Wednesday, March 9, 2011



Britney Spears on gay marriage: “I think everyone should be treated equally”

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 08:50 AM PST


Britney Spears is the cover girl for the new issue of Out Magazine in a piece called "Britney Emails Her Heart". The "catch" to the interview is that Out simply emailed a list of questions to Britney, and "Britney" answered them. This is "Britney's" new thing, not doing interviews in person or on the phone. She answers questions via email or Twitter or something. Do you really think she's answering these questions, or is it some intern or publicist? Who knows? Anyway, the full Out Mag piece is here, but I've just included everything from the Q & A:

Where were you the first time you heard one of your songs on the radio?
I was in New Orleans, and I was so excited. It's such a cool feeling to hear your own song play on the radio. I still have the same kind of excitement when I hear any of my songs today.

How did you spend the first big check you received?
On a bright white Mercedes convertible.

When was the first time you saw a Britney Spears drag queen?
In New Orleans singing “Slave 4 U.” I almost died!

When you were starting out, whose career did you want to mold yours after?
Madonna. No question. She is an amazing entertainer. Besides Madonna, I also admire Sarah Jessica Parker's career and her shoe collection.

Are there any of your songs that you wish you hadn't recorded/you don't really love?
No. All of my songs are f–ing amazing.

How is Femme Fatale different from your other albums?
I think Femme Fatale is my most upbeat and mature album yet.

Who are some of the stand out collaborators on Femme Fatale?
I collaborated with Will.I.Am. I am a huge fan of Black Eyed Peas, and I have always wanted to work with him. I also worked with a new up-and-coming artist from the L.A. area named Sabi. She raps on a song I love called “(Drop Dead) Beautiful.”

Assuming reincarnation exists, in a previous life I think I was… Audrey Hepburn, because she was a trend setter.

Assuming reincarnation exists, in my next life I'd life to be… A bird, so I can fly.

My idea of hell is…Being on a diet.

My idea of heaven is… A trip with my kids.

If you hadn't become a superstar, what career do you think you would have chosen?
I was in seventh grade and it was career day and I remember thinking that I wanted to be an entertainment lawyer. I always knew I would be in this business somehow. I think this path worked out way better.

What album do you consider life-changing? Natalie Imbruglia's Left of the Middle.

Which Disney princess do you relate to most and why? It depends on the day.

What is the best advice you've gotten and who was it from?
My mom said when you have a bad day, eat ice cream. That's the best advice.

What is the worst advice a record executive ever told you?
Someone once told me that the “…Baby One More Time” video should be me as a superhero fighting a giant robot monster.

What was the last nightmare you had? That someone was chasing me.

How would you feel if one of your sons turned out to be gay? I love my boys no matter what.

Do you listen to your contemporaries' music?
Yes. I love Gaga and Rihanna. Rihanna's “S & M” is awesome.

Which song from the last 10 years do you wish you had recorded?
Eminem and Rihanna's "Love the Way You Lie."

What is your ideal way to spend a Sunday?
Playing with my boys, getting some frozen yogurt, working out, and taking a nap.

What is the dumbest, most ridiculous rumor that has been printed about you?
That I was an alien.

What is the rumor that hurt the most? That I had died in a car accident.

What women (living or dead) could make you think twice about your sexuality?
I only have eyes for men.

Who is your favorite Golden Girl? Betty White, because she's so sweet and innocent.

Do you have any phobias? Flying, because I'm not in control.

The best part of being famous is… Being able to reach people and hopefully make them happy.

The worst part of being famous is… Giving up your privacy.

How does the thought of turning 30 later this year make you feel?
I'm excited to be out of my 20s.

How do you feel about plastic surgery? When it's time to pull and tuck, I'm sure I will consider it.

I first learned about sex… When I was 12 years old. From my mom. I was confused and disgusted.

Kissing Madonna was… Cool.

You've been married twice — once for only 55 hours. How do you feel about gay marriage? I think everyone should be treated equally.

Lady Gaga is… Unique.

Christina Aguilera is… Truly talented.

Britney Spears is… ME!

[From Out Magazine]

Okay, that was kind of a cute piece, and I really liked her answers. Britney seems to support her gay fan base without having to pander so hard (like Lady Gaga). Britney just IS. In the introduction to the Q & A, the Out writer even made the same point - people like Britney because she makes solid dance music and she's a survivor and she doesn't pretend to be something she's not.



