Cele|bitchy |
- Did Katie Holmes apologize to Tom for humiliating him with such a public divorce filing?
- ‘Cosmopolis’ director: “The strength of the ‘Twilight’ movies is not the acting”
- Emma Watson covers the NYT Fall Fashion mag: lovely or too eyeliner-y?
- Honey Boo Boo’s family was investigated and cleared by Child Protective Services
- Halle Berry brings in Salma Hayek as an expert witness in her custody case
- Kristen Stewart’s breakup diet includes sugarless Red Bull, cigarettes & chips
- Hey Girl: “Ryan Gosling believes in marital commitment before children”
- Leonardo DiCaprio wants to recruit Robert Pattinson for the P-ssy Posse
- Jessica Biel’s white, feathery, tutu’d Giambattista Valli: awful or cute?
- Trista Sutter from Bachelorette got a boob job & eye lift at 39: unnecessary?
Did Katie Holmes apologize to Tom for humiliating him with such a public divorce filing? Posted: 17 Aug 2012 08:44 AM PDT Here’s the weekly roundup of Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes news, which just keeps on coming albeit at a slower pace now that the dust has settled somewhat. So what have Katie and Suri been up to lately now that the summer is rolling to a close and school will begin in very short order? Well, they spent several days in Katie’s hometown of Toledo, Ohio, (not the photos shown here from NYC) which is part of Katie’s plan to help keep Suri grounded. They skipped Daddy’s private jet and flew commercial. They went to the mall, where they shopped at the Gap and ate at Auntie Anne’s pretzels (which Tom would have died to acknowledge), and a bystander noted that “Katie seemed tired but was very polite and kind” and “looked happy.” Oh, and Suri finally got that puppy she wanted! Sort of … the girls visited the mall’s Build-A-Bear shop where Suri plucked up a German Shepherd kit. You can see those photos here, and Suri reportedly named her new doggie “Sara.” Meanwhile, a moving van was spotted outside Tom and Katie’s former home in Beverly Hills, so we can draw our own conclusions there. There’s also a semi-new article in Radar about how Suri has adjusted quite well to Tom and Katie’s split because now her parents “aren’t fighting with each other because they haven’t seen each other and so Suri has been protected from any uncomfortable situations.” The article also goes on to state that Suri hasn’t really missed Tom that much because (as I have already suspected for some time), Suri is used to her dad being away filming for months at a time. So in regards to not seeing Tom that often, Suri doesn’t really know the difference because he’s never really been around in the first place. Now, at least he’s paying some one-on-one attention to her on occasion even though he’s spoiling the hell out of her. Hopefully, that won’t include cult indoctrination, but you know he’ll try. This week’s issue of In Touch has a bizarre article about how Katie (sort of) feels bad for publicly humiliating Tom by surprising him with the divorce. At the same time, Katie realizes that her covert plan was the only way she could get out (especially since the situation was so extreme, and she was monitored to the point where she had to use burner phones). Still, Katie realizes that Tom’s massive ego was very hurt, and she’s hoping that her apology will work a bit of magic for whatever future full-custody revenge Tom has in store for the future. Will it work though?
