Jessica Alba covers Allure, claims she didn’t peak in her 20s, she’s “getting better” Posted: 12 Jul 2011 08:38 AM PDT  Jessica Alba is the August cover girl for Allure Magazine. This is Alba's second August cover, after her piece in Latina Magazine. You might ask, "Does Jessica Alba have something to promote?" The answer is no. She's just doing these magazine shoots to talk about herself, apropos of nothing, no film, no new project. Guess what she talks about in this Allure interview? No, not how it's so hard to be racially ambiguous! Alba has returned to her favorite subject, her weight and how it was so hard for her to not go back to her pre-baby body. Don't get me wrong, I understand that losing the baby weight is a big deal, and I feel for every lady who struggles with that weight loss. But it's one of Alba's favorite subjects, and prepare yourselves - she's going to be talking about the weight she put on during her second pregnancy for the next five years. Losing the baby weight: “I can’t ever get down to the weight I was before I had Honor. My body’s just different. The jeans just sort of zip up differently, and things hang differently. It’s a miracle what happens, but you definitely are different afterward. Unless you’re Gisele.” Embracing her own sexuality: “I was quite shy with it. It wasn’t something I embraced until I had my daughter. I saw how incredible and amazing it is to be a woman and to be able to create a life. There’s a reason why certain areas of the body are desirable – because it all leads to reproduction. There’s a science behind it all. It’s not just to sell whatever you’re selling on a billboard or a magazine or a movie.” Alba on how everyone is talking about her: “My publicist said the other day, ‘You can’t just be going to the grocery store – you have to be ‘flaunting your baby bump,’ ” she says. “You’re pregnant. Your stomach is not going to be flat. You’re not ‘flaunting’ it; you’re just walking to the store or across a parking lot.” Nudity in films: “At least I’m still covered. I’m wearing as much as a bathing suit. It’s not like I’m naked. I’m not terribly comfortable with being in a bikini, but covering up my genitals is different than not covering up my genitals, at the end of the day. I do see a difference in that, to put it really frankly.” Alba’s fans are odd: Alba was recently horrified by a tabloid story in which a young woman had sought to recapture the attention of an ex-boyfriend by being surgically altered to look more like the actress. “That’s just so bizarre, because the physical is so fleeting anyway,” she says. “And when you’re in a relationship, the physical lasts for, maximum, two years. And then you don’t care how attractive you are to that person—if they drive you nuts, they drive you nuts.” Alba, on approaching her thirtieth birthday: “According to some people, I peaked in my early 20s,” she says with a chuckle. “I was like, ‘Oh, really? I feel like I’m getting better.’” [From Allure & People Mag] The part that cracked me up was "My publicist said the other day, ‘You can’t just be going to the grocery store – you have to be ‘flaunting your baby bump.' You’re pregnant. Your stomach is not going to be flat. You’re not ‘flaunting’ it; you’re just walking to the store or across a parking lot.” Alba is trying to make a point about the language we use, and sure, I'm guilty of using "flaunt" and that kind of stuff too (write for a website for three years and try not to ever write “flaunting her bump.”) BUT - what are all of these imaginary media outlets who are writing about her? Alba paps herself nearly every day, like she's trying to grow a fanbase of mothers like Jennifer Garner. Except that Garner and her girls DO make it to the celebrity sites and tabloids, because there is a lot of interest in that family. Not so for the Alba-Warren family. Alba keeps papping herself, and no one is really interested. She's FLAUNTING the idea that people are interested in how she flaunts her bump. Who's buying?  Photos courtesy of Allure.  |
