Cele|bitchy |
- Octomom receives 4-5k/mo in welfare, “we’re all entitled to change our minds”
- Tilda Swinton steps out with her furry, 18-years-younger lover, Sandro Kopp
- Lindsay Lohan was late for her first day at work on ‘Glee’. Of course.
- Duchess Kate in a royal blue Rebecca Taylor suit: gorgeous or boring?
- Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are renewing their vows in Paris: suspicious?
- Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston “feels Angelina Jolie can have him”
- Beyonce talks about doing her own hair, breastfeeding and going “natural”
- Jason Trawick officially named co-conservator of Britney Spears: sketchy?
- Duchess Kate in pale, jeweled Matthew Williamson: beautiful or familiar?
- Lindsay Lohan wants Porta-Potty seducer Gerard Butler to play Richard Burton
Octomom receives 4-5k/mo in welfare, “we’re all entitled to change our minds” Posted: 26 Apr 2012 09:00 AM PDT
Also, GMA reported that Suleman told them she receives 4-5 thousand a month in public assistance. This is much more than the 2k a month in food stamps she previously claimed. If it’s being used toward caring for her children then that’s good, but I doubt it’s all going to that. When Suleman was asked about the $540 check for haircuts, she claimed that it was for her hair and for her 14 other kids as well. So even if the kids were charged a steep $20 each and she was charged $50, that’s still about $200 short. At that point she got a real look of defiance on her face and said “I am making money though. I have jobs and I can afford it.” When she was questioned about the fact that she’s on public assistance, she claimed “It’s almost over. This is our last month on food stamps. I hope.” Remember when she said she got about $2k/month food stamps? Now she’s getting $4-5k a month, so which is it? Here’s a photo of her face at that point. And here’s her face later when she gets pissed that she is called out for the fact that she said she would never go on assistance again. She snipes “We’re human beings and we’re all entitled to change our mind.” Oh and she claims she’s been “set up” with those photos of her home, but GMA has footage that shows that the house is totally trashed with broken windows, graffiti and water damage. That house is going on the market soon. The owner recently revealed that the bank is auctioning off the home on Monday. Where are this lady and her kids going to go at that point? Is she going to move back in with her parents, where she was living with her then 6 kids before the octuplets came? Here’s our earlier story.
Of course everything is fine in Suleman’s world, and she has excuses for all of it. CPS investigated her after the complaint we heard about, and the public relations person from social services told E! that this is far from the worst case they’ve seen. The police department also announced that a preliminary investigation found no neglect and that there will be no follow up, basically.
[From E! Online] In yesterday’s thread, there were some horror stories of abuse and neglect you’d witnessed where children were never removed from the homes. It was sad, but it put this in perspective to me. As a mom, I find it abhorrent that anyone would have this many kids on purpose, not take care of them properly and refuse help and supplies (but not money!) so that they’re all comfortable and well cared for. I guess there’s no law against being a sh*tty parent or making your kids live in squalor as long as you do the bare minimum. After those photos leaked yesterday, Suleman hired a team of maids at Dr. Drew’s expense, since Drew had offered her free maid service for a year. She’ll probably never hire a painter, since she needs the money for mani-pedis, and Botox. We know where her priorities are. Octo no longer has to pay to get her hair straightened, though. The Brazilian Blowout company, which manufactures the chemicals used for the hair straightening process she paid over $500 for, has just offered her free treatments along with free childcare while she gets her hair done at their LA salon. Photo credit: WENN and FameFlynet |
Tilda Swinton steps out with her furry, 18-years-younger lover, Sandro Kopp Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:53 AM PDT I feel like Tilda Swinton rarely shows off her 18-years-younger lover. If I was a mysterious and wonderful alien like Tilda, and I was 51 years old in Earth years, I would show off my 33-year-old lover constantly. These are new photos of Tilda and Sandro Kopp in New York City yesterday. The last time we had photos of Tilda and Sandro together was last October! As far as I know, Tilda usually doesn't bring Sandro to her premieres or to any of the awards shows. Sandro and Tilda have been together since 2008 – Tilda either abandoned her relationship with her baby-daddy John Byrne, or she and Byrne and Kopp lived together for a time in a bizarre situation "for the kids". Some of you dispute the latter version – and Tilda never really comments about her situation, so