[From In Touch, print edition, August 16, 2012] Sadly and at this point, I have absolutely no faith in Tom as a decent human being. He aims to win every contest at all costs, and to him, Suri is a contest as well. So I don’t think Katie’s apology will work any huge progress in deterring him from trying to win Suri’s favor, but maybe Katie has more mind games in store for the future too. God knows she’s overdue to play some mind games with him, right? This week’s Enquirer has an article about how Katie has supposedly spent $100,000 on clothes and beauty products since she left Tom because she’s “ready to join the ‘Sex and the City’ club.” While I don’t doubt that Katie is probably dying to have some really good sex (after being married to Tom for five years, who wouldn’t want that?), she probably hasn’t committed such a pricey splurge. She is, after all, now on a budget. Yes, Katie looks much younger now that she’s shed the Gollum influence, but she didn’t need to blow $100,000 to get there. There are also a few details about how Katie’s confidence coach is really a specialist in cult deprogramming, which I totally believe. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
‘Cosmopolis’ director: “The strength of the ‘Twilight’ movies is not the acting” Posted: 17 Aug 2012 08:37 AM PDT Ah, so many Robert Pattinson stories. What I've learned this week is that Rob deserves some kind of medal (a small but quietly substantial medal) for being a total professional and managing to get through a week in New York, full of interviews and appearances, without going completely insane. I think Rob earned a lot of respect from a lot of different people this week. Of course, I've also learned that the media can be a fickle bitch, because even though every media outlet would love an exclusive with a sparkly vampire, every media outlet has been running negative reviews of Cosmopolis. Maybe not all – Rotten Tomatoes' Top Critics rating is 53%, which is decent enough. But I'm surprised to see two prominent bad reviews at People Magazine and Us Weekly, and E! News is running a process story about all of the bad reviews in general. So, while people like Rob and he'll definitely get more and more work, he's yet to prove that he can do any kind of role but "sparkly vampire." Meanwhile, the Los Angeles Times has this unintentionally hilarious Sparkles interview – Rob sat down with David Cronenberg for the piece, and all of the asides with and about Cronenberg are hilarious. My favorite part is when Cronenberg subtly bashes the Twilight franchise – here are some highlights from the piece:
Yeah… I came away from that loving David Cronenberg: “The strength of the ‘Twilight’ movies is not the acting.” LOL. Thank you!! And then he goes on to say that all he learned about Robert from Twilight is that Rob is present and professional. Rob also sat down with MTV, and he ended up talking about the end of the Twilight franchise, saying: “It’s an amazing experience. It’s a huge chunk of my life, and the end of the movie, the last few scenes, kind of look back at the whole series. It’s so sweet. I feel so much older now. The idea of if I had to do a sequel now, it would be like ‘I’m not 17 anymore.’ “ Here's the video: Get More: |
Emma Watson covers the NYT Fall Fashion mag: lovely or too eyeliner-y? Posted: 17 Aug 2012 07:34 AM PDT I've come to the conclusion that no matter what I say about Emma Watson, good or bad, Emma's fan-girls are going to throw hissy fits. So I might as well just get on with it. Emma covers the New York Times "T Style Women’s Fashion Fall 2012" issue, which I believe is the NYT Magazine cover this weekend. I like the photos, generally speaking. Emma's hair is growing out nicely, I love the diamond earrings and some of the clothes featured in the shoot. My only two complaints? Her eye makeup is too heavy (the liquid eyeliner looks worse than Duchess Kate's), and I dislike the Kardashian-esque open-mouth pose. You can read the full NYT profile of Emma here – she's on the cover because she's promoting The Perks of Being A Wallflower, where she's trying out her American accent for the first time in a film. The NYT piece is kind of meh – it's written by a man who is not an Emma fan-girl, so it comes across as "making the effort not to fawn on this young actress." Some highlights from the piece:
See? It's not a particularly dishy interview. I did find her answer to the Brown Univ. question interesting – she reiterated that she was NOT bullied and no one "gave me a particularly hard time" – meaning that some people teased her but it didn't bother her, I wonder? As for the discussion of "At Brown everyone does completely different things and very much chooses their own path, which is great, but it's also much more difficult, too. You're not with a group of people all the time at one time." I'm not sure what this means? Are British universities really that different in how they treat first and second-year students and the general curriculum? Or is this Emma's way of saying that she was just unaccustomed to the wildly different atmosphere of American college life, and she basically had culture shock? Photos courtesy of NYT Mag, via The Fashion Spot. |
