Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Back In 1946 The Walt Disney Company Wanted To Teach You About Menstruation

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:00 PM PST

Here is your fun WTF? video of the day … back in the good ol’ days (around the late 1940′s/early 1950′s) the Walt Disney Company used to make educational animated films to teach young people about, well, things. Among the things that Disney animated a film about was the female menstruation cycle. Trust me, it’s worth spending a few minutes watching this odd yet educational video … and who knows, you may even learn something in the process.

LOL!! This shizz is hilarious … but also kinda cool. I love how the girl in the video kinda looks like a Disney princess. Disney animation is fantastic no matter what the subject matter … but even they have a hard time making fallopian tubes look cute. Ain’t this video a hoot? Hope you enjoy!!

[Source via Source]

Lindsay Lohan Does ‘Mode Gal’ Magazine

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 05:00 PM PST

Let’s forget for a second all of Lindsay Lohan‘s legal troubles — including the video surveillance tape that we got to see earlier today — and focus for a minute on one of her new photospreads. L. Lo is featured in the new issue of Mode Gal magazine (a special issue of Japanese Nylon magazine) and I have to say, homegirl looks damn good! While some of her trademark posing rears its boring head, many of the photos are interesting enough to actually be … good. Check out the cover and accompanying photospread of Lindsay in Mode Gal below.

The coverphoto is not really my fave because all of the text seems to make the whole thing too bizzy … but the rest of the shoot is pretty cool. While Lindsay‘s behavior may drive me bonkers from time to time (ok, all of the time), I have no problem giving her props when she does something right. Check out the photos below and tell me she doesn’t look fantastic in most of them. Which one of the photos is your fave?

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Blake Lively Is The New Face Of Chanel Mademoiselle Handbags

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 04:00 PM PST

Gossip Girl & Green Lantern star Blake Lively has been named the new celebrity spokesmodel for Chanel‘s Mademoiselle line of handbags. As you may recall, Blake‘s Lantern co-star Ryan Reynolds is featured in his own ad campaign for Hugo Boss … so the release of her promo photos for the new Chanel campaign is very timely.

Following all those will-she-won’t-she attend the Chanel show rumours, Blake Lively landed in Paris over the weekend to unveil her first designer campaign for Chanel’s Mademoiselle handbag line. At a dinner hosted by Karl Lagerfeld, the Gossip Girl starlet caught up with WWD to talk all manner of things, including why she isn’t interested in launching a fashion project of her own. “I have such a respect for fashion and such an appreciation for it that if there are people like Karl Lagerfeld out there designing, who am I?” she asks. “I want to bow down to them and be a representative for them if they’ll have me”. And have her they did. According to Blake, she was surprised the results of her photo session with Karl didn’t include images of her “with my jaw on the floor.” The ads, which were captured by the Chanel creative director in Paris’ historic Rue Cambon, are due to break in the next fortnight, and will continue through until June.

This is a great campaign photo and I, personally, think Blake Lively is a great choice as a celebrity spokesmodel. She is one of those young women who never gets in trouble, never publicly flaunts her fame and just does good work. While I am not really the target audience for this ad campaign, I can appreciate how it might be appealing to Chanel fans. She looks great, don’t you think? Are you a fan of Blake for Chanel?


David Beckham & The Boys Train Together, Shop Together, Snack Together

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 03:00 PM PST

Now that David Beckham is back home in LA from his 3-month sojourn away in Europe, he is really lookin’ to spend as much time with his sons as possible. Last weekend, Becks took the boys to an LA Galaxy training session and then for a bit of shopping at a skateboard shop … and then out for some ice cream. Basically it was a day of Beckham Bonding … of the cutest magnitude.

