Cele|bitchy |
- Russell Brand: “I’d rather be a drug addict. This is when you know it’s a disease.”
- Gisele Bundchen uses her blog to support natural childbirth legislation
- Does Colin Farrell need a new career strategy after ‘Total Recall’ faltered?
- Adam Levine covers Inked Mag, proclaims “Music critics are all f–king idiots”
- Elton John: ‘Madonna is such a nightmare, she looks like a f–king fairground stripper’
- Robert Pattinson isn’t sitting in Ojai, crying sparkle-tears, he’s out partying
- Olympics Open Post: Andy Murray, Usain Bolt, Serena Williams & more!
- Natalie Portman’s latest Dior makeup ads: surprisingly sexy & bangsy?
- Janet Jackson’s statement, she has ‘best interests of the children’ in mind
- Did lonely-Viking Alexander Skarsgard have to see ‘Total Recall’ all by himself?
Russell Brand: “I’d rather be a drug addict. This is when you know it’s a disease.” Posted: 06 Aug 2012 09:08 AM PDT Here’s some photos of Russell Brand tooling around in Los Angeles over the past month or so. I especially like the photo of him outside yoga class while he’s talking to an older lady wearing a turban. There’ve been some whispers that she might be his new yoga instructor, which means that he may (or may not) have stopped attending classes with that sketchy Guru Singh, but that’s a whole other subject. Mostly with these pictures, I am affectionately observing how Russell constructs himself as a sartorial mess, and the only part that really bothers me is the barefoot-in-the-street thing. Gross. Aside from his questionable attire, Russell is speaking out again on his experiences as an addict, and as always (especially during his testimony in front of Parliament), he’s quite eloquent and candid while doing so. No wonder Scientology wants him for Narconon, right? Not that he’d ever go there in a million years. But now Russell has filmed a new documentary for BBC Three, and his words are quite shocking for those who have not experienced the crushing grip of addiction, yet Russell’s admissions on the topic show that his struggle is very much a daily (even hourly) one:
[From Huff Po] When Rusty admits that — despite all of his success and his current clean bill of health — he’s still jealous while watching his old self getting high while sitting in a decrepit old flat, that really puts an exclamation mark on it. Also, it’s easy to realize just how uncomfortable and disgusted he must have felt when Katy Perry giggled about being drunk onstage at an MTV awards show. And I’m not even bashing Katy for that anymore because obviously, they were from two different worlds and at very different phases in their lives. It just goes to show how Russell really needed to get out of that relationship for several reasons, not the least of which would be the temptation of giving in and snorting a line of coke with his “partying” wife. Meanwhile, Russell has a brand new tattoo (and you can see a photo here), which reads “Lord, make me a channel of thy peace.” This is, of course, a take on the Catholic Prayer of Saint Francis, but it’s also a passage found in the Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Steps book. Oddly enough, Russell’s tattoo includes a tiny cross, but I don’t think this is a case of him actually endorsing Christianity in any way. It’s confusing because of the cross imagery, but I think Rusty has a more holistic view of God and wraps his dieties into one package. In other words, he’s not going to start running around preaching to people about getting “saved.” This is an AA thing. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gisele Bundchen uses her blog to support natural childbirth legislation Posted: 06 Aug 2012 09:00 AM PDT I feel like this story will probably get a lot of comments, and some of those comments will be attacks against me, so let me just say: I don't have a dog in this hunt. I have never given birth. I don't want to give birth. It looks painful, and I have been firmly ensconced in Team Whatever Drugs You Want, Y'All for many, many years. My take really is, "If you want to give birth without drugs, good for you, and if you want drugs, that's fine too. Live and let live." Now, Gisele has long been a proponent of "I gave birth naturally and you should too, and there should be laws forcing women to breastfeed for six months at least too." Well, Gisele has a blog, you know. And she just published a piece called "Gentle Birth: This Is The Way!" by a midwife named Mayra Calvette. At first I was like, "Er, this is going to be horribly preachy." But Gisele actually had a political angle for this – last month, the Regional Council of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro "banned the involvement of obstetricians in residential births and also prohibited the use of doulas and midwives during hospital births." So… Rio's local government is getting into the judgy-childbirth game too. You can read Calvette's essay here, and here's some coverage:
