Thursday, March 10, 2011

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Charlie Sheen Gets A Job Offer…In Porn

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 11:30 AM PST

charlie sheen offered porn movie job

We have our suspicions that Sheen's Korner isn't going to be picked up by HBO or anyone else, so maybe he should take this job…and he probably will!

Vivid Entertainment's founder/co-chairman Steven Hirsch has reached out to Charlie Sheen to offer him a job on one of their adult films.

Here's what he had to say to Sheen about directing a porn parody entitled Two and a Half Women in a letter:

"We think it would be great if you would come in and direct the movie. You pick the scenarios, positions, etc. The fact that you are the ultimate connoisseur of adult films would definitely work to your advantage."

"Based on all the publicity you have been getting, I am sure the sales will be outrageous."

"In any event, the set is yours…The whole world will be watching."

Hirsch also mentioned that Charlie is welcome to get his Goddesses involved with the production, if he likes.

Is it just us, or does this sound like a dream project for Sheen???

Charlie's #1 focus should be seeking help right now…buuuuut if he's not going to do that, then yeah…we say go for it!

Plus, who could say NO to a porn movie with such a clever title as Two and a Half Women??? LOLz.

Would U "watch" a porn movie directed by Charlie Sheen?

[Image via WENN.]

Check Out The Music Video For Michael Jackson's NewHollywood Tonight!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 11:20 AM PST

We're glad that this is the direction that they took with this!

Check out the just-released music video for the latest posthumous Michael Jackson single, Hollywood Tonight (above)!

The clip was directed by Wayne Isham, who was responsible for the late icon's 1995 video You Are Not Alone!

Nice! We think this is a pretty solid tribute to him, and also tells a story that we think that many can relate to in this town!

What do U think?? Do U like the new MJ video??

Ladies Night Out!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 11:10 AM PST


What fun! Wish someone had called us to join them, ahem!

Vanessa Hudgens and Brittany Snow were spotted having a bite and laugh at BOA restaurant in Beverly Hills last night. The girlies were out celebrating Britt's 25th birthday and we think they just might've had a good time!

You're a quarter-century old! Congrats! Hopefully you'll be this cheerful when you turn 30! Ha!

[Image via National Photo Group.]

Bieber Mania Has Arrived In Liverpool!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:50 AM PST


The home of The Beatles welcomes The Biebs!

Boy, he looks tired.

Justin Bieber arrived in Liverpool, UK this morning, looking a bit on the sleeeeepy side. He was taken straight to his hotel for a little R&R before his big performance tomorrow night.

Get some rest, Biebs! By the looks on those girls' faces behind you, you're in for a loud night tomorrow! Best be on your game!

Update: CLICK HERE to read about the near riot outside of Bieber's hotel!

[Image via]

Charlie Sheen Files Lawsuit Against WB & Chuck Lorre On Behalf Of The Men Crew

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:37 AM PST


Wow. He is not kidding around.

As he promised, Charlie Sheen is suing Warner Bros. Studios and Two and a Half Men exec producer Chuck Lorre over his termination from the show. The real twist is that Charlie is not only looking to be compensated for the 8 scrapped episodes he was denied a paycheck, but also he's looking to collect wages for the entire cast and crew who have also been screwed.

Generous gesture or underhanded way to stir up trouble? If the show goes on without Charlie and the crew accepts the money from the lawsuit, they'll all be considered traitors. But the payout might be too good to resist.

The grand total in damages Charlie is seeking is $100,000,000.

Yeah, there are 8 zeros in that figure.

Charlie's lawyer, Marty Singer, explains his client's position further in the lawsuit,saying:

"Chuck Lorre, one of the richest men in television who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, believes himself to be so wealthy and powerful that he can unilaterally decide to take money away from the dedicated cast and crew of the popular television series, 'Two and a Half Men,' in order to serve his own ego and self-interest, and make the star of the Series the scapegoat for Lorre's own conduct."

