Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Watch: Charlie Sheen Opens Up His Home To ‘Dateline NBC’, Lets The Crazy Out

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 01:13 PM PST

Charlie Sheen‘s crazy train continues to chug-chug-chug along as he opens up his home, again, to the media. In one of his latest interviews with Dateline NBC, Sheen and his friends (goddesses included) shows off various parts of his home … including a very strange shrine that he has set up for the sons he lost custody of this week. Essentially, it’s the same crazy … different day.

Charlie Sheen has opened a window into his life – and now he’s revealing home video of inside his Beverly Hills mansion. The footage … shows Sheen and his “goddesses,” Rachel Oberlin and Natalie Kenly, and several male pals hanging around the house, chatting, laughing and paying homage to a “shrine” set up in honor of Sheen’s son, Bob, who was taken away by police, along with twin brother Max, earlier this week. “This is the actual sippy cup or bottle that Bob was holding the other night as I put him in the car,” Sheen says, referring to the moment authorities removed the boys from the actor’s care and returned them to mom Brooke Mueller. “As a little shrine, much like in the Notre Dame locker room going onto the field you tap a sign that says, ‘Play Like a Champion Today,’ so as we walk by this in our house [we] tap the bottle and keep going.” The Two and a Half Men star is followed by a procession of people touching the bottle. Sheen then proclaims to the camera with a grin, “We’re coming for you, Bob.” … In another section of the video, a sweaty Sheen is seen working out intensely in what appears to by his home gym and listening to Eminem. He later shows off a garden gnome in his backyard.

I mean … yeah … this is the kind of stuff that you have to see to believe:

I don’t know much about Brooke Mueller and her parenting style (except for the horrible allegations leveled against her by Sheen himself) but I have to believe that the couple’s young sons are in much better hands with her than they would be in this house of insanity. It’s easy to laugh at Charlie Sheen‘s wackiness … but once you consider that there are very young children stuck in the middle of this mess, well, it just feels more sad than anything. I suspect Charlie will continue to carry on in this very manic way until someone forces him to stop (unlikely), he decides to stop on his own (very unlikely) or tragedy strikes and stops him dead in his tracks. OY! Remember when we thought Tom Cruise was crazy? Dang.


First Look: ‘Dancing With The Stars’ Season 12 Releases Cast Promo Photos

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 12:01 PM PST

Earlier this week we learned which celebs have been cast for the upcoming 12th season of Dancing with the Stars and today we get to see the official promo photos of all of the celebrity contestants each paired up with their professional dance partners. Altho I’m not a big fan of the show (for reasons too numerous to get into but particularly because the best contestants don’t usually win), I can’t help but want to root for Wendy Williams (on the women’s side) and Ralph Macchio (on the men’s side). Read on to see all of the promo photos.

Wendy Williams is fabulous and I think she’ll make for good TV … but I can’t help but love that Ralph Macchio — the original Karate Kid — is in the competition this season. It’s crazy how young the man still looks … and he will be 50 years old this year! I, personally, find the rest of the cast kinda blah … but, again, I’m not a big fan of the show so … yeah, for me it’s the Karate Kid or nothing! Check out the promo photos below … who are you rooting for? Who do you think will walk away with the mirror ball trophy this season?

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Les News, 030511

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 10:00 AM PST

Is Ryan Reynolds Coupling Up With A New Lady?

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 09:00 AM PST

On Wednesday we learned the someone surprising news that Scarlett Johansson may be coupling up with the much older Sean Penn as the pair were spotted sharing a very cozy lunch together in SoCal. As you may be well aware, Scarlett is currently divorcing her husband Ryan Reynolds. Ryan is currently in South Africa filming a movie called Safe House and it would seem that he, too, is moving on with a new love interest. Ryan and model Agnes Fischer were spotted looking very cozy together on the set of Safe House this week. Might lurve be in the air?

Ryan Reynolds, who filed for divorce in December from Scarlett Johansson, his wife of two years, appears to be moving on with his life. PEOPLE’s most recent Sexiest Man Alive, 34, has been getting chummy with German model Agnes Fischer both on and off the South African set of the political thriller Safe House, in which the actor stars opposite Denzel Washington. Fischer, who reportedly turns 25 next week, has been a frequent visitor to the set and has a small part in the film. South African GQ first identified Fischer as the woman photographed having coffee with Reynolds at Cape Town’s Old Biscuit Mill, a popular market. Reynolds’s rep had no comment about his reported relationship with Fischer.

I say, good for him! It is commonly believed that it was Scarlett who decided to end the couple’s marriage and that Ryan really wanted to stay together. But, now that his marriage is over there is no reason why he shouldn’t be able to explore other options with new ladies. Sure, I think pretty much every one on Earth wants Ryan to hook up romantically with his Proposal co-star Sandra Bullock but I think it’s been firmly established that those two are just friends. We’ll have to wait and see what may come from this new hook-up going on in South Africa but, considering how private Ryan Reynolds tends to be, I wouldn’t hold my breath for any sort of official confirmation of any new relationship. I hope he’s happy, tho … that’s really all that matters.


