Saturday, December 4, 2010



Crushable Quotable: Emily Blunt's Martini Lunches

Posted: 04 Dec 2010 11:25 AM PST

Actress Emily Blunt has a strategy for dealing with stress that falls very near and dear to our hearts: booze.

In an interview with Harper’s magazine this week, she explains that alcohol is a trusted friend that helps her get through stressful red carpet events:

"I used to look like a deer in headlights on the red carpet. You step out of the car and it's bedlam. Everyone's got crazy eyes. Now, I have a martini before I leave – just to take the edge off it."

You know what helps take a bit more edge off than one martini? Four. We’re here whenever you need us, Emily.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Quotable: Emily Blunt's Martini Lunches

Interview: The Astro Twins

Posted: 04 Dec 2010 10:43 AM PST

"Identical twin celebrity astrologer" sounds like the dream job of a 10-year-old only child. But for Ophira and Tali Edut, better known as the AstroTwins, it's their life.

The sister astrologer duo take a very methodological approach to astrology. They have worked with celebs like Beyonce and Sting, and their forecasts appear in Elle, Lifetime and on Sirius/XM radio. Using a person's birth date, as well as the time and their location, the twins work up an astrological chart by mapping the exact location of the planets when you were born.

The chart reads like a cosmic road map – of your strengths, weaknesses, past life experiences, and lessons you're meant to learn in this one. They can forecast periods of peace and prosperity in your life, and help to explain times of conflict and change.

Tipped off to their existence by a friend, I decided to get the low down on how they became astrologers,  ask some questions about astrology that I’ve always wondered, and get my own reading.

How did you (both) become astrologers?
Very much by accident. It was back in 1993 or so. We were studying art and publishing at the University of Michigan when Ophira’s then-boyfriend gave her a natal chart as a birthday present. That’s a horoscope wheel that maps where all the planets were at the moment of a person’s birth, and tells an in-depth interpretation. Since we’re twins born 4 minutes apart, we have the same chart, so we were fascinated to read this bizarrely accurate summary of ourselves. Honestly, it was the most insightful thing we’d ever read, and we were like, how could someone know this?

Shortly after that, we got some free software to cast charts, and began doing that for all our friends. We would read the interpretations of their Moon or Venus sign from various books. But we both have photographic memories, so we’d remember everything we read, or nearly every person’s sign we ever talked to about it. So we became this fun party trick/carnival act — identical twin astrologers! — and friends started calling us The AstroTwins. A few years later, we were in New York, and a friend introduced us to the editor of Teen People. We wowed her with our twin shtick and got our first magazine column. It just took off from there.

What do you do when you disagree on a forecast?
We rarely disagree, but we might have slightly different interpretations. That’s how we learn — it’s cool to hear how someone else would analyze a forecast.

What's the difference between an astrologer and a psychic?
Astrology uses mathematical angles and is based on the time, date, and place of a birth or an event. It measures things down to the second! Psychics make their forecasts based on clairvoyance, intuition, or things that can’t be learned or quantified in the same way. But there’s intuition and forecasting involved in both, and some astrologers go out on just as much of a wacky limb with their predictions.

What training/certification is out there for would-be astrologers?
There’s an astrology university called Kepler College that offers a BA in astrological studies and certificate programs. There’s also the AFA (American Federation of Astrologers) at, which has a whole accreditation program. It’s intense! They want you to get out the pencils and paper to hand- calculate the charts instead of relying on the computer. Personally, we haven’t gone to that level of training — we’re mostly self-taught, from books and looking at hundreds of charts over the past 20 years.

How do you see the role of astrology in people's lives?
When done right, it’s an amazing tool for timing. For example, some periods are good for taking action around career or love, while other cycles are better times to do inner work, or take that steady paycheck. Our private clients come to us when they feel stuck at a crossroads, and are kind of paralyzed there because they’re afraid to make the wrong move. So we help them understand the timing of everything, and what would be the best next steps to take, so at least they get into action again. People really waste years from this fear of making a mistake!

