Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Young, Black, and Fabulous

The Young, Black, and Fabulous

COUPLEDOM: Vincent Herbert & Tamar Braxton, Michael & Teasha Bivens And More At Debra Lee's BET Honors Pre-Dinner

Posted: 08 Feb 2014 08:19 AM PST

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Debra Lee hosted the BET Honors 2014: Pre-Dinner last night. See Vince & Tamar, Valeshia Butterfield and Dahntay Jones, and other couples inside.

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Last night, Debra Lee hosted the BET Honors 2014: Pre-Dinner at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC.

Music exec Vincent Herbert and his Soul Train Award-winning wife Tamar Braxton made it a date night and were among the couples spotted on the carpet.  

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Black Girls Rock founder Beverly Bond posed with her husband Bazaar Royale.

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WEEN co-founder Valeisha Butterfield Jones and hubby Indiana Pacers baller Dahntay Jones had a night out without their baby boy,

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New Edition member and "Apollo Live" judge Michael Bivens made an arrival with his wife Teasha

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Music legend Smokey Robinson and Aretha Franklin shared a kiss on the carpet.  Nothing going on there but long time friendship.  They both brought their significant others as well.

The 2014 "BET HONORS" will be hosted by Wayne Brady and held at the Warner Theatre tonight and will air on BET Networks on Monday, February 24 at 9PM ET.



Photos via WENN

SPOTTED: Tyra Banks Cheesin' Hard On A Stroll With Rumored Boyfriend Erik Asia

Posted: 08 Feb 2014 07:13 AM PST

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Medial mogul Tyra Banks was spotted in West Hollywood with her rumored boyfriend Erik Asia.  See their candids inside....

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Yesterday, Tyra Banks was spotted walking down Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood rocking her leather panel pants and makeup free.

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It was a laid back day as Ty Ty was accompanied by her rumored bew boo, fashion photographer Erik Asia.

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Photog sources say the couple dined at Pearl's Liquor Bar where they were spotted kissing on the outdoor patio.  

Earlier this week, Tyra's 1997 Sports Illustrated cover was voted the third-best all-time cover on NBC's "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit: 50 Years of Beautiful". The Huffington Post published a portion of Tyra's acceptance speech:

"A lot of the women here say it was their dream. But it wasn't my dream, because I didn't think it was possible. And I didn't think it was possible because of the color of my skin....I want to thank Sports Illustrated...for thinking different, and I say 'different' without an 'ly,' for being daring and for making every little black girl that year that saw that issue go 'oh my God, mama, I think I'm pretty because a black girl's on the cover just like me.' I stand here representing everybody with a dream, to know that if you have a dream and you have tunnel vision, it can come true. But remember to dream bigger. Because if you do, those things can be reached, too."


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Remember Tyra's iconic cover?  Hotness.


Photos via WENN/SPLASH

Keyshia Cole Says She Wants to Adopt + Keeping It "Overly Sexy" In The Bedroom

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 07:15 PM PST

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Keyshia Cole seems to be having a rough year already--her marriage appears to be still on the rocks and she owes a serious amount in back taxes. But she seemed happy enough while talking about wanting to adopt a child.


Check out what Ms. Cole had to say about it, plus the only place she keeps it "overly sexy"....

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Since she's adopted herself, Keyshia Cole told Bethenny during a recent taping of the talk show that she wants to do the same, even though she already has a biological son, Daniel, Jr.

On wanting to adopt a child:

I do want to adopt, I do. Oh I've course. My mother loved me like her own and I don't feel any different. Me and my brothers and sisters are still close. I am thankful for my mother even adopting me, very thankful.

On not being "overly sexy" as an artist: 

With my touring and recording side of things I am really getting into a sexier side of myself and understanding my sexuality as I get uncomfortable.
I've never really been overly sexy, I don't feel I'm an overly sexy artist. In the bedroom, that's different.

On her love-hate relationship with reality tv:

You know it's just so up and down for me because I really love when young women come up to me they approach me and they say, 'Oh my God, to see you do it and know that you came from nothing and you didn't allow adversity to change anything, you just really went after your dreams.' So there's that side of it and then there is the, 'Oh your mother is on drugs and dadadada.' It's like people can be so mean and cruel and evil. It feels a little intrusive when people speak like that about my mother, my family, my sisters and stuff like that.

Tune in Monday, February 10th for the full sit down.  We doubt she'll really address her husband though...


DID SHE OR DIDN'T SHE? Is There Something SURGICALLY DIFFERENT About Dawn Richard?

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 03:51 PM PST

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Danity Kane singer Dawn Richard seems....different?  Decide if she did or didn't have plastic surgery inside.

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From Danity Kane to Dirty Money to solo stardom and back to Danity Kane, we've seen Dawn Richard go a few through professional changes.  Now that DK are back on tour, we've noticed that there may have been a few physical changes along the way too. 

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It could be the lighting, it could by the makeup/styling, or it could be good old-fashioned surgery.  Whatever it is, we don't think this is the same Dawn from the block.  Folks on social media and beyond have their theories...what are yours?