Honey Boo Boo’s family was investigated and cleared by Child Protective Services Posted: 17 Aug 2012 05:41 AM PDT
You know how everyone is always saying that the “Toddlers & Tiaras” moms need to be investigated for child neglect for all the spray tans, teeth bleaching, and overt sexualization they subject their daughters to? Well it happened to at least one family. “Honey Boo Boo,” the six year-old star of a new spin-off on TLC that some have deemed exploitative, had her home life evaluated by social workers. Her case was about to go to trial when her family’s court-appointed lawyer was successful in getting it dismissed. So they probably didn’t find anything beyond what we saw on the show. This article contains a spoiler for Honey Boo Boo. Skip over the rest of this story if you’d prefer to be surprised by this development:
[From The National Enquirer] I was ready to report this story as a predictable one until I got to that end part. Honey Boo Boo’s 17 year-old sister has a baby with two right thumbs, which her family then makes fun of. Of course they do, and of course they put it all on tee-vee. That poor baby and her mom, who likely had no say in the matter. As for the CPS investigation, it’s what you would expect. They can’t mandate that people not give their kids Mountain Dew mixed with Red Bull, not let them dance on tables, and not teach them witty phrases that hookers would say. As long as the kids aren’t in grave danger, there’s nothing they can do. Pimping them out in pageants and on a reality show doesn’t qualify. Meanwhile, Starcasm found that Honey Boo Boo’s mom, June Shannon, has an arrest record in Georgia, most likely from missed child support payments. It’s thought that her oldest daughter, the one who is pregnant on the show, might have a different father than the man June is currently married to. Which is good news, because it means it wasn’t statutory rape when she conceived the girl at 15. You can read about it at Starcasm. [Via Crushable] This is a TLC promo pic. Again, I didn’t just pick the worst one |
Halle Berry brings in Salma Hayek as an expert witness in her custody case Posted: 17 Aug 2012 05:40 AM PDT
Halle, her fiance Oliver Martinez and Salma and her husband, Francois-Henri Pinault, were seen on a double dinner date Wednesday night at the Little Door in West Hollywood. (Those are the photos here.) They were there to celebrate Halle’s 46th birthday. I don’t remember hearing that these two were friends, but I found a story that they hung out in Paris together in 2010, so I guess this isn’t just a case of Halle calling on Salma to bolster her case to move to France. I mean, that’s what she’s doing but they do seem to be friends. Meanwhile The National Enquirer has an interesting story this week about Halle’s beef with Robert Downey Jr. after an accident she sustained on the set of their 2003 horror film, Gothica. (Did any of you see that movie and was it as bad as I’ve heard? I have a low tolerance for scary movies.) Apparently, RDJ broke Halle’s arm by mistake while they were filming a scene and Halle still hasn’t forgiven him.
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, Mike Walker's column] It sounds like these two did not get along at all. You can draw your own conclusions about whether it’s Halle or RDJ’s fault, and maybe it was a mutual issue. I’m trying to be diplomatic here. I mean Halle’s arm did get broken, but it sounds like she’s holding onto a serious grudge. How drunk does Salma look here? At least she wasn’t driving. Also, doesn’t it look like Francois-Henri just came from the gym? Photo credit: Pacific Coast News |
Kristen Stewart’s breakup diet includes sugarless Red Bull, cigarettes & chips Posted: 17 Aug 2012 05:34 AM PDT This week's tabloids are full of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson drama, of course, but I've noticed a new trend this week: the separation of Sparkles and K-Stew stories. In previous weeks, the tabloids joined stories about Rob and Kristen together, even though they were physically (and emotionally) apart. Now the tabloids are going full-steam-ahead with "How Kristen is Doing" stories and then, on a separate page, "How Rob is Doing." Fascinating, I know. So, here are some of the stories about how Kristen is doing. The consensus: not all that great. The Enquirer has a decent story on Kristen's new Shame-Spiral Diet. It's sort of like The Zone, only replace meat with cigarettes and replace bacon with Red Bull.