The football star enjoyed a boys day out with his young sons yesterday with a kickabout after training with his team. Romeo, eight, and Cruz, six, joined their father on the field where they worked on their football skills in the sunshine. David, 35, was decked out head to toe in his LA Galaxy gear, but instead of supporting their father’s latest team, his youngest sons opted instead for rival English club kits … It appears that in the Beckham household, you can pick and choose your loyalties. Football isn’t even the only sport on the agenda, as in many English homes, with the family often on the sidelines for baseball and basketball games too. Brooklyn, who turned 12 on Friday, did not join his brothers for the kickabout. But all of the Beckham boys were seen out and about late, enjoying a frozen yoghurt treat from hip Beverly Hills store Pinkberry. The brood were all dressed for comfort in fashionable trainers as they strolled en masse down the street. The boys club will be coming to an end soon though, with rumours hotting up that David and Victoria will indeed be welcoming a baby girl.

The Beckham boys club might be broken up even if Posh and Becks don’t have a girl because there are other rumors that Brooklyn might be sent to London for boarding school! In any event, it always looks like the Beckham boys have a great time when they are playing together. It’ll be fun to see them out and about with a new little sibling ;)

[Photo credit: X17; Source]

The 4th Season Of ‘The Real Housewives Of NYC’ Will Premiere On April 7

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 02:00 PM PST

Back in January we learned that the 4th season of The Real Housewives of NYC would be debuting on Bravo TV in mid-February. Then, the premiere date got canceled due to the fact that Bravo was still filming new footage for the show … and The Real Housewives of Miami was released in its place. Today we learn that the 4th season of RHONYC has a new premiere date and a new preview clip. Check out new video footage of the upcoming new season of The Real Housewives of NYC which is now set to premiere on Tuesday April 7.

The apples of our eye, The Real Housewives of New York City, are coming back to us! The Manhattan (and Brooklyn) ladies will premiere on Thursday, April 7, at 10/9c. We know you’ve been waiting patiently, but the ladies will finally return to you (and Thursdays) this season, with bushels (too much?) of delightful drama. From the gang’s glamorous jaunt to Morocco, to our already-favorite dig “thug in a cocktail dress” (delivered by the ultimate messenger, Alex McCord), to the Countess finding love again, the new season will definitely be worth the wait. Also amping up the action this go-round will be new ‘Wife, Cindy Barshop. Cindy’s no stranger to baring all — she’s known for her Completely Bare hair removal spas. We’ve even got a sneak peek of her palatial pad to get you acquainted.

Baring any major events going down in the Big Apple between now and April 7, I would assume that Bravo will be sticking to this premiere date. Check out the new video footage released by Bravo to tease the upcoming new season of the show:

I’m so bummed that Bethenny Frankel is no longer on the show because, honestly, she’s the only Housewife that I really loved on the show. I used to be such a Jill Zarin fan but now she just strikes me as a jealous beyotch and I really can’t stand the sight of her. Still … I’ll be tuning in to see if the NYC Housewives can keep my attention. This clip has piqued my interest. Let’s see if the whole Bethenny-less season can keep me watching. Are any of y’all excited for the return of the RHONYC?


Mariah Carey Thanks Her Lambs For All The Nice Baby Shower Gifts

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 01:00 PM PST

Last week we learned that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon were having a baby shower for their incubating twin babies this past Sunday March 6 and today we learn that Mimi has updated her official website with a message of thanks for all the people who attended the shower as well as those who did not attend the shower but still sent gifts. You can read the full text of Mariah‘s thankful message below.

Thank you SO much to all who came to the baby shower last night and all who couldn’t be there but sent such beautiful presents and sweet messages!

Still haven’t really opened all the gifts but seeing so many people who came from all over the world to be there with us was the BEST gift we could ask for!

The “Always Be My Babies” ‘Lamb Book’ is definitely my new prized possession and I can’t thank the Lambs around the world enough for your letters & well wishes.

FYI-we so had a “moment” in the middle of the shower when they presented the book to me and everyone thought it was the cutest, most thoughtful thing ever! Clearly, only the Lambs would swing something like that home!!! It was the best moment of the night. I can’t wait for the twins to read the messages and feel the love!!! : )

Again, thank you so much to our friends and family for making it an unforgettable experience

Love ya much always!!!


