Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Sarah Palin calls Kathy Griffin a “has been” and a “50 year old bully”

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 08:59 AM PST

Kathy Griffin loves to talk smack about people, and she’s a comedian so it’s part of her job. She gets a kick out of it, and sometimes she crosses a line but usually she seems to know exactly what she’s doing. Hence she goes after Sarah Palin and her family, because Palin is incredibly predictable and can be counted on to humorlessly respond. That’s exactly what she did when Griffin joked that she was going to take 16 year-old Willow, Sarah’s daughter, down. Remember how Sarah said that David Letterman was joking about statutory rape when he accidentally made a joke about Willow? Rinse and repeat.

Sarah Palin grew agitated when Fox News correspondent Jeanine Pirro asked her thoughts about Kathy Griffin playing a character loosely based on her on an upcoming episode of Glee.

“You know, Kathy Griffin can do anything to me or say anything about me, because you know, she’s kind of this - she’s a 50-year-old adult bully is really what she is,” Palin said over the weekend (via Huffington Post).

“She’s kind of a has-been comedian and she can do those things to me. I would just ask for respect of my children. As she had stated on CNN that her New Year’s resolution was to destroy my 16-year-old daughter, that takes it a little too far,” Palin continued.

“Kathy, pick on me, come up to Alaska and pick on me, but leave my kids alone,” she went on.
Griffin has skewered the Palin family in her comedy routines over the past two years, calling Bristol the “the White Precious,” and joking that Levi Johnston (who fathered a baby with a teen Bristol) is her boyfriend.

The family has fought back before; in February, Bristol brought up Griffin’s near-fatal liposuction experience and criticized her as a comedian in an interview with Fox News.

[From Hollywood Reporter]

Why so serious, Sarah? My mom taught me not to let people know if they bothered me, and to act like I couldn’t care less what they say. Then again, my mom was showing me how to let arguments die on their own, not how to get press coverage. With the Palins, it’s all about how much we talk about them and Kathy loves goading Sarah into her default setting - mad and acting like people are out to attack her family.

Oh and Kathy explained to the Hollywood Reporter why she wanted to “offend a new Palin.” She said that Willow had “called people a fa–ot on Facebook a couple of times. You don’t throw around the f-word without hearing from me about it.” Here’s more of what Willow wrote, which no one from the Palin family has apologized for.



Kathy is shown on 2/22 and on 2/15, where she wore some lingerie to Paris Hilton’s 30th birthday party. Credit: WENN

Gisele Bundchen brings long-haired Tom Brady to party at Rio’s Carnival

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 08:56 AM PST


Gisele Bundchen brought her husband Tom Brady down to Brazil for a little Carnival action. Gisele is cracking me up in all of these photos - she's so hyped up for everything, and I'm kind of thinking that she's probably pretty wasted in the balcony photos. Gis also got to be some kind of queen on one of the floats - that the gold outfit. And Tom gamely watched her ride by from the sidelines. You can see it here:

Ugh, his hair. Tragic. Does anyone else wonder if that "hair transplant" story was true and Tom is just growing out his new hair in an attempt to convince everyone that it's real and natural? Just a theory. Whatever is going on with it, he should stop parting it down the middle and tucking it behind his ears. It's a bad look for an adult man.

As for what the trip says about them as a couple and all of that - well, I think it's cute that Tom came to Brazil with Gisele, and that he was making an effort to celebrate her country and everything. That being said, I still think the guy is a dolt. I've never understood the fuss over him. Or Gis, for that matter.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

Michelle Rodriguez hates whining, loves empowerment: “I’m a true matriarch”

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 08:20 AM PST


Have I ever mentioned how much I truly care for Michelle Rodriguez? Like, I know she's done some dumb stuff, and I think the girl likes to party, probably too much, but I can't help but love her. She's an underrated actress, and I think she's really pretty and sexy. I love her hard/soft dichotomy - on one side, she's not afraid to be tough and ass-kicking, even more so than most men, but on the other side, she often comes across as so vulnerable. Sigh… enough of my crush. These are photos of Michelle at last night's premiere of Battle: Los Angeles, which is opening this Friday. Michelle gave an interview recently where she discussed why she often takes roles in action films where she gets to kick-ass:

Actress Michelle Rodriguez has been kicking serious you know what since her breakout flick, Girlfight, and continued through mega-hits like The Fast and the Furious, Lost, and, more recently, James Camerons’ Avatar. And according to her, that’s really the only way to ensure she takes the roll.