Bree Olson talks sex life with Charlie Sheen & other “goddess” in Playboy Posted: 12 Jul 2011 08:25 AM PDT  It looks like all you have to do to go from an escort and adult film actress who does just everyone and everything on camera to the cover of Playboy is to screw a famous guy. Charlie Sheen’s “goddess” #1, Bree Olson, is featured on the August issue. Advance details of her interview have her talking up Charlie Sheen as a lover and claiming she never did anything sexual with the other goddess, Natalie Kenly, who hung around longer than Olson did but eventually ditched Charlie too. (Probably once the money started drying up.) She may have broken up with Charlie Sheen in April, but Bree Olson insists she’s “still a goddess. I’m just not Charlie’s goddess.” How did the 24-year-old Indiana native end up with the troubled actor, who was fired from Two and a Half Men in March? “I suppose it was my movies,” Olson, who has appeared in more than 250 adult films, tells the August issue of Playboy. When Sheen, 45, first contacted Olson (whom he had never met), the actor invited her over to his house for a meet and greet. After hitting it off, the adult film star — along with Natalie Kenly — soon began cohabiting with Sheen in his Sherman Oaks, Calif. mansion. “He’s intelligent, he’s charismatic, he’s superfunny,” Olson (real name: Rachel Oberlin) says of the actor. “And he’s good in bed. I mean, he’s had a lot of practice.” Despite rumors to the contrary, Sheen was “gentle and considerate” in between the sheets, Olson says. “He’s just a rock star. He’s a powerhouse. He’s a very sensual and sexual person, and when I was with him I felt as if we became one together, because he’s just so enticing sexually.” As for the sex she reportedly had with Kenly? “That was a lie,” Olson now says. “I didn’t really even know her. Okay, all three of us got together, I think, twice. They did their thing together, and Charlie and I did our thing together. And we had two different beds. She and I would go to whichever bed, and he would pick. You know, ‘Where am I sleeping tonight?’” Currently single and living in Los Angeles, Olson tells Playboy she’s retiring from the adult film industry to focus on becoming a real actress. “I can do this,” she says. “I’m so winning right now.” [From US Weekly] Is anyone else skeeved out by the thought of Charlie Sheen making an O face with those gold teeth of his? Bree is being demure and trying to act like she didn’t have sex with the other “goddess,” and it was just straight sex with Charlie. It took me five seconds to google and find a scene where she has sex with famous porn actress Sasha Grey, so it’s not like she’s never screwed another woman. She’s also done just about everything else on camera. Maybe she’s telling the truth though and she only does sex with women for pay. (Strike that, it’s not like Charlie wasn’t paying her.) Other mistresses of famous guys do sex tapes to make money after they gain a little notoriety, but it’s not like Olson didn’t do that to death already. Now she’s going to be a “legitimate” actress. She did get the cover of Playboy, that’s a start. Maybe Sheen will cast her on that mystery sitcom he keeps leaking to the press that’s about to happen but never materializes. That must have been her motivation to make sex with a bipolar crack-smoking lunatic sound like a harlequin romance novel.  Photo credit:  |
Colin Farrell quit smoking, took up exercise, general dreaminess Posted: 12 Jul 2011 08:18 AM PDT  Kaiser and I have a long running back-and-forth going on Colin Farrell, where I say I can take him or leave him because I just can’t get the In Bruges DVD out of my head. He smokes like a chimney during the DVD extras section and it’s just such a turn off to me. (Kaiser doesn’t mind.) Colin is otherwise so charming and funny and when I’ve seen him interviewed he just oozes sex. In a new interview with In Style, Colin reveals that I can put that particular reservation about him to rest, because he’s given up smoking and taken up exercise to combat stress and keep that tight body. He also has a lot of dreamy things to say about women, his friendship with Liz Taylor, and his love of vintage fashion. Colin is starring in the new Fright Night remake, and he says that he had his reservations about messing with a classic but that the script just won him over. On choosing to do Fright Night I got a call saying “They’re remaking Fright Night. Do you know it?” I said “Hell, yeah! I watched that horror film many times growing up. Why are the Hollywood philistines redoing it? [When I read the script] I was highly pissed off that I liked it as much as I did. I thought, God this could be so much fun. You’ve even quit smoking right? It was time. I was a 40-cigarette-a-day smoker, but I wasn’t enjoying it. So on my 34th birthday last year, I spent a day with a pack and consciously looked at every single puff until I smoked the last one at 11:55 that night. I did a whole ritual