Cele|bitchy |
- Robert Pattinson rings the bell at the NY Stock Exchange, looks brooding & hot
- Tim Tebow shirtless in GQ: would you hit it? Do you care?
- Nicole Kidman’s casual- business ensemble in Paris: refreshingly pretty?
- Jennifer Lopez: the most important quality for a man “is that he is sweet”
- Anderson Cooper was on a yacht with his boyfriend when the cheating photos came out
- Robert Pattinson makes his first public appearances in NYC: sexy & professional?
- Jeremy Renner on the Kardashians: ‘Ridiculous people with zero talent’
- Taylor Swift really did buy a house close to the Kennedy compound: creepy?
- Did Jennifer Aniston tell her father about the engagement? An investigation.
- Vanessa Paradis: “Why would I fix my teeth? I can spit water through them”
Robert Pattinson rings the bell at the NY Stock Exchange, looks brooding & hot Posted: 14 Aug 2012 08:59 AM PDT SPARKLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't we lucky? We have even more photos of Robert Pattinson looking sexy and pulled-together! These are pics of Rob at the New York Stock Exchange this morning. Rob rang the bell with his director, David Cronenberg. The NYSE has been doing more and more celebrity "bell-ringers" over the past decade (since 9/11, really), and usually the celebrity has some association or project in New York. Although Cosmopolis was filmed in Canada, it's supposed to be "New York" so… that's why Sparkles got to ring the bell. There's video too: It doesn't look like Rob actually pushed the button to ring the bell – doesn't it look like Cronenberg did it? Poor Sparkles. Too devastated by Kristen to even ring a bell. *sparkle-sob* In all honesty, though, I'm blown away by how professional Rob has been over the past 24 hours. I expect that "the confessional" interview will probably come later in the week, perhaps on Good Morning America tomorrow, in which Rob will be asked specific questions about A) whether he broke up with Kristen and B) how he really feels about all of this. For now, though, I'm just coming away with a feeling of… "Wow. This is a good kid. Good for him for following through with all of his work commitments." And I love that he's managing to do it – thus far – without throwing some huge pity party, and without throwing Kristen under the bus. Sigh… I really want to bring him home and feed him. Real food, not my biscuit. Here's some video of Rob at last night's Cosmopolis screening. This poor kid. He's full of nervous tics, but he's still got the balls to talk to lower-tier media outlets and give them quotes about his movie. I'm about to go full-Twihard, if you couldn't tell. |
Tim Tebow shirtless in GQ: would you hit it? Do you care? Posted: 14 Aug 2012 08:51 AM PDT
Prior to this I had no idea who Cam Newton is, I’m sorry but sports are not my thing, but I googled him and he’s way hotter with less hair. Plus he’s 6’5″! I love tall guys. Last fall Cam was dating Ciara, but he’s been linked to other women this year. Anyway I’m focusing on Cam because Tim is not doing it for me, he never really has. Tebow is a 25 year-old virgin and he’s not my type at all, not that a 25 year-old virgin could ever be my type regardless of how hot he is. Some of you like him so we thought we’d run these pics. (This goes out to a friend of mine who asks about Tim, I know she’ll enjoy these! I tell her we don’t have any gossip about him basically ever, except when Swifty allegedly hit on him.) The article in GQ is very football-centric, and Kaiser and I both tried to read it and didn’t get/weren’t interested in most of it. For those of you who are into football, you can read it here. It’s primarily about how the cult and hype around Tebow, a devout Evangelical Christian, does not necessarily live up to his performance. They’re kind of mocking that with the shirtless pose. The author attends training camp for The Jets and asks Tebow a question during a press conference and that’s it. Cam Newton’s interview is more personal and one-on-one, and it’s at this link. It was also written for football fans, which is understandable. I’m just here for the beefcake. Why can’t we see Cam shirtless too damnit?! This photo is pretty good, even if Cam’s shirt is still on. I have to admit Tim has really nice eyes. Photos courtesy of GQ, where there are more. