Sean Penn pumps gas with a ciggie, is still pissing off the British Posted: 09 Apr 2012 08:58 AM PDT  I really do love an opportunity to write about Sean Penn’s toupee (or weave or whatever), so I was actually kind of thrilled to see these images of Penn filling up at the gas station while holding a cigarette in his mouth. This man is such a walking contradiction. Of course, that cigarette is unlit, but the illusion is there — Sean Penn, danger boy who plays with fire. (Side note: Give me a break — I’m on lots of ibuprofin for dental pain and obviously not thinking clearly.) At any rate, Penn really is a man of opposing viewpoints. He’s a champion of the environment but is clearly driving a gas-guzzling truck in these photos. Beyond his lifestyle choices, he’s currently being honored by Nobel laureates for his relief work in Haiti, and he’ll receive the 2012 Peace Summit Award in Chicago at a ceremony where the Dalai Lama is scheduled to attend. However and as Kaiser recently discussed, Penn is still mostly a douchebag, and England is still largely quite irritated with his stance on the Falkland Islands as belonging to Argentina. Now an MP is speaking out on Penn and Morrissey for their ill-advised rantings on the topic: A Government minister has hit out at “ill-informed” celebrities who have endorsed Argentina’s claims over the Falkland Islands. Westcountry MP Jeremy Browne, the Foreign Office minister with responsibility for the South Atlantic islands, criticised US actor Sean Penn and singer Morrissey who contend the territory should be handed back to neighbouring Argentina. Mr Browne, Liberal Democrat MP for Taunton Deane, told the Western Morning News that support for the 3,000 inhabitants of the islands to determine their own future – namely British sovereignty – remained “completely solid.” He added: “The Oscar for the most ill-informed contribution to this debate definitely goes to Sean Penn. I’m not quite sure on what basis Sean Penn and Morrissey feel that they have insights to provide on this that people who don’t act in films or sing for the Smiths fail to possess. What matters for the future of the Falkland Islands is what the Falkland islanders think, rather than what Hollywood actors or middle-aged pop stars think.” Sovereignty of the disputed territory, located about 300 miles off the southern tip of Argentina, has been British since the 1830s. The minister’s comments came ahead of the 30th anniversary of Argentina’s then fascist junta invading the Falklands on April 2, 1982. The war, involving Westcountry-based 3 Commando Brigade and Plymouth-based warships, saw 255 British soldiers and three islanders die. Mr Browne will be the British Government delegate sent to the Falklands to mark the Argentinian surrender and liberation on June 14, 1982. The Hollywood actor criticised Britain’s “ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology” and the deployment of Prince William to the islands on a tour of duty as a search and rescue helicopter pilot. The outburst was followed by former Smiths frontman Morrissey telling a crowd in the Argentinian city of Cordoba: “We know the islands belong to you.” [This is Cornwall] Naturally (and as Kaiser also pointed out), Penn isn’t entirely off base with his discussions of colonialism in relation to the Falklands. However, Penn seems to have forgotten all about how the United States came to possess Malibu, California, where Penn lives in a luxurious mansion. As such, the Telegraph has now called for appropriate action on the part of Penn: I’d like to make a statement about the growing crisis in the Americas. It’s time for justice. It’s time for liberty. It’s time to end the ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology. It’s time Sean Penn handed his Malibu estate back to the Mexicans. Sean Penn pretends to be a friend of the developing world, but really he is not. To be fair, his recent call for the Falkland Islands to be returned to Argentina was an admirable strike against capitalist imperialism. Moreover, I and the entire North Korean press corps cheered him on when he flew to Iraq to parley with Saddam Hussein, or when he spoke about Hugo Chavez in such glowing terms. But there have always been hints that his sympathy isn't really with the workers at all. Aside from that time that he spent 32 days in prison for hitting an extra, his net worth of an estimated $150 million is a bit of a giveaway. His continued occupation of Malibu is an unacceptable mockery of national self-determination. The Mexicans owned that stretch of real estate well into the early 19th century and it was stolen by the Americans in a naked act of imperialist aggression. America's claim over Malibu is tenuous and rooted in patriarchy. Sean Penn's house is a mocking reminder of that brute chauvinism, with its high white walls and spacious interiors. Its swimming pool is an insult to the honour of the Mexican people. [From Telegraph] Eh. Penn will ignore this (even though it is funny as hell) just like he probably ignores his carbon footprint by driving such an environmentally unsound vehicle. Just like he ignores the fact that he smokes while giving the appearance of being an avid runner. Yes, Penn will always be a man of contradiction, and no matter how serious he attempts to be in the political arena, I will never stop thinking of him as Jeff Spicoli.   Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet  |
