since Gosling didn’t respond to Time‘s request for comment, maybe he is slightly cool after all. Now back to this strange “Best Dressed” title. I’ll reckon that Gosling did well at Cannes this year as a matter of style. While his look didn’t exactly appeal to me, these year-end-fashion lists tend to favor the unconventional look, and the shiny blue and matte maroon suits along with the Don Johnson pajama photocall look fit right in with that state of mind: June saw Gosling promoting Drive at the L.A. film festival. He looked alright, but I’m guessing that he scored some extra style points for the black velvet shoes paired with red socks: In July, Gosling was promoting Crazy, Stupid, Love and looked the part of a romcom king during promotion. In other words, skeevy as hell: In September, Gosling started to promote Ides of March, and his style became noticeably more bland. Admittedly, he may have been trying to fit in better next to George Clooney, who might as well wear the same suit to all events and premieres: Then in November, Gosling acquired his most important fashion accessory of all, Eva Mendes. By the way, Eva and Ryan just did a FunnyOrDie video together. It’s not really that funny, and I guess this means they are officially a “serious” couple?
Photos courtesy of WENN |
Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes at the NYC ‘MI4′ premiere: were they phoning it in? Posted: 20 Dec 2011 04:28 AM PST I'm embarrassed to admit how excited I was to see the NYC premiere photos for Mission: Impossible 4. I'm also embarrassed to admit that I'll probably be seeing this movie over the holidays. As for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes… well, they should both be embarrassed by their appearances on the red carpet last night. I'm not saying that they both looked like hell or anything – they didn't. But it just seemed like both Tom and Katie were phoning it in. I'm not even sure if Tom was wearing his special red carpet lifts! And he just looked tired. He probably is really tired – the man has been hustling and hustling for weeks, and this premiere comes after a "candid" photo-op blitz in which every photo agency got thousands of new images of Tom, Katie and Suri. Poor Tom. You have to give him credit, though – very few movie stars have his hustle. As for Katie – well, I don't know what's going on with her. When she's flying solo, her styling has been improving so much, and I kept thinking that she had found a good makeup dude and a great hair person, but now I'm wondering if she pissed them off. Her makeup looks too cakey to me. Her hair is a boring ponytail. And the dress? The dress is Holmes & Yang. Meaning, Katie designed this herself, if you think "designing it herself" equals "copying a Lanvin design." So… overall, not the best from either of them. But I'll still see MI4. I might not admit it, though. |
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