[From The Enquirer, print edition] Honestly, when you're that age, you can get away with that kind of "diet" with little to no consequences. When I was in college, I lived on Diet Pepsi, cigs and chips as well. I still have a potato chip problem to this day. SWEET CARBS. Gah! What was I saying? Ah, yes. Here's the thing: I always hate when a tabloid gets all hand-wringy about a young actress's "radical" diet because in another week, they'll be praising Kristen for her amazing "Breakup Diet" and claiming she never looked better. My point? Mixed messages don't help any woman's body image issues. And if Kristen wants to live on cigs and Red Bull for a month, just let her. It's a phase. Let her smoke some weed and she'll want something more substantial – like a Slushie and a hawt derg. Dude! In Touch Weekly also has a story about all of the lies Kristen has told Robert about the length and extent of her affair with Rupert Sanders. Initially, she told Rob is was a one-time thing, then she told him the affair began in May, as she promoted SWATH. Now she's admitting that it "was a torrid affair that went on for months, but Kristen's been telling Rob it was only physical. But he knows she's lying. He wants her to admit it was more than sex – that she developed feelings for Rupert." Here's something new we haven't heard before: Rupert and Kristen text messaged each other all the time, and Rob asked Kristen if he could see the texts, and she claimed she'd deleted all of them. I have this image of Robert Pattinson investigating all of Kristen's lies with the help of Miss Marple. For real. *raises monocle* It was Col. Mustard in the Mini Cooper! His weapon? The dong! Last story – Kristen is now confirmed for the Toronto Film Festival. She'll be there to promote On the Road. That should be happening in… three weeks or so. Will she stay in hiding until then? Will have to wait until Toronto to see her Amazing Red Bull Diet Body? You know some tabloid is going to frame it that way. Photos courtesy of Fame, Flaunt Mag, WENN. |
Hey Girl: “Ryan Gosling believes in marital commitment before children” Posted: 17 Aug 2012 04:40 AM PDT Hey Girl. Ryan Gosling wants you to know that you are super-duper special. You are his special lady, his heart, his love, his soul, his Disneyland. But he can't you get pregnant right now, baby. He knows you want his seed, girl. He knows that the two of you would make sweet, sweet love and out of that love would come beautiful babies. But, girl… Ryan Gosling needs you to put a ring on it. He's not going to give the milk away. You're going to have to buy the cow, girl.
[From Star Magazine, print edition] Hey girl… Ryan Gosling thinks you're kind of whorey for wanting to have his baby out of wedlock. Right? I feel like Gosling is judging ladies who get pregnant out of wedlock. Hopefully, it's just a personal thing for him. Like, he's so sensitive and you mean so, so much to him that he wants everything to go down the "honorable" way. Some dudes are just like that. So I've heard. Anyway, I've actually been thinking that Eva Mendes will probably get pregnant. I've mentioned it before, because I'm trying to prepare the Gosling-loonies for that eventuality. But will it be worse for the loonies if Ryan and Eva get married, and then have a baby? Ooh, I don't even want to think about that. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Leonardo DiCaprio wants to recruit Robert Pattinson for the P-ssy Posse Posted: 17 Aug 2012 04:35 AM PDT There's no nice way to say this. Back in the 1990s, when Leonardo DiCaprio was the hottest thing going, he and his buddies used to hit up clubs all over the world, hooking up with randoms and doing crazy, crazy things. They used to call themselves… The P-ssy Posse. The Posse included at various times: Tobey Maguire (for real!), Lucas Haas, Kevin Connolly, Harmony Korine (he dated Chloe Sevigny for a bit), and magician David Blaine (FOR REAL). Also-ran members of the Posse: Jay Ferguson, Josh Miller, Ethan Suplee, and Justin Herwick. For a great piece about what f—king brats Leo and his Posse were back in the day, go here to read an old NY Mag piece. Why do I bring this up? Because contrary to popular belief, the Posse still lives. Some members have dropped off to get married and become fathers (Suplee and Maguire), some have simply outgrown such antics, but there is a still a core group of dudes that drop everything ("everything" not being much) to hang with Leo when he calls. They still go to Lakers games. They still party. And now, The P-ssy Posse wants Robert Pattinson. JEAH SPARKLES!!!