Photos courtesy of Out Magazine.

Charlie Sheen: “My lawyer wants to take the bullets out of my gun”

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 08:22 AM PST


Not content to simply do endless streaming rants, and photo ops with machetes, and interviews with networks and TMZ, Charlie Sheen also sat down for an interview with Life & Style Magazine, and it made the cover. Charlie's new shtick is claiming that he's aware of his own crazy. Hm…

After weeks of erratic behavior, Charlie Sheen finally admits—in an interview with Life & Style—that he's falling apart.

"I'm really starting to lose my mind," he confesses to Life & Style. I'm ready to call anyone to help."

It's a shocking turnaround —the first sign of vulnerability he's shown throughout this whole circuslike period. But when estranged wife Brooke Mueller was granted temporary custody of their 2-year-old twins, Max and Bob, it sent Charlie into a tailspin.

"She can't keep them from me," Charlie tells Life & Style. "I won't let her — I'll do anything to get them back."

And he's apparently become so desperate and ravaged by the effects of addiction, his words are becoming more and more frightening.

"I'm really trying to contain myself right now," Charlie tells Life & Style. "My lawyer wants to come over to my house and take the bullets out of my gun."

Loved ones fear that having his kids taken away along with the news of being fired from Two and a Half Men could push him over the edge. "It's crazy over here at the house," says a source who was with him on March 7, the day the news broke. "Charlie's losing it. He's really mad about the show, and dealing with the kids and Brooke is getting to be too much. Charlie is a ticking time bomb, and we all fear he could do something drastic like committing suicide or falling back on hard drugs."

Another insider agrees, "Anything could happen at any minute. He's a danger to himself — a really big danger."

[From Life & Style]

"Charlie is a ticking time bomb, and we all fear he could do something drastic like committing suicide or falling back on hard drugs." Well, then, why let him have guns? That's what I don't understand about this situation - if I was one of the poor bastards around him, I wouldn't be able to stop from going around his house and collecting all of the knives, guns, pill bottles, bricks of cocaine and machetes. That's what you do when someone is talking like this. Now, I'm not saying that if Charlie is truly suicidal, he won't still find a way. People who are really this far gone down their self-destructive paths will always find a way. But I'm still not entirely convinced that this isn't all an act.

Meanwhile, People Magazine's cover story focuses on Charlie's youngest kids, Max and Bob. There are some quotes from "sources" who claim that Charlie loves his kids, and then People reports this: "As defiant – and rambling – as ever, Sheen text messaged PEOPLE in the midst of the latest drama and said, in part, 'The winds are howling tonight. The gods are hungry. The beast is alive. And awake. And deadly.'" I mean, really.

Also, People Mag says that Rob Lowe is a big contender to replace Charlie in Two & A Half Men. God, I hate Rob Lowe. He sucks the life out of every television series with his too-earnest acting.


Sienna Miller’s epic Sytlist interview: “I think it’s difficult being a woman”

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PST


The nice people at Stylist just sent us their new, epic Sienna Miller interview. You can read the full thing here. Sienna is currently in London, rehearsing a play and boning anything that moves in the wake of her split with Jude Law. She talks about Jude a little bit in the interview, but mostly it's just about Sienna and her self-perpetuating drama machine. The interview took place during Sienna's lunch break during rehearsals, and the interviewer adds these little notes about what Sienna is eating and how easily she gets distracted, like she has AD/HD or something. It's kind of funny. Here are some of the highlights:

Doing the play After Miss Julie with Jonny Lee Miller: "In New York the audiences were very vocal, which was quite difficult because my character in that play was quite poisonous as a person. Every night they'd be like, 'Oh, she's disgusting! What a vile woman,' and it's hard not to take that personally. At first I was really trying to go for the sympathy vote, but by the end of it, I sort of loved being detestable. I was ashen on the floor, spitting on Jonny. In the end, I found it really liberating."

Surely as an actress, you simply look at the next role as another character you're playing? "Not with me," Sienna replies, with endearing honesty. "A lot of what inhibits me is my attachment to what people think. And I think I overcame a hurdle with After Miss Julie because I didn't need to be loved [by everybody]."

How does she respond to the haters? "I just don't read things," she says simply. "In our family we have a 'no Google' policy. In fact, I rarely use the internet, I don't even do social networking."