Zooey Deschanel doesn’t want kids: “It was never an ambition, I like working” Posted: 09 Apr 2012 08:20 AM PDT  It's funny how one good role can change my idea of an actor or actress. I never really had a hate-on for Zooey Deschanel, I just categorized her as "one of those annoying woman-child actresses with an affected hipster shtick." That wasn't hate – it was just annoyance. Then I started watching The New Girl, and I never looked back. Are some of Zooey's mannerisms annoying? Sure. Is her affected shtick grating at times? Yep. But what I love about The New Girl is that she makes fun of her shtick too, and I'm consistently impressed with the way Zooey-the-Celebrity's issues are dealt with within the show. Anyway, I recommend The New Girl. It's grown into one of my favorite comedies. So, Zooey takes the May cover of Marie Claire – I actually like the shot. The interview is decent too: She's not good in interviews: “I don’t do well with direct questions,” she admits. Deschanel tends to think out loud, talking in rough drafts, starting a sentence, then stopping, then starting another one, crumpling that one up, too. “I’m a person who gets better with practice,” she says. “Getting older is awesome — because you get more practice.” Finding a new kind of fame on television: “It’s harder to do normal things,” she says. No longer can she run blithely into Ralph’s for a head of lettuce or some paper towels. “I think that if you haven’t been to the grocery store in a really long time, it’s really easy to get very out of touch,” she says. Zooey on the criticism that she's playing a "stereotype of female meekness, for being too girly, too dorky, too Zooey.": “People do think I’m weird,” she says. “I don’t know why.” On her career: “I always knew there was nothing else I wanted to do,” she says. “I wanted to sing, perform, act.” She was a chubby kid, and she was bullied: At 12 she was “chubby,” which made her a target of bullies. “I was ridiculed. I still have in me the same awareness when I was 12 and chubby and a girl was spitting in my face. I'm the same person. Certainly you change, and you change perspective, you have other experiences. But isn't it funny – I can still remember when I was treated differently from the way I'm treated now…I really don’t know why she spit at me. I just talked to her. I guess I wasn’t allowed to talk to her. I remember I couldn’t believe it.” The moment was searing, scarring, but ultimately transformative. It inspired Deschanel to reimagine herself, and over the next year, she carefully, painstakingly recast her persona, becoming more open, more empathic, less “stubborn.” She also shed 30 pounds. “All of a sudden,” she says, “everybody treated me differently.” On whether she's dating: "Honestly, I'm just going through a divorce, so I don't really think that's something I want to get into now. I don't have time to date. I literally – don't-have-time." On not wanting children: "That's never been my focus… My sister [Emily] was always very motherly, babysitting and stuff. I like kids, and I like being around kids – but it was never an ambition, something, like, I need…I like working. That's what I like doing. I like to work." [From Marie Claire] Yay! I love what she says about not wanting kids. I like that she didn't hedge and play it "sweet" and talk about how it will totally happen for her. I love when women just come out and say that they have no motherhood ambitions. As for Zooey's non-defense of "The New Girl backlash" and the backlash against Zooey's shtick personally – well, The New Girl had an episode devoted to it, and it was wonderfully written. I would like to hear Zooey verbalize the substance of those arguments in interviews, but maybe she's just tired of talking about it.  Photos courtesy of Marie Claire.  |