Check out a few "before" pics.....

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And some folks are saying this new Dawn, below, got a nip/tuck before reuniting with Danity Kane. Maybe some jawline work and/or a nose job:

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Or maybe just a good makeover...





Photos via Dawn Richard Instagram


Erykah Badu & Riccardo Tisci On Their GIVENCHY Collaboration, "We Belong To Each Other" + K. Michelle's "Can't Raise A Man" (VIDEO)

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 03:08 PM PST

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Erykah Badu and Riccado Tisco discuss fashion and music in the latest issue of V Magazine.  See highlights from the interview inside and watch K. Michelle's latest video inside....

As previously reported, Riccardo Tisci of GIVENCHY selected madame flyness Erykah Badu as his muse for the Spring campaign.  And in V Magazine, the two sat down and discuss their work together and how music and fashion connect. 

V Erykah, did you know Riccardo before you got the call to appear in the ads?

ERYKAH BADU I just got a call from him. There’s not a big backstory to it. Unless you want to include that I’m a big fan of his work.

RICCARDO TISCI I knew her as a musician and an artist. And she is a real artist. We had crossed paths before once in New York but never really knew each other. I asked her and she said yes. I was very, very happy. I wanted to represent the collection with style and elegance and I think she is perfect for that.

V In addition to being an incredible artist, you’re also quite a fashion magpie. Are clothes another mode of expression for you?

EB It’s all art to me. I just really enjoy expressing myself artistically in any genre. Whether it be music or cooking or hair. Costume, makeup, fashion. It’s just fun exploring all of the little things inside of my head and seeing them manifest. I would liken fashion or styling to putting a lump of clay in the middle of the table and carving away. And there’s something underneath. Layering and silhouettes. A pair of earrings. I think it comes down to my favorite things and how they come together. That’s fun when that happens.

RT And this is one of the great things that drew me to Erykah. Aside from being quite talented, and the queen of the ’90s. I was thinking of someone who was quite elegant and urban. She’s always been this way. She has a very good sense of style, she’s great with jewelry. Her look can be quite feminine with the turban and a dress but also masculine with flat shoes or trainers. It all works.

V There have been a few musicians—Rihanna, Miley, Gaga—appearing in fashion campaigns this year. Why do you think that is?

EB I think that we keep each other moving creatively, especially those that have been in this game awhile. To see our fellow artists like Riccardo and Donatella choose musicians only shows that we are all connected. My creative song is married to Riccardo’s creative eye, perhaps because I can sing a lot of songs about these designs and ideas that he has. I think it’s just the spirit of where we are as a whole tribe of humans. Visual expresses music expresses theme expresses theory. Everything goes together to more broadly express what the artist is trying to say. There’s no way I can express what I’m trying to say without the help of some visual artist completing my sentences. I think right now we’re completing each other’s sentences, artistically.

Read the full interview here.


In new music videos..... 

K. Michelle stars in the Benny Boom-directed video for “Can’t Raise a Man,” from her hit debut Rebellious Soul.

Fans of the former "LAHH" star can pick up her mixtape "Still No Fucks Given" and she hits the road with Robin Thicke on February 21st.


Photo via V Magazine


Weirdest "Marriage" EVER: T.O.'s "Wife" Says She's DIVORCING Him...After 2 Weeks

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 02:37 PM PST

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A few weeks ago, it was reported that former NFLer (who is reportedly severely down on his luck when it comes to finances) Terrell Owens secretly married a chick named Rachel Snider.  And now, just two weeks later, she says they're divorcing.


The ish was odd from jump, and now we're scratching our weaves even more.  Deets inside...

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Rachel, who is the only one of the two even speaking about their marriage, reportedly married T.O. in a secret ceremony on January 23rd in Newhall, CA.  We have yet to see a marriage certificate, but TMZ reported the "wedding" took place.

Rachel, who is a postal worker, even posted a pic of a wedding ring on Twitter:

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And now, TMZ reports she's filing for divorce.  Apparently she left T.O., is moving out of Cali and she believes Terrell only married her for money.  Oh?  She went even further claiming he used her to secure a $2 million loan.

"I felt in love ... and now I feel betrayed and heartbroken," Snider told the site.

But oddly, she tweeted just hours ago about how she's very married and looking forward to Valentine's Day:

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T.O. has yet to even mention this marriage to anyone anywhere, but Rachel is doing enough talking for the both of them.  She's been tweeting back at critics who say she's just some obsessed fan.  She's been attempting to prove they've been "friends" for years...even though we're not sure how exactly.

And there are no pics of the two together.  She does seem to superimpose herself into pics with him though. 

Is it possible she is simply an obsessed fan (she tweeted about T.O. OFTEN before this marriage news surfaced like she was a stan) who is concocting this whole marriage and divorce bit for attention?

We reached out to Terrell's people and heard nothing back.  So, is it also possible T.O. took advantage of her fandom to do exactly what she's accusing him of?

We're not sure, but something in the milk ain't clean...