“I look for a whiny aspect in a woman, and as soon as I see that, I’m like, ‘not interested,’” Rodriguez told Niteside. “I’m not a true thespian, I don’t seek the thrill of exploration of human emotion — I’m more about projecting what I love about women and the empowerment of them as much as possible.”

She added, “When I see strength I’m attracted to it, it’s what makes me feel comfortable. I’m a true matriarch.”

Still, Rodriguez — whose latest film Battle: Los Angeles hits theaters Friday — admitted to having reservations after reading the script, in which she plays plays Air Force Tech Sergeant Elena Santos.

“The first thing that I thought was, ‘I just did Avatar — I don’t want to be in a movie that’s going to be corny,’” she explained. “So my first thing was to know what these aliens are going to look like and the perspective. And he [Director Jonathan Liebesman] showed me the short that he basically showed to the studio to get the funding for it, and it blew me out of the water. It’s intimate — it’s not this ‘blow up the Hollywood sign.’”

In fact, Rodriguez — who underwent extensive Marine training to prepare for the part — said she wouldn’t be opposed to having a real life close encounter.

“It’d be kind of cool if aliens dropped in on us,” she laughed. “Maybe we’d stop fighting against each other so much. ”

At least we know if they didn’t “come in peace” she’d be able to take them down.

[From NBC Miami]

Does anyone else remember her one-season arch on Lost? Ana Lucia was one of the best characters of the Lost universe, I thought, and I think Michelle is kidding herself if she thinks she's only about the aggressive, dominant female characters, because that's not all she did on Lost. She does drama and pathos very, very well. Whatever, I wish she worked more, and I wish that when she worked, it wasn't just on these action movies.

Here's the trailer for Battle: Los Angeles:



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Amanda Seyfried in purple Lanvin: haphazard biscuit-flasher or cute?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 07:38 AM PST


I can't believe that so many of you like and defend Amanda Seyfried, and thought that her Elle interview was self-deprecating and nice. Oh well, I'm not going to argue with you. But I will say that I will be vindicated. Because if there's one thing you can bet on, it's a vapid, name-dropping, famewhore always doing what she loves. Give Amanda time and attention, you'll soon see it. Anyway, these are photos of Amanda at the premiere of Red Riding Hood last night. Her dress is Lanvin, and I do like it, although I tend to think it's just a touch too short. It's not an age thing - she's young enough to pull off a miniskirt. It's just a comfort thing - that mini looks uncomfortable from a functional standpoint. What I absolutely hate, though, are the Lanvin shoes:


With this dress, I would have gone with black shoes. Even another color would have been fine - but this nude color "fools" the eye into giving Amanda the appearance of hooves.

I also don't like her hairstyle that much, but now I'm just nitpicking because of my newfound dislike for this girl.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

Kate Middleton wears Burberry, flips pancakes during visit to Belfast

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 07:07 AM PST


So many new photos! So many new public appearances! It's ALL WAITY, ALL THE TIME over here. Kate Middleton and Prince William made a "surprise" visit to Belfast this morning, all for a fundraising effort for The Northern Ireland Cancer Fund. They also did a little tour of Belfast, and when the locals heard they were in town, they came out in droves to see Our Little Waity and her Burberry oatmeal-colored coat. According to Radar, "Security was high in the historically-volatile region for the unannounced visit, as armed officers were spotted patrolling the streets and rooftops, but everything went off without a hitch." They even flipped pancakes with some locals:

I have to say it, don't I? I'm just going to say it - Kate is going to overshadow William. It is inevitable, and the Palace can try to control Waity's rollout and they can "ease" her into public life as gently and slowly as possible, but the fact of the matter is that most people are coming out to see Kate. It will be interesting to see how all of this plays out over the years.

