Thursday, March 10, 2011



The Daily WTF: This Play-Doh Car Is Awesome

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 11:12 AM PST

And what’s GM doing with that bailout money? Commissioning a life-sized Chevy made from 1.5 tons of Play-Doh to promote a new UK launch. This sculpture’s pretty cool, though we bet it smells kinda weird. Play-Doh always did.


Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: This Play-Doh Car Is Awesome

Sex on the Wire: How Endearing - Men Try Really Hard Not to Cheat

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 11:05 AM PST

Sometimes they cheat but they really try not to! (YourTango)

LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian confirm that they’re not doing a reality show. Bummer – we were looking forward to the poor man’s Newlyweds. (People)

Kim Kardashian and stepbrother Brody Jenner double-date with Kris Humphries and Avril Lavigne, respectively. (Us Weekly)

Do you need Oral Sex 101 – learning how to receive? (Betty Confidential)

How do you know if you’re a trophy girlfriend? (College Candy)

Post from: Crushable

Sex on the Wire: How Endearing - Men Try Really Hard Not to Cheat

Not Being an Addict Is Nothing New for 'Celebrity Rehab'

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:33 AM PST

This week, former Real Housewives of DC cast member Michaele Salahi was booted from Vh1’s Celebrity Rehab when it was revealed she wasn’t addicted to anything (except, possibly, famewhoring). While it seems like Celebrity Rehab did the right thing by kicking out someone who wasn’t genuine, they’ve kept people on in the past for the same thing. Last season, former Tiger Woods and David Boreanaz mistress Rachel Uchitel claimed that she was addicted to love (somebody cue Robert Palmer!) and that going into rehab helped her hide out from the press, who was “lynching” her. She spent the entire season sucking up air time and space that could have been better devoted to actual addicts like Jason Davis and Leif Garrett. It’s possible that Rachel’s inclusion came about because Celebrity Rehab’s sibling show Sex Rehab isn’t coming back, but the show has never shied away from recruiting cast members who come with publicity already included. I’m sure the network – and Dr. Drew – were salivating at the thought of filming scenes of Rachel (who lost her fiance on 9/11) standing around and weeping at the World Trade Center. (The scenes were filmed, aired, and milked for all they were worth.)

Another one of last season’s Rehabbers, The HillsJason Wahler, told Life & Style magazine that he had already gotten sober by the time he went on Celebrity Rehab. Jason, who got so little airtime during the season that I found myself hoping his appearance fee was paid up front, claims that Dr. Drew and the other producers encouraged him to start drinking again in order to get more interesting footage for the show. He also says that Dr. Drew didn’t follow up with him after the show ended or provide any aftercare.

Post from: Crushable

Not Being an Addict Is Nothing New for 'Celebrity Rehab'

The Daily Bieber: Emergency! Justin Is Trapped In His Hotel Room

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 10:25 AM PST

Is Justin Bieber bigger than The Beatles? And what in the heck is in the water in Liverpool? Justin and his posse are currently trapped inside their hotel in The Beatles’ hometown dude to an uncontrollable mob of fans waiting outside. Police have threatened Justin with arrest if he so much as sticks his head out the window, as they fear any glimpse of the pop star could incite a riot.

(via TMZ)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily Bieber: Emergency! Justin Is Trapped In His Hotel Room

Gallery: Famous Movie Death Scenes

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:59 AM PST

Earlier this week, the posters at Reddit contemplated mortality in the fascinating discussion thread titled, “What famous movie death scene would you like your death to be like?” And while many of the answers were sheer ridiculousness, there were some choices that actually resonated with us. The scenes in this gallery are emotional, cathartic, and examples of damn fine acting and writing. Since we’re discussing pretty pivotal scenes, beware of spoilers!

  • Russell Casse in Independence Day
  • Rorschach in Watchmen
  • Mufasa in The Lion King
  • Maximus in Gladiator
  • Edward Bloom in Big Fish
  • Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  • Bill in Kill Bill
  • Russell Franklin in Deep Blue Sea

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Famous Movie Death Scenes

Did 'Teen Mom 2' Chelsea Houska and Adam Lind Break Up for Good?