[From The Enquirer, print edition] Robert Pattinson would be an excellent member to the P-ssy Posse, which is exactly why it probably won't happen. Rob in 2012 is very much where Leo was circa 1999. Would Leo be able to handle seeing some version of that again with some other dude? Would Leo go along with it knowing that Rob could probably pull in the crème de le crème of ladies? Well, it's not like Leo is really hurting there. He goes from one supermodel to the next, and I could see him preaching his "How To Date A String of Supermodels" philosophy to Rob. But… I'm just not sure Rob would be down for it? We'll see. Hilariously, In Touch Weekly claims that Leo has given up his P-ssy Posse ways… for his girlfriend Erin Heatherton. Because why not? In Touch says that Leo and Erin have moved in together (in his NYC apartment) and "He's told her he's more serious about marriage and finally settling down. He's even told her she's the one." But that was before he realized how many young women he could pull with Robert Pattinson at his side. |
Jessica Biel’s white, feathery, tutu’d Giambattista Valli: awful or cute? Posted: 17 Aug 2012 04:30 AM PDT These are some photos of Jessica Biel yesterday in London, as part of the neverending, whirlwind promotional tour for Total Recall, I'm sure. Before we get to the fashion (I can't wait!), let me first clarify something for several commenters: when we're talking about how "awful" Jessica Biel looks, we're ALWAYS talking about her styling, not her inherent beauty. She's a pretty girl – I feel like I type that caveat into every single Biel post, but there it is again. She's a pretty woman… a pretty woman who has some of the worst stylists and hair people in the world. I'm becoming convinced that Jessica must be a pain a real life, because that's the only way to explain why her style people are kneecapping her so consistently: they're getting back at her. First look (chronologically, she wore this first): a Valentino jumpsuit in a subtle off-white, with beading and lots of lace, accessorized with orange pumps. My first reaction was "DOILY FUG." My second reaction was "What's going on in her midsection?" Right? Whatever it is, it's just unflattering, and I believe it's a design flaw, not a Biel flaw. And I'm sorry to those of you who enjoy the "pop of color" but I think orange shoes look really clownish with this white jumpsuit. As for the second look… my God. WHY? This is Giambattista Valli Spring 2012 Couture -go to Red Carpet Fashion Awards to see the runway look, which actually manages to be as bad as Jessica’s version. Shall we break this down? Because this is awful from start to finish. It’s not a situation where you can say, “Oh, just take off the FEATHER TUTU and it will be fine.” The situation with the collar is particularly disturbing, as is the sleeve situation and the cummerbund ON THE FEATHER TUTU. My God. Jessica’s stylist loathes her. Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN. |
Trista Sutter from Bachelorette got a boob job & eye lift at 39: unnecessary? Posted: 17 Aug 2012 04:28 AM PDT
You might know Trista Sutter as the sole success story from the entire Bachelor and Bachelorette franchise. She met her husband, fireman poet Ryan Sutter, on the show in 2003 and the two had a lavish televised wedding to follow. They now have two children, son Maxwell, 5, and daughter Blakesley, 3. Trista and Ryan live a low-key life in Colorado, and Ryan works as a firefighter in Vail. You still see Trista occasionally, and she’ll endorse products and do interviews, but she usually stays out of the press. I just get a good impression of her overall. That’s why I’m disappointed to read that she had a breast lift and an eye job and that she’s going public with the news. I guess by telling Life & Style about it she pretty much had the work done for free and maybe got some cash out of it. It makes me a little sad, even though I have a “live and let live” attitude toward plastic surgery. Here’s more:
The print edition of Life & Style has a clearer photo, and also includes the details that she had both an upper and lower eye lift in case it’s not that clear from the text above. Also, Trista has tweeted that the “before” picture was taken when she was still nursing and her boobs were larger there than they were before she got them reshaped. The photo is from 2009, and she had her daughter that year. I understand the urge to get new boobs, I get it occasionally although I’m chicken about getting surgery and I hate going to the doctor so I’ll probably be able to resist it. I get scared just going to a new hairdresser, I can’t imagine trusting someone with my face. You want to avoid the possibility that a doctor could mess up how you look forever. (I recently had a hairdresser mess up my eyebrows and I was traumatized.) That said, I will probably get Botox at some point. I’m not going to front like I haven’t thought about it. So I understand why Trista got this done, and I’m glad she’s happy with the results. (Which are hard for us to see, given how small the photos are and the fact that they’re Photoshopped anyway.) But I get the impression that this beautiful woman is giving the message that she needed plastic surgery to feel better about herself. This is not Heidi Montag-levels of plastic surgery delusion, but it’s enough for us to say “huh, maybe I should try that too.” That makes it more insidious. I think this is Trista after her surgery, but I’m not sure. This photo is from Twitter: This photo is from 2011. I really don’t see how she needs an eyelift, she looks great. photo credit: WENN.com |
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