Alex O’Loughlin Does Australian ‘GQ Style’ Magazine

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 08:00 AM PST

Hawaii Five-0 hottie Alex O’Loughlin is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Australian GQ Style magazine, due out on newsstands on March 7. As a fan of the man’s work since his vampire days on the defunct CBS series Moonlight, I have been faithfully watching Five-0 since the series debut last Fall. As a fan of the man’s looks, I’ve been happy to post any and all photos possible … so this feature in GQ Style is a welcome sight to see.

Altho the magazine’s photospread has yet to be released, we do get to see some of the photos in a behind-the-scenes video that has been released by GQ of Alex‘s shoot. Here are a few screencaps of the photos that will be published in this issue of the magazine:

And here is the video itself:

Not only is Alex a very talented, very hot man but he is also a total sweetheart as well. I’m glad to see that one of his TV shows is finally finding success. He’s had a string of shows on CBS that failed to find an audience … but I think he finally struck gold with Hawaii Five-0. I hope we get to see more of him in other magazine’s soon :D


‘Conan The Barbarian’ Releases A Motion Poster

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 07:05 AM PST

A few weeks ago we got to check out two new promo photos from the upcoming remake film Conan the Barbarian. As you may know, this new version Conan stars the very beefy, very ripped Jason Momoa in the lead role. Today we get to see a cool new promo photo for the film … the movie studio has released a motion poster for Conan that features the barbarian standing atop a pile of human skulls as the clouds roll in behind him. It’s a pretty sweet sight to see.

I love these motion posters so much. Altho we can only see them online and not hanging up on walls (yet), the very sight of them make me feel like I’m at Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. You will note that the poster announces for the first time (I believe) that the film will be presented in 3D. As much as I love the original Conan films from the 80′s (which star former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger) I am very much looking forward to the release of this new version. This poster looks cool, don’t it?


Kristen Stewart Has Been Cast As Snow White

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 06:06 AM PST

In early February we learned that Twilight star Kristen Stewart was up for the lead role as Snow White in a planned live action movie version of the classic fairytale. Today we learn from one of the film’s producers that Kristen has, indeed, won the role of Snow White and will begin filming the movie Snow White & The Huntsman in late Summer.

@kstewartnews We start shooting Snow White & The Huntsman on August 1st in London, Scotland, & Germany!!

As I said before, the decision to play Snow White was really up to K. Stew … the producers wanted her for the role (obvs because she comes complete with a built in and very rabid fanbase) so it was up to her to say yes or no to the role. I’m not sure how I feel about Kristen playing Snow White but I think it is deffo a smart move on her part to play the role. Now … all we have left to do is wait and see if Channing Tatum will really play the part of Peter Pan in another fairytale adapted film. I’m starting to see a pattern forming. It looks like fairytales are quickly becoming the new vampire films. As for Kristen’s casting … do you approve?


David Arquette Involved In A Car Crash, Tweets ‘I’m Fine’

Posted: 05 Mar 2011 05:00 AM PST

David Arquette, the crazy man in Hollywood a few weeks ago before Charlie Sheen came in to steal the title, was involved in a head-on car crash in SoCal yesterday which resulted in only minor injuries. The cause of the crash is not yet known but it is being reported that Arquette‘s car veered into oncoming traffic and that is when he slammed head-first into another car. The driver of that vehicle suffered minor injuries as well. According to tweets posted just after the accident on his official Twitter profile, Arquette was not wearing his seat belt … but, thankfully, he was well enough to post messages to Twitter.

David Arquette was just involved in a head-on collision and he’s injured … TMZ has learned. David was driving in West Hollywood just a few minutes ago … when his car veered into oncoming traffic. David is lying on the ground right now — bleeding — as fire trucks are racing to the scene. A witness tells TMZ … David was behind a car that stopped suddenly. David then swerved to the left to avoid hitting the car and went into oncoming traffic. David slammed into a car going in the opposite direction. David was driving a silver Cadillac. We’re told David was on his way to Burbank airport to board a private jet which was going to Las Vegas, for the grand opening of Sugar Factory — a candy store at the Paris Hotel. He was supposed to attend a party hosted by Kim Kardashian. He’s being taken away by ambulance right now. Authorities now say the drivers of both vehicles suffered minor to moderate injuries.

Just after the accident, Arquette started posting a bunch of messages on Twitter … and then some of them were deleted from his timeline. Here are the tweets that he did not delete and are still viewable online:

Remember to wear your seatbelt-wish I was. / It was a miracle the woman I hit was uninjured- Thank God! / I was on my way to catch a plane to Vegas to help my buddy Stevie D open his restaurant The Sugar Factory / so sad i’m going to miss it but glad to be alive for a rain check. Refused all pain medication-may the record state- still sober!

Here is the text of a tweet that Arquette posted and has since deleted:

Apparently he decided not to make light of the situation by making a joke about “tiger blood” (a reference to the crazy rantings of Charlie Sheen) so he decided to change the tweet to read “dragon blood”:

And then the tweet was deleted altogether. My guess is that the jokes were removed from his Twitter timeline so that they can’t be used against him if/when he gets sued by the other driver. As we learned yesterday from Courtney Love, the misuse of Twitter can cost you a pretty penny.

It’s just very good news that no one was seriously injured in this accident. Even tho he doesn’t follow his own advice, YOU should always wear a seat belt while driving or being driven in a car. This accident could’ve turned out very tragically … thank goodness David Arquette and the other driver will live on to see another day.

[Source, Source]

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