Kris Humphries knows Kanye & Kim have been hooking up for years Posted: 09 Apr 2012 07:13 AM PDT  After last week's Kanye West-Kim Kardashian fauxmance spectacular, Kim went home to LA – I'm including those photos at the bottom of the post. She was photographed leaving a medical facility, which is just funny considering that was pretty much the first thing she did after she spent the night with Kanye. Like, "OMG, I better get everything checked out." There's a joke about the morning-after pill in there, I guess, although I don't want to make it because the cause of reproductive freedom is NOT helped by people like Kim and Kanye. After she got checked out by doctors, Kim and her family went to church. To thank the baby Jesus for helping them with their famewhore game, I guess. In other Kim-and-Kanye news (Kimye? Kandashian?), Kris Humphries isn't surprised by this turn of events. AT ALL. Kim Kardashian’s soon-to-be-ex-hubby, Kris Humphries, has some words of advice for the reality star’s new boyfriend, Kanye West. Humphries is telling his friends that the rapper is going to need a lot of patience and luck in his new relationship with Kim, is exclusively reporting. As we previously reported, Kim Kardashian was snapped slinking out of Kanye West's NYC apartment last Thursday morning wearing the same outfit she was wearing on her date with the hip hop star on Wednesday. Despite reports that say Kim and Kanye started dating just two weeks ago, our sources tell us that Humphries says that it has been on again-off again between his estranged wife and the Grammy award winning singer for much longer. “Kris knows for a fact that this dalliance between Kim and Kanye has been going on for at least the last two years. Kim kept in touch with Kanye after she married Kris and promised him that she would cut off communication with him, but she never did. Kris is suspicious of the timing of Kim deciding to go public with the relationship because the new season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians is premiering in May, and Kanye has released a new album,” an insider tells us. “Kris knows that Kanye NEVER would have recorded those lyrics about Kim without her permission, period. Kris wonders if Kanye is going to drink the 'Kardashian Kool Aid' as he calls it, because if you aren’t a family member and don’t fall in line with what Kris Jenner dictates, you are persona non grata. “When Kris found out about Kim going public with Kanye, he told his friends he wanted to tell West, ‘good luck dude, you are going to need it.’ Kris knows that while he was with Kim, he was completely faithful, and he has serious doubts that she could say the same,” the insider adds. "They were both cheating," Kanye's ex Amber Rose exclusively told Star magazine. She said the pair hooked up while they were both in relationships with A-listers – Kim with NFL star Reggie Bush and Kanye with Amber! Humphries is a fan of Kanye’s music, despite the fact that he was dissed by the bad boy rapper in his new single, Theraflu. “One of Kris’ favorite songs of Kanye’s is his hit single, Golddigger. Kris especially likes the chorus of the song, “Now I ain’t sayin’ she a gold digger/When I’m in Need/But she ain’t messin’ with no broke ni**as.” Kris is having a lot of fun listening to that song, and he thinks that Kanye and Kim truly do deserve each other,” the source says. [From Radar] Kris Humphries is such an idiot. I guess he's trying to play it like he isn't concerned, and that this is all a joke, but really… the joke's on him. Kim was screwing around on him with Kanye and God knows who else. Sure, Kanye is going to need some prayers to get out of this one, but Kanye was also disrespecting Kris in the "Theraflu" song. Whatever. I can't even with these people. By the way, did you see Kris's photo shoot with East-West Magazine? It's gross. You can see more photos here.      Photos courtesy of The Mail, Fame/Flynet.  |
Miley Cyrus: I’m not anorexic, I went gluten free. Everyone should try it for a week! Posted: 09 Apr 2012 07:10 AM PDT  Miley Cyrus has lost weight recently and she looks incredible. We’ve been seeing her outside of pilates classes looking super fit and showing off her toned tummy. (Sidenote: do I need to start doing pilates again? I’m considering it the more I hear about it.) It turns out Miley can credit her weight loss to more than just working out. She’s of course eating right, and she defended herself on Twitter recently claiming that she went gluten free and lactose/dairy free and that has made all the difference. She also recommends that everyone try going gluten free for a week to see the difference it makes. The singer/actress, 19, sparked fears last week when she was snapped looking skinny as she jogged with her dog in California. She fuelled speculation when she posted a photo of herself smelling, but refusing to eat, fast food on Twitter. Miley wrote: “I can’t eat it. So I’m just gonna smell the s**t out of it! My mouth is literally watering.” Her upload triggered a torrent of accusations that she has turned to extreme dieting to keep the weight off. However, she's been quick to lambast such claims, insisting her fast food snub was due to medical and health reasons. She tweeted: “For everyone calling me anorexic I have a gluten and lactose allergy. It’s not about weight it’s about health. "Gluten is c**p anyway!