thing by writing a letter to tobacco, giving it as much significance as I possibly could. I’m done with it. Though you have kept a little tabacco allegiance by wearing Dunhill suits When I was younger, I know they sold cigarettes but didn’t know Dunhill had a line of clothes! They make beautiful suits and have been very kind to me over the years, clothing my back more than once at the Oscars and Golden Globes. Otherwise, do you think about fashion? Not so much - even though right now I’m wearing this gray All Saints shirt that I got at a photo shoot that I got at a photo shoot two weeks ago, Rock & Republic jeans, and John Varvatos boots. I’m a full fledged fashion victim today. But usually I’ll pop down to Jet Rag, this secondhand clothes shop in L.A., and splash down $200 on 12 items. I got this brown leather wristband years ago - I don’t know where or when or how - but I love it. Your reputation as a ladies’ man is well documented. You once declared, “I’m a huge fan of women.” I love women; I always have. I was raised by an incredibly strong, kind and generous mother, and I have two wonderful sisters. It all started there. They’re beautiful, life-giving creatures, so, yes, I adore women completely. One of them was Elizabeth Taylor, who praised you as Richard Burton reincarnated. At her funeral you read a beautiful but very complex poem, “The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo,” by Gerard Manley Hopkins, which couldn’t have been easy. No, that wouldn’t be her style to make it easy on me. It was one of her favorites, if not her very favorite poem. She was an amazing woman, and I was grateful to have shared some times with her in the last year and a half of her life. I was truly lucky to bask in her presence intellect, generosity, kindness and sense of fun. Let’s hit on your Irishness. Your countrymen are great authors. Are you a huge reader? I’m not voracious, but I have an anthology of Yeats poetry that’s probably the book I’ve kept going back to for years. Do you read it on a Kindle now? I couldn’t. I love the weight and smell of a book and turning the pages. But who knows, maybe it’ll be another of those “I don’t go to the gym” moments, and you cut to Colin Farrell 2013, and he’s got a Kindle and a little earpiece, talking on the phone while he’s running on a treadmill. [From In Style, print edition] You can tell he loves fashion and shopping but won’t admit it outright. I’d love to go vintage shopping with him. I also adore how he doesn’t seem to take himself or his ideas too seriously and jokes about how he might end up with a kindle after all. For as much as I crush on him, Farrell will never quite be the same to me after I read that excerpt from his ex girlfriend’s book about how he kind of strung her along and then broke her heart. He doesn’t seem to have the best relationship with women, but he talks a good game around it and he’ll never be lacking for companionship. Here’s the trailer for Fright Night. It’s out August 19th in the US and it looks good. Colin is such a menacingly hot vampire.     Thanks to Sammie for the In Style scans! Other photos from 6/19/11 at the Much Music video awards. Credit: WENN  |
Gerard Butler wins award, looks lonely in Italy: he’s waiting for me! Posted: 12 Jul 2011 07:58 AM PDT  My grunting Scottish lover looks lonely. I may just be imagining it, but I really do think that Gerard Butler looks kind of sad and lonely in these photos. As we talked about yesterday, Gerard is in Ischia, Italy, where I thought he was off boning Italian randoms, much like George Clooney. Some people yelled at me and claimed the brunette with the bolt-ons in the photos was married - like that would stop Gerry! But this was a work-vacation for Gerard - he attended the Ischia Film Festival and received the Actor of the Year award yesterday - I think the award is that seahorse-looking thing that Gerry is carrying. So… is it just me, or does he actually look kind of sad? Like, maybe he's tired of flying all over the world just to taste a sampling of random women in every country where women tend to have long legs and dark skin? Maybe he's tired of the buffet of nameless girls at his disposal and he's ready to begin building a life with someone special? For the love of God, I've been waiting so long! COME TO ME, G-BUT. I've been waiting for you. Or maybe he was just kind of tired. I don't know - there's just something vulnerable about him in these photos. Even in the ones with Eli Roth and Trudie Styler, he looks kind of sad-eyed to me. I need to bring him home and cook for him. Poor G-But.      Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Katie Holmes covers InStyle, says she doesn’t feel like having another baby Posted: 12 Jul 2011 07:27 AM PDT  Katie Holmes is the cover girl for the August issue of InStyle, and these are some shots from the pictorial. I'm kind of meh on it - Katie's been looking so good lately in candids, and in these overly 'Shopped photos, she just looks plastic and cartoonish. The only thing I take away from the shoot is that she should wear more dark green - that shade of green really agrees with her coloring. Anyway, in the interview excerpts from InStyle, it's basically the same old robot, except for one notable quote - Katie comes very close to saying that she doesn't want to have another baby. THAT is very interesting. Katie on date nights with Tom: “Two years ago he took me up on his P-51 Mustang, a fighter plane from World War II. He painted the words, ‘Kiss Me, Kate’ on the side… It feels like you’re on a bike in the sky. I thought, I’m either going to spend this whole flight totally freaked out or realize this is pretty thrilling.” Katie on Tom and getting romantic: When you’re married to one of the world’s biggest movie stars, whom Holmes calls a “manly romantic,” life is bound to be exciting but also challenging when it comes to balancing careers and family. “In our family we have a policy: we make it work,” she says. “We Skype, and we try not to go for a week without seeing each other. We’re also very good at setting up camp wherever we go.” Being a mom has influenced her work: “My work has changed for the better. I have more to bring to a role.” She doesn't feel pressure to have another baby: “We already have a very big family; a full household with cousins who are over a lot, and she has her friends,” Holmes says. “My biggest thing is making sure she’s fully taken care of and doing well.” Experimenting with fashion: "I'm not afraid to try a new designer or do something trendy, but it has to look right on my body. You don't want to look like a fashion victim!" Aging: "Hopefully I can age gracefully. And if not, I'll have to figure it out. But I don't think I'm ever going to do my lips - my sisters would kill me!" Teaching her younger self: "If there were one thing I could teach my younger self, it would be this: Realize your own power." On the excitement of landing new roles: “Every time I get a job I cry. It sounds hokey, but it’s a sparkly moment that reminds you you’re living your dream every day. No matter how many roles you get, it’s like, ‘Somebody thinks I can do it!’” On always making sure to be ‘ladylike’: “I always try to conduct myself in a ladylike manner. That was my mom’s advice to me before every school dance, and it’s really locked in.” [From People/The JJB] I applaud Katie for talking about how she doesn't really feel the need to have another kid - I think it's brave, considering most people expected her to have another baby, and considering there are constantly "bump watches" on her slouchy frame. She's not giving into societal pressures… but of course, there could be other explanations (that I won't get into). LMAO at "Every time I get a job I cry. It sounds hokey, but it’s a sparkly moment that reminds you you’re living your dream every day." Oh, honey. Poor robot.    InStyle photos courtesy of The JJB.  |
LeAnn Rimes in a white cutout dress: improving, healthier or still a mess? Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:58 AM PDT  Here are some new photos of Eddie Cibrian and LeAnn Rimes at last night's ESPY pre-party in LA. I have no idea what was being celebrated, or why there needed to be a "pre" party, but LeAnn and Eddie were invited, and they showed up and posed their squints off. I have to say, even though LeAnn is still frighteningly thin and this cut-out dress isn't great, this is the best LeAnn has looked in a while. Her hair is looking pretty good, and the extra body adds some (much-needed) weight to her face. Usually, whenever LeAnn makes a big public outing, she has to tweet about obsessively so that everybody knows that she's doing something, but I looked through her Twitter feed and I didn't find much beyond "I passed out on the way home!