Cele|bitchy |
- Dominic Cooper, shirtless in Italy: so gross & sleazy, or would you hit it?
- Aaron Paul on Breaking Bad: Every ‘bitch’ and ‘yo’ is in the script
- Did Channing Tatum’s bitchfight with Alex Pettyfer lead to a photoshoot ban?
- Pink on motherhood: “Pure joy. I miss the whiskey, not the cigarettes”
- Tom Cruise threatens to sue The Enquirer over their “Tom is a monster” cover
- Miranda Kerr is still facing backlash from her anti-epidural comments
- Is Scientology changing the rules for Tom Cruise by letting him maintain contact with Suri?
- Katie Holmes rejoins Catholic church, ‘snapped’ at CO$ demands over Suri
- Are Robert Pattinson & Andrew Garfield really bitchfighting over film roles?
- Demi Moore’s daughters have cut off all contact, won’t return her calls, she’s ‘devastated’
Dominic Cooper, shirtless in Italy: so gross & sleazy, or would you hit it? Posted: 12 Jul 2012 08:46 AM PDT This is Dominic Cooper, an English (character) actor best known for his roles in The Duchess, Mamma Mia!, The Devil's Double, Captain America, My Week With Marilyn and most recently, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. You can see his IMDB page here, and I swear to God, NO ONE should comment "OMG, WHO?" He previously dated Amanda Seyfriend on-and-off for a few years, and I believe he hooked up with Lindsay Lohan a few summers ago in Cannes. He was photographed in Italy this week with his girlfriend Ruth Negga. Incidentally, back when he was dating Amanda, it was widely reported in the British tabloids that Dominic was screwing around on Amanda WITH Ruth. So… there's that. Anyway, we get some (a few) requests for more coverage about Dominic, so here you go. Personally, I'm not into him. He gives me a "sleazy" vibe, and these photos aren't doing anything to dissuade that feeling. He doesn't have a bad body or anything… he doesn't look very buff, but I suspect he probably does something, like running or yoga. He's really small too – I noticed that in The Duchess when Keira Knightley was trying to look like she wasn't towering over him. He's, like, Tom Cruise-sized. So… I would NOT hit it. I would run away from it, honestly. Dominic just turned 34 in June, and he's no fewer than SEVEN films in the pipeline for the next few years. He works like a champ, and to his credit, I don't think he has much of an ego about doing supporting parts instead of lead roles. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of him as the years go by. But mark my words – this guy's personal life will make headlines too. I think he has a zipper problem. |
Aaron Paul on Breaking Bad: Every ‘bitch’ and ‘yo’ is in the script Posted: 12 Jul 2012 08:36 AM PDT
[From GQ] Aaron had just finished filming episode five and he was really pumped up about how great the show was getting. He didn’t reveal any secrets of the upcoming season, but there are a few vague ones in a new cover profile of Breaking Bad in The Hollywood Reporter. Show creator Vince Gilligan, a former writer for “The X Files,” talks about how the show got made despite the odds and what’s next for the characters. I can’t wait. Aaron is shown with his fiance at Coachella in April and out on 6-2 and 6-18-12. Credit: Fame and WENN |
Did Channing Tatum’s bitchfight with Alex Pettyfer lead to a photoshoot ban? Posted: 12 Jul 2012 08:05 AM PDT Here’s a companion piece to last week’s story about how Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer were bitchfighting on the Magic Mike set. My general consensus over the story was that Channing is such an easygoing guy that it’s hard to imagine him not being universally loved by everyone with whom he comes into contact. As for Alex, he’s obviously been working hard to overcome his douchiness from a PR stance, but I guess it’s hard to suppress one’s true (alleged) personality for an extended period of time. Now Page Six has a followup piece about how the Channing-Alex showdown extended beyond the film set even though “those around them” (read: Matthew McConaughey and his bongos) tried to get them to kiss and make up. Reportedly, Channing (one of the movie’s producers) was so disgusted with Alex that he barred him from the EW.com beefcake promotional shoot. It certainly looks like that’s the case, since all of the group shots are conspicuously missing a certain Brit — although the magazine included one shot of Alex and Channing together on a beach, which I’ve posted below this story. Alex was also missing from the EW group interview, which included Channing, Matthew, Matt Bomer, and Joe Manganiello — none of whom ever brought Alex up during their bro talk. Alex’s rep has been quick to counter with a claim that Alex was invited but was too busy to attend. Sounds suspicious, right?