In other words, they arguing because Chuck didn't like Charlie, Chuck had him fired and blames the show's possible cancellation on him, instead of himself.

Good to know you can sue someone for saying, "He did it!"

$100 million. Wow. It's shocking to think that he might actually win this thing and walk away with that much money. Yeah, sure, he'd have to spread it around, just still - the thought is mind-boggling!

[Image via WENN.]

Quote Of The Day

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:30 AM PST


"No. All of my songs are fucking amazing."

- Britney Spears, on whether she regrets anything she's recorded, to Out Magazine.

[Image via Ruven Afanador.]

Simon Lays Into Elton Over X Factor Digs!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:20 AM PST


Uh-oh! Shiz's getting real!

Elton John is no stranger to speaking his mind, and has repeatedly sounded off about his distaste for reality shows like The X Factor and its creator, Simon Cowell, but now, it looks as though the icon is getting a taste of his own medicine!

Cowell has responded to his criticism, and it ain't pretty! He says:

"Well, look. This is somebody who charges what — a million dollars a private gig? Two million dollars, you know? I don't know whether he's concerned about himself…but…they always bleat on that we're not giving other people a chance. And I always want to say to them, 'I tell you what, you just made a million dollars off — off your last private gig. Go and give it to a bunch of young musicians you care about, put them in the studio. Go and nurture them. Go and spend some time looking after them.' Then I'll buy your argument. They — they're only worried about themselves."

Damn! We hate to admit it, but…touché!

Let's hope that this doesn't cause another retaliation for Elton! This disagreement doesn't need to get any uglier!

What do U think?? Team Simon or Team Elton??

[Images via WENN.]

Bieber Fever Strikes Liverpool - And Almost Causes A Riot!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:10 AM PST


Holy shiz! The Bieber Fever epidemic has struck Liverpool, England - and it's finally causing a quarantine situation!

Justin Bieber's presence in the city has reportedly caused thousands of screaming girls to overtake the streets outside of his hotel, and sources close to the pop star have revealed that authorities are so concerned that it could turn into a "possible riot situation" that if he or anyone in his entourage go ANYWHERE near the balcony, they will be arrested on the spot for inciting a riot.

Good lord! As ridiculous as this all is, we have to imagine that it's pretty scary!

Here's hoping that all these adolescent girl hormones calm right on down so he can actually ENJOY his time in Liverpool - and no one gets hurt!


[Image via WENN.]

Madonna's Grandmother Has Passed Away

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:50 AM PST


Sad news.

Madonna's grandmother, Elsie Mae Fortin, passed away yesterday in Michigan, just three months away from her 100th birthday.

As pleased as we are to see that she lived such a long, full life, we imagine that it's still such a difficult loss.

Our thoughts are with all of her family and loved ones during this time.

[Image via WENN.]

Ashlee Simpson's Got A New Man!

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:40 AM PST


Moving on rathe quickly, wouldn't you say?

Sources report that during the week, Ashlee Simpson was spotted out shopping and "holding hands" with a man that is not her soon-to-be ex-husband, Pete Wentz.

Ash was actually canoodling with Craig Owens, the former frontman of Chiodos, as they headed to the Beverly Center for a little quality time. According to an insider:

"They were holding hands in the elevator and a lot of the time he had his arm around her. They even kissed each other on the lips. It was obvious that they were a couple."

Normally, we'd say we're happy to see you moving on with your life, but this new relationship may end up being a bit messier than anyone would like. Turns out that Craig is actually a good friend of Pete's. So much so that his new band, D.R.U.G.S., just released its first album on Decaydance - Pete's record label!

How long will the friendship/professional relationship last if Pete finds out Craig is Ash's new boytoy we wonder!

Think about what you are doing here, Yoko Ashlee. You and Pete are already in a rocky place. Is this guy really worth making things ever more awkward for your family?

[Image via WENN.]

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