….Sooooo old! Lol". Which I guess means she got drunk at the ESPY event and passed out in the car. She's so tiny now, I guess she can probably get hammered off of only one or two shots, so who knows? Here's what I'd really like to discuss, though - Eddie. Look at his face throughout these photos. Is Eddie kind of over it? Or is that me putting my own "over it" thoughts on him? Eddie has managed to go along and get along thus far, and obviously, he has a higher tolerance for LeAnn's shenanigans than nearly everyone else, but has Eddie finally reached his limit? He looks kind of annoyed and less lovey-dovey in these pics, I swear. Sidenote: Did everyone hear the rumor that LeAnn has "banned" Eddie from appearing on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills with Brandi? A source told Life & Style that “LeAnn is LIVID that Brandi is doing the show…but she can’t exactly get Brandi fired.” Meanwhile, Eddie doesn't want their kids on RHOBH either. You know that this junk is going to be a MESS. Oh, and I think LeAnn is grabbing his dong in this photo. We get it, LeAnn. That dong is your property now.      Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
Mila Kunis covers GQ: “Image is not a priority for me” Posted: 12 Jul 2011 06:24 AM PDT  Mila Kunis is the cover girl for GQ's August issue, "The Comedy Issue". She's promoting her soon-to-be-released film Friends With Benefits, and I guess GQ didn't want to give the cover to Justin Timberlake (who would?). I get that Mila is a hot girl and she's doing a photo shoot with a men's magazine, but I wish she wasn't so scantily-clad in the photos. She's actually talented, an up-and-coming dramatic and comedic actress in films, and they've got her all tarted up like she's some dumb reality star. Just a minor peeve. You can read GQ's interview here, and here are some highlights: GQ: Your new movie is called ‘Friends with Benefits.’ Ever been in one of those relationships? MILA: Oy. I haven't, but I can give you my stance on it: It's like communism—good in theory, in execution it fails. Friends of mine have done it, and it never ends well. Why do people put themselves through that torture? GQ: Its because they enjoy sex. MILA: But friends with benefits isn't a purely sexual relationship—it's two people who like each other having sex, not a random hookup. And when two people who like each other have sex, eventually someone catches feelings and everything is f-cked. You might be able to treat our relationship as killing time. I might not. I may be in love with you. GQ: Who’s the funniest person you know? Mila Kunis: My father. He has such a dry sense of humor. He’d say something funny and then be like, “Kiddo, now’s the part where you laugh.” GQ: What about someone you’re not related to? Mila Kunis: Lucille Ball is perfection—her timing and her commitment. Sarah Silverman is raunchy and brilliant, and people call her out for saying f-cked-up stuff that they wouldn’t have a problem with a man saying. How dare she? Who else? Tina Fey. She’s a genius. I actually just finished reading Bossypants… I love Tina Fey. So funny, but never shticky. She’s not tripping over sh-t. GQ: She’s so clearly attractive and successful that I can’t buy her self-deprecating stuff anymore. Mila Kunis: I see your point. You want the attention to go to the joke itself rather than be distracted by who’s delivering it. But look at Bridesmaids. That movie’s full of beautiful women who are hysterical. I’m so proud of those ladies. You have no idea how hard it is for a woman in this business. A lot of people don’t even think women are funny. It’s f-cked-up, but you have to deal with guys like that. I’ve learned to roll with it. GQ: Do you have a personal experience of men in Hollywood not finding women funny? Mila Kunis: I don’t personally know of anybody, no. I could give you some bullsh-t excuse why I don’t, but I just don’t. The bottom line is if you’re an attractive female in this industry, people just take you as that: attractive. People aren’t getting the opportunity to move beyond being attractive. It’s not only with comedy. It could be with drama or action or whatever. People are distracted by looks. It happens. I’m not saying it happened to me, but it happens. GQ: I imagine working with people like Seth MacFarlane and Jason Segel ends up involving a lot of dick jokes. Mila Kunis: Put me at a table with five guys making dick jokes and I will be right there with them. And, uh, I’m on Family Guy. I’ve been on that show for so long that I don’t get grossed out by anything. But I’ve never had an experience where it’s been a bunch of dudes making dick jokes and I was like, “Oh, there go the boys. I’m going to go get a pedicure and be back