[From NY Post] Man, Alex’s old reputation is going to chase him for quite awhile, but I still can’t make a definite call on whether this story could really true. Oddly enough, I can’t even imagine how awful a dude must be if Channing would take great pains to exclude him from promotion when, in reality, Alex did receive second billing for his role. It’s hard to imagine Channing being so petty, but I guess if Channing writes Alex out of the planned sequel, then that will be a good indicator of truth to this story. Photos courtesy of EW.com ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Pink on motherhood: “Pure joy. I miss the whiskey, not the cigarettes” Posted: 12 Jul 2012 08:01 AM PDT Here are some new photos of Pink, Carey Hart and their daughter Willow in LA yesterday. Aren't these cute? I love when we have new photos of Pink with her baby girl. Are you surprised Willow is a blonde? I am. I didn't even remember that Pink is a natural blonde too. Anyway, cute photos, cute baby, so what else is new with Pink? She had a new radio interview, and she was talking about how her life has changed now that she's a mom. No more cigs, no more whiskey. Good girl.
Willow is about 13 months old, so it’s possible the “no whiskey” thing could be a breastfeeding issue. But why couldn't Pink have a whiskey anyway? Is the "no whiskey" thing more about "being a good mother"? Sigh… it's been a while since I've had a drink too. I stopped drinking last year (for the most part – I had wine on Thanksgiving, and a few sips of a daiquiri a few months ago) and I haven't really missed it that much. I gave it up for a diet/get-my-life-together thing, and once I stopped, I was fine. But the other day I really wanted a summery, fruity, rum-based cocktail but I didn't have any mixers so I forgot about it. Now that I've read this Pink story, I'm thinking about how nice it would be to have some Jack Daniels on the rocks. I swear I barely think about alcohol these days, but maybe I should just go ahead and have a cocktail and stop being so f–king neurotic about it? *quietly obsessing* We should do a poll. “Should Kaiser have a cocktail and stop being so g–damn neurotic?” Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Tom Cruise threatens to sue The Enquirer over their “Tom is a monster” cover Posted: 12 Jul 2012 07:23 AM PDT Is everybody starting to get slightly exhausted with all of the TomKat stuff? I am, but only a little bit. I wish everything had been drawn out for another few weeks, although I am enjoying all of the post-divorce-settlement drama too. I do think we're going to be talking about The TomKat Split for months to come, especially when Katie or Tom (or both) find new partners. Anyway, The Enquirer's cover story this week is all about Katie and Tom and how Tom is a "monster" because he locked Katie and Suri in Xenu's Dungeon and audited them with a magic wand or something. As you can imagine, Team Cruise isn't pleased about this at all. So Tom's lawyer is threatening a lawsuit, and they've already sent a "blistering" letter to American Media (owners of The Enquirer, Star, Radar, etc).