On being bad at interviews: "I'm a big gob," she says, cringing. "And I'm terrible at interviews because I'm very honest. But I think it's difficult being a woman… Men get away with far more in interviews; they can be open and less judged. I suppose I just refuse to conform on that level."

Has she ever considered being less candid in interviews? "Not really. I mean, I think I've become more aware of the consequences of saying what I think but I still have no reason to pretend to be anything else other than me. Don't get me wrong, there are times when I've read things and gone, 'I've just shot myself in the foot by being that open.' Things get manipulated by journalists. But you know, ultimately, I've said it."

On talking about the split with Jude: "It doesn't make me nervous, no, because actually everything is quite harmonious in that area of my life," she says, referring to the split. "We both confirmed that it was mutual and amicable and we remain great friends. That's what's frustrating I suppose, that there's still this speculation about why and whether it's me or him [who instigated the split]. It's nobody's business." Then why bother confirming it? "We both just thought it was time to do that. It happened months ago, long before we released it. There's just no need [for the press] to go, 'Oh, they must be lying about why they've done it.' Believe me, if there was animosity between us, we wouldn't lie. It's just very sad and private."

So does she still feel sad about it? "I don't really want to talk about that. I think splitting up with anybody isn't the most pleasurable experience in life but when it's the right thing, it's the right thing. I'm not going to dwell on it." But people will continue to ask you about it, I say. "Yes, and I bet if they were doing an interview with [Jude] they wouldn't. That's what I get frustrated about. With him, people won't ask."

Sienna is asked if she'll do the GI: Joe sequel: "No," she says sheepishly, while confirming that although her co-star Channing Tatum will be returning for the second instalment, she's ducked out of it. "I think I compromised myself with that movie," she says carefully. "It wasn't the kind of film I would like to see and it sort of made me evaluate why I'm doing this. I realised that unless it was a film I really loved, I didn't want to be away working. Because I'm getting to the stage where I want to work to live, not live to work, if you see what I mean. I don't want to do a film that I wouldn't even go to see."

Instead, she plans to focus on smaller, independent films. "I want to learn more and become cleverer, and work with great directors." And do another play? "I'll do another one in London in the fall, I think. The fall!" she jokes in a flawless American accent. "Get me!"

On the paparazzi: "I'd have 10 photographers outside my house and chasing me in cars every day," she says. When did she decide enough was enough? "I think it got to the stage where it was either [taking the paparazzi to court] or quitting." The industry? "Yes. I mean, it wasn't worth it, the way my life had become. There was no life. And I understand how irritating that must sound, to say I just couldn't cope, but I don't want to adapt to having a driver. I don't want to be protective of myself to a degree where it's not normal. Because I am quite a normal person, really." I tell her that she's been papped recently with her co-star in Flare Path, Joe Armstrong (in case she hadn't heard). She nods, "Oh, the entire company has got this whole joke going. I mean, the amount of people I'm linked with romantically that I've never even met is ridiculous."

Sienna on celebrities moving fast in their relationships: "Oh, I think it just appears that way. I mean, I got engaged…" She pauses. "I've only been engaged once by the way." Really? What happened with Jude? "A second time? No. No, absolutely not true. I've been engaged once [to him] and not engaged to anybody else since. The £130,000 ring? Absolutely didn't exist."

[From Stylist]

Eh. I mean, it's an interesting interview, but I often think that Sienna Miller is stuck in this teenage-girl mentality and lack of self-awareness. Meaning that for Sienna, everything is about her and her drama and she lacks adult perspective on her place in the food chain, you know? She fronts like she's a major actress, or like she's still that circa 2005 It Girl who has lots of career possibilities. The truth of the matter is that not many quality people want to work with Sienna and her junk.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Chris Brown whines about haters showing their “true colors” after his “mishap”

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:17 AM PST


Chris Brown is a moron. There's really no question about that, honestly. So, here's the question: is it better to ignore him whenever he says something stupid and ignorant, or should we talk about it, pointing and laughing at the ridiculous idiot, just so he'll learn not to speak, ever? I don't know. Since he beat the hell out of Rihanna, Chris has talked about the events of that night several times in various interviews. I don't care enough to actually look up his previous comments, I just remember that they made me roll my eyes. So Chris has a new interview, with Page Six Magazine, and Us Weekly has this preview. This boy is SO dumb.