in an hour.” GQ: Is it harder to be funny when you're naked? MILA: It's hard to be funny in general. I think I have a good sense of humor, but I'm not, like, a joke-teller. I get the jokes, which is sometimes half the battle. Believe me, I have no idea why anyone hires me… Image is not a priority for me. I have to think about how I’m going to word this…. A lot of times, people go into this industry with a grandiose idea of fame and think the only way to achieve that is to please everybody. Unfortunately, that can lead to very self-conscious on-screen choices. This industry scrutinizes you. It’ll tear you apart. GQ: Are you single? MILA: I am. I wouldn't dare wish myself upon anybody at this point in my life! My shooting schedule is crazy. I'm a nomad till January. [From GQ] Mila also goes super-in-depth about how she's a nerd and a Trekkie, which I now totally buy. Mila does give off a certain kind of vibe, that she's up for anything and completely easy-going at heart, which I think really, really appeals to men. She's a heartbreaker. Even I love her completely.  Cover courtesy of GQ/Terry Richardson, slideshow here.  |
Sarah Jessica Parker covers Vogue: “I’m a bitter-ender” Posted: 12 Jul 2011 05:56 AM PDT  Here are some photos of Sarah Jessica Parker at last night's Harry Potter premiere. SJP brought her husband, Matthew Broderick, who looks comically, cartoonishly depressed, and her son James, who is a cutie. SJP wore this Oscar de la Renta Resort 2012 dress that I… well, I don't hate it. I don't really love it, either. It looks like a decent summery dress, but I don't get why SJP paired it with a structured blazer. It's not her worst red carpet appearance, though.  Meanwhile, SJP is the cover girl for the August issue of Vogue, "The Age Issue", likely to promote her new film, I Don't Know How She Does It (which looks like it sucks). Here are some highlights from the Vogue interview, courtesy of Wonderwall:  SJP on her juggling: Between raising three children, working for Halston and keeping a healthy onscreen career, the actress says her life these days is “like a ship avoiding icebergs.” On the end of “Sex and the City”: “I loved it. But ultimately chose to stop doing the television series because I felt like it required, and deserved, a lot of time when I really wanted to be a parent.” On starting new jobs: “I lose my appetite. By Wednesday of the first week on ‘I Don’t Know How She Does It,’ I was feeling so awful and ashamed, like I had let the director down.” On being an older mother: “There are things about it that I hope have made me a better mother. I’ve had a lot of opportunities to do the things that I wanted to do, like sleep.” On acting in her 40s: “I assumed that at this point in my life I would be feeling frustrated, left behind, or marginalized, playing parts I was reluctant to. But I’ve been so busy, I’m not sure that I see this fallow period yet.” On comparing herself to Carrie Bradshaw: “Bradshaw’s life is nothing, nothing like mine. I loved playing her, and it changed my life in lots of wonderful ways, but I’m not a crazy shoe lady. I don’t think about fashion all day long, although I have a great respect for the industry.” On her work ethic: “It’s kind of all I’ve known. I’m a bitter-ender. It’s potentially my fatal flaw that I do not give up on something. I will not rest. I work and work and work until I can no longer and someone has to remove me from the premises.” [From Wonderwall/Vogue] I'm prepared to like Sarah Jessica Parker until she starts in about her career choices, all of the stuff she's signed on to do, and then talks about how she's the super-focused parent. I absolutely HATED her in her last Vogue interview, last year, when she kept pushing the issue of how involved she was as a parent - while she sat in London, after not seeing her newborn twin girls for two months while she traveled to make Sex & the City 2. She just bugs.    Photos courtesy of WENN & Wonderwall/Vogue/Testino.  |