Mimi & Nick

It is clear that Mariah‘s fans, or Lambs as she likes to call them, really have mad love for her … and she has made love for them in return. It’s nice to know that altho Mariah Carey has more money than she knows what to do with, she still appreciates the kind gifts and sentiments sent to her by fans. I think it’s lovely that her fans sent her a handcrafted gift and I think it’s really freakin’ cool that Mimi took the time to publicly thank everyone for the kind gesture.


A Neues Experience

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 12:00 PM PST

Last night was a quiet one for us. Because we stayed out in the morning/early afternoon longer, we were stuck in our room working late into the night. We took a break for dinner but that was about it. Today we made our way to Museum Island to check out the antiquities at the Neues Museum. Afterward we tried to go for a hot air balloon ride but couldn’t because of the high winds. Instead, we visited the Checkpoint Charlie Museum, saw more of the Berlin Wall and met up for lunch with our new friend Michael.

The Neues Museum was pretty spectacular. I love seeing antiquities up close and the the Neues Museum has a lot to offer. Their main attraction, a bust of Egyptian queen Nefertiti, was really fantastic to see in person but all of the Egyptian and Roman artifacts on display were stunning. Next, visited the Berliner Dom and then made our way to the center of town for a hot air balloon ride but the balloon was grounded today due to high winds. Instead, we visited the Checkpoint Charlie Museum which stands at the part where East and West Berlin were divided at the old US Army Checkpoint:

The Checkpoint Charlie Museum is really a fantastic visit, I highly recommend it. Seeing artifacts from the time when Berlin was divided in half was really moving. So many people lost their lives trying to scale the Berlin Wall but it was very happy to learn of the people who were successful in fleeing Communist East Berlin.

For lunch, we met with a new friend Michael (an American living here in Berlin) in Mitte and then came back to our place to work. Tonight, we are planning to meet up with some other friends for Mardi Gras celebrating, Berlin style. It should be a blast!! Happy Fat Tuesday, Happy Mardi Gras and Happy International Women’s Day!

Les News, 030811

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 11:00 AM PST

Is Julie Taymor Leaving ‘Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark’?

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 10:16 AM PST

The embattled Broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark is considering a complete overhaul of the show … an overhaul that might result in bringing in an entirely new creative team … and might force the exit of director Julie Taymor. I’m not sure if Taymor‘s termination from the show will be enough to save the behemoth of a musical spectacle but it would surely be a huge embarrassment for the usually esteemed director.

The producers of Broadway's "Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark" were negotiating on Monday with their director, Julie Taymor, for her to work with a newly expanded creative team to fix the critically derided $65 million musical or possibly leave the show, according to people who work on "Spider-Man" or have been briefed on the negotiations. The artistic direction ahead for "Spider-Man" — twice as expensive as any show in Broadway history — involves more decisions than just Ms. Taymor's future, according to these people, who spoke anonymously because the producers have insisted that no information be disclosed about the talks. The producers and Ms. Taymor and her co-creators, Bono and the Edge of U2, are also discussing how extensively to overhaul the script and music; how many outside consultants should be hired, and who; and when to open the show, which set a record at its Sunday matinee for the most preview performances ever, its 98th. Ken Sunshine, one of the spokesmen for the production, said in response to several questions on Monday night: "We are not commenting on speculation." The opening night for "Spider-Man" has already been delayed five times; the current opening date, March 15, seems all but certain to fall, since by Monday night theater critics had not been invited to review it (normally invitations are sent about two weeks before). All of the people who spoke about the negotiations said that the producers now viewed a March 15 opening as unlikely. Many critics, in fact, issued reviews after the previously scheduled opening night of Feb. 7. Ben Brantley, the chief theater critic of The New York Times, wrote that "Spider-Man" may "rank among the worst" musicals in history. For all the decisions to be made, the role of Ms. Taymor is the most freighted one … The people who spoke about the negotiations said that, throughout Monday, they were not sure if Ms. Taymor would stay or go as director. One person briefed on the negotiations said that Bono, who has been away for much of the show's preview period, had taken a direct role in the talks. What is certain, the people said, was that the producers saw the potential for major changes to the musical, which they hope to mount for years in productions around the world, and that Ms. Taymor either needed to accept help in making those changes or face a different outcome, potentially her exit from the show. The names of multiple directors, choreographers and playwrights have been ricocheting around the Broadway community for days now. It was not clear on Monday who would be hired. By turns frustrated and determined, exhausted and engaged, Ms. Taymor has also alternated between acknowledging that the production had serious artistic flaws and insisting that she have more of a chance to improve it, the people who spoke in interviews said … Of "Spider-Man," she said in her speech: "Anyone who creates knows — when it's not quite there. Where it hasn't quite become the phoenix or the burnt char. And I am right there."