Chris Brown is aware of his own infamy. The singer, 21, is frank with Page Six Magazine (in Thursday’s New York Post) about the ongoing fallout from his February 2009 assault of then-girlfriend Rihanna.

“People are always gonna talk. But I’m in a positive place. I consider myself a grown-ass man,” says the star, whose new album F.A.M.E. stands for “Forgiving All My Enemies.”

Speaking of forgiveness, Brown says he’s done apologizing for the brutal Rihanna attack.

“At the end of the day,” muses the “Forever” singer, “if I walk around apologizing to everybody, I’m gonna look like a damn fool.”

A judge recently downgraded a restraining order barring contact between Brown and Rihanna, 23. (Brown is serving five years probation for the crime, and completed court-mandated domestic violence classes plus 180 hours of hard labor last year.)

In the wake of that shocking scandal, Brown says “a handful of people stuck by me,” including fellow musicians Pitbull and producer Pharrell Williams.

Still, he complains that many folks “turn[ed] away. They don’t want to get involved with it because they don’t want their name attached to anything negative. Unknowingly, they kind of show their true colors when they do that.”

He doesn’t exactly fault those former friends for walking away after the assault — which he calls a “mishap.”

“You can’t blame people for how they want to be portrayed or if they don’t want to be associated with somebody who had a particular mishap.”

“The last two years, everybody dissed me,” Brown says. “But my fans were so dedicated. The way I look at it is, you can’t walk around mad, because then you just prove everybody right that you’re an angry person.”

Brown’s full interview in Page Six Magazine appears online and in print on Thursday.

[From Us Weekly]

Oh, so much stupidity. Shall we take it point by point?

* "If I walk around apologizing to everybody, I’m gonna look like a damn fool.” Aw, he's concerned with looking foolish. And he thinks "apologizing" will make him look dumber. Dumbass.

* "They don’t want to get involved with it because they don’t want their name attached to anything negative. Unknowingly, they kind of show their true colors when they do that.” What "true colors"? That many people don't want to associate themselves with a stupid, abusive prick? Why is Chris's default position set to "everybody should be on my side, they should stand by me, forever, no matter what"? Chris, the world is not full of people who wanna be yo’ mama.

* "You can’t blame people for how they want to be portrayed or if they don’t want to be associated with somebody who had a particular mishap." - A "mishap" is accidentally dropping a cake. Beating the hell out your girlfriend and nearly choking her to death is not a "mishap". Semantics, I know.

… Anyway, this was supposed to be amusing, but it ended up depressing me. Hopefully some of those Team Breezy jackasses will come in and lighten the mood.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Old Spice guy Isaiah Mustafa calls Kathy Griffin ‘amazing’

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 07:09 AM PST

Say what you will about smack-talking funny girl Kathy Griffin, she’s getting the last laugh after her public feud with mama bear Sarah Palin. Kathy, 50, is probably boning the guy we all wish our guys looked smelled like, Old Spice hottie Isaiah Mustafa, 37. We’ve heard rumors that these two are hitting it, and now Isaiah tells US he thinks Kathy is “amazing” and “a force of nature” but adds that he’s single. Maybe he’s contractually obligated to say that by Old Spice so we can still fantasize about him lathering up in our shower while showering us with diamonds.

Isaiah Mustafa — a.k.a. the Old Spice Guy — was coy with on Monday about his rumored romance with comedienne Kathy Griffin.

“I think she is amazing!” Mustafa, 37, told Us at Cosmopolitan mag’s Fun Fearless Males of 2011 bash in NYC.

“I think she’s a force of nature. And she’s on Broadway, so if you get a chance, go check her out!”

“But,” Mustafa insisted, “I just happen to be a single man!”

Still, a source told Us last month that Mustafa and Griffin, 50, “are not boyfriend/girlfriend, but they are definitely spending time together and getting to know each other.” The duo began seeing each other several months ago, and were caught canoodling between takes on the set of Glee Feb. 23.)

On Mustafa’s list of requirements in a woman? “I’m looking for someone who’s respectful of my needs because I’m always respectful of the lady’s needs, and that’s pretty much the bottom line.”

He added: “I like brunettes. I like red-heads or gingers. I like blonds!”

The sexy rising star did fess up to bizarre requests from fans of his hit commercials — who’ve demanded he take his “shirt off, strap on a saddle, all sorts of stuff!”