Last thing: I'm already tired of Waity's black hosiery. She needs to mix it up, especially for daywear.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

Giuliana Rancic launches Goop-style diet and fitness advice newsletter

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:48 AM PST

E!’s Giuliana Rancic has launched a Goop type diet, fitness and life advice site called Fab, Fit, Fun which is sent to subscribers in the form of a daily e-mail. The website opens with a towering photo of Rancic inviting users to sign up for her newsletter, and promises “heart-pumping workouts, beauty must-haves, tasty recipes” and “relationship-strengthening, confidence-building secrets.” It wasn’t enough for Guiliana to simply blog about her very low calorie diet and belief that the principles of The Secret actually work, she wanted to tout herself as some kind of lifestyle guru and hired a team of people to help her.

At the party for the launch of the site, Giuliana told Radar Online that she hopes she “inspires other people to live in a healthy, fun way.” She also bitched that people told her to eat a cheeseburger in order to help her conceive, complaining that she actually ate a whole cheeseburger and it didn’t work. According to an older blog entry by Rancic, her normal lunch consists of “a rotisserie chicken breast” without the skin and “a large side of steamed broccoli on the side.” Or she’ll have a chicken salad, without any “wontons” or “fried stuff” on it and writes on that she has them “toss it LIGHTLY in balsamic vinaigrette which is healthier than most other dressings.” Now she’s set to help us live better, more fulfilled lives by helping us skip the croutons, bacon bits and creamy dressing. It’s not a salad without the croutons! You need some of those dried cranberries, some crumbled gorgonzola, maybe some olives on there too.

"I love Fab Fit Fun," Giuliana said. "It is a way to connect directly with people and offer up healthy tips for everything from food to drinks to my favorite new exercise. I love sharing all the cool things that I have learned about and hope that it inspires other people to live in a healthy, fun way."

On a girls night out, Giuliana offers a substitute for the calorie heavy drinks that aren't so healthy.

"If you're drinking you can have skinny drinks – don't do a margarita, they're so much sugar. Drink tequila on the rocks with extra lime juice so it tastes really yummy."

She also warns against going overboard on sweets.

"As far as cupcakes, don't have it! Just don't do it. Or do it once a week. Maybe twice a week. If you start doing it too much the taste gets in your system. Especially if you're drinking a little bit so just skip dessert. Instead when you're craving something sweet just have an apple. You'll feel so much better the next day."

Giuliana and her husband Bill Rancic have gone through grueling fertility treatments, none of which have resulted in a baby for the couple. She spoke to RadarOnline.com about the mean advice people give her on Twitter, especially the taunts about her weight, telling her to just "eat a cheeseburger" and she'll get pregnant.

"I tried eating a cheeseburger, it didn't work! I took a pregnancy test right after I ate a cheeseburger so sorry everyone who tweeted me that great advice – it didn't work.

"It's kind of crazy that there are ignorant people out there. The bottom line is a lot of people have fertility issues. Overweight people, underweight people, healthy people. At the end of the day, unless your doctor tells you, weight doesn't really have anything to do with it."

Giuliana revealed that she and Bill aren't going through more fertility treatments.

"We stopped trying so if it happens naturally, great, but we're not moving forward with any procedures. We're calling this the Summer of Fun. If it happens that's wonderful and if it doesn't that's ok."

[From Radar]

Giuliana has talked about the whole “too skinny to conceive” controversy before, and has basically told people that her weight has nothing to do with her fertility, and countered that other thin women get pregnant. However she admitted on The View that her doctor told her to gain ten pounds and that she’d gained five and thought that was enough.

