Cele|bitchy |
- Alanis Morissette & SoulEye take out their 7-month-old Soul-baby, Ever
- Sam Ronson formally charged with 2 DUI counts, seeks to erase Lohan tattoo
- Kristen Stewart is blowing off her family to spend time with Sparkles
- Jesse Eisenberg: “I don’t like being in my own skin even when I’m not photographed”
- Duchess Kate has allegedly stopped drinking, might already be pregnant
- Did Blake Lively score Leonardo DiCaprio by using “The Rules”?
- Brad Pitt is “worried” because Angelina & the kids are close to the London riots
- Ali Lohan, 17, scores a multi-year modeling management deal
- Sandra Bullock’s “new life” on the cover of People - interesting or blah?
- Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux are “trying for a baby”
Alanis Morissette & SoulEye take out their 7-month-old Soul-baby, Ever Posted: 10 Aug 2011 08:46 AM PDT I'll take one of everything, thanks. I love everything about these photos of Alanis Morissette, her husband Soul Eye (Mario Treadway) and their adorable little Soul-baby (Ever). I love the dog. I love how Alanis and Mario seem engaged with each other. I love Alanis's sweats too. I love that they look "real". They look really happy, and I find myself rooting for them. Go Canada! You grow 'em real nice. Ever Imre looks like his dad, right? His little face is already full of character. Alanis gave birth in late December last year, which makes Ever a little more than seven months old. Speaking of Alanis giving birth, she took part in Ricki Lake's new online documentary series, The Business of Being Born. Ricki claims that Alanis agreed to be taped before and after she gave birth. You can read Lake's interview here - I'm not excerpting that junk, because some of the wording makes me nauseous. If I ever have a baby, I'm going to ask to be unconscious through the last month and the birth. Surely there's a doctor who will do that, right? |
Sam Ronson formally charged with 2 DUI counts, seeks to erase Lohan tattoo Posted: 10 Aug 2011 08:35 AM PDT Last week, we discussed Samantha Ronson’s unfortunate DUI arrest that she picked up in Baker, CA while driving home from a Las Vegas DJ gig. Evidently, Sam was blazingly drunk at 10:00AM as she sped through the desert, and her “friends” (a.k.a., “a Lohan”) told TMZ that they’ve been oh-so-worried about Sam’s drinking for a very long time and especially lately because she’s supposedly such a bad influence on poor little Lindsay. Now, Sam’s been formally charged with two misdemeanor counts of drunk driving:
[From People] Despite her legal troubles, Ronson isn’t sitting around her house moping. Instead, she was at Chicago’s Lollapalooza over the weekend with her band, the Undertakers. Sounds like an appropriate band name, right? Anyway, Page Six has word that Sam headed out to a tattoo salon where she “brainstormed ideas” for a new tattoo to cover the small heart on her left hand, which matches one of Lindsay’s tattoos. I guess since they now have a shared DUI bond, the tattoos are no longer a necessary reminder of their ill-fated romance? Coincidentally, Lindsay was also at Lollapalooza where she was spotted in hot pursuit of Coldplay bass player Guy Berryman and even “following him around all weekend.” You know, much like Lindsay tried to do recently in LA when she was reportedly dissed by the band. If Lindsay begins to formally date Guy, them Coldplay will totally lose its “elitist” rep. Man, Gwyneth is gonna be pissed. Photos courtesy of WENN |
Kristen Stewart is blowing off her family to spend time with Sparkles Posted: 10 Aug 2011 08:10 AM PDT A few weeks ago, Kristen Stewart's people announced that she was withdrawing from a project she had signed on to months ago. This alone is not shocking - actors get busy, projects go over-schedule, sh-t happens, and people pull out of projects all the time. What was interesting about this occasion was that Kristen was withdrawing from a film that her mother was directing. Jules Stewart, K-Stew's mom, went ahead with K-11 without Kristen, and I believe it's still filming now. Kristen was supposed to be playing an autistic, transsexual prisoner which… um, yeah, I'm glad she dropped out. But that story is the jump-off for the new tabloid story about how Kristen is "blowing off" family so that she can spend more time with Sparkles. This isn't the usual formula for the Sparkles-Kristen love story - usually, Sparkles is the one who loves too much, who drops everything to be with Kristen. So enjoy this:
[From Hollywood Life] No, I don't think Kristen's family should be pissed that she's working on her relationship. She and Sparkles are busy actors, for better or for worse. It's nice that they work their schedules to spend more time with each other. Sure, it was rude of Kristen to back out of her mom's project, but in the end, it was probably for the best, because no one needs to see Kristen's portrayal of an autistic, transsexual prisoner. That being said, I do wonder how quickly Kristen and Robert will break up after all of their promotional duties for Breaking Dawn are done? Could it be that Sparkles is already done with this stuff? Photos courtesy of Bazaar, VF, WENN. |
Jesse Eisenberg: “I don’t like being in my own skin even when I’m not photographed” Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:37 AM PDT
I didn’t have a strong opinion of Eisenberg prior to this and have only seen him on The Social Network, but I really warmed to him after seeing him on Leno. It was clear that he was a little nervous and angsty, but he became comfortable soon enough and told a few funny stories. He seems like a decent guy.