[From US Weekly]

See, he’s acting like he’s not with Kathy and likes all kinds of women so that we’ll continue to imagine him taking us to that thing we love and rubbing our feet afterwards. It’s more of a fantasy for me to think that Kathy scored him, though. It means that there are hunks who don’t take themselves seriously who go for older women who make them laugh. If only he would admit to it. At least he said a bunch of nice things about her. And if they aren’t anything more than friends, the way he handled that question was so gracious.






Mustafa is shown on 3/7, 2/25/11 and 8/21/10. Credit:

Star: Boozy Christina Aguilera “hits rock bottom”

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 06:40 AM PST


I sincerely hope Christina Aguilera has sent Charlie Sheen some muffin baskets, because the sheer volume of Charlie's crazy eclipses other celebrities' crack shenanigans, and too many of them are getting off easy. Like Christina, who is probably drunk right now, as I'm writing. Christina is a boozehound monster, and she's been having a rough few months. Divorce, custody issues, trying to get her career on track, getting into drunken bitch-fights at the Globes, passing out drunk in strangers' beds, being too wasted to remember the lyrics to the National Anthem, falling down drunk at the Grammys, and finally, getting arrested and held for hours for public intoxication because she was too blitzed to stand up straight, OR remember her address. Anyway, while Charlie and "The Bachelor" seem to be taking most of the tabloid covers this week, Star Magazine decided to run with a Christina cover. The "painful secret" that Star is referring to on the cover seems to be that Christina has unnamed "personal demons". Not to be rude, but who doesn't?

With a failed marriage, stalled career, weight issues and an embarrassing arrest for public drunkenness, Christina Aguilera’s world has spiraled out of control. In our new issue, we reveal the painful secret that caused her meltdown and detail her toxic new romance.

In the March 21 issue of Star — on sale now — we report that the singer is plagued with personal demons — and how the collapse of her marriage to Jordan Bratman last fall has completely derailed her.

"Christina's lost her confidence since she split from Jordan," an insider tells Star. "She gets terribly sad, and that's when all the awful memories come flooding back and she ends up numbing herself with booze and food."

Her new life with bad boy beau Matthew Rutler — who was arrested for DUI when Christina was busted for public drunkenness — hasn't helped her regain stability – with her friends calling him an enabler. And Christina turns more and more to alcohol to help her with her woes – a faltering career, significant weight gain and a potential custody battle over 3-year-old Max.

“Everyone is worried sick,” says a concerned pal. “She needs to get help before something even more serious happens.”

Pick up the new Star today for our full story on Christina hitting rock bottom, including her troubled family life, extreme party past, weight worries and more.

[From Star Magazine]

Eh. This sounds pretty basic. They might even bring up some stuff from Christina's childhood, which she's already discussed - apparently, her father was an abusive son of a bitch. But I'm not a big fan of saying using childhood abuse as a catch-all excuse for an adult's behavior. As I said, everybody is screwed up about something, you know? And if Christina was just sitting in her house, getting wasted and not hurting anyone, I wouldn't really care. But my biggest problem is that she's continuously drunk in public, causing disruptions and failing and putting other people in danger - AND she thinks she's fine. She's thinks she's maintaining. She's being enabled by new gigs and new jobs and she doesn't get that the only reason most people are interested in her at this point is to simply watch the trainwreck unfold.



Star cover courtesy of CoverAwards. Additional pics by WENN.

Keira Knightley’s new Chanel ads: bored, hungry or beautiful?

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 06:16 AM PST


Keira Knightley has been "the face" of Chanel Mademoiselle for several years now, and these are the ads for her 2011 campaign. It seems… phoned in. Not that Chanel ads are ever really groundbreaking or anything, but even Keira looks super-bored, hungry, and like "Why am I here again?" Plus, Keira looks too thin in her face - and this is a thin girl already.

Chanel hasn’t strayed far from the headlines this week - a mesmerising Paris Fashion Week show, news that Lily Allen has chosen a Chanel wedding dress and the debut of its first Blake Lively ad has ensured it’s been the label on everyone’s lips, and now the unveiling of its latest Keira Knightley campaign will ensure that the fashion house stays high on the radar for yet another day.

The stunning shoot first came to our attention back in September, when the Brit actress was spotted filming scenes on Paris’ Place de la Concord, perched on a vintage motorbike in a camel catsuit and coordinating helmet.

