Cele|bitchy |
- Star: Katie Holmes is allegedly pregnant, “she can’t wait to be a mom again”
- Lindsay Lohan is going to the White House Correspondents Dinner. Seriously.
- Claire Danes in red Lanvin at the Time 100 event: candy-wrapped goodness?
- Pres. Obama slow-jams the news, talks education and jobs with Jimmy Fallon
- Angelina Jolie dresses like a beachy Morticia for Galapagos family vacation
- Jennifer Garner makes first post-baby event appearance in peach D&G: gorgeous
- Beyonce named People Mag’s Most Beautiful Woman of 2012: great choice?
- The Kardashians signed a new $40 million contract for 3 more seasons with E!
- Jason Segel was asked to lose 35 lbs by the studio president for his latest movie
- Lindsay Lohan wears an LBD for a Star Mag event: is her crackface improving?
Star: Katie Holmes is allegedly pregnant, “she can’t wait to be a mom again” Posted: 25 Apr 2012 08:37 AM PDT Radar and Star Magazine are owned by the same company, American Media Inc. I think that a great indicator of the truth/verification of any given Star Mag story is whether or not it's featured on Radar. Is the story being cross-promoted? If not, I generally think Star is full of it. Which brings me to their cover story this week – Katie Holmes's alleged second pregnancy. Radar is not running a joint-promotion of the story, so I think Star is probably full of it. Plus, every so often the tabloids will just say that Katie is knocked up and nothing ever comes of it. Still, wouldn't it be interesting if Katie Holmes was expecting again?
[From Hollywood Life] I know I'm going to be yelled at from several different directions, but I am actually surprised that Katie and Tom haven't had more kids. Whether or not Suri is Tom's biological kid, etc, if they found a way to have Suri, why not find a way to have a second kid? Tom talks about how much he loves being a dad all the time, and God knows, Katie would probably love to have another kid to talk to and treat like a little adult. But in any case, I don't think it's on. Katie's probably not pregnant. Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
Lindsay Lohan is going to the White House Correspondents Dinner. Seriously. Posted: 25 Apr 2012 08:18 AM PDT Can everyone just STOP with the Lindsay Lohan stuff? I mean, obviously, I feel like a good portion of my day is spent writing variations on the word "crack" and I sort of enjoy that, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the whitewashing of a crackhead. I'm talking about the social legitimization of an out-of-control addict who has no business being out in the world, doing drugs and drinking and driving, stealing jewelry, and getting into unprovoked bar fights. If the Cracken wasn't an actress, people would have already dismissed her as a criminal and drug addict. So Lindsay's latest coup is scoring an invite to the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, which is this weekend. Quite honestly, this offends me more than the Elizabeth Taylor bio-pic. At least with the Lifetime movie, it felt like the cracktastrophe was contained and manageable – I mean, of course it was going to be a disaster. How could it not be? But the Correspondents' Dinner? The President of the United States will be there. And the First Lady. And probably the Vice President and dozens of the most influential congressmen, plus the crème de la crème of the Washington press corps. And you're going to unless a D-list crackhead into the event? Dude. She's totally going to flash her firecrotch at POTUS. And she's going to ask Biden if he wants a bump in the bathroom. According to the Washington outlets, Greta Van Susteren, that old stunt-queen, was the one to invite LL. That's not all – LL is going to bring her lawyer, Shawn Holley, and the illustrious STEVE HONIG (who I still think is just Dina dressed up as a drag king). In previous years, Greta has brought some of the more noteworthy famewhore guests – like Kim Kardashian in 2010. You know what? I'll say it. I'd much rather Kim Kardashian get another invite, if I have to choose between Kim and the Cracken. Of course, "neither" would probably be the best option. Other celebrities expected to attend: Reese Witherspoon, George Clooney and Stacy Keibler, and maybe Kate Hudson too. The Cracken doesn't even belong in THAT group. (Sidenote: there are new Cracken photos that I’ll be covering later on today!) |
Claire Danes in red Lanvin at the Time 100 event: candy-wrapped goodness? Posted: 25 Apr 2012 08:06 AM PDT At last night’s Time 100 event, Claire Danes opted for more color than the ladies in white. As such, she wore a red Lanvin shift dress made of material that can only properly be described as resembling a Fruit Roll Up. That’s not necessarily a bad thing though because it’s not like she’s pulling a Katy Perry Sweet Tart look and pretending to sit on clouds and poop gum drops. And I do like Fruit Roll Ups even though I rarely indulge (not for weight reasons but because I’ve become quite obsessed with dental health lately). So this is a good (and just daring enough) look for Claire, who accessorized with diamond stud earrings and metallic gold Lanvin platform sandals. Her hair and makeup are appropriate and lovely as well. Also, this is a great tan trenchcoat that is very flattering to Claire’s coloring and figure. Rihanna also attended the event but was only photographed outside her NYC hotel (by our photo agencies, anyway). Pacific Coast news notes that Rihanna was “dressed to kill in a hot pink gown and black cape,” but it looked more like she was wearing a fuschia prom dress and a spare coat borrowed from one of her bodyguards. At least she covered all of the necessary parts though, which is really saying a lot when it comes to RiRi and equates to a relative “fashion win” by those standards. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, WENN, and Pacific Coast News ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pres. Obama slow-jams the news, talks education and jobs with Jimmy Fallon Posted: 25 Apr 2012 08:05 AM PDT As the election cycle ramps up now that Mitt Romney is officially the Republican nominee, both Gov. Romney and President Obama are going to be doing some funky things to attract votes. As such, Pres. Obama was shilling for young voters on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. Pres. Obama came out to "Slow Jam The News" – and it was a pretty decent/funny bit about Pell Grants and student loans: Here's Part 1 – Jimmy and the President chat about NCAA. Jimmy is really cute here, you can kind of tell he's nervous. Pres. Obama says he and Bo (the dog) are the only dudes in the White House, and they go to the "man cave" and watch ESPN. Part 2 – Jimmy tries to convince the President to do a planned pratfall (Obama refuses). The President also talks about one of his most embarrassing moment. Obama talking about student loans, college, jobs: Obama on the Secret Service-Colombian prostitution scandal. Obama calls the agents who hired hookers "knuckleheads". He also talks about weed and smoking cigarettes and Mitt Romney ("we're not friends.") Wow, that was a lot of Obama, right? But this is one of his greatest strengths, I think – he's engaging, he's funny, and he has that natural reticence that comes across as laid-back and cool to some people, and to other people it comes across as being aloof and "elite". I think Obama's campaign is going to be putting him in more and more situations where he can look like a regular guy, hanging out and connecting with average Americans, in an attempt to draw an unfavorable comparison to Mitt Romney, who often seems stiff, uncomfortable and robotic in similar situations. Romney has a lot of strengths as a candidate, but he seems a bit lacking with this kind of glad-handing, average-guy-hanging-out stuff. Romney's campaign will say that this "coolness factor" of Obama's isn't important – Romney is the one who knows what to do about the economy, which is more vital than any kind of "coolness". Romney's campaign is sort of right – but voters choose the craziest things to care about, so who knows? Oh, and some girl spilled yogurt on Pres. Obama yesterday – you can read about it here. Obama handled it well and the girl was really embarrassed. |
Angelina Jolie dresses like a beachy Morticia for Galapagos family vacation Posted: 25 Apr 2012 07:39 AM PDT I have no idea why I didn't get around to covering these photos yesterday, but hey, better late than never. These are pics of Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and all of their kids (right? Do a head count) in the Galapagos Islands on April 23, Monday. The photo set included blurry shots of the family getting on a plane, which makes sense because I don't even think the Family Jolie-Pitt is still in South America at this point. So these photos are days late… just enjoy. Radar says that the Jolie-Pitts toured Santa Cruz Island, which are probably the photos on the little boat, I'm guessing. Random thoughts: *I would love to know more about Angelina's collection of sack dresses, because this woman has a sack for every occasion. I can't make up mind as to whether a one-sleeved, gauzy black "Morticia At The Beach" sack-caftan is too dressy or too casual. Or is it just right? I can't decide. *When did Angelina become such a hat person? Bitch has changed! Nowadays she cares about her skin so much, she's become all Nicole "I must wear a hat at all times outside!" Kidman. *Isn't it weird that Brad's outfit looks exactly like a larger version of something Shiloh has already worn? Montengro Style is genetic. *Love Brad's track pants on the boat. Never seen a dude who can pull off white track pants, but Brad kind of makes it work. *Angelina's purse is fug. Brad's messenger bag is the bomb. *Empress Z looks like she's been taking boat tours all her life, right? That's because she has. *Love Vivienne's pink outfit. Ten bucks says that Zahara helps Angelina shop for Vivienne. That's about it. Just cute photos of a big family on vacation. The shots are so budget, I tend to think they were taken by some tourist and then sold to photo agencies. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Jennifer Garner makes first post-baby event appearance in peach D&G: gorgeous Posted: 25 Apr 2012 07:00 AM PDT
In terms of her Dolce & Gabbana peach-colored shift dress, it’s not the best. It’s pretty but too shapeless. Her excellent hair and makeup kind of carry this look. Just Jared reminds us that Jennifer turned 40 last week. Her birthday was April 17th. I can’t believe it, although I’m not too far behind her I have to say. Maybe that’s part of the reason I find her so relatable. Here’s the trailer for The Odd Life of Timothy Green, which is out on August 15th. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Photo credit: WENN and FameFlynet |
Beyonce named People Mag’s Most Beautiful Woman of 2012: great choice? Posted: 25 Apr 2012 05:59 AM PDT Call me crazy, but I don't hate this choice! Beyonce has been named People Magazine's "Most Beautiful Woman" for 2012. Previous winners include Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, and Jennifer Lopez (Most Beautiful in 2011). It's interesting that People Mag is going back-to-back with women of color, a Latina woman in 2011 and now a African-American woman in 2012. It makes sense to choose Beyonce too – she's become a mom, she's trying to be more accessible, and she's been much more in-our-faces over the past year. You can see People Mag's whole "Most Beautiful" package here, here for the gallery, and here are some highlights from People's cover profile:
[From People Magazine] While I consider Beyonce to be an incredibly beautiful woman, I have my doubts as to whether she would have been named "Most Beautiful" if not for the whole "giving birth" and "bump shenanigans" stuff. This year's list also includes Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Sofia Vergara and Mad Men’s Jessica Paré. Oh, and Lily Collins – you have to look at the photo they selected for Lily. It made me laugh a little. Oh, and Duchess Kate is on the list too! Duchess of Curls is one of the "most beautiful"? Sure. Cover courtesy of People Magazine, additional photos by WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
The Kardashians signed a new $40 million contract for 3 more seasons with E! Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:57 AM PDT The Kardashian siege is upon us. It is unrelenting. It is kat-faced. It is epic. And it's expensive too. And now the siege will be upon us for three more seasons, guaranteed. Yesterday, TMZ reported that the Family Kardashian has signed on to do three more "seasons" of their reality show(s). Their contract? Worth $40 million… but that's parceled out amongst Kris and her employees/family:
[From TMZ] Dear God. Well, I'm not going to tear my hair out about this. What does a "season" consist of for the Kardashians? Like, three months? I feel like they're always premiering new "seasons". And it's not on me – I don't watch the shows! (OK, sometimes I watch a few minutes of a Khloe & Lamar episode here and there.) But the Kardashians wouldn't be getting paid like this unless people were buying and watching. By the way, I'm also including some photos of Meow, the 39-pound cat who is being internationally fat-shamed. I just figured… if we're going to see photos of a cat-face with a huge ass, why not Meow rather than Kim Kardashian? I wish Meow had his own reality show. I would totally watch that. Get on it, Seacrest. |
Jason Segel was asked to lose 35 lbs by the studio president for his latest movie Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:22 AM PDT Did you see those photos of Jason Segel and Michelle Williams together two nights ago? Maybe three nights ago. You can see them here – they're pretty cute photos. Michelle looks a little bleary-eyed and unkempt (her hair is so much better when it's unkempt!), and Jason looks like he had a few drinks but not too many. Anyway, Jason has been in NYC, promoting Five Year Engagement, that film about… well, the title says it all. Jason was on The Late Show With David Letterman two nights ago, and he discussed his body image and how Hollywood forced him to lose weight. Since societal and career-demanded weight loss is a subject we have discussed ad nauseum about the ladies, I thought we might take a gander at gender reversal:
[From The Mail] Jason Segel is a big guy. How tall is he? Google says 6'4". So, he's a tall dude and he's got a big, broad frame. Thirty-five pounds either way (on or off) isn't some huge deal as far as his appearance goes, you know? So… I'm coming down on "This is rude, they should have just let Jason weigh whatever he wanted." Part of Jason's charm is that he seems like a big, goofy, slightly out-of-shape giant. And yes, sometimes thin women go for out-of-shape dudes. Half of all of the television sitcoms would not exist if that wasn't accepted as a universal truth. …Now, all that being said, it's kind of nice to know that at least some actors are getting the same kind of body image pressure as the ladies. Ideally, no one would be told to lose weight, of course. But if it's going to happen (and it does happen), it's interesting to hear a story about it happening to a dude. Jason took the criticism well, it seems. Sigh… men just have a completely different attitude towards weight loss and weight criticism. It's like they're a completely different species. |
Lindsay Lohan wears an LBD for a Star Mag event: is her crackface improving? Posted: 25 Apr 2012 04:22 AM PDT Here are the new Lindsay Lohan photos, as I promised. LL was at last night's Star Magazine "All Hollywood Event" – she got to walk the red carpet and everything. For Star Magazine, the tabloid that regularly reports on LL's shady activities, like her "relationship" last year with a married man named Vikram Chatwal. And now the Cracken is cozying up to Star. Because why not? As for LL's appearance… she looked high. But she has significantly eased off the fillers and stuff, and she continues to look a bit better. The return to red hair helps so much, doesn't it? I hate myself a little for liking her dress. Yesterday, we discussed Rosie O'Donnell's comments on the Today show regarding Lindsay's casting as Elizabeth Taylor. Rosie was not pleased, and she said so in a blinding moment of clarity. Well, the Cracken's panties are in a knot because of it:
[From TMZ] Whatever. I can't believe Lindsay actually pushed this story onto TMZ. I mean, of course "Rosie was always nice to her" – everybody walks on eggshells around the Cracken in case she starts throwing drinking and punches. I'm also including some photos of LL and Ali Lohan out and about yesterday in LA. Er… poor Ali. I want to mother that poor child. Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
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