… I ate today at Easter lunch but all of it was healthy and even more fulfilling! Health is happiness!” Furthermore, Miley urged her fans to cut gluten out of their diets and reap the rewards. She wrote: “Everyone should try no gluten for a week! The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing! You won’t go back!” [From The Sun] I don’t eat a gluten free diet, I would have a hard time giving up my daily english muffin with peanut butter, but I recently significantly upped my fruit and vegetable intake and it’s really made my skin look great. I’ve lost a little weight too. My mom went gluten free on the advice of her doctor and she finds it annoying and wishes she could eat bread, but it’s helped her lose weight. So maybe Miley is on to something. I’ve been hearing a lot lately about the benefits of going gluten free, but I’m sure it depends on the person how much of a difference it makes. It can’t ever hurt to eat more fruits and vegetables. Still, this reminds me that I’m in my late 30s. What I wouldn’t give to have the metabolism of a 19 year-old again. I shouldn’t complain. There are all changes we can make to our lifestyle and diet, etc. It’s just hard to give up certain things. Also, Miley’s hair looks crazy here but she just got done working out so I’ll give her a break. Miley Cyrus is shown outside of pilates class on 4-4-12 (half top) and 4-6-12 (black dress). Credit: Fame       |
Will Britney Spears’s conservatorship end, or will it just be transferred to Jason? Posted: 09 Apr 2012 06:15 AM PDT  Britney Spears and Jason Trawick are engaged. Britney seems happy about it, and Jason seems… well, who knows? He plays it all close to the vest. I want to think Jason is a nice guy, a good guy, a dude who will help keep Britney on a good path. But we don't really know, do we? Throughout Britney's now years-long conservatorship, she's kept her nose clean for the most part, although there have been some moments, some weeks, some months, some incidents where Britney seems particularly out-of-it, lethargic, or just… "off". Whenever that happens, I always wonder what medication she's on, and whether her dosages are being properly looked after. It was assumed that the court would decide to end Britney's conservatorship this year at some point, and after that, Britney would be a legal adult, capable of making her own decisions, and she and Jason would marry then. But then this happened: Britney Spears’s father is taking an extra step in bonding with his future son-in-law. Jamie Spears is asking a court to add Jason Trawick as a co-conservator over his pop star daughter, a source confirms to PEOPLE. Trawick will only have shared legal control over Spears’s general well being – not her finances, according to the source. In general, a conservator can make decisions over a person’s food, clothing and medical care. But Spears has plenty of personal freedom and the conservatorship is just a formality, another source previously told PEOPLE. “This is a very unusual situation, because generally you don’t see conservatees get married,” says Jeffrey S. Cohen, an L.A. probate attorney not involved with the case. “This could be a sign that the couple’s wedding is around the corner.” Adds Cohen: “This is probably a compromise between Britney, her father and Trawick to get the marriage off on the right foot. Obviously, her future husband needs to have a say in her well being.” Jamie Spears has held legal control over his daughter and her multimillion-dollar fortune since Feb. 2008 after the singer suffered a psychological breakdown. The conservatorship will be lifted only after a judge is convinced, on the advice of Spears’s doctors, that she’s healthy enough to manage her own affairs. [From People] On one side, I see the reasoning for this – Britney still needs constant monitoring and "handling" and it's interesting to see that Jamie Spears is okay with sharing the responsibility with Jason. On the other side… I think this is extremely f–ked up. Either Britney is capable of being married or she's not. Either she can make that decision by herself, as a capable, functioning adult, or she can't. Either end of the conservatorship (and come what may) and let Britney control her own destiny (whether it be marriage, medication or motherhood) OR keep the conservatorship and don't allow her to get married. I think it's extremely sketchy to basically hand all of Britney's business and personal interests over to her soon-to-be husband for him to control. Even if Jason is a good, decent man, I feel like it's a disaster waiting to happen.   Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.  |