Now the first official images have finally hit the web, showing Ms Knightley nibbling on a bottle of Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, wrapped in a sheet and clad in that camel all-in-one.

The latest in a string of Chanel campaigns for Knightley, the project marks a reunion for the actress, who teamed up with her Pride & Prejudice director Joe Wright to shoot the mini film.

[From Marie Claire]

Honestly, I don't think Keira should be fronting a major campaign anymore. It's not just the "blah" quality of these images, or her weight loss, or her faltering film career - I just don't think she's interested in getting any kind of attention, at all. In recent interviews she's been extremely squirrelly and rude, she fronts like any act of promotion is beneath her, and she's just recently broken up with her boyfriend. It's a good time for Keira to go away for a while.

I should note this however - while Blake Lively, Lily Allen and other fashion girls have been in Paris this week, bowing to the alter of Lagerfeld, Keira has not been around. She’s doing a play. And she doesn’t give a crap, honestly.





Photos courtesy of Sassisamblog.

Michaele Salahi kicked off Celebrity Rehab, Sean Young to take her place

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:59 AM PST

White House Party Crasher and all around grifter Michaele Salahi was cast on Celebrity Rehab this season, along with such luminaries as Michael Lohan, Bai Ling and Dwight Gooden. It’s known that Michael Lohan is supposedly sober, as he’s some kind of sanctimonious preachy sobriety coach for teenagers when he’s not giving press conferences about his daughter. Lohan admitted as much when he was cast, and said that he was hoping to get treatment for his “anger issues.” It was Michaele Salahi who just got kicked off for not being addicted to anything, though. Like the e-mail “evidence” that the Salahis gave to “prove” they were invited to the state dinner, her husband Tareq swears he has e-mails that show that producers wanted Michaele to fake an addiction. (At least that’s what he implied.)


But that’s apparently why former Real Housewives of D.C. matron Michaele Salahi was more or less fired by Dr. Drew Pinsky today.

“The treatment program that Celebrity Rehab documents is intended for individuals with serious substance abuse and addiction issues,” VH1 said in a statement to E! News. “Prior to the taping of the current season, producers were advised that Michaele Salahi met the criteria to be treated in this setting. However, professional assessments spanning from that time to the present, found that she did not meet such criteria.

“As a result, she is no longer participating in the program.”

A rep for Salahi said yesterday that the self-proclaimed philanthropist, who didn’t appear to suffer from addiction during Real Housewives, was hoping Dr. Drew would “be able to assist her about everything she has endured over the last year.”

Salahi revealed in September that she suffers from multiple sclerosis, a degenerative disease that attacks nerve cells around the brain and spinal cord.

Dr. Drew did a full medical workup on Salahi and she is doing fine, a production source told Radar Online. But apparently she and her husband are pretty pissed!

“She was really leaning on Dr. Drew, who is a respected doctor to get her through some of the issues after the White House, when she went to Congress, when she went into relapse with her multiple sclerosis,” Tareq Salahi told Radar.

“My wife takes her health situation very seriously, she has a real diagnosis of multiple sclerosis,” he continued. “You know, we can show you a bunch of emails about what they wanted her to pretend to be, therefore, but that’s going to come out later on with one of the major networks.”

[From E! Online]

A chronic illness and an inability to tell the truth do not constitute an addiction. (An inability to eat full meals might, however.) Then again, from what I understand the Celebrity Rehab model of addiction is rather loose and is based on whoever they can get to be on the show. Remember Rachel Uchitel and her “love” and Ambien addiction? Sadly, there are celebrities on that show who are truly addicted to drugs as well. Bassist Mike Starr of Alice in Chains was on Celebrity Rehab in 2009, and he just died at the age of 44 from as-of-yet unknown causes. He was arrested for felony of a controlled substance last month.

Meanwhile Tareq was staying with Michael Lohan, who just kicked him out of his West Hollywood apartment for not paying the bills. Radar has video of Michael complaining about Tareq, and suggests that Michael may have staged it for publicity. Given all the scams that Tareq and Michaele have pulled, it’s likely Michael was telling the truth and that Tareq didn’t pay his share.