Well now she’s telling us just how she gets so whippet thin, happy and successful so we can all be like her. The website isn’t bad, honestly, and is quite a bit easier to read, lighter, and less sanctimonious than Goop. They also use experts like fitness trainer Jackie Warner and diet advice author Divya Gugnani to let us know how to get thin, look pretty and generally aspire to be like Giuliana. So many women strive to be just as hungry, tiny and superficial as she is so it might be successful for her. If she ever has kids I’m sure she’ll tell us how to raise them too.




Giuliana and Bill are shown at the launch of Fab, Fit, Fun on 3/3/11. Credit: Juan Rico/Fame Pictures

Lily Allen in green Chanel: gorgeous or tragic?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:47 AM PST


We have a lot of new photos of Lily Allen because she's been out and about several times in the past week. A few nights ago, she was out, partying in London, and today she was in Paris for the Chanel show (the green coat photos). Lily hasn't been doing many public appearances since she miscarried while six months pregnant, and hasn't done much press except for the odd rage-filled rant against any gossip columnist who writes innocuous items about how Lily might be engaged. Which she later revealed she was in fact engaged, making her c-bomb-filled rant look less like a person protecting their privacy and more like a famewhore celebrity protecting the exclusive release of information. That's just me though - while I have so much sympathy for Lily and her personal problems with carrying a pregnancy to term, I simultaneously think Lily, as a celebrity, is a massive dickhead who consistently and hypocritically thinks she can have it both ways - that she can claim "privacy" in interview after sanctimonious interview where she claims again and again that she's "leaving" the celebrity world and becoming more private, only to do more magazine covers and more interviews and more public appearances and playing fast and loose with the release of information. She's exhausting. So, speaking of Miss Privacy, she took part in a documentary which spanned her life over, like, six months last year:

She has shunned the spotlight and kept quiet since tragically losing her baby late last year. But Lily Allen has opened up about her second miscarriage during a revealing Channel 4 documentary Riches To Rags.

The singer, who lost her child six months into her pregnancy, says: ‘It was a really long battle - and I think that kind of thing changes a person.’

The 25-year-old reveals her pain at the loss in a new show that charts her venture into fashion as she opened up Covent Garden vintage boutique Lucy In Disguise with sister Sarah Owen.

A preview of Lily Allen: Riches To Rags was shown this week as the singer headed to Paris to catch the Chanel Autumn/Winter 2011 fashion show.

Lily also reveals in the documentary - which filmed her between March and October last year - that she suffered with an eating disorder, ‘I used to vomit after meals. It’s not something I’m proud of…But, I tell you what, a lot of people came up to me telling me how great I looked and I’d be on the cover of every magazine. I thought I looked good and it was great to be able to try on clothes and feel a million dollars. But I wasn’t happy, I really wasn’t. I would love to be the skinniest minniest person in the world but I can’t do that without being unhappy - I like food.’

She adds: ‘I’m a pop star, not a model. Don’t make me feel s*** for not being really skinny and having an eating disorder.’

Lily became engaged to Sam Cooper on Christmas Day last year, a month after they lost their baby.

[From The Daily Mail]

I wonder if Lily is going to throw a hissy fit over the advanced promotion for this documentary…? You know, because she's so private and no one should write about her, ever. It makes me wonder why she even agreed to do a documentary, because she hates the spotlight so much. Oh, right.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

Kelsey Grammer and his new wife are arguing about where to live

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:26 AM PST

Popeater’s Rob Shulter has supposed insider knowledge of some trouble in Kelsey Grammer’s very new very quick marriage to 29 year-old British former flight attendant, Kayte Walsh. According to Shulter, the two are disagreeing about where to live, with Kayte hoping to stay in New York and Kelsey planning to move back to Los Angeles to work on a project and be closer to his kids. (Probably in that order.) Kayte is likely to suck it up and do whatever her new sugar daddy wants, but it’s an indicator that their marriage is already showing cracks after a whole two weeks.

