Monday, December 6, 2010

Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever

Sex Offenders Now Required To Wear This Terry Richardson Jacket

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 08:42 AM PST

It’s a much easier way to identify your local sex offender than that website or a door to door meeting. Because goodness knows every Tom, Dick and Terry has those Stanley Tucci in The Lovely Bones glasses and you don’t want to mistake your local hipster for the sex offender who introduced himself to you weeks ago. The red really pops to make them easily identifiable. And there’s the hat for good measure. Oh, “He’s a Terry.” Stay away!

I really have a bone to pick with this flipped brim hat situation that the boys these days seem to be rocking. Wesley Snipes perfected the look in White Men Can’t Jump, and I’d thank the current white men who also can’t jump to cease and desist on this trend.

Terry Richardson himself modeling his jacket after the jump.

“I just photographed you in a super compromising position, 14 year old model! Thumbs up!! To be fair, I am wearing the Terry jacket. You were forewarned.” Or, as Joe Mande points out, he’s probably saying, “I lettered in statch!”

The back view (that’s what he said):


Keep Your Panties On: Queen Elizabeth II’s Underwear Up For Auction

Posted: 06 Dec 2010 07:00 AM PST

First, an apology. No one wants to read the word “panties.” Or say the word, let alone on a Monday morning. But, you know, it worked in the title.

Anyway! Some rich dude in Florida passed away and guess what he had secreted away in his rich man’s treasure trove of curios? A pair of Queen Elizabeth II’s underwear. Reports TMZ:

The pair of panties came in to the possession of a famous Miami playboy named “Baron” Joseph de Bicske Dobronyi — or Sepy, as he was known. As the story goes, Sepy got them from a friend after they were left on a private plane when the Queen visited Chile in 1968.

Creepy? Yes, creepy.

Without further ado/I present to you/the QE 2 Underoo:

When I first saw there I thought they were Elizabeth I’s underwear. But then I realized that hers were probably made of metal and chain. They served the double purpose of protecting her in battle and maintaining her virginity*. Fact.

So, despite the fact that my initial reaction is “Ew, gross,” whenever I see a Queen’s underwear (which is so often), these are actually pretty cool in a vintage-y way. I like the design. My best guess is that they were a date night pair of underwear. Fancy dress underwear. Then again, I’m sure when you’re the Queen of England every day is fancy underwear day and your laundry is always done in a timely manner instead of, say, avoiding the task and going to Rite Aid to buy a new pair. And then sewing your own royal seal on a pair of Hanes.

* We all know from Cate Blanchett’s portrayal of Queen Elizabeth I that home girl got plenty of ass, but I’m just saying her metal and chain underwear maintained the appearance of virginity. Double fact.

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