After seeing this I told Kaiser that I understood why she loved Eisenberg, and she said she liked the guy but that it was Andrew Garfield that she loved. She called Eisenbeg “too twitchy and neurotic for my tastes.” I saw that in him and I also saw how he acknowledged it and still soldiered through. It was endearing actually. I think I’ll be the one to trumpet my love for the guy. He’s adorable. Here’s a photo of Jesse from GQ, where there are more. You can watch Jesse’s interview through NBC.com if you’re in the US. Oh and Zombieland 2 is coming! But it’s not out until 2013. Jesse is shown at the premiere of 30 Minutes or Less. Credit: WENN.com |
Duchess Kate has allegedly stopped drinking, might already be pregnant Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:36 AM PDT The royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton was more than three months ago. So when are we going to have a pregnancy announcement? People are starting to tap their watches and point at Duchess Kate's baby-making-area. That makes me feel a little bit sorry for Kate, until I remember that makin' babies is really all she's got to do for the next two years. It is literally the only thing on her schedule. In Touch Weekly claims that it might already have happened - because Kate didn't drink a drop of liquor at Zara Phillips' wedding - which doesn't mean much, because much like William's mother, Kate isn't a big drinker.
[From Holly Baby] Is it possible that Kate is already pregnant? Sure, I suppose. I would hope that in addition to abstaining from alcohol, Kate would also think to put on a little weight, but if and when she gets pregnant, I bet she'll carry super-small anyway. The Globe (I know, horrible tabloid) claims that Kate has already suffered a miscarriage. The gist is that Kate had a miscarriage and Prince William "rushed to her side". It's kind of a gross story, IMO. |
Did Blake Lively score Leonardo DiCaprio by using “The Rules”? Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:15 AM PDT I was glancing through The Daily Mail's headlines last night, and I came upon a header that made me LMAO: "Blake Lively likes to play by The Rules: Actress ’snared Leo di Caprio using cult dating manual'". Do you remember The Rules? It was a book published in the 1990s, and it was billed as a "guide" for women to get their man by basically playing hard to get. "The Rules" included stuff like "Possess a sense of confidence and radiance that permeates your being from head to toe" and "If he never asks you out, he’s not interested." What else? "Men should always pursue women first" and "If he does not call, he is not interested." There are also rules about when (and how) to put out, how you should always be mysterious and I'm not sure if you're ever allowed to call a guy, ever. I'm sure there are those ladies who swear by it, but so many of the "rules" feel archaic, and they put women in the position of never acting on their own desires or needs, but to always focus on the game. Anyway, The Mail claims that Blake dusted off an old copy and used it on Leonardo DiCaprio - and IT WORKED.
[From The Mail] Is it possible? Sure, why not? I think it's more likely that Blake is just playing her own hard-too-get game and she isn't flipping through a copy of The Rules. I definitely think Blake slept with Leonardo before he and Bar were officially over - but I'd be willing to bet that she parceled out her biscuits sparsely, encouraging him to end it with Bar and then "rewarding" him once he ended it. Or maybe I'm just projecting - my own set of "rules" involves treating men like dogs, a reward-and-punishment-based system based on their behavior. GOOD DOG. I do buy that Blake is playing the "woman of mystery" thing now that she's got Leo - and I think she's playing it really, really well. She's being elusive enough that he chases her, but not so off the radar that he forgets about her and loses interest. It even seems like Leo is (gasp) following Blake around, according to HER schedule. Once again, like a broken record: this girl has got hustle. By the way, one of my favorite pieces of dating advice is still the one from Samantha Jones on Sex & the City, and it always belongs in the Leo-Blake stories: "Don't play hard to get with a man who is hard to get." |
Brad Pitt is “worried” because Angelina & the kids are close to the London riots Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:14 AM PDT If you've been watching the news of the London riots with horror, thinking to yourself, "But what about all of the famous people that live in or around London?!?" this story is for you. Us Weekly has an "exclusive" story all about how the riots were affecting Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I'm ashamed to admit that I actually found this story interesting. Here, let me put on my Brangeloonie tin-foil cap. There we go, safely secured with Empress Zahara-approved barrettes. So the story is basically this: Brad has been filming World War Z in England for several weeks now. I thought they were filming in one of Britain's famed studio sets, but someone decided to let Brad film in real locations, so he's currently in Falmouth, Cornwall, which is "five hours away" from London (seriously?). While he's filming in Cornwall, Brad simply abandoned Angelina and their kids in Richmond, which is only "six miles away" from central London. So Angelina has been on edge and Brad has been making phone calls (big protector, that one).
