Wednesday, March 9, 2011



'House' Producer Gleefully Baits Huddy Fans Over Twitter

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 11:24 AM PST

Celebs like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga may get thousands of adoring followers on Twitter, but the men and women who run television shows find the fan accessibility a bit tougher to manage. Suddenly, the viewers who would yell at the TV screen can log on to Twitter and send angry messages to the writers. So when Monday’s episode of House concluded — and if you haven’t seen it, don’t read on! — showrunner Greg Yaitanes knew he was in for a beating.

“Bombshells” ended with House and Cuddy breaking off their relationship after realizing that House couldn’t be the supportive boyfriend Cuddy needed, plus the added knowledge that he was still sneaking Vicodin despite seeming totally clean since last season. Huddy fans were, understandably, devastated by the break-up of a relationship that took six season to actually happen. But when they began asking Yaitanes — who has always made an effort to interact with fans and feed them clues — they grew angry at his glib responses.

Relishing today’s hate mail from #Huddy shippers, he wrote yesterday. It’s exciting to be part of something that has evoked such a strong reaction. #RIPhuddy

He fielded questions about whether this were another of the show’s famous cop-outs (no), if House and Cuddy would get back together (no) — and teasing out hints for the season finale. And when fans’ reactions grew angrier, he seemed to enjoy it even more, deflecting their barbs. Some people tried to threaten him, saying that Huddy ’shippers would abandon the show, but he pointed out that though powerful, that contingent is just a small part of the House fandom. One fan, exasperated with his cheeriness, wrote, No we will no get happy. You’re such a masochist. You love all the hate you get. Yaitanes responded, i enjoy it all.

This exchange gives you a good idea of the dynamic going on:

Bones creator Hart Hanson, who has been the main recipient of fan backlash for refusing to put Booth and Brennan together on his show, simply tweeted, I feel your pain brother…

Post from: Crushable

'House' Producer Gleefully Baits Huddy Fans Over Twitter

Last Night I Accidentally Went To A Bright Eyes Show And, Like, Totally Came Of Age

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 11:19 AM PST

A few days ago a friend texted to ask if I wanted to see WILD FLAG and Superchunk open for Bright Eyes at Radio City Music Hall. My response was a "hellz yeah" sent rapid-fire, for which I was heartily mocked. I bring this up because it exemplifies that I am a person who uses the tools of teenagers. I'm six years removed from qualifying as a member of their hormonal ranks, but I say "OMG" unironically and I'll occasionally reach into a pocket for my Chapstick or a Klonopin and pull out a brontosaurus-shaped Silly Band instead; hell, I write a feature called The Daily Bieber for goodness sakes! I should also mention that when I was an actual teenager I harbored a secret fantasy of meeting, seducing and shotgun-marrying Conor Oberst, aka Bright Eyes.

First of all, let's get out of the way how awesome WILD FLAG was. I mentioned the band when I interviewed frontwoman Carrie Brownstein about her work on the-best-show-ever Portlandia last month. WILD FLAG's a combo of ex-Sleater-Kinney and Helium band members and their stuff is loud and fast but also densely layered – like a hearty, spicy sandwich from that new fusion food truck you should totally check out if you haven’t already. Plus, they're like the coolest women on the planet — we knew they'd be awesome, but it turns out they were fantastically awesome. There, done, put a bird on it.

It's hard to think of a less pretentious band than Superchunk, who’ve been around since 1989. When I saw them headline a few months ago in Brooklyn, the crowd was mostly cool dads in plaid and glasses – folks who've been fans of the band for decades and continue to be devoted even though Superchunk went nine years without releasing an album before offering last year's Majesty Shredding.

Oddly, Bright Eyes drew a lot of Conor Oberst-lifers as well. There were a handful of kids still young enough for acne wash and report cards (read: are you in the market for virgins to sacrifice? Tonight's second Radio City show is not to be missed!), but also a lot of people my age – who, like me, probably listened to 2002’s Lifted 10,000 times while furtively smoking cigarettes out the window when they should have been reading about the Geneva Convention. (I had to google that to make sure it was actually a thing; case in point.) But unlike me, these fans stuck with the band through ten more years of releases and continue to be loyal fans of Conor.

Superchunk took the Radio City stage in t-shirts and New Balance sneakers. Singer Mac McCaughan gave a shout out to his parents and drummer Jon Wurster grinned while he played. The band looked like they were having a great time hanging out up there on that legendary stage, and I was certainly having a great time in my seat. On the flip side, the Bright Eyes gang treated their show like it was important instead of fun. The headliner brought theatrics and lofty production values to their performance: Conor and his backup band, including a pair drummers plus a couple keyboard players, played in front of two giant futuristic white orbs while distorted video was projected behind them. The group began with a handful of new songs I didn't recognize and then launched into an electro-laced rendition of "Bowl of Oranges” from Lifted – and the crowd, in unison, was moved to get up from their seats and lean forward to catch every word.