Elijah Wood is annoyed that he can’t even smoke outside Posted: 12 Jul 2011 05:31 AM PDT  When I first read this story, I relied on Contact Music’s secondhand account, which made it sound like Elijah wrote a whole essay on behalf of smoker’s rights. However I was able to read the full article and Elijah just mentions not being able to smoke outside as one of ten things that he found annoying. The whole article is actually pretty awesome, so while I’ll bitch about Elijah’s point about smoking in a moment I have give him props for writing a intelligent, funny list of things that bug him. (Some of) Elijah’s Top Ten Irritants 1. Remakes and reboots. Have we not the balls to support original material? Why must the vast majority of our unique pieces be relegated to miniscule budgets and poor exposure, while hundreds of millions of dollars are put toward rehashing used ideas? How about we even out the budgeting a bit. Remember when we chose a little-known Polish director to helm a film about the devil impregnating Mia Farrow? 3. Anti-smoking laws that now extend to outdoor spaces. Can we not let the use of free air be determined by the people using it? Should someone have a problem with roving smoke, they could simply ask the offending smoker if he or she would kindly refrain. Most spaces are smoke free, and I accept that - particularly inside restaurants - but can smokers not have patios and general outdoor areas? 4. Truncated texting. Most of us have full keyboards on our magical mobile devices - use them. It was understandable on numbered keypads and even forgivable with the aid of T9. But now? C u l8r? No, you won’t. 5. Orcs. Ugly f’ers 6.(Most) clubs. Crowds of people dressed in their finery, standing outside, lining up around the block yearning for acceptance - only to enter a loud space with predominantly awful music, bottle service, and neither the room to move nor the ability to utter words that can be heard without shouting. I’ve often wondered why hordes flock to these overstyled douche cantinas. 7. When people aren’t held accountable for their actions. If you f*ck up, deal with it - it’s your responsibility. Somehow we’ve created a world where a person spills coffee on himself, sues the coffee company and wins. 8. Relationship statuses on Facebook. Breaking up with someone in the real world is hard enough. There’s no need to do it digitally. That there’s some weight attached in changing your status from “in a relationship” to “single” is ridiculous. [From Black Book] “Overstyled douche cantinas,” that’s priceless! In terms of the smoking issue, I get headaches from second hand smoke and am extremely sensitive to it. When I’m in Berlin I live in a big apartment building. Since there are so many places where people can smoke in Europe, it’s still very common. People go outside and smoke on their balconies and the smoke inevitably drifts into my windows and bothers me. I wouldn’t dare tell people not to smoke on their own balcony, but it does make me ill. Plus, I’ll be honest, there’s nowhere in the entire city that I can comfortably eat outdoors because so many people smoke. So I have to go inside the restaurant in the summer and smoke still comes inside anyway. When people are allowed to smoke anywhere outside they often huddle near doors to buildings. Non smokers have to pass through all that smoke and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been affected by clouds of smoke that have stuck to my hair and clothing, right after I got all cleaned up to go out. It’s also not enough to tell people that we can ask smokers to stop. Elijah Wood is surely considerate about it, as are the majority of most smokers I would guess. Just a few a**holes can ruin it, though. Once I was at a Shakespeare in the Park festival when I was visibly very pregnant and the couple seated right next to us refused to stop smoking because it was “outside.” When my husband pointed out that I was pregnant, the people were like “so?” So I get that smokers think that it should be fine to smoke outside, but that doesn’t mean that noxious stuff doesn’t bother non-smokers, that air is somehow “free” for the taking, or that we’re all just going to get along fine. Instead of trying to figure out where he can smoke, maybe Elijah should quit. That’s the point of these laws restricting smoking, and if they save lives they’re worth it. Also, in regard to #7 - I used to feel the same way about the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit until I saw the HBO documentary Hot Coffee. The lady wasn’t driving despite what you may have heard, she was in the passenger seat and the car was parked. She got 3rd degree burns all over her thighs and the photos were horrific. There were hundreds of other burning incidents that McDonalds completely ignored until that lawsuit was brought against them, so I have a different view of it now. I do agree with his statement on personal responsibility though, and I loved reading him bitch about so many different things. Wood is now starring on a new FX series called Wilfred. Kaiser has been watching it, and she says he’s awesome and that the show is incredible and funny. I can’t wait to check it out!   Wood is shown on 6/20/11. (He’s wearing different outfits but the photos have the same date. Credit: WENN  |