[From Us Weekly] Granted, Angelina has been in much worse situations, so I have no doubt that worse comes to worst, Angelina will strap all of her children to her back, grab her machine gun and shoot her way out of London. But I can't believe Brad just abandoned her and the kids and he's only been checking in with phone calls! WTF? I would be pissed. She and the kids are only in bloody England because he's filming there. By the way, Angelina totally took the kids out yesterday - there were photos of her and all of the kids at a "Pottery Café" in Surrey, which you can see here. Some of the kids were dressed in costume. Can I just say - I love Knox. He's such a funny little guy. A Vivienne is such a girly-girl. Here are some photos of Brad Pitt NOT protecting his real family on the Cornwall set of World War Z. That redhead is the chick from The Killing (she's playing Brad's wife). Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN. |
Ali Lohan, 17, scores a multi-year modeling management deal Posted: 10 Aug 2011 07:13 AM PDT I cannot even begin to describe the wave of sympathy I feel for Lindsay Lohan's little sister Aliana, also known as "Ali". Ali is 17 now - 17 going on 47. She's lived a hard 17 years, what with her violent, sociopath father and her insane, famewhore, pimp of a mother. Not to mention all of the crap with Lindsay, all of which Ali has had front-row seats for everything. Every crack binge until 5 a.m., every court date, every jail sentence, every rehab stint, every inch of entitlement and douchebaggery that comes with Being Linnocent, Ali has been there. Because Mother Crackhead is a horrible goddamn mother and she only cares about her children as far as she can sell them, so Dina just lets Lindsay try her hand at "raising" Ali. There is absolutely no way that you could put a young girl into that situation and produce a functioning, intelligent, responsible adult. So, poor Ali. And now that she's at the ripe old age of 17, Linnocent and Mother Crackhead have pushed Ali out into the world so that she too can earn her keep. So Ali has just signed with a model management outfit. The good news? This management agency isn't being run out of some sketchy dude's basement. The bad news? I think Ali got a ton of plastic surgery so she could "model".
[From Just Jared] "Chameleon-like beauty" = new face. I included some vintage photos of Ali from 2008/09 below, pre-nose job and pre-boob job. Her nose was quite large before, but I kind of liked it. I guess I should compliment her for not chopping it all off and getting a pert little nose that wouldn't have fit her face. It looks like they just slimmed her nose and took off the "bulb" at the end. I'm searching for a bright side to this. Er…let's see…well, Ali might pull in some money now. Of course Dina will take her cut, and then some probably. And Linnocent will probably want a "finder's fee" too. As for Ali being a professional model now, I actually don't hate the idea of calling her a "model". I've always thought Ali was very striking, and I could totally see her "look" fitting in with what's popular now. Ali in 2008: Ali in 2009: Ali currently: Photos courtesy of 6126 ads, WENN & Fame. |
Sandra Bullock’s “new life” on the cover of People - interesting or blah? Posted: 10 Aug 2011 06:52 AM PDT
[From People] Yeah I get that Bullock needs to play this game to keep the projects rolling in and keep the public apprised of her status, but it seems so lame. We love her because she’s genuine, because she’s human, because she weathered one of the worst, most public, most humiliating scandals by keeping her head up and emerging with an adorable baby and words so generous they made her ex look like the lowest form of dirt for ever wronging her. We don’t want to have Bullock thrust at us, we want to admire her tenacity as she gets on with her life, and we want to come to our own conclusions about it. Sandra is shown out with Louis on 8/3/11. Credit: Bruja, Juan Sharma, PacificCoastNews.com. She is also shown on 8/1/11 at The Change Up premiere with Ryan Reynolds. |
Us Weekly: Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux are “trying for a baby” Posted: 10 Aug 2011 06:32 AM PDT Of course. I've been waiting for this for weeks. Us Weekly's cover story is all about Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux and how they're "trying for a baby." Because Jennifer Aniston is never complete in Tabloidland unless she's worrying about the state of her womb. Sigh… I miss drunk Aniston, the woman whose only priority was finding the next bottle of tequila. Well, that drunk bitch got a boyfriend, and now she's gonna pop out one of dem babies. Allegedly.
[From Us Weekly] God, I just don't even know what to say without hysterical womb-defenders screaming obscenities at me about how every move and word Jennifer Aniston makes is good and pure. Personally, I've never bought the idea that Jennifer gives a crap about babies (because her actions speak louder than her words), so that's why I don't believe this story. But! I will happily eat my words if and when Aniston pops one out, and I continue to think that Jennifer has hooked a live one, and Justin is up for whatever relationship conversation Jennifer wants to have (from behind). Will they get married and have a baby and everything will just be perfect? I hope so. I wish them well. They're both getting what they paid for. |
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