Kelsey Grammer and his fourth wife, Kayte Walsh, have only been married a couple of weeks and already the new Mrs. Grammer is starting to understand that being married to Kelsey isn’t as easy as you might think. Sources close to the pair tell me they’ve already stumbled upon their first rift — and it involves about 2,800 miles and an ex-wife.

“Kelsey wants to move back to LA to be near his daughters and start working on a new TV project with Starz,” an insider tells me. “But Kayte would rather stay in New York where she has close friends and is far, far away from [his ex-wife] Camille.”

The ‘Frazier’ star will win in the end, friends say, but the disagreement so early on “should be a warning of what is to come.”

The May-December couple (he’s 55, she’s 29) have been laying pretty low since their Feb. 25 wedding, which came just two weeks after he finalized his divorce from his wife of 13 years, Camille, 42. But on Friday, the pair emerged looking happy as can be as they rambled around midtown New York and Central Park. In many of the pics, Kelsey obliged snappers by laying a few kisses on his bride.

Maybe Kelsey will look at these photos of a beautiful day in NYC and change his mind about heading back to Los Angeles and the realities of living near an ex-wife? Not likely.

“Kelsey has an enormous ego and definitely likes being the boss,” my source tells me. “Everything goes great when your answers is ‘yes’ to him.” And right now, he’s saying “yes” to being near his young kids with Camille, 9-year-old Mason and 6-year-old Jude.

It’s been a drama-filled first chapter in the story of Kelsey and Kayte, who became pregnant but lost the baby while the actor was still very married to Camille, now a star of ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.’ Kelsey announced he was engaged to Kayte and said, “We are in love and see no reason to postpone our happiness any longer.”

[From Popeater]

You know that Camille is Shuter’s source and she’s repeating some gossip she overheard from the nanny. Camille has been interviewed by Shuter a few weeks ago and she probably has him on speed dial.

I disagree with the claim that these two have been keeping a low profile since their wedding. Those kissing photos are just as staged as their vacation photos. I also doubt that Kayte and Kelsey will be breaking up anytime soon. Kayte has her career path mapped out for her, and it involves about ten years by Kelsey’s side, followed by a divorce when Kelsey inevitably stops idealizing her and replaces her with a younger model. By that point she’ll be a very wealthy, spoiled, botoxed, up-her-ass woman. It remains to be seen whether she’ll be a NY or an LA wife and it matters little.

Photos are from 3/3/11, credit: Fame Pictures




Emma Watson is taking a break from university

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:13 AM PST

Harry Potter star Emma Watson, 20, has announced on her website that she’s putting her studies at Brown University on hold temporarily as she promotes the final installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, which is out this summer, and works on some addition projects. According to IMDB, she stars in My Week With Marilyn, featuring Michelle Williams as Marilyn Monroe, which is out sometime this year and is in post-production. She is currently filming Perks of Being a Wallflower, based on a novel by Stephen Chbosky and co-starring Oprah, Logan Lerman and Larry David. Here’s Emma’s statement on taking a break from college:

On Monday, Emma Watson announced she’ll be temporarily leaving the Ivy League school to promote the final installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

“As you know, I love Brown and I love studying pretty much more than anything but recently I’ve had so much to juggle that being a student and fulfilling my other commitments has become a little impossible,” she wrote on her official website.

“I’ve decided to take a bit of time off to completely finish my work on Harry Potter (the last one comes out this summer) and to focus on my other professional and acting projects,” Watson, 20, continued. “I will still be working towards my degree…it’s just going to take me a semester or two longer than I thought.”

Before Watson enrolled at Brown University in September 2009, she also considered attending Trinity College, Cambridge, Yale University and Columbia.