Megan Fox is “really upset” with Shia LaBeouf for revealing their affair Posted: 12 Jul 2011 05:21 AM PDT  Last month, Shia LaBeouf admitted in a Details cover story that he and Megan Fox had some kind of affair while they were working together on one (or perhaps both) of the first two Transformers films. At some point, people were like, "Um, wasn't Megan Fox still with Brian Austin Green when the Shia stuff went down?" To which some well-placed "source" went to Us Weekly and claimed that at the time of Shia and Megan's hookup, Megan and BAG were on a break. Nevermind that Shia never detailed the exact time frame of his affair with Megan… or that Megan and BAG's relationship, while at times off-and-on, seemed pretty "on" for most of the Transformers time frames. Nevermind that last year, when Brian was asked about the "off" periods in his relationship with Megan, Brian replied: "We've been together for six years. Find a picture of one of us with any other boyfriend or girlfriend—I challenge you. You'll only find pictures of her doing press with Shia LaBeouf or me with my son. That's it. We never once dated anyone else or did anything else." So, it's looking more and more like Megan has some explaining to do to her husband. Thus, this story from OK! Magazine/Hollywood Life - Megan is holding on to her story that she and BAG were on a break BUT she's still really pissed off at Shia. For why? Shia LaBeouf admitted to hooking up with Megan Fox while she was on a break from Brian Austin Green and the couple isn't happy he's blabbing about it! Although Shia LaBeouf is basking in the glory of the multi-million dollar blockbuster Transformers: Dark of the Moon, he is not on good terms with his former Transformers star, Megan Fox, and her husband, Brian Austin Green, after revealing he hooked up with Megan while she and her soon-to-be husband were taking a break! Now OK! Magazine reports that the couple are fighting to save their marriage — at the expense of Shia's friendship. Megan and Brian have been dating on and off since 2004, however finally tied the knot in a discrete ceremony just one year ago. The couple took a break during Megan's filming of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in 2008 — the same time when Shia recently admitted to engaging in a physical relationship with his co-star. "Look, you're on the set for six months, with someone who's rooting to be attracted to you, and you're rooting to be attracted to them…but the time I spent with Megan was our own thing…" LaBeouf reveals in the August issue of Details magazine. Though now, OK! Magazine reports that Megan and Brian are desperately trying to save their marriage. "He has really upset Megan and Brian," a close source explains. "They went through an incredibly rocky period when she and Shia were filming Transofmers: Revenge of the Fallen…having Shia run his mouth now and brag about sleeping with Megan is awful for them." Though was it really cheating? "…technically [Megan] didn't do anything wrong since they were on break. [Still], they are so angry at Shia." We hope this love triangle dies out very soon! [From Hollywood Life] Is it possible that Megan and BAG were on a break, and that's when she and Shia boned, and Megan is just apologetic and upset because her former (secret) lover told the world that they boned in a most ungentlemanly fashion? Of course. But I still don't know why that BAG quote from last year isn't getting more play, and I think that whether or not there was technically a "break" somewhere in there and Megan is completely blameless, in BAG's mind, he was Megan's only love and he had no idea about Shia. Now, will this whole scandal put a crimp in their marriage, long-term? I don't know. After staying quiet and low-profile throughout the Transformers publicity tour in which her name was constantly being mentioned, Megan has come out of hiding with a series of public moves. There was that completely weird Facebook-Botox thing, and now here are some "candids" from the set of The Dictator, in which Megan has a small part (photos of Megan in blue). I'm not sure what she's doing, but it's interesting.     Photos courtesy of WENN.  |
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