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:23 AM PST

On this week’s episode of Teen Mom 2, Adam Lind told Chelsea Houska he’d cheated on her, and she kicked him out of the house. Considering what a colossal jerk Adam has been – not paying rent or child support, not helping take care of Aubree, calling Chelsea names – I cheered when Chelsea showed Adam the door. However, Chelsea has taken Adam back in the past – even after the 16 and Pregnant episode where he called her a “fat, stretch-marked bitch” and referred to their baby Aubree as “a mistake,” Chelsea forgave him. She seems to be obsessed with having an intact family for Aubree’s sake and thinks that even if she and Adam are fighting the fact that they’re together is the most important. So is Chelsea staying strong this time? Her Twitter account (with a pink and leopard-print background, natch) seems to indicate yes: she tweeted yesterday that they’re not back together:

According to a commenter on Chelsea’s Facebook fan page, “Since she got home from the reunion her dad and adam got into it on the reunion and when she got home she told adam she was done.” I really hope that’s true, because I think Chelsea’s dad Randy Houska seems like a nice guy and I want him to grow a backbone and help Chelsea stand up for herself.

Post from: Crushable

Did 'Teen Mom 2' Chelsea Houska and Adam Lind Break Up for Good?

Fan Fiction: Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:28 AM PST

It’s Thursday which means it’s GOOP day! We’re big fans of Gwyneth Paltrow’s weekly newsletter that comes chock-full of advice and recommendations for the everyday woman — so we got her to give Crushable an exclusive sneak peek at an upcoming edition. Enjoy!


When it comes to artisanal rice, I find it isn’t worth eating at all unless you’re ordering straight from -/%- , which may seem a strange name, but it’s actually a Pan-Asian character meaning ” Pan-Asian. ” The rice arrives in a beautiful, fragrant jar that can also be used to store the children’s fireflies I often import from Fiji. Each grain is hand picked by the delicate fingers of a tiny Asian man and then monogrammed. Without a doubt, it produces the fluffiest seed I have ever encountered.

- 3 cups rice
- 6 cups water – I prefer mine to be delivered straight from my favorite well in Somerset
- A pinch of sea salt (Pacific)
- Sunflower oil

1. Rinse the rice to get rid of excess starch. (Don’t use your Somerset water for this, use your Cornwall.)
2. Bring the rice to a boil, uncovered, at medium heat. Add the salt and oil.
3. When boiling, turn the heat down low and place the lid atop the pot.
4. When you start to see “craters” in the rice, put the lid on tight. These craters will be approximately the size of a freshwater pearl and certainly no larger than a conch pearl.
5. Turn the heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes.
6. Serve with seasonal vegetables or a seasonal chicken.


I was lucky enough to spend a few days visiting the Lost City of Atlantis last May. I stayed at the underwater Four Seasons, which was recommended by my dear friend, the famous scuba diver Richard Hartlander. The decor was lovely and appropriate to the setting, and I found the kelp body wash and live sponges to be an exceptional treat.

My first night I went to dinner at C, which I’d heard nothing but good things about. I’m told that the owner, a merman, is related to the original King of Atlantis. C is very modern in decor, lit only by the neon sea creatures. I skipped appetizers and went straight for the main course, which was very rewarding as the fish you order swims directly into your mouth. I got the trout, which was imported from Montana.

After dinner I got drinks at the elegant Whale’s Belly with my dear friend Lord Henry de Valentine, who happened to be in Atlantis conducting business. Henry couldn’t believe I’d never tried sea cucumber liqueur and quickly ordered a round for both us and the whale. The drinks arrived in a hollowed-out shark fin, which is something I’d only experienced twice before.

In the morning, I decided to embark on a tour of the old abandoned castle, which reminded me of the one I rent back at home as a wrapping room. My tour guide was my dear friend, a narwhal. We rented an ocean current for the occasion and I found it a fantastic way to get around.

Atlantis is a beautiful place and I hope to return soon with the whole family.

A Children’s Birthday Party Clown

My children are quite particular when it comes to being entertained by birthday party clowns, who, by the way, don't have to be only for birthday parties. Sometimes I find it's nice to have one around in case of rainy days or as a special treat for the children before nap time. Here are my recommendations:

The Balloon Mineral Artist
I find it can be fun to branch out from traditional balloon animal artistry, and so I've taken to hiring balloon mineral artists to entertain the children with their wonderful creations. In addition to crafting beautiful and unique shapes, these artists add a special touch by adhering real minerals like topaz and diamonds to their balloons. The children love to play with them and then to set them afloat and watch as their balloon minerals fly up, up and away into the clouds.