Radio City is huge – enormous, really — and we were right up front. (I'm very cool; was this not clear? Have you seen my galleries of cute baby animals? And this hoodie I’m wearing? Nothing if not eminently hip, me.) Turning around to see 6,000 people standing and swaying like a sentient reflection on Frank Gehry panels was overwhelming and probably pretty beautiful — but also bizarre and disorienting because I, like, totally felt nothing, you guys. I've outgrown my Bright Eyes stage to such a degree that I couldn't even enjoy them with a sense of nostalgia.

Post from: Crushable

Last Night I Accidentally Went To A Bright Eyes Show And, Like, Totally Came Of Age

Breaking News: 'Spider-Man' Is Looking Less And Less Likely To Turn Off The Dark

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 11:03 AM PST

Aha! I knew it! I KNEW IT! Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark is doomed! DOOMED, I say!

Okay, “doomed” may be a little excessive. But the weirder the whole thing gets, the more it seems like the show– and possibly the people involved in it– will never recover from this debacle of epic, epic proportions.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the saga, Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark has delayed its opening six times. SIX. To date, it has performed 99 previews– more than any other show in Broadway history. In fact, that’s longer than some shows’ full runs. Reviews have been overwhelmingly negative, both from critics and from the rest of the theatre-going public. Taymor has been increasingly under fire for everything ranging from the technical issues to the apparent lack of story. And now, word on the street is that the producers are planning a major overhaul that would shut the production down completely for two to three weeks in April and/or May and delay opening for another three months. Even bigger news? Director, creator, mask designer, and writer Julie Taymor is reportedly leaving the production.

Concerning the possible delay, the show’s press rep was still saying on Tuesday that the show will open on the 15th as planned; but with all these rumors flying around, that’s looking less and less likely. I’m actually sort of amazed that they’re not just pulling the plug on the whole thing, since it’s already been such a money sink and since it would be next to impossible for the show to recoup its investment; on the other hand, I can also see that when you’ve already put so much money (and time, and effort, and manpower, and…) into something, it’s much harder to cut your losses and end it. So in the meantime, they’re continuing to try to fix it, even though it may be beyond fixing: playwright Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa is being brought in to overhaul the script, directors Christopher Ashley (Memphis, The Rocky Horror Show) and Philip William McKinley (The Boy From Oz ) have been approached about joining the team, and the two-to-three-week shutdown will allow for significantly more rehearsal time. Seems kind of like slapping a Band-aid onto a sucking chest wound to me, but hey, if it works, I’ll take that Band-aid and eat it.

Taymor’s leaving, while possibly not surprising, is a bigger deal. Earlier this morning, it looked like Taymor may not have been leaving quite yet, though she had apparently been given a “Work with new people or we’ll fire you” ultimatum from her producers. Since then, though, news sites including the Post, the Daily News, and the Times are reporting that Taymor is in fact stepping down. An official announcement concerning both Taymor’s fate and the show’s is expected sometime this week. As much as I lambasted her the other day, I feel kind of bad for her. Maybe it’s because as a director myself, there’s something about the whole labor-of-love thing that rings true for me; and getting your artistic baby taken away from you? Heartbreaking. And at the same time, I wonder if she’s ever going to work again after this, and that’s sad too. Yes, I have had major artistic and ethical issues with Spider-Man; but the fact remains that BEFORE this crazy train left the station, Taymor was a huge innovator in the theatre, as well as one of the few female directors out there who got noticed and heard for her unique vision. She made a lot of really great art in her earlier years (before she had all the money in the world at her disposal), and it’s going to be a long time before that art can be thought of without Spidey’s shadow hanging over it.

Of course, I could be wrong. Maybe Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark will turn out to be a real-life version of The Producers, though instead of of trying to make a flop and accidentally making a hit, they tried to make a hit that was such a flop that it rolled right back round to hit. We’ll see. Stay tuned for more coverage as the new hits the [spidey] web!

Post from: Crushable

Breaking News: 'Spider-Man' Is Looking Less And Less Likely To Turn Off The Dark

Sex on the Wire: This is the Best News Your Man and His Wandering Eyes Could Hear

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 11:05 AM PST

Do not share this with your significant other, but apparently staring at breasts increases heart health. (Buzzfeed)

This is maybe not the best information to share with the Teen Mom era, but semen absorbed by unprotected sex contains serotonin, which is the main ingredient in antidepressants. (YourTango)

In Hong Kong, McDonald’s is starting to offer wedding packages. (The Gloss)

Do not fall into the seven deadly sins of relationships. (TresSugar)

It seems that bisexual and lesbian women are more likely to try anal sex. (Slate)

Post from: Crushable

Sex on the Wire: This is the Best News Your Man and His Wandering Eyes Could Hear

Who Should Old Spice Guy Isaiah Mustafa Go Out With?