I don't really know. I've heard that John Byrne has a new partner and that he and Tilda co-parent effectively and quietly. In previous photos, I've thought Sandro was cute, but in these pics… I think he has a strong resemblance to Tom Hardy. Right? And it's not just the giant beard – it's just his face. So… basically, I would hit it. Of course, I kind of want to go to bed with Tilda too. I wonder if they're looking for a third? Because I would be into that. In other Tilda news, she's probably coming to the Cannes Film Festival this year. She's in Wes Anderson's new film, Moonrise Kingdom, and it was just accepted for competition. Will she bring Sandro? PS… I love that they're not holding hands. Tilda will not hold hands with her lover, Earthlings!!! Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Lindsay Lohan was late for her first day at work on ‘Glee’. Of course. Posted: 26 Apr 2012 08:14 AM PDT Guess which crackhead was late for her first day of work in years? Yep. Pretty much. These are photos of Lindsay Lohan on the set of Glee yesterday. Looking like the very picture of modern grace and class, puffing on a cigarette, unable to close her crack mouth, puffy from the previous night's "activities." Anyway, actress Dot Marie Jones (Coach Beiste on Glee) tweeted yesterday, "Gonna be a long day!! Some ppl show up late and just throw a wrench in things. Not cool! I’d rather be an hour early (I was) than 5 minutes late!" Sooooo cryptic! Who ever would DARE show up late to a job? Especially when it's a job you've begged and crack-bargained for? Yes, TMZ confirmed that Jones had been tweeting about Lindsay. Of course, Team Crack also got TMZ to note that director Eric Stoltz (!!!) was telling people that Lindsay was "very professional… We’re told she nailed her lines and was very polite to cast and crew." Words we shouldn't use around The Cracken: "professional" and "nailed". And "lines." As for Lindsay's lateness and what it says about her… look, I'm one of those people, like Dot Marie Jones, who would rather show up extremely early than even one minute late. Showing up on time is one of my most OCD features. I get a stomach ache if I'm late. So I'm probably not the person to sit in judgment of the Cracken on this – we are worlds apart on this issue. But I just think it's so ridiculously typical that after all of the crack-whining and crack-denials and crack-campaigns, that after all of that, Lindsay is still acting like such a crackhead diva. ON HER FIRST DAY. Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News. |
Duchess Kate in a royal blue Rebecca Taylor suit: gorgeous or boring? Posted: 26 Apr 2012 07:46 AM PDT OMG, two public events within 24 hours?! There won't be a vacation long enough for Duchess Kate and Prince William after this grueling week is over! As I covered earlier today, Kate and William were at a charitable screening for the film African Cats last night. I wasn't crazy about Kate's familiar-seeming Matthew Williamson dress. And she decided to go with another familiar-feeling look today. Her suit/dress is by Rebecca Taylor – the textured blue reminds me of the Missoni coat she wore for a photo-op with the Queen last month. It's not a repeat, and it's not the same look, but Kate does love her blues, and she loves some nubby, textured fabric. Look, she's got matching blue pumps too! I don't think she's a shoe person – I'm not either, so I give her a pass. I was looking around for a good shot of Kate's "blinged out" poppy pin, but her hair was covering the poppy in most of the photos. When you see British people wearing any kind of lapel poppy, it's in honor of the Royal British Legion, or veterans in general. You can read more about Kate's sparkly poppy pin here. The London event today was for a group of servicemen who "recreated the Scott-Amundsen race to the South Pole." Later today, Will and Kate will attend an event for the Imperial War Museum Foundation. Will and Kate's first wedding anniversary is Sunday. They don't have any public appearances for the day, and UK gossip says that they'll be spending some of their anniversary at a party with friends. My guess? They'll totally manage to find the time to take an anniversary vacation. |
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon are renewing their vows in Paris: suspicious? Posted: 26 Apr 2012 07:39 AM PDT Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon have been married for about four years now, and let’s be perfectly honest and admit that most of us didn’t think it would ever last this long, right? Instead, the couple has gone on to become parents to twins Monroe and Moroccan last year, and has perservered through Nick’s recent hospitalization for kidney trouble (even though Mariah sort of did make it all about her). Other than that, they outwardly seem like a devoted married couple and want to show the world just how in love they are, so Mariah and Nick have announced that they are travelling to Paris to renew their marriage vows on Friday. Bad omen?