There’s news that trainwreck Sean Young, 51, will join the cast of Celebrity Rehab, probably in Michaele’s place. Young was kicked out of an awards ceremony in early 2008 for being drunk and disorderly, and the decline of her career is generally blamed on her eccentric, probably drunken behavior and the way she stalked James Woods after their breakup in the late 80s. She’ll be an interesting addition for sure. Look at this crazy bitch. She’s holding a bunny and wearing a fur coat. She brought that rabbit with her too, no one else at that event was holding it.

Sean Young

Sean Young

Sean Young

Photos of the Salahis from October, 2010 credit: Photos of Sean Young from December 2010 (bunny pictures) and April, 2010 credit: PRPhotos

Charlie Sheen calls Jon Cryer a ‘turncoat,’ keeps ranting, is it an act?

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:39 AM PST

Charlie Sheen is really mad now, and that means he’s going to unleash his fiery fists of verbal fury. He has a new rant up on UStream (below), I think it’s his fourth, and he seems to have abandoned the crew that were with him in his first broadcast over the weekend. (In this second UStream video he’s on the phone and says “I’m better solo, I invented solo.”) In this most recent video, he goes on an extended tirade that’s undoubtedly about the fact that he was finally officially fired from Two and A Half Men. It’s hard to tell exactly what he’s talking about because his speech is so full of bizarre metaphors and random wordplays that it sounds like cracked out poetry, which is pretty much what we’ve been hearing from him all along. You can read Charlie’s rant on Radar Online, where they put up a transcript, and watch it below. Like a lot of the crap that Charlie spouts, it’s so creative that it makes you wonder if it’s scripted somehow. He may have written it ahead of time and be reading from an offscreen script. The content focuses on how great Charlie is and how his enemies have wronged him, which is again typical for him.

Many people are wondering if Charlie’s demeanor is some kind of act or performance art, similar to the way that Joaquin Phoenix went off the rails last year for that documentary and eventually came back looking completely normal. Charlie is rebranding himself as an nonstop insanity meme and he has a massively popular Twitter account, is looking for an intern to manage his social networking, and is reportedly in talks to launch a one-man tour in which people will presumably pay for the privilege to see him rant on stage like he’s been doing for free for the past few weeks.

I’m pretty sure that this is genuine, and that Charlie is either still on crack or is feeling the effects of the drug in the form of lingering mental illness. He may still have enough faculties to be able to poke fun at himself and come up with clever catchphrases like “jaundiced gorilla pelts,” “undigested hummus” and “an angry mob raiding your muck hole” but that doesn’t mean he’s in control of his faculties. He’s not a good enough actor to play a raving drug addict so convincingly.

Here are some excerpts from an article on medscape on Cocaine related psychiatric disorders. The source article explains that psychotic disorders can occur both with cocaine intoxication, and during the withdrawal process:

Cocaine-induced psychotic disorders with delusions
A person demonstrating delusions clings to a false belief or judgment despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. For example, a female abusing cocaine may demonstrate delusions of grandeur and believe that she possesses great wealth, intellect, and power, despite the fact that she is homeless and without education. Suicidal or homicidal ideation can occur in response to delusional beliefs.

Cocaine-induced mood disorder
A patient presenting with acute mania may demonstrate inflated self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, talkativeness, flight of ideas, distractibility, increased goal-directed activity, and/or irritability.

[From Medscape]

That sounds very close to what Charlie is exhibiting, and while it is at times funny it’s also very disturbing to watch. We’ve never seen a celebrity go off the rails like this. Britney had a lot of very serious issues three years ago, but she didn’t broadcast them online and we only saw photos and heard about it secondhand. While the coverage of Charlie seems excessive there’s a human tendency to rubberneck. (You can black out all references to Charlie Sheen online using this handy Firefox and Chrome plugin if it’s getting to you.)

Meanwhile Charlie told E! how upset he was that his costar Jon Cryer didn’t reach out to him like so many other people did when Charlie started flinging his sh*t against the walls and blaming everyone else for it. Charlie said that “Jon has not called me. He’s a turncoat, a traitor, a troll. Clearly he’s a troll. He issued a statement. Is it gonna take me calling him a ‘traitor, juvenile and scared’ for him to get it?