Jesse James: ‘I don’t know anybody that’s had to endure what I had to for infidelity’ Posted: 09 Apr 2012 05:44 AM PDT  Poor persecuted Jesse James. We know too well how he cheated on Sandra Bullock. He of course cheated on her replacement, Kat Von D, and bragged about their sex life prior to that, claiming that Kat was “100 percent” better in bed than Sandra. He wrote a book painting himself as a hero and downplaying the extent of his infidelity. He wrote that it “doesn't really matter whether I [cheated] ten thousand times or just once. Once you've lied, there's no taking it back. There's no way to erase the deceit that you've created.” That’s one way to justify repeatedly lying to someone you love. By Jesse’s logic if you rob a bank one day you might as well rob one every day since you’re already a criminal and there’s no going back. In an interview last summer, Jesse claimed that he “owned” his infidelity, despite the fact that he never disclosed a single detail in his book, nor did he admit the extent of his cheating at all, not even to Sandra (from what he wrote, he only owned up to one affair.) He said “I'm sorry for it and I owned up to it. I didn't lie about it, I didn't try to do any kind of B.S. like you know, PR campaign or whatever. I owned it like a man. I took all the abuse for it, which nobody does.” Now Jesse is making the same claim nearly a year later. He says that he’s “paid the price and then some,” and goes on as if he’s been strung up worse than anyone before or since. I guess he didn’t pay attention to the Tiger Woods scandal at all. “I think I’ve paid the price and then some, you know? I don’t know anybody anywhere that’s had to endure what I had to endure for basically infidelity,” the 42-year-old exclusively tells omg! from Yahoo!. “It’s just the nature of my life. People always will want me sainted one minute, and strung up the next.” “I stood up like a man and admitted my wrongs and what I did and all that did is make every s*** tabloid everywhere across the world come after me even harder,” he recalls now. “I’m strong. I can take it. Everybody can take cheap shots and say I’m a horrible dad, and that I’m a Nazi, and all this other bulls***. Give me all you got. Because you know what? I know inside what kind of a person I am. I know I’m an awesome dad. I’m devoted to my work. And I work hard to take care of my family.” Even before the Bullock fallout, James says he was used to others’ pre-conceived (and usually wrong) notions about him. He’s been accused of being lots of things he’s not, he insists, like being homophobic, an allegation that especially stings. “My older brother was gay, and looked just like me, and happened to die of HIV five years ago. Nobody ever cared to ask about that,” explains James. “I think people just judge me by the way I look. That predates fame or any of that stuff. People have always been scared of me and always think I’m a bigot or a racist or a homophobe just by the way I look. I’m 6’3″, and 215 pounds, [and a ] tattooed-up white boy. It fits a criminal or whatever. They don’t realize.” “I think people will probably think since I’m doing well now and since I’m happy that I don’t have any sorrow or regret for what I did, which couldn’t be further from the truth. There’ll never be a day that goes by for the rest of my life that I don’t regret it,” James admits. “If I could go back and change the way I did things, and not hurt people, and not do things the way I did, of course I would do it that way. I would never consciously bring pain to anyone, especially the people I love. It is something that I have to live with.” [From via Radar] That was nice what Jesse said at the end, but given the way he reacted to the scandal – by dismissing his five year marriage to Bullock and practically blaming her for his infidelity, his words ring hollow to me. It’s all about how hurt he is for having to deal with the fallout from what he did. In terms of Jesse being sad because we don’t care about his poor brother, I read/skimmed Jesse’s book, American Outlaw, and I don’t remember him mentioning a brother at all. I just opened it again in iBooks and searched for the word “brother.” From what I can find, James doesn’t mention his brother at all, except for a stepbrother whom he accused of stealing from him as a teen. The word “AIDS” and “gay” only appear in contexts that have nothing to do with his brother, and the word “HIV” doesn’t appear at all. So maybe no one asks James about his brother who died of HIV/AIDS because he didn’t even bother to mention it in his over 800 page book. GMAFB. James has a new reality show he’s promoting, “Jesse James: Outlaw Garage,” which airs tonight at 10 on The Discovery channel.    Jesse is shown on 11-12-11 and 5-5-11. Credit:  |