[From Daily Mail] While this story seems touching at first, doesn’t the notion of “renewing vows” remind one of … Heidi Klum and Seal? And even if this is an action that Mariah and Nick feel they need to maintain their rock-solid love, why bother announcing it to the world beforehand or evan at all? It just smacks of strangeness to have to expend so much energy on outwardly maintaining a happy marriage, and it makes me wonder whether they are (like nearly every couple) having problems behind closed doors. I can buy that the twins (despite the nannies and the associated diamond showers) have possibly put some stress on the marriage (which is normal), and Nick’s recent health woes may have caused some strain as well. Renewing wedding vows won’t fix those problems, and neither will a public declaration. All they can do is ride these problems out, and hopefully they will. I like Mariah and Nick as a couple, and I’m hoping that the renewal of vows isn’t a bad sign but maybe just a diva stunt. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston “feels Angelina Jolie can have him” Posted: 26 Apr 2012 07:13 AM PDT This is the tabloid story I've been waiting for – the Us Weekly version of "What Jennifer Aniston Thinks About Brangelina's Engagement". We've heard People Magazine's version ("Jen is not a bitter person and she has always wanted Brad to be happy" – but not Angelina). We've heard E! News's version ("she doesn't care"). We've even heard the Enquirer's version ("collapse"). I've long suspected/known that Aniston's rep uses Us Weekly for all manner of "dirty work" when it comes to her PR. Just this week, when TMZ reported that Aniston and Justin Theroux were scouting wedding locations in Crete, Aniston's rep ran to Us Weekly to deny it (a story that he had likely planted in TMZ in the first place). So what does Us Weekly have to say about Aniston's state of mind?
[From Us Weekly] Look… ugh. Sure. She's moved on. I've really been trying to give Aniston the benefit of the doubt, and I can just feel Aniston's supporters coming out of the woodwork to scream about Jennifer being so, so HAPPY now… and sure. I'll buy that. As I've said many times, I think Aniston is probably the happiest she's ever been now that she's with Justin Theroux. But…"She hates it being brought up because she doesn’t really care"…? When she brings them up in interview after interview? Really? And "She feels Angelina can have him"? Yes, after seven years, two pregnancies, six children and an engagement, Aniston is stepping off the Brad Pitt Battlefield with honor? |
Beyonce talks about doing her own hair, breastfeeding and going “natural” Posted: 26 Apr 2012 06:41 AM PDT Ah, so much news about our Most Beautiful Woman in the World! Some of this stuff is too good to be true. So of course, I want to believe it. First off, remember how Kanye West looked at Kim Kardashian and he was all "Imma let you be my Beyonce, girl"? Well, Kanye denied that he ever said that, but we all know he totally thinks like that. Heat World now claims that Beyonce is having none of this Kim Kardashian nonsense. Bey has "banned" Kat-face from all of the ELITE A-list partying.
[From Heat World] I agree that Beyonce and Jay-Z are in a "different league" than Kim Kardashian. I also think this may be a plot by Bey and Jay to force Kanye to dump Kim Kardashian. Allegedly, Kanye does follow Jay's lead in a lot of matters (their relationship seems to be big brother Jay to little brother 'Ye), so if Jay and Beyonce are all "Kim's not one of us," maybe Kanye will reconsider Kim. That being said, if Beyonce can keep a straight face when Gwyneth Paltrow is going on and on and ON about her latest cleanse, maybe Beyonce could find it in herself to be polite to Kanye's girlfriend? In addition to that story, The Mail had more excerpts from Beyonce's People Magazine interview for the "Most Beautiful" issue. These quotes were cracking me up!