Only Cryer never did issue a statement, there was just a fake Twitter account from someone claiming to be Cryer, and his rep has refused to comment. He did do a spoof skit on Ellen in which he played an administrative assistant, but he didn’t say anything about Sheen’s problems or the controversy over the show being put on hiatus. A source also tells E! that Cryer did call Sheen. He apparently didn’t fawn over him enough or tell him exactly what he wanted to hear, which amounts to “you’re special, you’re better than everyone else, you can do whatever you want and get paid millions of dollars for it, and everyone who disagrees with you is wrong.” Oh I’m sorry, I need to translate that to Sheen speak to be understandable “Your Tiger Blood makes you indestructible and unfathomable to all the worms who live inferior, goddess-weak lives.” That’s still not crazy enough, is it?

After I wrote all that People Magazine came out with their new cover on Charlie Sheen, their second in two weeks. It’s about how his twin boys are faring. This is going to be the top celebrity story this year, and we don’t know yet how it’s going to end.

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Lady Gaga on early traumas: I was on “an artistic journey to f–k myself up”

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 05:37 AM PST


Lady Gaga did an interview with rock journalist Neil Strauss for his new book, Everyone Loves You When You Are Dead. Honestly, I was expecting more rambling from Gaga about how disturbed and screwed up her privileged Manhattan childhood was, because she loves to make it sound like she grew up on the "mean streets". But Gaga actually seems to have made an effort to confess that she's done a lot of junk to give herself more tragedy, because tragedy = art.

Lady Gaga has offered some insight into what has shaped her into becoming the artist she is today, hinting at past “traumatic events”, but refusing to elaborate further for fear her experiences would be “twisted and turned” by the media. The controversial singer opened up to rock journalist Neil Strauss who has included a snippet of their conversation in his new book Everyone Loves You When You Are Dead, and can bring you an exclusive interview with the author.

“I asked her if she’d been through a traumatic experience when she was younger and she said yes, that it was when she was in New York and it was so terrible that she’d blocked it out,” Strauss told “She said it was so horrible that she didn’t want it in her younger fans’ heads. I think she felt that if she opened up about herself, then it would define her and that’s all anyone would ask about.”

In the book the 24-year-old singer tells Strauss: “I didn’t have a bad childhood. All of the things I went through were on my own quest for an artistic journey to f**k myself up like Warhol and Bowie and Mick, and just go for it. All of the trauma I caused to myself. Or it was caused by people that I met when being outrageous and irresponsible."

The outspoken star went on to admit how the drug abuse of her early days still haunts her.

“Sometimes it freaks me out — or I should say it petrifies me — when I think about laying in my apartment (in New York) with bed bugs and roaches on the floor and mirrors with cocaine everywhere, and no will or interest in doing anything but making music and getting high,” she said. “I’ve had such obstacles with drugs and rejection and people not believing in me. It’s been a very long and continuous road that I love, but it’s hard to just chalk it up to myself. I have to believe there’s something greater than myself.”

And, while Gaga was clearly a constant on the Manhattan party scene, Strauss is uncertain as to whether she could be defined as a drug addict.

“She was a young artistic woman in New York in a performance artist party scene and of course she did coke,” he told “I think there’s a line between doing coke as a recreation party thing and doing coke on your own. Who knows if she was buying it on her own or using it a lot but she was able to stop herself without going to rehab or having treatment. Whether she was an addict or a very committed causal user is not clear.”

The best-selling author also believes that the wacky Poker Face singer hides behind her crazy costumes as a way to keep her personal life out of the headlines.

“I never asked her about her clothes, they’re just a distraction from the person. She’s bent on exhibitionism,” Strauss explained. “She wants to be untouchable, unreachable, inhuman… her whole motivation is, ‘I’m going to be your modern day goddess.’”

In his book Strauss details the best of his interviews with rock ‘n’ roll royalty and the elite of the acting and entertainment worlds, including Madonna, Snoop Dogg, Ozzy Obourne, Tom Cruise, Zac Efron, Prince and Britney Spears.

[From Radar]

Ugh, Gaga is exhausting. On one side, she takes responsibility for her drug use and abuse and owns up (partially) to just doing that stuff because she wanted to be hardcore, like her idols. But I still have massive problems believing this whole "origin story" of Gaga's cocaine abuse. In previous interviews, Gaga has spun tales of her father and her beloved grandmother "saving" her from her cokehead ways and that after one particular coked-out experience, she decided to pour that energy into her art. I just don't buy it anymore, mostly because I think Gaga is still using and abusing, and because I think she's still a rich, privileged girl pretending to be all working-class and tough (much like Madonna).





Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.

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