For two people on a “completely platonic” vacation, Courteney Cox and Josh Hopkins seemed to be having a hard time keeping their clothes on around each other in St. Barts yesterday. Not to mention “best pals” don’t usually stand around grinning like idiots while staring at each others fun parts. Granted, my buddies and I Read More ...
Even though it feels like we’ve hit everything from Ewoks to dick gummies, here’s today’s The Crap We Missed: John Mayer is a Colombian drug lord now. Wonder Woman is winning over fanboys one awkward, boner-in-her-thigh hug at a time. Hilary Swank apparently saw those Christina Hendricks pics, too. Kevin Spacey imagines the soft, delicate Read More ...
Here’s the clean and sober Lindsay™ outside a Manhattan club last night, and I don’t know how else to describe what’s happening here without going, “Wow, that chick’s snorting coke.” Granted, she might just be spectacularly drunk, so I should at least give Lindsay™ the benefit of the doubt that she didn’t blatantly violate her Read More ...
Maybe because my first thought of Christina Hendricks is almost always this, her chest looks smaller to me in these pics. Of course, she could just be wearing clothes that actually fit her frame and/or finally followed through with all that dieting talk and, because God is a sick bastard, the behemoth jugs were the Read More ...
- Miley Cyrus hates that Rebecca Black song, too. - Ashton Kutcher and Justin Bieber are making a buddy comedy that’s sure to blow Cop & 1/2 out of the water. - Cameron Diaz might be in Drew Barrymore’s next movie which, judging from these pics, is a remake of Over The Top. - Read More ...
Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans might have been arrested for assault earlier this week after getting in a white trash brawl with another girl (Brittany Maggard) that was caught on video. But that shouldn’t stop her from treating it like a sex tape by selling it and pretending she’s devastated that it got out. Read More ...
When you’re a midget your career options are severely limited. You either play an Ewok, join the circus, do porn, or become a prop for the WWE. So since Snooki knocked that first one out at birth, here she is lending her credibility and star power to the WrestleMania XXVII press conference. I say credibility Read More ...
Here are some incredibly hot Victoria's Secret models posing in bikinis yesterday in case you guys are into that sort of thing. I know I'm taking a real risk here, but sometimes you gotta wake up and try something different. Broaden your horizons, if you will. So on that note, I think I’m actually going Read More ...
Because there’s a chance people might figure out Tom Cruise loves penis so much he demands all his snacks be shaped like them, Katie Holmes went on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and set the record straight on why her daughter was photographed holding cock gummies: Katie: It can be intense sometimes because there are moments in Read More ...
After years fondling an old man’s balls for room and board, you’d just assume he’d invite you to his wedding to reminisce about all those hilarious diaper changes. “Remember that time at Denny’s? I don’t cause I’m old! Wheeee! — Why am I in a tux?” Anyway, turns out that’s not the case for Read More ...
Maybe we should all see how tonight's episode goes before we give Shonda Rhimes the go-ahead for a round two, huh?
Tonight, Grey's Anatomy will venture into territory very few TV shows have before and even fewer have succeeded with - a musical episode. Sources caught up with the creator of the acclaimed drama to ask what to expect from the episode and if there was any hope for a second musical episode. Here's what we learned.
The episode has actually been in production "since September" between rehearsals, recording, and actually shooting the episode. Shonda reveals she was very surprised at the amount of musical talent she had on the show and if she had to go back and do it again, she would have put more pressure on those "claimed they couldn't sing." On such person was Ellen Pomepo, who Shonda says has a real "pure and true" voice and whose character is going to go through a lot tonight. She explains:
"She's been really tough this entire time about her own fertility issues. She's been really stoic and strong and fairly positive about it. This is her weakest moment when she feels the randomness of the world."
No doubt her scenes will be powerful. Ellen always brings it.
So what about the future? Will there be another musical episode in season eight? Perhaps, since Shonda is already thinking about other musical numbers she would like to hear the cast perform. She added:
"I really want to see Ellen sing ["Portions For Foxes"] by Rilo Kiley, which was the very first song we ever had in the pilot. I've already been saying I want to do it again. It was really tough on everybody though. We've been working on the episode since September. Everything from rehearsals to recording, it was a really difficult episode. I don't know if we'll ever do it again, but I already want to."
Never say never, that's what we've and Justin Bieber have always said.
Are U all looking forward to tonight's episode of Grey's?
They really aren't messing around when it comes to the Pirates franchise!
