Saturday, December 4, 2010

Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever

The 20 Best “LeBron James In Cleveland” Reaction Faces

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 03:16 PM PST

LeBron James made his annoyingly anticipated return to Cleveland last night, scoring 38 points in a comfortable Miami win, but not before facing the ire of a hostile Cleveland crowd, particularly while doing his conspicuous “powder throw” pregame ritual right in everyone’s faces:

So how many awesome angry/bewildered/transfixed reaction faces can you spot in the above photo alone? We found 20. Let’s count them down, in order of math:





















This Celebrity “Let It Be” Video Is How You Say WTF In Norweigian

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 12:25 PM PST

This “Let It Be” celebrity promo vid for Norwegian television is an absolutely mind-blowing smorgasbord of celebrity randomness, featuring the lip synching talents of Huey Lewis and Jason Alexander (together at last!), David Faustino and Alfonso Ribeiro back-to-back, 83-year-old Peter Falk, Philip Michael Thomas, Ricky Schroeder, Right Said Fred, and basically anyone else from pop culture history whose presence in a lip-synched Norwegian “Let It Be” video would cause you maximum awesomefusion (awesome confusion).

And of course, RIP forever Leslie Nielsen, star of Mannen med den nakne pistol

(thanks for the tip, @erocknophobia)

Elmo Tries To Cop A Feel On Jennifer Garner

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 11:09 AM PST

Forget all that Katy Perry breast exposure nonsense. Can we talk about this? Jennifer Garner was on Sesame Street this week, teaching Elmo how to stretch. Mmhmm. He’s all “thanks for the mammaries” and tries his muppety best to graze the bosom currently owned by Ben Affleck. Elmo is creepy as hale in this video. He’s one driver’s license away from stopping short on this girl. You can even see it in his beady, gigantically bulging eyes. HE KNOW WHAT IS UP AMERICA.

Nerd Vandalizes Car With Latin Edgar Alan Poe Quote

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 10:33 AM PST

Age-old question: If someone breaks into a car dealership and vandalizes 13 cars, but also inscribes one with a Latin phrase from an Edgar Alan Poe short story, is this person a daring badass or a giant nerd?

Police are searching for a vandal who knows Latin — or at least one famous phrase of the language — after about a dozen cars were damaged at a Fayette County car dealership.

The scratching on one of the cars spelled out “Nemo me inpune lacessit.” The phrase means “No one attacks me with impunity.”

The quotation, in fact, comes from Edgar Allan Poe’s classic horror story “The Cask of Amontillado.” It is the family crest of Fortunato, the unfortunate victim of revenge by his neighbor, Montressor…

“Oh, that’s interesting. Wow,” said Roxanne Conchilla, manager of the dealership.

We have to assume this was some sort of hazing for a super-competitive, aggressively nerdy literary club, right?

Trust me, in the right context, nerds can be just as aggressive and spiteful as anyone else — in 8th grade, some kid stole my Shivan Dragon the week before our school Magic: The Gathering tournament. Though I later found out it was a ‘cool’ kid who didn’t play Magic and just wanted to sell the card, but fortunately I got it back because I’d written “Kyle” on the bottom of the card, because that’s what I had named the dragon. What was my point? Oh yeah – I’m really great at sex.

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