[From US Weekly]

This was probably a very tough decision for her and one she thought about for a long time. It’s early in the second semester at Brown, which started on January 26 with the last drop/add day on February 23. She probably began this semester with high expectations and then realized she just didn’t have enough time to devote to her studies. Unlike Hermione, there’s no magic watch she can use to reverse time and gain entire days back. If had one of those things I wouldn’t be using it to study twice that’s for sure. I also might not have even gone to college if I had her millions, so props to her.

In somewhat related news, Universal Studios have announced that they will open up the Harry Potter set to tourists starting next year. The set is located in Herfertshire just East of London and will be available for tours starting in the Spring of 2012. According to the WB Studio Tour website it will feature “authentic sets, costumes and props from the Harry Potter film series” with a ticket price “comparable to other top London attractions.” You can’t buy tickets there and must pre-book online. I would love to go to this, it sounds so amazing. I’m not the biggest Harry Potter fan but the sets were impressive and I’m excited to see where Harry Potter was filmed. [via JoBlo, Fark]

Emma Watson is shown at the Elle style awards on 2/14/11. Credit: Fame Pictures



Charlie Sheen wields machete on Live Nation’s roof, just because.

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:13 AM PST


Last night, Charlie Sheen was officially fired from Two & a Half Men after several months of drug-and-insanity-fueled death spiral. CB and I were debating whether or not we should be covering every little aspect of Charlie's insanity, and my feeling is that people are beginning to grow tired of Charlie's stuff. Hopefully. Anyway, here are some of the basics of what's gone done in the past 14 hours:

*Charlie went to the office building of Live Nation, where he claimed he was having a "top secret meeting" with his contacts. Deadline reports that Charlie might be negotiating a deal with the company to "go on tour". The say Charlie is using Conan O'Brien's playbook. After the meeting, Charlie and one of the goddesses got on the roof and Charlie drank "Tiger Blood" and branded a machete. Because… why not? He reportedly said "’Free at last… free at last" while he was up there.


*When Warner Bros fired Charlie, they sent an 11-page letter to his lawyer, accusing him of breaching his contract due to his drug use and failure to seek proper help.

*Charlie's lawyers are now preparing to file a lawsuit against Warner Bros and the show’s creator Chuck Lorre, according to Radar. Sheen’s lawyer Marty Singer told Radar that he received a termination of contract letter shortly before 2pm yesterday. The letter stated that Sheen "engaged in dangerously self-destructive conduct and appears to be very ill." The letter apparently explains the decision by Warner Bros. to fire Sheen by stating there is a clause in his contract stating a performer can be sacked if they commit ‘a felony offense involving moral turpitude’.

*Charlie's lawyer Marty Singer says: "Warner Bros’ position is ridiculous. We will proceed with our claims against Chuck Lorre and Warner Bros. Nothing has changed in terms of that.’ Sheen is now expected to demand payment for the ninth season of the sitcom in a lawsuit which has yet to be filed. Singer says: ‘Last year, they told Sheen he could plead guilty to a felony and still do the show. Now they are just upset because they say he disparaged Chuck Lorre. We intend to file suit against Warner Bros Television, Chuck Lorre and everyone involved.’

*Charlie is in the market for an intern. He tweeted: "Do you have #TigerBlood? Are you all about #Winning? Can you #PlanBetter than anyone else? If so, we want you on #TeamSheen as our social media #TigerBloodIntern! This unique internship opportunity will allow a hard-working, self-motivated, creative, resourceful and social media savvy individual to work closely with Charlie Sheen in leveraging his social network. The internship will focus on executing a social media strategy that will build on the success Charlie Sheen has attained in setting the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to reach one million followers on Twitter. The #TigerBloodIntern is expected to be proactive, monitor the day-to-day activities on the major social media platforms, prepare for exciting online projects and increase Charlie's base of followers. You will learn how to promote and develop the social media network of Hollywood's most trending celebrity. I'm looking to hire a #winning INTERN with #TigerBlood. Apply here."


So, basically, everyone is just holding their breath and waiting for the crazy to either die down or just die.





Photos courtesy of WENN.

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