Back in January, we learned that Disney had closed a deal with Pirates 1-4 writer Terry Rossioto pen the fifth Pirates of the Caribbean film.
Now, it looks like the screenwriting process has already begun for the fifth film, which is likely to be a stand-alone story, based on what Jerry Bruckheimer has been saying lately.
As we said before, we think the Jack Sparrow character is strong enough to carry the series, and we'll be curious/excited to see how things play out with the fifth Pirates film.
Are U excited to hear that progress is already being made on Pirates of the Caribbean 5? Or have you had enough?
Ewan McGregor gets approached by people all the time. The number one thing they ask about? A Trainspotting sequel!
Well, Ewan recently responded to the demand for a part two:
"It's still the main thing people ask me about when they come up to me in the street. It's not something that I would completely dismiss off-hand until I've seen a script. I don't like being the guy that's making it not happen, especially when all the other guys want to make it."
The author of the first story DID pen a sequel called Porno, but Ewan wasn't a huge fan of it:
"I wouldn't want to do a sequel to 'Trainspotting' if it was just for the sake of it and, if I'm honest about it, I wasn't that blown away by the book. There's too many poor sequels in the world."
Understandable, Ewan!
We don't completely think it's necessary to have a sequel unless they put the proper amount of love and effort into it, so until we see someone step up to the plate with amazing intentions, we'll stick with the original.
How about that worst toilet in Scotland scene?? Just think about it, LOLz!
What an unbelievable gesture! This band deserves all the accolades they've received this year!
Arcade Fireperformed an intimate, surprise show for fans in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti on Tuesday night, on top of raising over $1 million for post-earthquake relief for the devastated country!
Sources claim the band, whose singer, Régine Chassagne, is the daughter of Haitian immigrants, performed their own hits Keep the Car Running, Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains), and Haiti, as well as covers of Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Rolling Stones, and Cyndi Lauper tracks!
Truly amazing! We're sure this meant the WORLD to not only their fans down there, but the entire community!
You guys should be EXTREMELY proud of all of your efforts! We certainly are!
A statue of the late, great artist Andy Warhol has been put up in Union Square, just outside the building that housed his famous studio. The 10-foot high chrome monument will stay on display until October and mingle amongst other great men in history like Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington (they have statues in that neighborhood too!)
Just because she's an ally to the LGBT community doesn't mean she has to be a part of it!
Rumors have persisted that Nicki Minaj is bisexual, especially after the rapper joked about having a threesome with Cassie and Lauren London, but she's finally decided to speak out against the reports, and reveal that she is heterosexual!
She explains:
"That's definitely not true… I guess some people are thrown off by me embracing gay culture. But I don't feel the need to explain that. Unless someone asks me a specific question."
Well said! No need to explain anything, because it SHOULDN'T need an explanation!
Oh yeah! Sometimes mommies and daddies need to get away from the kids!
Otherwise, when will they have time to make some more?! HA!
Sources report that last weekend, Brad Pittand Angelina Jolie escaped for a romantic weekend at a resort in Lake Powell, Utah, without the kids. Sources say the couple arrived around 2 pm to check into their $3,300 per night suite overlooking the desert. They indulged in a late dinner and the next morning, they flew their private plane over Lake Powell for a bird's eye view. An insider says they seemed to be "enjoying" their alone "downtime" immensely and though the trip was no more than 27 hours, it was well worth it.
Fabulous! We're glad to hear it. Though it was a short trip, it might've been just the thing they both needed to reconnect…in more ways than one!
What? Six kids doesn't sound nearly as fun as seven…or eight…or nineteen!
Scum/death metal band Gwar has been around for what seems like forever, slaughtering random politicians onstage and soaking their audience with blood and whatever other effluvia their warped...
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Mystery Boobs: There is no excuse for this nastiness & yet I still post it. (Yeeeah!) Is the Goop empire really expanding? Have mercy. (CB) The Kardashian Asses work 25 hours per day?...
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Once again, we return to my conflicted feelings about the raging English manchild that is Russell Brand. It seems that I just can’t quit this bloke, so here are some moreArthur stills to...
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Good news for fans of the passive-aggressive Southern lovefest known as “Justified” on FX. The series has been renewed for a third season after increasing its second season ratings from...
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Since there's nothing in particular going on in places like Libya or Japan, the world has felt free to obsess over Suri Cruise's questionable choice of things to shove in her mouth. This morning...
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