Saturday, August 13, 2011



No More Hollywood Reboots, Please!

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 10:20 AM PDT

The planned Clue remake may have been nixed, but the reboot train keeps chugging forward, with 1986 robot classic Short Circuit next on the list. And once again, I am tearing my hair and yelling "noooooooooooo!" in response to a silly Hollywood decision.

I've remarked before about how a well-done reboot can be fun, re: we already know where everything is going, so now we get to see how we got there in the first place. The best reboots and remakes usually come from stories that transcend the ages—Batman, Star Trek, X-Men, even Planet of the Apes (though I still think that last trailer for Rise of the Planet of the Apes gave away waaaaay too much). But even so, there comes a point where enough is enough. Clue does not need to be remade. Neither does Short Circuit. These are fine films in their own right; they're also very much products of the '80s, which is part of what makes them work so well. They're goofy in a very '80s sense, and I'm not convinced that making them again in the new millennium will add anything to them.

But here's the bigger problem: What seems like the majority of films coming out of Hollywood these days are ALL remakes or reboots. Consider the following recent or upcoming films:

  • Fright Night: Remake.
  • Footloose: Remake.
  • The Evil Dead: Reboot in development.
  • Conan the Barbarian: Reboot.
  • The Amazing Spider-Man: Reboot.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Reboot in development.
  • Boatloads of recent horror films (Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, Friday the 13th, My Bloody Valentine, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, yadda yadda yadda): Reboots and remakes.


And this is just tiny, tiny sampling of what's going on. Everyone's favorite procrastination tool, Wikipedia, has pretty extensive lists of films that have been remade and rebooted, so if you really want to see what the damage is, check them out. It's not pretty.

I realize that sometimes it can be tough coming up with original stories. I realize that a lot of film executives would rather go for an old story that they know ha already sold than take a chance on a new, previously untold story. But seriously: STOP STEALING EXISTING STORIES AND COME UP WITH SOME OF YOUR OWN. Relying so heavily on rehashes of the same old tales is LAZY. You are BETTER THAN THAT. Reboots are best reserved for when specific franchises get so bogged down in their own bullshit or have otherwise gone so far off the rails that the only way to set things to rights is to start over. They should not be relied on as the sole source of all storytelling. I love being excited about upcoming films that aren't things I've already seen before– movies like Super 8 come to mind. I'm tired of seeing the same old thing. Consider this a wake-up call, Hollywood. Now get off your duffs and make something original. Your audience will thank you.

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Post from: Crushable

It’s a Girl for Tina Fey!

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 09:59 AM PDT

It’s a girl! Tina Fey, who first revealed her pregnancy on Oprah back in April, gave birth to a healthy baby girl on Wednesday. She and husband Jeffrey Richmond, already parents to supercool 5-year-old Alice, named their second daughter Penelope Athena Richmond. This may be the most awesome name ever. I don’t know about you guys, but I can’t wait to see what these girls are like when they grow up. I mean, really: Children raised by Team 30 Rock? Win! Congrats to Fey and the whole family!

[Via People]

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Post from: Crushable

Vanessa Redgrave and 15 Other Actors Who Have Played Queen Elizabeth I

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 08:51 AM PDT

No doubt about it, Queen Elizabeth I of England was pretty cool. She’s also endlessly fascinating, which is why she tends to show up so frequently in film and television. Case in point: The upcoming Roland Emmerich thriller Anonymous. In it, Vanessa Redgrave plays Good Queen Bess alongside Rhys Ifans’ Edward de Vere, also known as the 17th Earl of Oxford– who, the film posits, is not Elizabeth’s incestuous lover, but also the true author of the works of William Shakespeare. Personally, I like to think that Shakespeare really is the dude from Stratford who keeps popping up in public records, but that aside, Anonymous looks like it could be pretty interesting. Check out the trailer here:

The wonderful Ms. Redgrave joins the ranks of many who have played Elizabeth over the years; in fact, I think all we need to complete the collection of venerable British actresses who have played the Virgin Queen is for Maggie Smith to take her turn. Who else has played Elizabeth throughout the years? Read on to find out!

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Post from: Crushable

Video: ‘Inception’ in 60 Seconds

Posted: 13 Aug 2011 07:15 AM PDT

Don’t have time to sit through all of Inception? Try this 60-second version instead! Virgin Radio 95.3 in Vancouver recently held a “Fake Film Festival” in which they invited listeners to submit fan-made versions of well-known films. The results are pretty hilarious in general, but this minute-long Inception takes the cake. Highlights include the slow-motion van sequence, the infamous Joseph Gordon-Levitt hallway fight, and the genius casting of Cobb’s kids. Check out what went on behind the scenes at the group’s deviantART page, and catch the rest of the fake film entries here. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRWWWWWWWWW!

(That was the Inception noise. Just in case that wasn’t clear.)

[Via The Mary Sue]

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Post from: Crushable

Hello My Name Is Inigo Montoya

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 02:14 PM PDT

Get it? It’s a portrait of Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin), arguably the most famous character from The Princess Bride, painted (or is it drawn in Sharpie?) over a bunch of the “Hello My Name Is…” stickers they had you wear at your college orientation.

It turns out it’s available in greeting card and T-shirt form, and was designed by Etsy artist rakkadeer. When contacted by a Redditor about blowing it up to poster form, she said she’s working on a larger version.