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Nicole Kidman’s casual- business ensemble in Paris: refreshingly pretty? Posted: 14 Aug 2012 08:13 AM PDT These are new photos of Nicole Kidman in Paris yesterday. Is there an age cut-off for when we stop doing Bump Watch on women? Nicole is 45 years old – isn't it possible that she's merely clutching her abdomen because she's hungry, or because she's full, or because she doesn't like her outfit or something? At this point, can't we stop with the "OMG, Nicole is trying to tell us something!" headlines? Sorry, that was just bothering me. Anyway, I do kind of like Nicole's outfit. It's a nice mixture of styles and vibes – great purse, nice pants, too-frilly shirt, and she's using a giant hair clip, just like me! I would wear this whole outfit, only exchanging the ruffled blouse for a something crisper. I love the cardigan in particular, and I like that I wasn’t immediately assaulted by Nicole’s lips. In other Kidman news, she's been making headlines recently because she's been wheeling and dealing in international real estate. Nicole just picked up her second apartment in Sydney – she bought the apartment adjacent to the penthouse she already owned in a building by the Sydney Harbor. According to The Mail, Nicole and Keith "are consolidating the two by knocking down an interior wall and expanding one of the kitchens. And as well a purchasing the property next door, the actress has also splashed out $2.68 million on a 19th floor apartment, which she will use as her home office.” You can see photos of her penthouse here – it's really beautiful. And just last week, Nicole unloaded one of her Manhattan properties for $16 million. Nicole had owned a West Village apartment for nine years – the place only had three bedrooms, which probably made it much too small for Nicole and her family. There's Keith, their two girls, plus an assortment of nannies and assistants and such. They would obviously need a bigger place. You know what struck me? Nicole owned two apartments in New York… and she didn't lend out either of them to Tom Cruise OR Katie Holmes when Tom and Katie were going through their thing. Which just proves to me that Nicole seriously did NOT want to get involved. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Jennifer Lopez: the most important quality for a man “is that he is sweet” Posted: 14 Aug 2012 07:37 AM PDT Jennifer Lopez covers the September issue of InStyle Mag, which just further proves my theory that this year's trend for September issues is "Meh, who cares?" I remember when the all magazines really tried to get interesting or unusual cover girls for their September issues. But this year has seen women like Penelope Cruz, Gwen Stefani, Lady Gaga and now J.Lo take big September covers – and no disrespect to all of those ladies, but none of them are big "gets" for any magazine. They are ALWAYS on magazine covers. Remember when Linda Evangelista made her triumphant return on the cover of the September Vogue, after she had been MIA for years? That was more than a decade ago, and I still remember it, that's how powerful it was. And these days, it's just like, "Meh, get J.Lo." Anyway, enough bitching and moaning. Here are some excerpts from InStyle's interview:
As much as I'd like to think that Jennifer's refusal to discuss Casper Smart is some kind of harbinger of a potential breakup, I doubt it. Jennifer probably did this interview a few months ago, before all of the recent reports about Casper's peep show/massage/gay cruising incident. Although the tabloids keep insisting that Casper and Jennifer will split soon, I just don't think it will happen. Yet. Maybe I'm just trying to prepare myself for the worst. The worst = marriage. Also: is it just me or does Jennifer sound particularly out of touch in this interview? I don't have any problem believing she's generally "out of touch" with the way regular people live, but she seemed particularly "Woe is me, my struggles are SO EPIC" in this interview. Get off the cross, J.Lo. People need the wood. |
Anderson Cooper was on a yacht with his boyfriend when the cheating photos came out Posted: 14 Aug 2012 06:34 AM PDT
I wrote that I was hoping Anderson and his boyfriend had quietly broken up and we just didn’t know about it because he’s so secretive with his private life. According to Life & Style, not so much. Their sources claim that Anderson and his live-in longterm boyfriend, Ben Maisani, were on vacation on a yacht off the coast of Croatia when Anderson found out. What’s more is that they don’t have an open relationship, and apparently that was the first Anderson was hearing about his boyfriend stepping out on him. Cold! Here’s more:
Well I hope Anderson dumps that douche and finds someone worthy. What kind of excuses can you give for getting so thoroughly busted cheating like that? “It was just a one-time thing?,” “We only kissed,” or “It wasn’t serious?” Plus, they were stuck on vacation together! I guess with their kind of money one of them could have changed plans and left on their own afterwards, but I’m envisioning a miserable few days left on vacation after finding out that a partner is cheating on you. It actually happened to a friend of mine, who was on vacation with her girlfriend on a cruise. I’m not kidding! Her girlfriend broke the news to her on the cruise that she’d found someone else, and then proceeded to spend hundreds of dollars calling the other woman. They were stuck in the same room together and it was awful. (I try not to tell stories about my friends, or at least be vague enough that they can’t figure out who I’m talking about, but that was over 10 years ago and I’m pretty sure she won’t mind me gossiping about it.) What a crappy thing for Anderson to have to deal with right after he came out. |
Robert Pattinson makes his first public appearances in NYC: sexy & professional? Posted: 14 Aug 2012 05:09 AM PDT I can barely contain my rush of goodwill towards Robert Pattinson. Here's a guy who is 26 years old, coming off of a four-year roller coaster which saw him become a global phenomenon, and had him worshiped, stalked, harassed and adored by tweens and teens and adult women the world over… and when something awful happened to him, he was still able to put on his big-girl panties and go out and be a g—damn professional. I think he should be applauded for this. These are photos from last night's MoMA screening of Cosmopolis, Rob's new movie (directed by David Cronenberg). Shall we analyze his appearance? I think he looks good. He could have shaved, but I don't mind the scruff. I like that he's wearing a suit and tie (Gucci), and he looks fit and surprisingly well-rested. I can't help it… I'm proud of him for going out and doing his job and not pitching a hissy fit about his promotional work. On the red carpet (as it was), Rob did give some quotes here and there to media outlets, but for the most part he managed to avoid giving any quotes about Kristen Stewart and that situation. David Cronenberg did chime in, though, saying that the Stewart thing "doesn't touch me and it doesn’t touch the film." Rob allegedly greeted his costars and the media with a hearty "Cheers!" Rob also appeared on The Daily Show last night – in a pretaped bit done BEFORE the red carpet. I'm including the video below, but just FYI: Rob does not confirm anything about the situation with Kristen. He seemed uncomfortable, but like he was powering through it, and props to Jon Stewart for being decent about the whole thing: I love that Jon and Rob both had their Ben & Jerrys, and I liked that Rob was completely flummoxed by Jon's question of “What have you been up to?” Rob replies, "I had a joke prepared! God damn it. I was all set up and ready to go.” Rob even made a Spanx joke about the ice cream… but notice he continued to eat the ice cream, right? The boy has a sweet tooth. I think my favorite, favorite part was when Rob said, "My biggest problem in my life is I’m cheap, and I didn’t hire a publicist… I’m going to hire a publicist.” Jon replied: “I think you should… although, unless you have a time machine…” Isn't it funny that Rob doesn't have a publicist, yet his PR instincts are SO much better than nearly every other young actors’? Anyway, Jon Stewart is incredibly decent, as I said, and he told Sparkles, “Listen, the last time I had a bad breakup, Ben and Jerry got me through some of the tougher times. So, I thought you and I could bond over this and talk about, ‘Boy, you are better off, kick her to the curb. Whatevah!' When you are young and you break up, it’s powerful and it feels like the world is ending. This is the first time I have seen the world actually react that way. It’s insanity. Here is my wish for you, that you get to handle your business in private, in your personal life, and I wish you all the best.” Should we analyze Jon Stewart's repeated claims that what has happened between Robert and Kristen is a "breakup"? Is that an assumption on Jon's part, or did Rob confirm the split to Jon privately, and gave Jon the go-ahead to make those jokes? Whatever happened, I'm thinking that Rob is feeling more like "I can never forgive her" at this moment. So maybe he will dump her, or he has dumped her already. Incidentally, Robert is going to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange today! That's really cool. I bet all of those NYSE dudes are going to want to have their photos taken with Rob. Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet. |