The French Mime
I'll admit that I'm not as familiar with the art of mime as I could be. I once had a friend leave the dinner table in disgust when he found out I'd never pulled the rope with Marcel Marceau. He was later found dead and folded-up into 25 pieces in a secret closet on the top floor of the Magic Castle. Ever since, I've made it a point to familiarize myself with the wonderful art, and I find the children really love their silly face paint.

Steve Martin
I’m of the opinion that if you know Steve Martin, you should definitely get Steve Martin.


Post from: Crushable

Fan Fiction: Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP

Crushable Quotable: Ryan Adams Makes More Money Than You

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 09:04 AM PST

Tumblr user Zachary James Dodds just pulled these four Ryan Adams quotes from the book SPIN: 20 Years of Alternative Music. It’s good to know that our favorite drunken alt-country troubadour still loves to talk about money, even though the difference is he has some now.

1. "Fuck you – I make more money in two days than you do in a year."

2. "I did the Gap ad because who says no to $30,000 an hour? I don't! I'm sorry if that's selling out, so be it. Yes, I sell out. I do Gap ads so that I don't have to work in a factory. Also, I don't mind their clothes."

3. "I turned [Cold Mountain] down because they said, 'Well, you can come to Romania and you can have three or four lines and you get to play a banjo made out of a pumpkin.' I'm like, 'Fuck you, man.' I make that money in two gigs."

4. "I don't make a ton of money doing this; not that I care."

I’m really surprised that one of these quotes isn’t “I don’t get out of bed for under $10,000 a day.” This is what happens when you sell out and marry Mandy Moore, huh? If you could just make Heartbreaker over again, I’d forgive you doing just about anything.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Ryan Adams Makes More Money Than You

Don't Forget To Enter To Win A $50 Gilt Groupe Gift Certificate And 'Lincoln Lawyer' Gift Pack

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 08:50 AM PST

Lincoln LawyerWe're giving two lucky fans of Crushable on Facebook prizes to celebrate The Lincoln Lawyer, and all you have to do to enter to win is "Like" Crushable's Facebook page.

One grand prize winner will take home a $50 Gilt Groupe gift certificate, plus a signed copy of the book The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly, an advanced copy of his new book The Fifth Witness and Lincoln Lawyer swag including a t-shirt, key chain, coaster, pen and poster. In addition, one runner-up will win a $50 Gilt Groupe gift certificate as well as a Lincoln Lawyer t-shirt, key chain, coaster, pen and poster.

To enter to win, just become a fan of Crushable on Facebook. If you are already a fan, you have already been entered to win. If not, you have until Sunday, March 13 at 5 p.m. EST to become fan by clicking here and hitting the "Like" button. You must be at least 18 years old and have a U.S. mailing address in order to be eligible to win. Winners will be picked and notified on Monday, March 14. (More details here.)

Become a fan of Crushable today, so you'll be eligible to win more giveaways like this one. And learn more about Matthew McConaughey and The Lincoln Lawyer at

Post from: Crushable

Don't Forget To Enter To Win A $50 Gilt Groupe Gift Certificate And 'Lincoln Lawyer' Gift Pack

Stage Your Own Royal Weddings with the Kate Middleton Doll

Posted: 10 Mar 2011 08:42 AM PST

Bear in mind that it’s not the Kate Middleton Barbie — collectibles website Franklin Mint has surged ahead of Mattel and created this authentic, 16-inch recreation of the soon-to-be princess. You too can own one of the limited-edition (there are only 5,000) dolls, for only $195!

To be fair, there’s a lot of detail going on here. The dollmakers have made sure that the doll actually looks like Middleton, but what really impressed me — doll accessories enthusiast that I am, apparently — is the blue wrap dress she wore when she and Prince William announced their engagement. Accounting for the cost may also be the many miniature pieces of royal jewelry that come with the doll: Kate’s necklace, earrings, and engagement ring, outfitted with simulated sapphires and diamonds.

Franklin Mint already has a listing for the Royal Wedding doll, but that won’t be available til we know what her princess wedding dress looks like. And unfortunately, you won’t be able to dress Kate up in Barbie clothes while you wait: The standard Barbie doll comes in at 11.5 inches, almost a half foot shorter than William’s bride.

Post from: Crushable

Stage Your Own Royal Weddings with the Kate Middleton Doll

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