Re: Jay-Z liking the "natural" Beyonce – have you seen photos of Beyonce with no makeup, and without her wigs and weaves and stuff? She's stunning. Of course Jay likes that. Re: doing her own hair. HAHAHAHA. This coming from one of the most be-wigged women in the world. Girl, I ain't buying it. As for the breastfeeding thing… is she saying she only breastfed for 10 weeks? Are you judging her, pro-breastfeeding advocates? My thought is… her body, her choice. I don't think it really matters though, just because… you know. Coughthesurrogatewasbreastfeedingcough. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News. |
Jason Trawick officially named co-conservator of Britney Spears: sketchy? Posted: 26 Apr 2012 06:09 AM PDT Everyone said it was going to happen, and now it's official. Jason Trawick was just named Britney Spears's co-conservator. Jason, Britney's fiancé, will now be sharing the conservatorship responsibilities with Jamie Spears, Britney's father. People Magazine claimed a month ago that Jamie was totally fine with this, and that Jamie was cosigning whatever legal wrangling it took to make this happen. As I've said in previous posts, I have big issues with this for many reasons. First, let's hear about the new arrangement:
[From People] "A source close to the singer previously told PEOPLE that Britney enjoys plenty of personal freedom and that the conservatorship is mostly in name only." Bulls–t. I mean, yes, Britney has some "freedoms" but she's still under a very narrow, protective conservatorship, and she's still not allowed to make major decisions for herself. The only reason she still gets to spend time with her sons is because Kevin Federline and Jamie Spears worked out a side arrangement, and because K-Fed doesn't push the custody issue – although he could at any time. Mostly, I'm just disgusted because it feels like Britney's father and her soon-to-be husband are treating her like property, and I find the legal mechanics of this to be very sketchy. Either Britney is competent enough to decide to marry Jason Trawick or she's not. Either Britney has legal rights as a wife, or she doesn't and she'll end up married to a man who has legal control over her medication, her day-to-day finances (like, grocery shopping), her living arrangements and her diet. This in-between, married-to-a-caretaker thing is a disaster waiting to happen. |
Duchess Kate in pale, jeweled Matthew Williamson: beautiful or familiar? Posted: 26 Apr 2012 04:29 AM PDT These are photos from Duchess Kate and Prince William's public outing yesterday in London. Do you realize they haven't done a public event together since January? Do you realize that it's been five weeks since Duchess Kate has done any public events? The last time she had a public "royal duty" outing was March 19th, the time she made her first… public…(glances down at notes)…(blinks)… speech! In the past five weeks, Kate has been "off" of the public schedule because her prince finally came back from his six-week training mission in the Falklands. And once he returned, there was the much needed ski holiday and hair appointments and shopping and such. Anyway, Will and Kate got all dolled up and came out (in the rain!) to the UK premiere of African Cats. It was charitable screening/premiere benefiting the Tusk Trust, one of William's patronages. Kate wore a familiar silhouette – I actually wondered if she had just bedazzled the sleeve hems of one of her old dresses, but no – this is a new dress by Matthew Williamson. Thoughts on the dress? It's just so familiar to me – it looks like several pale, muted dresses she's already worn, with the exception of the bejeweled sleeves and neckline. That makes it "special" – but is it enough to stand out from Kate's other ¾-length sleeved shift dresses in various shades of oatmeal heather and dusky oatmeal? Don't even get me started on the peplum (dust ruffle) and the shoulder pads (dated!). Things I like: Kate isn't fooling with her hair as much. She must have realized that the rain was ruining her curls and she didn't even want to fool with it anymore. I also like that William is very conscious of making sure Kate has enough umbrella coverage. That's very sweet. PS… Are royals not allowed to wear raincoats? |
Lindsay Lohan wants Porta-Potty seducer Gerard Butler to play Richard Burton Posted: 26 Apr 2012 04:29 AM PDT A few days ago, we asked the immortal question, "Who is crackie enough to play Richard Burton to Lindsay Lohan's Liz Taylor?" I swear that question is riddle wrapped in an enigma, and then sprinkled with crack and smoked in between shots of vodka. I made some educated guesses about who would be cracked-out and budget enough to participate in a Lifetime movie with The Cracken. People like Charlie Sheen and Wilmer Valderrama, both, in my opinion, solid options. But Lindsay has some ideas about casting too. And she might have her eye on the dude who bones ladies in filthy Porta-potties, Gerard Butler.
[From E! News] Let's just take this suggestion at face value and analyze it. Gerard Butler is a dirty, mangy Scotsman incapable of doing any kind of accent but his own. Richard Burton had that beautiful, rich natural Welsh accent, and he could also do American accents and standard English accents. Gerard Butler had some moments in his career when I hoped he would turn into a real actor… alas, I think that's over. Richard was one of the best actors of his generation, a poet, a writer, a lover, a brawler, and a hopeless alcoholic. Perhaps that's what Lindsay was referencing? Gerard's addiction issues? Whatever. I'm not even going to bother getting mad about this. Gerard Butler might be The Porta-Potty Boner, but he wouldn't sign on to do a Lifetime movie, regardless of the unlimited supply of sexual favors I'm sure Lindsay has offered him. |
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