What are the signs of a quack astrologer?
Someone who can’t explain WHY s/he is intepreting something a certain way. Astrology is based on planetary movements and the angles planets form to each other (called aspects). So a legit astrologer could explain and give a range of dates for any forecast.

How does one go about finding a good astrologer? It's not really something you can look up on Yelp…
Word of mouth referrals are probably the best way to avoid blowing $100 on Madame Zorba…oh, and that extra $50 for her healing crystals to remove a curse. Oh brother. You actually MIGHT be able to look an astrologer up on Yelp. The AFA website lists accredited astrologers around the world, too.

Do people under the same sign really tend to exhibit the same traits?
Absolutely! There’s a range, sort of a cosmic Kinsey scale, but definitely within that spectrum.

What's the biggest "Whoahhh…" moment in your careers?
We’ve had many! We’ve walked into meetings and guessed the sign of everyone around the table. We’ve predicted a few elections and presidential candidates. We’ve even walked up to people and guessed their exact birthdays! Ophira’s first words to our friend Vinnie were “November 8th.” That was his birthday and she somehow just knew it. We’ve been scaring him ever since. Sometimes, we just get a strong feeling!

What would you be if you weren't astrologers?
We’d work in design and publishing, like we always have. We actually have had a web design agency for many years called Mediarology, and we built our own website. It’s something we keep on the back burner because it’s important to keep those skills sharp for our own business.

What's the best sign? No, really..tell us..
We kind of have to root for our own sign, right? Team Sagittarius!

Post from: Crushable

Interview: The Astro Twins

Crushable Is On VYou!

Posted: 04 Dec 2010 10:05 AM PST

Check it out. Crushable has joined video Q&A site VYou. Come on over and ask us any questions you’d like. Bonus: You can do this anonymously.

For those of you wondering, we’ve already answered a few questions. And no, we are not an improv dance troupe. Sorry!

So go ahead, ask us anything!

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Is On VYou!

Parting Tweet: Even Josh Groban Thinks Its Lame To Cry To His Songs

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 03:49 PM PST

OK. This story is sort of inside baseball (er, inside football?), but hilarious. Last night in Ann Arbor, University of Michigan’s football team its annual banquet dinner. Head coach Rich Rodriguez had a bad season. The team didn’t do very well, and many Michigan fans want him out. So Rodriguez decided it was time for an emotional, stirring speech.

Who did Rich Rod look to in this trying time? None other than Josh Groban. He played Groban’s “You Raise Me Up” for the crowd. And then he started crying. And yes, even Josh Groban thinks this was pathetic.

We  don’t claim to be big football fans, so can’t be positive about this one. But we’re pretty sure there’s no CRYING IN FOOTBALL!

The fact that Rich Rod cried at all is pretty funny in its own right. But then Josh Groban found out about it. And left this tweet:

And the Twitter Gods were happy once more.

Post from: Crushable

Parting Tweet: Even Josh Groban Thinks Its Lame To Cry To His Songs

Sarah Silverman's Birthday Looked AWESOME

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 03:08 PM PST

Jack McBrayer and Tig Notaro celebrate Sarah Silverman’s birthday with a giant shooting flame cake and Svedka vodka. Oh wait, who else showed up?

Oh, nbd, just a Jon Hamm and Jenn Westfeldt sandwich! Happy birthday Sarah!

(Photos via Startraks)

Post from: Crushable

Sarah Silverman's Birthday Looked AWESOME

5 Facts About Benjamin Millepied, Natalie Portman's Hot Choreographer Boyfriend

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 03:03 PM PST

Natalie Portman has been dating Benjamin Millepied for about a year now. But considering that Black Swan premieres tonight, Natalie and Benjamin are going to be in the spotlight even more. And we’ve decided it’s about time you knew the facts on the French dancer and choreographer who was born in Bordeaux, France.  First, the basics:

1. He is a stone cold fox.

This is the most important point. Remember.

