Monday, December 6, 2010



The Daily WTF: Panda Scientists

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 12:20 PM PST

Maaan, I want to be a scientist sooooo bad! I didn’t know that when I decided not to take AP chemistry, I was missing out on the opportunity to grow up and wear panda suits to work. Sure, these Chinese zoologists are trying to re-adapt these baby bears back into the wild, but we’re pretty sure they don’t have to return those costumes when they’re done. (via Buzzfeed)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Panda Scientists

Shut Up Internet: 'With You Always' Jesus Drawings Are Awesome

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 11:58 AM PST

The term “With You Always” wasn’t ringing any bells in our head until we watched this video of illustrator Larry Van Pelt. He’s the guy behind those ubiquitous black and white sketches of Jesus, who is always like, hanging over your shoulder while you change a flat tire or break into someone’s apartment. His pictures of Jesus are so iconic that they even have their own entry in Encyclopedia Dramatica and Know Your Meme, (filed under Internet 1.0) with people replacing Larry’s words with Photoshopped messages.

Feel good to make fun of someone kindly old grandpa, Internet?

Listening to Larry read out some hate-mail (“This is Jesus, and I’m going to sue you”) makes us want to just give him a big old hug and tell him to keep on truckin’. Even though the idea of a ghost Jesus watching us like Sting in “Every Breathe You Take” is somewhat creepy, the intention behind it is pure. This guy is preaching love, and the Internet has turned it into a mean joke. Well, we love you Larry!

Post from: Crushable

Shut Up Internet: 'With You Always' Jesus Drawings Are Awesome

Want To Earn $$ By Using Facebook? Recommend Crushable To Your Friends For A Chance To Win $200 To JCPenney

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 11:38 AM PST

There’s only one week left for you to get a chance to win a $200 gift card to JCPenney from Crushable. Entering to win is as easy as browsing Facebook, which we’re guessing you’re probably doing right now. Just become a fan of Crushable on Facebook and suggest to your friends that they do the same. Then take a screenshot to show off how many friends you’re sharing with us. The fan with the most friends in common will win!

Becoming a fan of Crushable on Facebook is easy, just click here and hit the “Like” button. You’re already on Facebook anyway, so why not? Then, recommend Crushable to your friends by selecting the “Suggest to Friends” button (highlighted here):

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You’ll have until Sunday, December 12 to get your friends to follow Crushable. Then, take a screenshot of how many friends you have in common with Crushable, and email it to amanda AT crushable dot com. (Need help? Here’s some easy instructions on how to take a screenshot.)

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See? We have 80 friends in common with Crushable. Think you can beat us? All screenshots must be received by 5 p.m. EST on Sunday, December 12. The winner will be announced and notified via Facebook on Monday, December 13 — so you’ll get your prize well before the holiday season is done. Entrants must have a U.S. mailing address in order to be eligible to win (no PO boxes). No purchase necessary. You must be 18 to enter and a resident of the United States.

Check out Crushable on Facebook and get started recommending us to your friends today. And email your winning screenshots to amanda AT crushable dot com. Good luck!

Post from: Crushable

Want To Earn $$ By Using Facebook? Recommend Crushable To Your Friends For A Chance To Win $200 To JCPenney

'Real Housewives Of Atlanta' Foodcap: Welcome To The Freaking Twilight Zone

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 11:35 AM PST

This week on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, the ladies were in some sort of Twilight Zone, as Cynthia Bailey pointed out. Instead of indulging in their normal healthy caloric intake, they were freaking out on each other, for basically no reason. What happens when the producers replace our Housewives food with feelings of disdain, distrust and derision? Let’s watch!

Scene: Kim talks to her girl/friend Tracy Young
Food: Large coffee, fear
Kim’s trying to put out her second single, and is finding that having a terrible singing voice is starting to inhibit her singing career. She chats with Tracy, her DJ lesbian pseudo girlfriend and convinces her to come to Atlanta for moral support while she works on her voice for her new single.

Who is Tracy? According to Kim:

“Tracy’s a DJ And I met her because she wanted to remix “Tardy for the Party.” We’d sit there and listen to music all day and all night… And we had sex. Great. QUIVER!”

There seems to be a weird power struggle going on here. It looks like Tracy wants to be Kim’s girlfriend. And Kim doesn’t want people talking about them getting it on. (Even tho she sold that story to the tabloids.)

Scene: Sheree talks to her acting coach Kristen
Food: Sheree’s fear and loathing

Sheree does not appear to be terribly good at acting. But that’s not going to stop her from getting acting work. However, Sheree seems to think that becoming an actor means immediately getting paid bank:

“I’m a grown ass woman. With some grown ass bills.”

Hmn. Maybe She By Sheree, her clothing line, isn’t doing so well? How long is that new Aston Martin gonna stay around, Sheree?