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Post from: Crushable

‘World War Z’ Isn’t the Zombie Movie We Thought It Was Going to Be

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 02:06 PM PDT

Can we blame Brad Pitt for the fact that World War Z sounds nothing like the book that serves as its supposed source material? Probably not, though we’re still steamed that the screenwriters wrote a new character for him, considering that the book already has so many amazing people already. That confusion has since been cleared up. It’s not, as we thought, that Pitt required some special role; it’s because the whole movie is an entirely new story. Just check out the official synopsis.

The story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself.

Every other site that’s furious that Paramount has so drastically changed the plot? Yep, we’re with them. The whole point of World War Z is in its subtitle: It’s an oral history of the zombie war. Max Brooks, writing as an agent of the UN Postwar Commission, goes around interviewing survivors of the war and piecing together the full history: The first bite that set it off, the Great Panic that the U.S. underwent after its citizens believed that as a first-world country they were safe; the moral compromises that every person who fought has had to make.

If the movie is set during the outbreak, how do we get any of that hindsight?

This doesn’t make any sense. Comic book writer J. Michael Straczynski co-wrote the screenplay; he came up with the story for Thor and wrote nearly every episode of Babylon 5, so you can trust him to tell a story right. This decision must have come down from the powers that be at the studio.

Very Aware says that it’s too early to judge, and that Paramount could still make a very good movie. We don’t doubt that, but what Paramount will end up making is another zombie movie. So why slap the name World War Z on it and waste such precious source material?

Peter Hall at perfectly sums up our problem with the change and how it affects the movie’s theme:

WWZ isn’t about preventing a pandemic. It’s about understanding it.

Part of what Brooks illustrates in the book is that humanity wasn’t able to stop the pandemic. We fucked up royally in more than one way, and now this guy is talking to the bigwigs and the Everymen to figure out where we dropped the ball and what it means for our post-zombie society.

Our only hope at this point is for HBO or Showtime (or maybe even Starz) to obtain the rights after this movie comes out and make a miniseries. Then we’d get the time and the scope that this oral history deserves.

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Post from: Crushable

Wow, Kellan Lutz’s Abbot + Main Ad Is Super Steamy

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 01:36 PM PDT

To say Kellan Lutz is the new face of Abbot + Main would be a bit disingenuous: really, he’s the new abs of Abbot + Main. This ad is so steamy (your grandma taught me that word) I think I might blush. That girl isn’t wearing any pants! Honey, your epidermis is showing!

Not that anyone minds.

(via Celebuzz)

Post from: Crushable

The Dos and Don’ts of Drama, with ‘Degrassi’: KC Gets a Guitar to the Face, and Sav’s Hot for Teacher

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 01:18 PM PDT

We were right… sort of. We correctly guessed that the new season of teen TV would have a female teacher flirting with a male student. We just assumed it would be One Tree Hill and didn’t even think of Degrassi. But “Lose Yourself” parts 1 and 2 make it clear that Ms. Oh (“Call me Winnie”) has eyes for her student Sav. We can’t wait to see this plotline progress. Elsewhere, KC and Jenna are probably going to break up because they can’t handle Ty. (That, and he cheated on her with Marisol.) In the actual drama department, Clare fears for Jake‘s life while he works on the sets for Eli‘s play… especially when Eli does a creepy laugh and says, “He’ll be out of the picture soon enough.” Um, what?!

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Post from: Crushable

Video: Jessi Slaughter Seems To Be Doing Better Now, Is Sorry

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 12:58 PM PDT

Jessi Slaughter, the 11-year-old girl who spawned a plethora of headlines and memes after getting very publicly beaten up by the Internet last summer, has been pretty quiet as of late. I figured this was a positive development; when it comes to Internet addicts, no news is generally good news.

As it turns out, I was right, at least sort of. Since her father was arrested for hitting her in the mouth, Jessi has been taken into foster care. She’s also been going to therapy. Unlike her real parents, her foster parents were smart enough to take her Internet privileges away, but she recently managed to post the above video to Youtube via a classmate who goes by the handle HiroKasyumi. (Said classmate made sure to note “I am not on her side!” in the description.)

In it, we see a slightly older and wiser Jessi Slaughter (who has encouragingly begun introducing herself by her real name), apologize for accusing Blood on the Dancefloor’s Dahvie Vanity of statutory rape, which, yes, was not very nice of her. She then goes on to say that she really loves the band and has all their CDs, begging the question: kids still buy CDs???

Anyway, it seems like there might yet be hope for young Ms. Slaughter, and for all kids who are addicted to the Internet (specifically: Internet fame), if the authority figures tasked with taking care of them follow these simple steps:

1.) Take the computer away.

2.) Take the kid out of whatever traumatic situation has caused them to live his or her life on the Internet in the first place.


If only it was so simple for adults.

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Post from: Crushable

Video: Episode 12 of Gabe and Max Like the Internet

Posted: 12 Aug 2011 12:57 PM PDT

Today is Friday, and that means time to drink things with alcohol in them (Listerine) and watch this new episode of Gabe and Max Like the Internet, which is my very favorite web series. Terrible news, though: According to Max Silvestri, this might be the last one of these. Oh no!

Anyone up for protesting? Let’s all mail emoticons to the Vh1 offices.

Post from: Crushable

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