2. His name means one million feet.

I’m not sure if that’s his given name. But it may possibly be the best name for a dancer ever. The end.

3. He has a Bauhaus tattoo.

According to Details:

Predictably, the two have been stalked by paparazzi, both in New York and during Millepied's trips to Los Angeles. "It's . . . everybody's asking us," he says. "We just want to keep things to ourselves." That might be harder for this generation's Baryshnikov than it was for Baryshnikov. Back then there was no TMZ or Perez Hilton, where shirtless photos of Millepied will undoubtedly end up, hearts encircling the Bauhaus tattoo on his abdomen (he got big into 1920s art and furniture a few years back).

But we still like the idea of him being super into Gothy New Wave early 80s band Bauhaus…

4. He cast himself as the male dancer in Black Swan.

After working with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis for about a year on Darren Aronofksy’s movie, he suggested they cast him as the supporting male dancer. From New York:

“One day I called one of the producers and said, “I don't want to be presumptuous, but it's a very small role, do you think I could mention it to Darren?” And they were like, "Well, it's a low budget film … " But Natalie and Mila were comfortable with me at that point, and it made it so much easier — I was like a puppeteer to some extent sometimes.”

5. He can make anyone not look like a jackass.

According to Mila Kunis, he is a magician when it comes to teaching people to dance:

“Whatever he did, he always made it so that I was still able to do it and not look like a jackass. When he lifts you, he makes you feel light as a feather."

We have a theory on how he makes his dance partners not look like assholes. And it may have to do with drawing all of the negative attention to himself. We really have nothing to base this on. Except for one amazing photo, courtesy of Getty:

Post from: Crushable

5 Facts About Benjamin Millepied, Natalie Portman's Hot Choreographer Boyfriend

Dear Lingerie Companies, Who Are You Making Ads For?

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 02:28 PM PST

Have you guys seen this La Senza commercial, where women in their underwear lie down on mattresses and sing out different chords of “Deck the Halls” according to their cup size? Does that make you want to go out and buy bras, or what??

It’s like the whole Victoria Secret “angels” thing: they are like the Playboy Bunnies of lingerie. Except the whole point about Playboy is marketed and sold to men. Not so, underwear, which ostensibly us chicks are still supposed to purchase for ourselves. What about Adriana Lima strutting down a runway with her unrealistic body proportions and sparkly wings is supposed to make me want to go buy a $60 bra that’s going to make my nipples pop out no matter how many times I get re-sized?

I understand that women want to be sexy, and that having a commercial being like “Underwire support, y’all!” is not exactly appealing to either gender. And yes, it’s true that women’s fashion is geared toward looking attractive to the opposite sex (as is menswear, though less so). But FYI lingerie marketers: we’re the ones buying these products. We are under no illusions that putting on your bras will make our waistline shrink. And having your entire advertising structure pertain to only 3 percent of the population does not make the majority of America come a’runnin.

Oh, and this might be besides the point, but why bother having ads that objectify women when your entire consumer base is women (and transvestite)? What sense does that make??!

Of course, this does not apply to Japan’s singing bra, which is awesome and totally nonsexist.

Post from: Crushable

Dear Lingerie Companies, Who Are You Making Ads For?

The Crushable 10: Gifts For Every Guy On Your List

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 01:55 PM PST

Whether it’s Dad or our brothers, the guy we’re dating or even our doorman, finding the right holiday gifts for the men in our lives has always been the most daunting task of all this time of year. Lucky for you (and for us!) we’ve found some good man-friendly gifts that you can pick up directly from us right now. You might be able to cross off half of your gift list in the next 15 minutes.

The Hairy Guy

lucky tiger

Every man’s got to shave, right? Lucky Tiger Liquid Cream Shave is a modern take on classic shaving cream, going on smooth like lotion, but turning into a rich creamy lather designed to soften even the manliest of beards. This special concoction also includes organic chamomile, olive fruit oil, calendula and borage oil to soothe, protect, soften and rejuvenate your guy’s sensitive skin.