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 09:49 AM PST

Isaiah Mustafa, aka The Old Spice Guy, told People magazine that he’s single (despite rumors of a hookup with Kathy Griffin) and presumably looking to mingle. But with whom? We have some suggestions:

  • Neve Campbell
    The two were reportedly hooking up a few months ago. The relationship was never confirmed, but they did look cute together.
  • Kim Kardashian
    It’s perfect, if you think about it – she always needs publicity, and Isaiah’s her type (muscular, athletic, macho).
  • Christina Aguilera
    Considering the terrible press she’s been getting lately, hooking up with a guy like him could only be an upgrade. And then they could hire her to sing a new Old Spice jingle.
  • Laura Dern
    Crushable intern Vanessa Prat suggests that the actress, who recently split from Ben Harper, could be on the lookout for another sweet, soulful guy to make her feel better.
  • The Herbal Essences Girl
    Crushable intern Lucia Peters points out that two iconic beauty ads would go well together.
  • Countess LuAnn de Lesseps from Real Housewives of New York City
    Money can’t buy you class, but Isaiah already has class to spare.

Post from: Crushable

Who Should Old Spice Guy Isaiah Mustafa Go Out With?

'Glee' Recap: Vegetarianism For Lions, or It’s Like Hugging But Wetter

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 10:36 AM PST

We hereby call to order The Celibacy Club! Rachel, Quinn and Emma meet in an empty classroom to confirm their commitment to not getting it, or as Ms. Pillsbury would put it, being "terrified of the hose monster." When her chastity charms start being used as nipple rings, Emma runs into the physical manifestation of boning, i.e. Gwyneth Paltrow's substitute teacher Holly Holiday, currently filling in for a heath teacher with a terrible case of the herp. Paltrow at her most winsome dismisses Emma's concerns about helping sexualize children, opting instead to demonstrate condoms on cucs. This proves to be an essential lesson.

Meanwhile, Santana offers to get her sweet lady kisses on with Brittany which is, HELLO, cheating, but Brittany can’t cuddle due to the FETUS IN HER UTERUS. Santana immediately tells everyone in the club, and when I say everyone I mean she pivots and Tina is walking right beside her who then tells Puck who is walking by and so on, and so forth. Also, when are Puck and Lauren Zizes finally going to bone and take away all of my frustrated high school memories? It’s like 2001 all over again. Keep on keeping on, woman. It comes out soon enough that Britney thought she was getting a baby because a stork was building a nest on her garage, which is both the cutest and most horrifying thing you can hear a sexually-active teen say. Schue realizes he needs to get his teaching on before everyone in his damn-near incestuous club is quick with child. If only there was a way to combine a much needed sex ed lesson with preparation for next week's regionals…Enter a leather-clad Gwyneth, and a musical lesson about sexy sexy sex.

While watching Oscar Award winner Paltrow on her knees, breasts out with an open jacket in front of Artie’s eager lap was, as Schue put it, "too much," even Rachel and Quinn get out of their seat for her swaggering version of Joan Jett's "Do You Want To Touch Me?" So of course Emma has the Celibacy Club perform a competing number: "Afternoon Delight," which Emma seems to think is a dessert containing pineapples, coconut and marshmallow fluff. Only if you want to get a wicked-bad yeast infection girl! Her husband Carl insists they meet with "Dr." Gwyneth to discuss their love life. It's revealed that the newly weds have not only never had sex, but Emma is almost certainly still in love with Will Schuester, which duh duh duh duh duuuuuuuuuuuh.

Post from: Crushable

'Glee' Recap: Vegetarianism For Lions, or It's Like Hugging But Wetter

How to Get Kate Bosworth's Asymmetrical Look

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 10:44 AM PST

The following is a guest post by our friends at

We love January Lucky cover girl Kate Bosworth. She had us from “hello” with her turn as the cute surfer chick that gets the guy in Blue Crush, but it’s her style chops that keep us coming back for more, whether she’s seated in the front row at Calvin Klein or just killing the competition on the red carpet. We spotted her in this seemingly effortless Isabel Marant look and wanted to copy it, like, now.

We’ve done the legwork so you can enjoy her look for much less:

More Kate Love:

Post from: Crushable

How to Get Kate Bosworth's Asymmetrical Look

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 09:10 AM PST

Twitter’s Fail Whale has its own account – With punchlines like #DealWithIt and #IDontMakeThisUp, the personification of overloaded Twitter sounds less like a happy whale held aloft by birds and more like a bro. (Twitter)

Post from: Crushable

Check Out The National's New Music Video Starring Kristen Schaal And John Slattery

Posted: 09 Mar 2011 09:02 AM PST

We’re huge fans of this trend of our favorite comedians starring in music videos by our favorite bands, even if the results can be a bit bizarre. In this vid for The National’s “Conversation 16″ stars Kristen Schaal as the United States President and also features John Slattery, James Urbaniak and a super intense love triangle.

Post from: Crushable

Check Out The National's New Music Video Starring Kristen Schaal And John Slattery


Post from: Crushable

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