Jeremy Renner on the Kardashians: ‘Ridiculous people with zero talent’ Posted: 14 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT Jeremy Renner got the memo! Jon Hamm and Daniel Craig must have sent out a memo to all of the "real men" of Hollywood. The memo that reads: "Dear Men: Whenever you're interviewed next, drop in a moment where you mention how the Kardashians are vacuous wastes of oxygen. KTHXBAI." Daniel Craig got the ball rolling last year, when he dropped this bitchy gem in an interview with GQ UK: "Look at the Kardashians, they're worth millions. I don't think they were that badly off to begin with but now look at them. You see that and you think 'what, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f–king idiot on television and then you'll pay me millions.' I'm not judging it – well, I am obviously." Then Jon Hamm did it in a UK magazine earlier this year, mentioning, "Whether it's Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated…Being a f**king idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you're rewarded significantly." Do you see the new trend? So, Jeremy Renner did it in an interview with The Guardian – you can read the whole thing here, and here are some highlights:
LOL. At least Renner didn't use the exact same "f—king idiot" wording. Renner just says they're "ridiculous people" and "those stupid, stupid people." I wonder if Kim Kardashian will try to issue a statement about Jeremy, like she did with Jon Hamm? I hope so. Just because it would be funny. It also strikes me that in all of these male bitch-fests about the Kardashians, they've all gone down in UK publications. I've begun to wonder if the UK celebrity/gossip world has some kind of weird fascination with the Kardashians too – like, maybe the UK people don't really "get" why the Kardashians are a thing, so they just bring them up in random interviews? Of course, the UK press shouldn't get on their high horse. They're the ones propping up people like Katie Price (who is worse than Kim Kardashian, IMO). Kim tweeted this photo a few days ago, by the way. I honestly could not stop staring at her ass for, like, a full five minutes. I think it hypnotized me. Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN, Kim's Twitter. |
Taylor Swift really did buy a house close to the Kennedy compound: creepy? Posted: 14 Aug 2012 04:50 AM PDT What started out as a minor, bizarre little summer love story has become increasingly creepy and bothersome… to me. For the most part, I don't take celebrity gossip all that seriously – meaning, I don't personalize it, I don't try to interject myself into the proverbial shoes of any given celebrity. But this Taylor Swift-Conor Kennedy thing is really bugging me, and I can't help but feel a tidal wave of emotion for and about 18-year-old Conor Kennedy. Conor just lost his mom. He's still dealing with all of the "shoulda, woulda, coulda" of his parents' awful split, which was then compounded by his mom's suicide. Now he's the administrator to his mother's estate too, going through her papers, dealing with all of the loose ends she left behind. And he's still in high school – one source claimed he was going into his junior year of prep school, some sources say he's headed into his senior year, but the common denominator is that he's STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL. And then Swifty comes into the picture, angling to get into the Kennedy clan in any way possible. In what world are Taylor Swift's actions not seen as predatory and simply wrong? Oh, I'm sorry – we're supposed to believe that Swifty is "helping" and "supporting" Conor through this difficult time. You know what would be a big help? Not forcing a relationship on an 18-year-old who is having a really horrible year! But Swifty is willfully clueless about that kind of thing. That's why she just bought a property adjacent to the Kennedy compound. Of course.