I totally agree with the politics/legal issues of "a woman should be able to make her own decisions about childbirth and where she goes and who helps her, etc." If a woman wants to give birth in a hospital naturally with a doula, then God bless. If a woman wants to be completely zonked out on drugs during an elective C-section, then God bless. I just think it's a decision every woman needs to make for herself, which is how I feel about all reproductive rights. The answer to these kinds of restrictive laws is not "No, that's wrong, MY WAY is better and it should be the only way." The answer should be: CHOICE. Choice to make whatever decisions you want. I'm fine if Gisele wants to "recommend" a specific childbirth plan. But just don't say it's the only way to go. |
Does Colin Farrell need a new career strategy after ‘Total Recall’ faltered? Posted: 06 Aug 2012 08:21 AM PDT These are some new photos of Colin Farrell exiting a yoga class over the weekend in LA. He looks pretty good – I don't like track pants in general (SO noisy), but it's fine if you're actually leaving the gym or gym-adjacent. I wish Colin's hair was longer – his current hair cut makes him look like he's got hair plugs. Which he might…? Anyway, Colin had a bad weekend. Sort of. His big remake of Total Recall didn't win the box office – The Dark Knight Rises won again, making about $36 million. Total Recall came in second with a $26 million debut, which MTV calls "soft". Here's the breakdown:
Yeah… I'm actually surprised that Total Recall made as much as it did. Rotten Tomatoes has it at 31%, and most people don't even know why anyone remade the original film, which is considered (by some) to be a sci-fi classic. Considering that they not only remade a popular and somewhat well-executed film, but they also remade it at a huge cost (a reported $138 million), I expect Total Recall to barely make it's production budget back in foreign markets and rentals. Which leads me to a question: is it time for Colin Farrell to find a new career strategy? It feels like he's still trying to prove himself to Hollywood, like he's trying to say that he can be a typical Hollywood leading man and carry his own action film. And I think that's the wrong strategy. I'd like to see him choose projects based on the quality of the scripts and the quality of the people involved in the projects. Even if that means he has to spend the next five years doing supporting parts – who cares? At least he would be doing the good work we know he's capable of. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
Adam Levine covers Inked Mag, proclaims “Music critics are all f–king idiots” Posted: 06 Aug 2012 07:44 AM PDT Is it any secret that I kind of have a hate-on for Adam Levine? I think he's a d-bag. I think he's smug and dirty and gross and probably a real piece of work in his private life. So… it's kind of surprising that I don't like him more, right? I always go for the bastards. Those of you who watch The Voice tend to say that he's pretty decent on there, and Levine's career continues to sky-rocket, because A) He's a judge on a hit show, B) He and Maroon 5 are still making hit records, C) He's like a Leonardo DiCaprio-esque dater – he just picks out a new model from the Victoria's Secret catalog, and D) Everyone wants to talk to him and validate his existence, and Adam LOVES attention. Thus, he appears on the cover of Inked Magazine, showing off his tattoos and talking about how much he hates music critics:
He doesn't come across too badly here. I guess I should bash him for bitching about music critics (especially since Maroon 5′s records are almost always critically panned), but I don't care for most music criticism either. Music criticism, like film criticism, can be an art. But music criticism in particular tends to veer into what I like to think of as "insiderism". As in, only "insiders" like a particular band, and that band is the ONLY band making good music and everyone else can suck it, and of course the music critic likes that band. I'm just saying… as far as Maroon 5 goes, I can definitely think of more offensive pop/rock acts. Is Levine a douche? Of course. But I still have "One More Night" stuck in my head (although the video is super-douchey, and seeing Minka Kelly in there makes me sad): Photos courtesy of Inked via Idolator. |
Elton John: ‘Madonna is such a nightmare, she looks like a f–king fairground stripper’ Posted: 06 Aug 2012 06:45 AM PDT These are some photos of Elton John, David Furnish and their son Zachary on vacation with Neil Patrick Harris, David Burtka and their kids last week. I never got around to covering these photos for whatever reason…? I guess I just forgot. The two families went on vacation last year too, and the photos are really similar (except for the size of the babies). But that's not the point of this post – the point is that Elton John is still a raging bitch. And I love him. Remember this year's Golden Globes? Madonna won "Best Song" and she was up against Elton John and Mary J. Blige, and both Mary and Elton were PISSED. Mary didn't say anything, but Elton and David Furnish basically told everyone who would listen that Madonna is a selfish, narcissistic, talentless POS. Madonna was surprisingly gracious about the criticism, telling reporters that she loved Elton and David, etc. Still, Elton seethed. And now Elton is bitching about Madonna in a new interview:
Is all of this about Lady Gaga? I doubt it. I mean, I think the Gaga thing is an interesting sidenote, of course, and I don't doubt that Elton and David want to defend their friend. But let's be real: Elton and David just have a hate-on for Madonna. You don't get this worked up about Madonna JUST because she points out that your friend Lady Gaga is a copycat. Something else is going on – maybe it's just Elton's completely normal, temperamental, bitchy behavior. Or maybe it's something else. Also… "fairground stripper"?? Do fairs have strippers now? I haven't been to a fair in ages. |
Robert Pattinson isn’t sitting in Ojai, crying sparkle-tears, he’s out partying Posted: 06 Aug 2012 06:19 AM PDT Ooooh SPARKLES! This is an interesting development: what if Robert Pattinson isn't as "distraught" as everyone thinks he is? What if he realized that Kristen is NOT the lip-biting love of his life and he's just hiding out because he doesn't want the added attention? What if Sparkles already dumped Kristen and he's prepared to move on? Because that might be happening. Radar and other outlets are reporting that Rob had a night out in Ojai on Friday, and he was in "good spirits". You mean he wasn't crying sparkle-tears?!?
And in case you think that this Radar story cannot be believed, Us Weekly confirmed it with two eyewitnesses, only they said everything went down on Saturday night, not Friday. An eyewitness said Sparkles “seemed to be having an amazing time” and he had “a few drinks and laughs” with friends, “He looked like a guy that was just trying to enjoy himself and get away . . . seems like a good kid!” The other eyewitness said Rob and his two friends "crashed" an Irish wedding afterparty, “Everyone was doing Irish dances — [they] went through five bottles of Jameson!” So… how does this make you feel, Twihards? Sad? Happy? Anxious? It sounds like Rob needed some cheering up and it worked. I also think he's behaving like a dude who has made up his mind – either he's completely dumped Kristen, or he's decided to take her back. And considering what I know about the always-fragile male ego, I'd say that he's decided to dump her and cut his losses. Just my opinion. It's perfectly possible that they'll "stay together" until they finish promoting Breaking Dawn Part II, but something tells me that Sparkles is over it. |
Olympics Open Post: Andy Murray, Usain Bolt, Serena Williams & more! Posted: 06 Aug 2012 05:51 AM PDT Please don't thread-jack other posts with comments like "Why aren't you covering ~~~?!?" and "I can't believe you haven't talked about ~~~!!" And for the love of God, don’t threadjack with “~~~ just won!!!” If we aren't covering something, we have a reason, and if it's about the Olympics, the reason is probably "we don't have the photos" (in the case of the gymnastics events) or "none of us are really that into the event" or “We haven’t seen that event yet.” So… with that in mind, here's your Olympic post of the day, and you can talk about whatever you want as far as the Olympics go. I'll admit it – I'm not super-interested in most track & field events. Swimming, beach volleyball, gymnastics… those are my favorite events. Hurdling and some of the higher-risk, potentially injurious sports make me break out in a cold sweat because I'm so scared people are going to wipe out. My stomach was in knots watching the trampoline competition. No joke. I was so scared someone was going to break their neck. So, some highlights: Jamaica's Usain Bolt came close to breaking his own world record yesterday in the 100 meter, and he became the second man in history (after Carl Lewis) to win back-to-back gold medals in the event. Bolt's teammate, friend and training partner Yohan Blake won silver. Oscar Pistorius of South Africa (the dude with the artificial legs) failed to qualify in the second semifinal round, but he continues to be an inspiration to many, many people. Plus, he's absolutely adorable. American Sanya Richards-Ross won gold in the 400-meter. Team GB's Somali-born Mohamed Farah won gold in the 10,000 meter. Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce of Jamaica won gold in the 100-meter. Serena Williams won gold in singles (beating Maria Sharapova), and in doubles too. I don't even know WTF happened with yesterday's gold medal match between Andy Murray and Roger Federer. Has Federer EVER gone down that quickly? It was like he barely put up a fight. Anyway, congrats to Andy Murray. He won gold for Team GB, and he seems like a sweet guy. |
Natalie Portman’s latest Dior makeup ads: surprisingly sexy & bangsy? Posted: 06 Aug 2012 05:17 AM PDT Natalie Portman has been "the face" of several Dior products for more than a year and a half. I think she started out representing Miss Dior Cherie perfume, and then moved in to become the face of Dior's skincare line. These are two of the latest ads from the "Diorskin Nude" line – one ad is all about Natalie's gorgeous face, with only a hint of bangs. Unfortunately for that shot, the ad cuts of half of her forehead. I don't get why a company would choose that kind of image – if you're going to pay for a celebrity "face," make sure you put the whole face in the ad. As for the other print ad – the one where Natalie's skin looks like silk – that was is just gorgeous.