LeAnn Rimes plans to write a tell-all book too, just like Brandi Glanville Posted: 09 Apr 2012 04:29 AM PDT  I'm including some photos of LeAnn Rimes taken from her Twitter feed over the past few days. In these photos – presumably taken on Friday and Saturday – LeAnn has her normal dirty-blonde hair. So what was the deal with her appearance on Friday with dark brown hair? You can see those photos here – I looked at those photos closely, and it doesn't seem to be a wig, at least not to my eyes. Did she dye her hair brown and then go back to blonde within a few days? I don't get it. Then again, I'm not thinking too hard about it. PS… LeAnn also included this photo on her Twitter feed:  Is she laughing at herself? Or does she have literally no idea about what people say about her? Anyway, in other Single White Female news, did you know that Brandi Glanville is probably going to write a memoir about her marriage to Eddie Cibrian and everything that happened afterwards? Well, guess what? LEANN can totally write a memoir too, y'all. To say there’s a lot of interest in LeAnn Rimes’ personal life is an understatement. The 29-year-old country star has been a tabloid regular since her affair with now-hubby Eddie Cibrian. (Both Rimes and Cibrian were married when they first fell in love in 2009 on the set of the Lifetime movie Northern Lights.) But now, a publishing source tells E! News that Rimes’ rep has been “putting out feelers” to find the right person to help write her autobiography and “tell LeAnn’s side of the story in her own voice.” So will this be a juicy tell-all? Maybe so. A publishing source says she “wants it to be a very honest book so she can speak directly to her fans and tell her side of the story. She’s been through a lot of changes over the past few years and this is her chance to speak candidly to her fans.” Also planning to write a book is Cibrian’s ex-wife, Brandi Glanville. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star tweeted last month that her story “has been a long time coming [and it's] about surviving divorce.” Will both ladies take the literary high road? We’ll have to wait and see. Either way, there’s a good chance both of these books will be best-sellers. [From E! News] I love that it sounds like Brandi already has a publisher and almost like… someone approached Brandi about writing a book, and when LeAnn heard about it, she immediately called up everyone she knew so she too could write a book (and even then, no publisher is biting as of yet). LeAnn is so crazy, they need a new word for it. I seriously wish LeAnn would just STOP. Just let it go. Let Brandi have something all to herself. But LeAnn just can't help herself.   Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN, LeAnn's Twitter.  |
Anne Hathaway’s drastic ‘Les Mis’ haircut: adorable and Winona Ryder-esque? Posted: 09 Apr 2012 04:28 AM PDT  Go ahead and call me crazy, but never before have I ever seen Anne Hathaway's likeness to Winona Ryder, and now, with these photos, it's ALL I can see. These are new pics of Anne in London a few nights ago – she was leaving The Box with her fiancé, Adam Shulman. Anne has been in London, working on Les Miserables for… I don't know, a month? Two months? Something like that. She's playing Fantine – thus, the haircut… because Fantine sells her hair (because she’s super-poor). Allegedly, Anne has been losing weight for the role too – the British tabloids claim she's doing some extreme diet to drop 16 pounds in just a few weeks. Anything to look sickly. She's admitted to cutting her daily food intake down to only 500 calories for her latest film role but that's not the only extreme Anne Hathaway is having to go through. The actress who usually flaunts a thick mane of long brunette locks has trimmed her hair to barely one inch in length, in order to achieve the look of her character in the forthcoming movie, Les Miserables. The 29-year-old was pictured leaving London's The Box nightclub in the early hours of Sunday morning with the newly cropped do. Pretty Hathaway looked especially gaunt as she left the venue with fiancé Adam Shulman and their friends. As they hopped into a taxi she tried to conceal her fresh crop from onlookers who took a while to catch on to her identity. Grabbing her head as she made her way home, she is evidently still getting used to her short style. Wearing a dark coat and blue jeans, as expected she appeared noticeably slimmer than usual as she has embarked on a hardcore diet for her part in the film. She plays Fantine, a struggling factory worker who is forced into prostitution to provide for her illegitimate child and ends up selling her hair for financial gain. A film source told the Daily Mirror: ‘Anne is playing a destitute factory worker-come-lady of the night. ‘Unfortunately, she only has 15 to 20 days to lose as much weight as possible – up to a stone-and-a-half – because she's been filming the scenes showing her fit and healthy, almost slightly chubby. It's not ideal but, as with any high-budget movie, there are strict time constraints.’ The star looked a far cry from the glamorous situations we are used to seeing her in but for Anne the dramatic decision was all for the greater good. While many stars opt to don a hairpiece to save their precious tresses, Anne was clearly determined to be as authentic as possible for the musical motion picture. [From The Mail] With the weight loss stuff and now Anne cutting off her own hair… I'd say she's really going for that Oscar, wouldn't you? I saw Les Mis so long ago, I barely remember the story, but from what I remember, Fantine would be considered a supporting part, correct? Let me look it up… ugh, Wikipedia exhausts me sometimes. But yes, I'm going to say that Fantine is a supporting part, so Anne will be going for Best Supporting Actress nominations. We'll see, Anne. We'll see. WINONA 4 EVA!!!!! Seriously, can't you see it now?     Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.  |