This whole thing deserves a siren call of "DANGER DANGER". Best case scenario: this relationship lasts until… what? He graduates from high school? So, maybe another year. A year in which Swifty balances being an international musical superstar with her boyfriend who is still in high school. And then what after that? What happens when Conor meets some nice teenage girl from a nice political family? What if Swifty's drama gets to be too much really, really quickly? I guess she can just put the property back on the market. It just feels so… ugh. I don't even have the words for how icky I feel about all of this. Photos courtesy of Twitter, WENN. |
Did Jennifer Aniston tell her father about the engagement? An investigation. Posted: 14 Aug 2012 04:30 AM PDT I really didn't understand why this story – and speculation and denials of this story – became a thing in the wake of Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux's engagement announcement. Allegedly, Justin Theroux proposed to Jennifer on HIS birthday, which was last Friday. JustJen waited another 48 hours (approximately) to announce it (via his rep) to People Mag and other outlets. 48 hours is definitely enough time to notify your loved ones and BFFs that your man proposed… so I guess that's the controversy? In any case, when Celebuzz contacted Jennifer's father, John Aniston, about her engagement, John told Celebuzz that he had no idea:
I didn't really think much of this either way – Jennifer has never seemed incredibly tight with either of her parents, although I think she and her father have grown closer, especially in the past decade. But it's not like she's some dewy 22-year-old, engaged for the first time to a dreamy young beau – this will be Jennifer's second time around the block, and I gave her a pass on the whole "she didn't tell her dad" thing. Which makes it extra weird that Jennifer's rep went to Us Weekly to "correct" the record on the whole "Did John Aniston know?!" question:
Is this version possible? Sure. But I ask again: why does it matter? What's the BFD? She's 43 years old. She doesn't need her dad's permission or blessing, and considering they might not be all that close (once again, that's just how it seems to me), I don't understand why we have to be "sold" this super-precious version of events in which America’s Perpetual Wronged Woman gets to tell her dad that someone gave her a ring. Unless it's to underline the point that Jennifer's nemesis, THE LEG, is not very close to her dad, Jon "The Leg's Father" Voight. In which case… I don't even know. Oh, but Jennifer totally did NOT inform her mother, Nancy Dow. Nancy and Jennifer were estranged for years and years – and once again, that's nothing I'm going to slam Jennifer about. Nancy Dow seems like a piece of work, a really manipulative wannabe stage-mother. But Jennifer and Nancy reportedly "reconciled" years ago… and Nancy only found out about Jennifer's engagement through the media too. A "family friend" told Radar, "Nancy is absolutely delighted Jennifer is going to marry Justin. The first she learned of the engagement though was last night after an official announcement had been made to the press. She had an inkling that Jennifer was happy and that she was ready to settle down – but because she's pretty much estranged from her daughter she only learns bits and pieces through Jennifer's half-brother John Melick. They haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but Nancy only wants the best for her daughter. When Nancy had a stroke she had the pleasure of meeting Justin when he visited her in hospital with Jennifer. He brought her flowers, was very caring and Nancy thought he was a true gentleman. Nancy believes Justin is good for Jennifer, lets her be herself and their relationship is the real deal." Radar goes on to claim that Justin and Jennifer "rushed" to Nancy bedside last year when Nancy had a stroke, although that's not how I remember it. I'm sure my memory is just faulty, though. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Vanessa Paradis: “Why would I fix my teeth? I can spit water through them” Posted: 14 Aug 2012 04:26 AM PDT It really does seem like Vanessa Paradis sat down for no fewer than three major magazine interviews around the time she and Johnny Depp were officially separating. Of course, Vanessa is promoting a film, and she was just being a pro, right? I previewed some of Vanessa's mag pieces yesterday – Marie Claire France, French Elle and Harper's Bazaar US. Bazaar released their full Paradis story yesterday, and while this isn't some huge confessional, Vanessa definitely IS talking about her split with Johnny. This is the interview where Vanessa says, “Love is the strongest and most fragile thing we have in life. Nothing is ever for sure, but when something in love doesn’t work from the beginning, it’s never going to work. Don’t push it.” You can read the full piece here, and here are some highlights:
Burning eyes, creative and a pretty mouth? Bitch wants a piece of Tom Hardy!!!!! Oh, you in danger, girl. Tom Hardy's burning eyes and pretty mouth are mine. MINE. I do like what she says about aging, plastic surgery and her teeth. Seriously, this woman is 39 years old – she's beautiful in the particular kind of French way (or what this gauche American thinks of as "the French way"). She doesn't need to fix her teeth or get Botoxed or any of that. Although I do think she'll probably feel a moment of "Seriously, I need to get my eyes done" when Johnny really starts getting hot and heavy with a 23-year-old. I hope she manages to avoid it, though. Photos courtesy of Bazaar, WENN. |
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