Gah, I hate makeup. I am not a makeup person at all – I admire women who can do their own makeup well, and women who feel comfortable wearing makeup. For me, wearing makeup is so uncomfortable. But… for those of you who like makeup, would you pay roughly $50 for a bottle of Dior foundation? What if you were paying $50 to have skin like Natalie Portman? |
Janet Jackson’s statement, she has ‘best interests of the children’ in mind Posted: 06 Aug 2012 05:00 AM PDT
[From JanetJackson.com via Starpulse] I have a feeling these three are going to be wholly unsuccessful. And if they just have the best interests of the children at heart, why did they try to ambush them at home, and why has Janet only seen them a handful of times since their father died? Janet may not have slapped or “verbally abused” Paris, but there’s video of her trying to swipe Paris’ cell phone. That’s not “best interests,” that’s damage control for Paris’ tweets. Also, it might be true that Katherine wasn’t “kidnapped” per se, but she admitted in court that her cell phone and iPad were taken away and that the phone and television in her hotel room were both disabled. Meanwhile TMZ reports that Katherine isn’t going to press charges against her children for the little vacation they forced her on without allowing her to contact the grandchildren she was supposed to be caring for. Her lawyer issued a statement suggesting that Katherine wasn’t too pleased about it, though. He told TMZ “This chapter of chaos is closed and we are supportive of family unity in spite of recent events and arguably poor decisions.” Decisions that Janet, Randy and Rebbie are sticking with come hell or high water. Paris recently posted a photo on Istagram of a mural of Michael Jackson pictures behind her bed. She tweeted that it took her three hours. That’s sweet. Janet is shown at the Amfar Gala on 5-24-12. Rebbie is shown on 11-12-11. |
Did lonely-Viking Alexander Skarsgard have to see ‘Total Recall’ all by himself? Posted: 06 Aug 2012 04:30 AM PDT I'm truly sorry to all of those Alexander Skarsgard fans who think this Viking Sex Machine can do no wrong, but I've begun to absolutely loathe Alex's casual style. Alex can actually look really good on a red carpet – he knows the value of a well-cut suit, and he knows how to wear the hell out of expensive clothes. But his casual style? It sucks. Ill-fitting pants, dirty-looking t-shirts, bad shoes, and he's in a desperate need of a man-bag. A purse, if you will. He needs to buy himself a messenger bag for all of his stuff so he won't have to carry everything the pockets of his skinny jeans. He's a skinny, lanky dude – it shouldn't be this difficult to find a casual style that doesn’t make him look like a poorly-dressed hobo. Anyway, as you can see, these are new photos of Alex in Vancouver. He's in town to film a movie called Hidden. IMDB says the film is about: "A family [who] takes refuge in a fallout shelter to avoid a dangerous outbreak." Alex will be working with Andrea Riseborough, last seen in Madonna's W.E. Could I see Andrea and Alex together? I could, actually. I think Alex tends to go for slender blondes, and Andrea is more of a Cate Blanchett-esque shape-shifter… but I could still see it happening. I do wish Alex would stop doing these kinds of movies though – the sci-fi/action/plague/supernatural movies. Somebody find him a good drama. Fame/Flynet says that Alex was headed into a movie theater – he was going to see Total Recall. So maybe he just has crappy taste in movies in general, you know? Although… it seems like he went to see the movie by himself? Which is kind of cool. I love when celebrities (and normal people) are like, "F—k you, I'll just go see the movie all by myself." Oh, and Alex is carrying a book! Which is nice. It's nice when celebrities are book-readers. Alex is currently getting through Martin Amis's London Fields. You can read about the book here – it sounds like the same kind of horror/supernatural/sci-fi/plague subject matter that Alex is drawn too. Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet. |
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