The Randomness:

1. John W. Thompson To Become 1st Black Chairman Of Microsoft.  STORY


Photos: Rachel's Twitter

MUSIC BITS: Trey Songz & Jeezy's "Ordinary" + INSIDE Rick Ross' GEORGIA Mansion + Janet Jackson's Renting Super Expensive TRUMP TOWER Apartment

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 11:47 AM PST

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Jeezy and Trey Songz have teamed up for a new record.  Listen to the track inside and see pics of Rick Ross' new mansion and get the deets on Janet Jackson's NY apartment.  

R&B crooner Trey Songz and rapper Jeezy teamed up for a new record, "Ordinary."  The recently leaked track pays homage to their fancy cars, shoes, woman and UN-ordinary life.  As usual.

Listen to "Ordinary" here:


In real estate news.....

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Rapper Rick Ross has purchased the home of former heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield.  The 235-acre estate boasts 109 rooms, a bowling alley, a 135-seat movie theater, an Olympic-size pool, a horse stable and a baseball field ad includes a separate 4,000-square-foot home on the property.  A big man needs somewhere to live his even bigger life, we guess.

Check out pics of the fabulous propoerty:

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Rick plans to live on the property and also use it for his In a Big Way charity. (Which likely means the charity purchased this for kids to visit maybe a couple days a year and Ricky's just living in it). A rep told MTV news, "The Boss' vision is to bring inner-city youngsters to the property and let them utilize all of the luxurious amenities like the Olympic-sized swimming pool, baseball field and horse stable, in an effort to take them out of their element and bring a positive influence to their lives."


In other real state news...

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Janet Jackson has rented a 2,093-square-foot apartment at Trump International Hotel & Tower overlooking Central Park. The place boasts three and a half bathrooms, a master suite complete with a walk-in closet and marble bath and will cost $35,000 per month.

We're not mad.  That's small change for Miss Jackson Mrs. Wissam Al Mana.


Photos via Getty Images/Maybach Music Group

MOVIE FAB: "Single Moms Club" Gets The Poster Treatment

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 11:20 AM PST

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Nia Long and her The Single Moms Club co-stars just got the poster treatment.  Check out the ladies in Tyler Perry's upcoming flick inside...

Here's one TP movie we're actually looking forward to after we peeped the trailer.

Now, the cast, who's looking hot in the new promo poster, is celebrating the release of Lionsgate's upcoming comedy.  About the movie, Lionsgate says:

Nothing lifts you higher than friendship, and these moms have come together to inspire each other through it all. Supporting one other, this sisterhood overcomes life's many hurdles with the help of their newfound friends. Toast to the sparkling new POSTER below and make sure to remember what really matters on March 14!

Women making it happen for their kids and still searching (or not searching but still finding) love along the way.  We're here for it.

By the way, Nia's 2013 hit Best Man Holiday will be available on DVD on February 11th in time for Valentine's Day.

Photos: Nia's WhoSay/Lionsgate

SPOTTED: Lauryn Hill LEAVING "Late Show With David Letterman" + Author Zane DROWNING In $900K Tax Debt

Posted: 07 Feb 2014 10:00 AM PST

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Lauryn Hill taped an appearance on the "Late Show" yesterday.  See the pics inside and find out about Zane's tax woes......

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The ever-stylish Lauryn Hill was spotted leaving a taping of "Late Show With David Letterman" yesterday, wearing a floor-lenth plaid dress, leather belt and a funky fedora.  And we kinda love it.  She's looking effortlessly pretty as usual.

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Lauryn recently announced that she's headline the 21'st Anniversary of the 9 Mile Music Festival Saturday on February 15th at the Miami-Dade County Youth Fairgrounds along with Stephen Marley, Damian Jr. Marley "AKA Gong" and Julian Marley. The festival has collected and donated almost three million cans of food to hunger projects internationally and this year, cans wills benefit Curley's House, a food bank in Miami.

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It's great to see the former recluse embracing fans and hitting the stage again.  On Wednesday, she performed during the Amnesty International's Bringing Human Rights Home concert at Brooklyn's Barclays Center.


In other entertainment news... 

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Bestselling Zane, the fame writer who wrote about hot sex LONG before "Fifty Shades Of Grey" hit the bestsellers list, has a few tax woes. While Zane (aka Kristina Laferne Roberts) has a way of putting pen to paper for her novels, she's consistently failed to apply pen to paper while signing tax documents and cutting checks to the feds.

The Washington Post reports that she reportedly owes $340,000 to the state of Maryland and around $540,000 to the feds.  She owns a million dollar home she bought years ago, but it's now also at risk. 

Zane's sold tons of books over the last several years, and she's also receiving a check (we assume) for the books she's turned into shows on Cinemax like "Zane's the Jumpoff" and "Sex Chronicles".

A spokeswoman for the state comptroller’s office told the Washington Post that they've been after Zane since 2003 and “Publishing her name on the Web is one of the last steps we take in a very long process.”

We'll let you know if she cuts the feds a check....


The Randomness:

1.  "LAHH ATL" producers/execs held a massive meeting to discuss Wednesday night's brawl and how they can avoid potential lawsuits.  Story.

Photos via Getty Images/Splash News

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