Katy Perry: “Fame is, I think, just a disgusting by-product of what I do” Posted: 09 Apr 2012 04:20 AM PDT  Katy Perry covers the May issue of Teen Vogue, and yes, she’s still semi-rocking that ubiquitous hair color. As far as the photoshoot goes, Teen Vogue had a blast playing up Katy’s blue hue. I’m amazed that she’s hung onto the same tint job for so long and am wondering if she’ll go violet next. These clothes are cute enough though, and at least Katy’s rack isn’t hanging out all over the place. So that’s some serious editorial restraint on the part of the magazine. Within the interview, Katy discusses the smash success of her latest single, “Part of Me” (which I still believe is about Russell Brand no matter what she says to the contrary) and her alternatingly avant-garde/trashy and faux-hardcore fashion sense. Also — get this — Katy insists that she’s so tired of being famous because she’s, like, just all about the music. Seriously.  Was she excited about her 7th #1? “Of course! I’m not like, “Ugh, number one again.” It’s funny, though–my label gets so caught up in the statistics, just because they’re excited. But for me, I don’t need to grind it into anyone’s head that I’m popular. If you like my music, great, and if you don’t, whatever. I’m going to keep making it either way. This does feel a bit like the record that never ends. But I wanted to release The Complete Confection for the hard-core fan who wants everything: three new songs, the remixes, and it’s all in a cute little package.” On acting: “There was a time when I was going to be involved in The Help–just a small part, I wasn’t going to be Emma Stone or anything–but I couldn’t because the shooting schedule conflicted with the release of my record. And I was upset about that; I knew it was going to be an important film. Not that I need to do drama first, but I do want to do something that makes a strong impression. You don’t really get off the hook being a musician first … I feel like the stakes are really high.” On glamour: “I don’t like to take fashion too seriously. I love it, and I am so grateful when big brands want to associate with me, but mostly I just want to take chances and have fun and truly live. And sometimes that means wearing some ridiculous, cat-inspired outfit rather than whatever happens to be in this season.” Her style influences: “I love Agyness Deyn, Chloë Sevigny, Daphne Guinness, Natalie Wood, Judy Jetson, and Wonder Woman. They have the ability to adapt and evolve and change. Like, I’m still doing the pinup thing, but now when I do it, I want to be the pinup of the future, like Rachael in Blade Runner. But I’ve always been quirky–it probably started when I was nine years old, and my father used to wake me up at seven every Saturday morning to take me to garage sales. I couldn’t afford the clothes that the other girls at school were wearing, so instead I looked for things that were unique to me.” On fame: “I’m tired of being famous already! But I’m not tired of creating. Fame is, I think, just a disgusting by-product of what I do. It’s quite a delicate creature– it’s a wild animal of sorts. It can love you, and then it can attack you. I still want to be as approachable and relatable as possible–when I meet fans and they’re crying, I’ll say, ‘Calm down, there’s nothing to cry about. I’m not going to bite you or attack you or grant you three wishes. Let’s just hang out and have a good time.’ But really, I stopped focusing on what other people think a while ago. If you try to be everything to everyone, you’ll only end up completely confused.” [From Teen Vogue] Bloody hell. Can you imagine if Katy had actually been featured in The Help? We’d never hear the end of it if she actually was part of an Oscar-nominated production. Otherwise, I can’t believe Katy’s actually complaining about fame since her team’s business model seems to solely consist of famewhoring through the quirkiest means possible to reach the maximum possible exposure. How on earth can one shoot whipped cream and firecrackers from their boobs and still complain about the annoyance of fame? I doubt that Katy’s trying to be ironic with her comments and has probably actually conned herself into thinking she’s a true artist. You know, a true artist who plants herself next to a hot male model and encourages a fauxmance just to generate publicity. During the rest of the interview, Katy also talks more about her ill-fated 3-D movie, but I didn’t include that excerpt because it didn’t seem like many of you were interested in the trailer. Here’s the rest of the photoshoot, which really isn’t that bad at all.     Photos courtesy of Teen Vogue  |