I chuckled at the emphasis on "the windowless room" pushback. Like that's the worst thing being said about Tom Cruise these days? That's always the danger for celebrities who do sue or threaten lawsuits on the tabloids – by choosing to bitch about a specific headline or story, the celebrity might be seen as giving some sort of "consent in absentia" for the OTHER tabloid stories. You know? Like, In Touch, Us Weekly, Star Magazine and People are all running variations on the whole "Katie is a victim, Tom is evil" storyline, but because Tom isn't threatening a lawsuit over them, does that make them true? I should also note that Tom (and Katie) have done battle with American Media before – Star Magazine had to issue an apology about their cover last year in which they said Katie was addicted to Xenu-zappers or something. So… will The Enquirer issue an apology or a retraction? It depends on how good The Enquirer's sources are. Some photos of Tom Cruise on the set of Oblivion, and Katie out last night (she wore leather pants!). Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Miranda Kerr is still facing backlash from her anti-epidural comments Posted: 12 Jul 2012 06:25 AM PDT Ugh, I am completely in love with Miranda Kerr's fluttery little summer dress. It's perfect. It's beautiful. I want it. I know it probably costs a million dollars, though. Perfect summer dresses always do. Why is she taunting me?!?! Anyway, these are some pics of Miranda out and about in NYC yesterday. She had a costume change at one point, and I'm including a photo of her alternate "Wednesday outfit" too. Did you know that Miranda has now joined the ranks of Gisele Bundchen with her "controversial" statements about mothering and childbirth? True story. A few weeks ago, I covered Miranda's Harper's Bazaar UK cover and profile, in which she said about childbirth, "I had made a decision that I wanted to do it [naturally]. I had been watching all these baby-bonding videos, and [without epidural] when the baby comes out it goes straight onto the breast. Then they showed ones right after the epidural, and that didn't happen. The baby was a little bit drugged up, and I was like 'Well, I don't want that.' I wanted to give him the best possible start in life I could." I wasn't enraged by her comments or anything (I'm not a mom, and childbirth terrifies me, so I'm always on Team Any-Drugs-You-Want-To-Give-A-Bitch), but I did wonder aloud if there was any scientific evidence that epidurals are damaging in any way to the mom or the baby. My focus was on the science of it – but Miranda's comments quickly went viral and it became "Miranda Kerr JUDGES mothers who get epidurals because they're not doing what's best for their baby." There was a firestorm and all of the mommy blogs were discussing it. We're now two weeks out and other sites are still talking about it. Miranda still hasn't issued any kind of clarification or anything, so I don't know what to tell you. My guess is that she stands by what she said but she didn't mean it in a Judgy Mother way. Meanwhile, Miranda does have a new interview in the latest Women's Fitness Mag, and she's discussing her "raw, clean and organic” diet. UGH. Miranda says:
I like greens, I love a salad and I like fresh food too. But I am getting a little bit tired of Miranda's "my way of life is better than everyone else's way of life" interviews. Maybe she doesn't mean it that way (in fact, I'm sure she isn't the Judgy Mother that she seems), but she's really starting to give me Gisele and Goop-vibes. Enough, Miranda. Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
Is Scientology changing the rules for Tom Cruise by letting him maintain contact with Suri? Posted: 12 Jul 2012 05:28 AM PDT
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Update: Here’s Rathbun’s interview There’s plenty of Scientology-related Tom Cruise news today, but first let’s focus on the latest from his ex-auditor, Marty Rathbun. As we’ve covered over the past few days, Rathbun has been shockingly accurate in predicting Tom Cruise’s moves in the wake of his divorce. It’s all about how the cult handles their PR, and Rathbun knows it intimately. He was Cruise’s personal auditor (similar to a counselor) in the wake of the Kidman divorce. As we’ve heard from Rathbun, and from other ex-Scientologists with knowledge of the situation, the cult worked to both bring about Cruise and Kidman’s divorce, and to alienate her children from her. These gems that have come up in the wake of the Tomkat divorce have largely remained in the gossip press and haven’t received mainstream media coverage – until now. Rathbun is about to do an interview on Brian Williams’ Rock Center that will air on NBC tonight. MSNBC has a preview video (here) in which Rathbun explains how Kidman was declared a suppressive person. You can read more about this story on MSNBC’s website. In terms of suppressive people and cutting Kidman out of her children’s lives, The Village Voice has a new article that claims that ex Scientologists are livid that the rules of the cult are seemingly being lifted for Tom Cruise. Cruise of course will maintain contact with his daughter, Suri, and by extension his soon-to-be ex wife, Katie Holmes. That’s not how it works for most Scientologists, who are forced to cut ties with anyone deemed a enemy of the cult. Katie Holmes most definitely falls in that category, but it’s not like she’ll be declared a suppressive person. She’s too famous, she blindsided Cruise and earned custody of Suri, and Cruise is too powerful a cult member. He won’t be forced to shun his ex wife and daughter like most other Scientologists would in that situation. Here’s more:
[From The Village Voice] The Village Voice has a ton more examples of ex Scientologists disconnected from their families, and you can read more at the source. The most egregious recent example is Karen de la Carriere, the ex wife of the president of The Church of Scientology International. Karen’s 27 year-old son died recently, and she wasn’t even allowed in to the funeral home to see his body and pay her respects. We recently received a very heartfelt, detailed email from a reader who grew up in a Scientology household. She described how her father’s blind adherence to the cult helped split up her own marriage, left her estranged from an excommunicated step sister, and ultimately led her parents to divorce. So it seems like this is just how things operate in Scientology, but not for Tom Cruise. According to E! Online, Cruise may visit with Suri this weekend, but unlike other times he’s been with his daughter in NY “there will be no photo op.” He’s currently working on the film Oblivion in the mountains of California, and a source tells E! that “As soon as he is done shooting he will arrange to see Suri. If he wasn’t shooting up in the mountains, I am sure he already would be with her.” Their source adds that the divorce settlement allows for “flexible” visitation and that Tom plans “to see Suri very, very often. He loves her dearly and is a normal parent.” As for what’s next for Scientology, they’re planning a full-on PR offensive to include television, radio and Internet broadcasts. Their spokesperson put out a PR message making the announcement. It seems conveniently timed, although they may have been planning for it. The COS purchased a TV studio in LA last year for $42 million. Reuters has this story along with commentary from media and cult experts who expect them to “buy time on local TV stations to air shows as other religions do.” Other religions with a lot more members, and lot more transparency, than they have. Here’s Cruise playing with a gun on the set of Oblivion yesterday. His 17 year-old son, Connor, visited him on set. The images above are of Tom with Suri on 1-25-12 and 12-16-11. Credit: WENN.com, PCNPhotos and FameFlynet ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Katie Holmes rejoins Catholic church, ‘snapped’ at CO$ demands over Suri Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:35 AM PDT Yesterday, Katie Holmes celebrated her return to freedom once again with a daily outing. Somehow, I get the feeling that she and Suri were trapped for nearly two years in their former New York City apartment (remember how how they used to disappear for a month at a time?) without being allowed to do any of the wonderful things that the city’s tourists can freely enjoy on a regular basis. Hence this outing to the Central Park Zoo with Katie’s mom, Kathleen, who was along for the ride. I won’t even attempt to identify these animals at the petting zoo (seriously, I am a pathetic suburbianite), but Suri appeared to truly enjoy herself. In related news, Katie has also just issued a silent message, which affirms that the topic of religion was very much a reason for the dissolution of her marriage. This of course runs contrary to the assertions of Tom’s lawyers, who maintain that the CO$ had nothing to do with the divorce or the negotiations therein — because, by their spin, Tom is just a completely hetero dude looking for fly tail at every opportunity. Of course, it is standard CO$ procedure to act like the cult is merely a tool to help people through life even though at least three known Scientologists have confirmed that the CO$ was behind the Cruise-Kidman divorce as well. The only difference here? Katie filed first. Her silent message? She has just registered with a Catholic church in New York City:
[From Daily Mail] Poor Tom. He’s “still reeling.” Look, I get that a few of you still feel for Tom and his “blindsided” response to Katie’s covert methods in acquiring the divorce, but I just don’t feel pity for the man. Here’s the thing: Tom would rather willingly (and without a fight) give up joint custody of his daughter and concede to the instant demise of his third marriage than to give up his GOD-like (and telepathic) status within the CO$. Like, he values the approval of a cult who tells him he can fly and treats him like a superior being more than he desires his wife and child. That’s pathetic, and I can’t feel sorry for anyone who prefers that sort of delusion over reality. On the subject of flying, all of this CO$ nonsense certainly puts those crazy MI4 stunts into perspective, right? Yesterday, Kaiser covered a preview of this week’s Us Weekly, which included details of how Nicole Kidman possibly (yet not probably) offered Katie some support. Now the full issue has been released, and Us Weekly maintains that Katie grew very concerned that “Tom was beginning to audit Suri behind her back.” And that’s not all:
[From Us Weekly, print edition, July 23, 2012] That last paragraph puts into perspective Tom’s belief that he really thought everything was just peachy in his marriage to Katie. Hence his “What’s happening?” response to the split. CB and I were talking about this, and I really think Tom’s going to have a breakdown over this divorce. It might not happen immediately, but it will occur, and it will be interesting to see how the CO$ deals with it. It’s not like they can stuff Tom in a hotel room like they did with Lisa McPherson. Nope, Tom has to remain visible to the public. So … we’ll see how this plays out. Meanwhile, this week’s tabloids are already gearing up for another wild ride. So far, we’ve got Star’s take (via Jezebel), which features a cover story titled, “Katie’s weight plummets.” The cover itself features photos from Katie’s July 4th outing that has also brought us portraits of Katie’s sideboob and skinny back. Presumably, Katie has lost weight in the past few months because of the stress of the impending divorce, which is believable, but she doesn’t really look anorexic. Just thinner. Star’s inside story is more interesting in that it contains details of Katie’s alleged $5 million payout from Tom plus $100,000 per month in alimony for five years and $30,000 more per month just for Suri. The story also goes on to claim that “Tom will do whatever it takes to make sure he comes out on top and “He’s made it clear that he’s willing to spend every last cent fighting for Suri.” Whatever. Tom has already lost. Katie has won, and he’s going to be stuck in an auditing room while Miscavige cracks his whip while wearing leather chaps. Gross. Okay, now to erase that awful mental image. More of Suri at the zoo! Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and WENN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Are Robert Pattinson & Andrew Garfield really bitchfighting over film roles? Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:25 AM PDT This week’s issue of Us Weekly has a story that sounds suspiciously like a recent Enquirer story about how Kristen Stewart was nervously lipbiting over the fact that new “It Girl” Jennifer Lawrence might soon take over all of Kristen’s desired roles. It was sort of a believable rumor because both of them headline franchises with JLaw as the up-and-comer of Hunger Games and KStew on the downslope of Twilight Saga, but then Jennifer went and spoiled the fun by denying the existence of a feud. Now Us maintains that Andrew Garfield can’t stand Robert Pattinson and vice versa. Allegedly, Andrew is now acting like he’s too big for his britches because he’s now starring within a big, successful franchise that is (relatively) more respected than that one about sparkly, vegetarian vampires from which RPattz has made his millions. Here’s a glimpse inside “inside their bitter rivalry” if you can believe it:
[From Us Weekly, print edition, July 23, 2012] If it’s true that Andrew speaks of himself as “a serious actor,” then he’s already losing points with me. Sure, the guy was in The Social Network, but he was also in Lions for Lambs, which is nothing to brag about. And now he’s running around in tights — albeit in a franchise that fanboys will love no matter what. Does Andrew really hate Sparkles? Who knows. As for Sparkles himself, I can see him not being excited about the new Brit boy in town, but I think he’s more nervous about his career in a very general sense and doesn’t harbor any ill will towards any competing actor in particular. Despite a couple of “flops,” the scripts are still rolling in for RPattz. He just needs to make some better decisions in the future. By the way, here’s the latest (brand new) trailer for Cosmopolis, which is even edgier than the last one: Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Demi Moore’s daughters have cut off all contact, won’t return her calls, she’s ‘devastated’ Posted: 12 Jul 2012 04:23 AM PDT
The latest issue of US Weekly also carried this story, and they had some more details about how poorly the graduation went. This is kind of supported by photos taken at the time, which show Demi looking pissed off all by herself while the girls hang out with their dad, Bruce Willis. Here’s some of US’ story:
[From US Weekly, print edition, July 23, 2012] That’s good that Demi is in Idaho, it’s probably better for her there, but she’s away from her daughters too. Things are worse than that, if you go by Radar’s latest story. Demi is said to be desperately trying to contact her daughters, and they’ve shut her out entirely. Supposedly they were fighting a lot, Demi was being too needy, and now her daughters won’t talk to her at all. She’s said to be “devastated” and “beside herself.” Here’s more:
[From Radar] I would feel more for Demi if we knew she was sober and trying to get her act together, but recent reports suggest that’s not the case at all. Maybe her daughters are fed up with seeing their mom like that and have no idea what else to do except to avoid her. Demi is back working again. She was seen on the NY City set of Very Good Girls, with Dakota Fanning, Elizabeth Olsen and Richard Dreyfus, earlier this week. All we have are these photos of her covering her face though. Would it kill her to let them get a few photos and to smile? Photo credit: TNYF/WENN.com |
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