Scene: Peter makes dinner for Cynthia
Food: Fish, vegetables, resentment

Peter is pissed that Cynthia talks on the phone with NeNe when he’s home. And actually tells her at one point:

“Your man is happy you have a girlfriend. But when he walks in the house, he wants your devoted attention.”

Um, maybe Cynthia is actually worried about marrying Peter because he’s a crazy control freak? Guess we’ll find out more about that later.

Post from: Crushable

'Real Housewives Of Atlanta' Foodcap: Welcome To The Freaking Twilight Zone

Love It Or Leave It: Michelle Williams' Printed Dress

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 10:55 AM PST

Oh, Michelle Williams, you’re too cute for NC-17 sex scenes! Michelle wore a printed dress to a special screening of Blue Valentine in NYC, and we think it’s rather adorable despite that bold print. What do you think? Too Vincent van Gogh-y or just the right amount of splash?

And while we’re at it, what’s do we think of Ryan’s ensemble? That paisley scarf weirdly cute — but doesn’t it sort of look like a woman’s headscarf? Let us know what you think of the duo’s duds in the comments.

Post from: Crushable

Love It Or Leave It: Michelle Williams' Printed Dress

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 10:24 AM PST

Watch a sneak peak of Joe Jonas on Top Chef - It’s worth it for the clip of chef Dale Talde talking about how he has never heard of the Jonas Brothers. “I have no idea who Joe Jonas is. I thought maybe he was a pastry chef.” (Celebuzz)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Miss Platnum Wants You Give Her The Food

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 09:27 AM PST

What a good way to start the week. With a video of this awesome Romanian lady singing about how much she loves to eat. A friend tipped us off to the existence of Miss Platnum and we couldn’t be happier. The Romanian singer is apparently big in Germany. And she’s also big in our hearts now.

With so many videos of teeny tiny models and singers prancing around, we were pleasantly surprised to learn about this song, literally called “Give Me The Food.” It includes such lyrics as “I like chicken wings. And steak!” and “I am Romanian, I love to eat. It’s in my jeans. I can’t control.” Approve.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Miss Platnum Wants You Give Her The Food

Gallery: Condoms, Earrings, And Other Terrible Hair Accessories

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 10:05 AM PST

I’m probably the last person in the world who should tell you what’s fashionable in hair accessories these days. Bobby pins confuse the hell out of me, and I’ve kept my hair short since high school to avoid people discovering I don’t know how to make a french braid.

That being said, I do know awful when I see it, and the thought of wearing some of these items on your head as anything other than a horrible prank makes me want to go all G.I. Jane buzzcut.

  • LED lights
  • Recycled condoms
  • Brush on hair dye
  • Princess Crown   Cornrows
  • Hairrings
  • Scarface
  • The Cousin It
  • Garbage tie

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Condoms, Earrings, And Other Terrible Hair Accessories

Are Jaden And Willow Smith Actually Weirdly Down-To-Earth?

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 10:11 AM PST

In a somewhat surprising move given their newcomer status, Jaden and Willow Smith were named to Entertainment Weekly’s list of the year’s top entertainers. The two come in 15th, which is a number not quite as low as their ages. In their interview with the mag, the Smiths talk performing, fame, and regular kid stuff — and come off sounding far more normal and down-to-earth than seems possible for being thrust into the spotlight at such a tender, young age. (Jaden’s 12 and Willow’s only 10.) The sibs also seem totally supportive of each other, which is rare for any brother/sister set. When asked about his own career successes, Jaden praised his little sis:

“I kind of knew that Willow was going to be big. But she took a little bit longer to realize that.”

The youngsters on fame:

Jaden: I think the best part is the fans and the worst part is the fans. When you're at premieres, it's really nice to know they think you're a talented artist. But when you're trying to hang out with friends and they come up to you, it's weird.

Willow: Remember that girl who ran up to you with a bloody arm?

Jaden: Yeah. Oh my gosh. She was like, "I fell and cut myself, but can I have your autograph?" I was like, "Do you have a pen?"

Willow: She was like, "Sign it with blood."

And hey, they totally do regular kids stuff too! EW wanted to know which of the siblings got into trouble more. Jaded catches flack from Mom and Dad for playing too many video games. And Willow?

“I get in trouble for eating whipped cream right out of the container. Bad to the bone!”

Post from: Crushable

Are Jaden And Willow Smith Actually Weirdly Down-To-Earth?

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 09:22 AM PST

Mel Gibson Going For Another Slam-Dunk With The Beaver? – The Internet is grudgingly admitting that the trailer to Gibson’s first post-wife-beating film doesn’t look that bad. Hey, the man may be insane, but he does know how to create a compelling narrative! (The Frisky)

Post from: Crushable

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