Jessica Biel shops for her wedding dress in Paris, kind of hates her engagement ring Posted: 09 Apr 2012 04:12 AM PDT  Before we talk about anything else, we really need to have a conversation about Jessica Biel's bangs. Bangs-defenders can yell at me all they want, but this is a perfect example of why I call this crap "bangs trauma". Jessica is a pretty girl – bland and talentless, yes, but PRETTY. Her bangs are too long, too ill-suited for her face, too shaggy, too thick, too MUCH for her face. I really don't understand why Jessica thought they were a good idea, or why other, similarly pretty girls think these bangs are a good idea. They are not. I am a ceaseless advocate for the avoidance of bangs. 9 out of 10 women simply look better without them. Anyway, these are photos of Biel in Paris over the weekend. Rumor is that she's shopping for her wedding dress while in town. It may not be the first item on every bride-to-be’s to-do list, but it’s often the most important: The Dress. And it looks like Jessica Biel may have found hers. With wedding season fast approaching, Biel, 30, spent Friday on a seven-hour, high-fashion shopping spree in Paris which included stops at the salons of two major designers. Accompanied by her assistant – armed with a wedding planning book, sources tell PEOPLE – Biel fueled up with a coffee on the Left Bank’s Rue de Bac before popping into Giambattista Valli’s chic 8th arrondisement studio for nearly two hours Saturday afternoon. A source tells PEOPLE that Valli has worked with Biel for years, beginning when “they were both just starting.” “He makes the most fabulous wedding designs,” the source added. She also made another stop at Elie Saab’s showroom across town. A source tells PEOPLE that Biel’s lengthy visits suggest she may have been in fittings. Biel also stopped in at a kids’ boutique called Bonpoint in the Left Bank, as well as Christian Badou, a nearby kids’ furniture shop, prompting speculation she may be planning more than just a summer wedding. Visits to Maje, a women’s clothing store in the St. Germain area, a French linens shop, and two concept stores rounded out the trip. A source says that at Merci, one of the concept shops in the Marais neighborhood, she looked at more furniture and children’s items. The actress is said to have left Paris Saturday to continue her shop-a-thon at another major European fashion capital. Reps for Biel and Timberlake could not be reached for comment. [From People] I tend to think Biel was looking at kids' furniture just because she knew she was being followed by the paparazzi (whom she probably called). My take is that she's not pregnant. My take is that she's going to wait to get knocked up until after the wedding. My take is that it's all about the dress for her right now, and she doesn't want to be knocked up for what seems like a summer wedding. People Magazine also reported earlier last week that it will definitely be a summer wedding, and a source claimed, “Jessica initially wanted a smaller, more intimate wedding, but Justin from the beginning wanted a big wedding and that’s what they have decided on.” They want to "include all their friends” and “Justin has promised her the best day ever.” You know what's not "the best" though? Jessica's chunky, oversized engagement ring. She's flashing it in these photos from Paris – it's even bigger than I originally thought. Now, I don't have a problem with gigantic diamonds – I've never been that girl to snipe, "How garish. How gauche." I love big diamonds. I love rings that are obscenely huge. But for my money (or Justin's money), this ring is just fug. It's the chunky, obtrusive setting, I think. Last week, Us Weekly had a hilarious story about how Justin "designed" the setting, and the subtext was "Jessica basically hates her ring." When it came time for Justin Timberlake to put a ring on it, the “My Love” singer was set on doing it his way. A source tells Us Weekly Timberlake, 31, “went rogue” when he designed love Jessica Biel’s six-carat, vintage-inspired engagement ring. “Jessica’s stylist really wanted Justin to come to her when picking out and designing the ring,” the source reveals to Us. “She obviously knows what looks best on Jessica, and what type of things she likes to wear. They talked about it [in advance] and then Justin completely went rogue without telling Jessica’s stylist, and decided to design the ring on his own.” The source was quick to note that this doesn’t mean Biel, 30, isn’t a fan of the bauble her fiance chose. “But I wouldn’t necessarily say it fits her style,” the insider explains. [From Us Weekly] Poor Jessica. Stuck with a gigantic diamond ring that she hates. Don't feel too sorry for her, though – my guess is that she'll only have to wear it for a few years before this whole marriage blows up in spectacular fashion.     Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.  |
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