Lucky Tiger Shaving Cream For Men
Lucky Tiger

Buy now

The Funny Guy


These knit hats from Beard Head are hysterically goofy, just the way we like our hats, and our men. The traditional wool/acrylic blend knit cap has a beard and mustache attached! One size fits all and they’re machine washable. And they come in four colors — Pirate (black), Lumberjack (brown), Viking (yellow) and Grandpa (gray).

Beard Head Pirate Edition

Buy now

Beard Head Lumberjack Edition

Buy now

Beard Head Viking Edition

Buy now

Beard Head Grandpa Edition

Buy now

The Grungy Guy

hair scrub

Men may try the dirty, tousled look, but it’s our job to give them a gentle nudge. This hair scrub says, “Your hair is dirty,” so you don’t have to. Peppermint and silica balls stimulate circulation to your guy’s scalp while cleaning his hair of all the product he piles onto it daily. Plus, he’ll probably get a laugh at the use of “balls” in that last sentence.

Men’s Hair Scrub
K pour Karite

Buy now

The Businessman


Women may have lots of extra accoutrements they wear everyday, but men have only a few — like cufflinks and tie clips. Sure, they’re boring and standard gifts for those guys who wear suits daily. But these cuff links, either matte silver with a maze with tiny silver ball or a real, working chrome-plated sand timer filled with blue sand, are also fun diversions for your man. No engraving needed here.

Round Maze Cufflinks

Buy now

Blue Sandtimer Cufflinks

Buy now

The No Fuss Guy


Maybe your guy doesn’t like to carry around too much stuff — just his phone, some case, an ID, maybe a credit card or two. This helpful, eco-friendly iPhone case helps him keep in all one place. Plus, it’s made from recycled plastic and will help protect his phone from damage. Holds up to 3 cards or IDs, and is available for the iPhone 4 or 3G.

The Minimalist 4 for iPhone 4 (Black)

Buy now

The Minimalist 3G 3GS for iPhone 3G/3GS (White)

Buy now

The Party Animal

ice jacket

If he’s missing the ice luge from the frat house basement, he’ll love this party showpiece for his next blowout. Put a bottle of his favorite liquor inside, the Ice Jacket, fill with water and freeze. The bottle comes out wrapped in ice. Who wants to do shots?

Ice Jacket

Buy now

The Musician

Whether you rest your head on his pillows or not, we think the musical guy in your life will get a kick out of these T-shirt soft cotton/nylon blend pillowcases.

Headphone & Turntable Pillowcases
Snooze City Designs

Buy now

The Thoughtful Guy


It’s hard to find stationary or thank you notes that have just the right amount of testosterone. Look no further.

Stag Notecards
ManCards for the Thoughtful Gent

Buy now

The Design Guy


Your guy can stand this 12-cm clock on a table or hang it on the wall for a very cool, mod black and white look.

Ceramic Clock
Design House Stockholm

Buy now

Post from: Crushable

The Crushable 10: Gifts For Every Guy On Your List

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 01:55 PM PST

Want to get $$$ for using Facebook? – Suggest Crushable to your friends on Facebook and you could win a $200 gift certificate to JCPenney. That will help you with your holiday shopping! You have until December 12 to enter, and you can find all the details here.

Post from: Crushable

Hot Shot: Josh Holloway Cut Off His Sawyer Hair

Posted: 03 Dec 2010 01:52 PM PST

We wonder what kind of nicknames Sawyer would call the newly short-haired Josh Holloway. GQ? Barbershop? Pretty Boy? (Did we leave anything out?) What we like most about Josh’s new ‘do is how conducive it looks to running fingers through for hours at a time. What we like least is that it’s a reminder that LOST is over for good, which is something we still haven’t come to terms with.

(photo via WENN)

Post from: Crushable

Hot Shot: Josh Holloway Cut Off His Sawyer Hair

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