As word of the escalating price tag of this show started to be reported, it seemed to me that Julie Taymor had bitten off more than she can chew. As news continued to spread of all the technical problems that have hindered the show from opening, it seemed certain to me that she deffo had bitten off more than she can chew. If she cannot work with a new creative team for the success of the show, we’ll know for sure how much she truly cares about the production. To be honest, I’ve never felt a passionate love from her about the show. She has defended it, yes, but I never believed that she loved it. I’m terribly curious to find out if she will stay with Spider-Man or if she will jump ship. Any guesses which way she might go?


Prince William & Fiancée Kate Middleton Flip Pancakes In Belfast

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 09:18 AM PST

Prince William and his bride-to-be Kate Middleton made their way to Belfast today to toss pancakes in celebration of Shrove Tuesday. Well, okay, the pancake tossing wasn’t the main purpose for their visit … but it was, by far, the most fun part of their day, I’d say. Which one was the better flipper, Kate or Wills? Read on to find out.

Kate Middleton added another talent to the list as she showed off her pancake-tossing skills today in Belfast. The future Princess celebrated Shrove Tuesday by mastering the art of the flip, impressing the crowds – and Prince William – with her culinary trick. The Royal couple are touring the UK ahead of the wedding in April and by the looks of things, there is little doubt that she is settling into her new role with confidence and ease. And for a refreshing change, Kate opted to wear an on-trend £650 Burberry trench coat with skirt detailing, a notable contrast to the more formal attire we have seen over the last two weeks – swapping her flat boots for high-heel courts. Perhaps Kate, 29, has been taking note of the fashion critics who have called for the future Princess to adopt an edgier, younger look. There have already been reports that Kate has decided to have her wedding dress designed by Alexander McQueen’s avant-garde protegee Sarah Burton – a welcome choice in the fashion world. And although the rumours have been heavily denied, it seems Kate’s slight but bold sartorial adjustment today is a statement that she intends to make conscious fashion decisions when it comes to her wardrobe. Either way, she looked stunning in the neutral piece, teamed with opaque tights and sapphire engagement ring as the couple brought the centre of Belfast to a standstill.

I must admit, I don’t understand the tradition of flipping pancakes for Shrove Tuesday but it does look fun. Here is video of Wills and then Kate trying their hands at pancake flipping earlier today:

I dunno … it’s a tough call but … I’d have to say that Prince William was the better pancake flipper. See, now he has a vocation to fall back on … you know, should the whole business of being a prince and future king doesn’t work out for him ;)

[Source, Source]

Anderson Cooper & His Manfriend Benjamin Maisani Celebrate Mardi Gras Together

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 08:15 AM PST

When last we saw photos of CNN newscaster Anderson Cooper out and about with his male friend (and rumored love interest) Benjamin Maisani, it was Summer of last year and the guys were biking together in NYC. This week, the pair showed up in New Orleans, LA to partake of the Mardi Gras celebrations going on there. Anderson and his BFF Kelly Ripa presided over a Mardi Gras parade as Grand Marshals and Coop brought along Benjamin for a ride in the float. Ain’t that just cute?

Anderson Cooper Brought His Boyfriend to Mardi GrasAnderson Cooper was one of the grand masters of the Endymion parade yesterday, one of the largest in New Orleans annual Mardi Gras celebration. But he couldn’t do it alone. No, he brought his “companion” along for the ride. Cooper, Kelly Ripa (New York’s A-gay fag hag numero uno), and her husband Mark Consuelos presided over the parade yesterday as grand marshals and partied at the New Orleans Convention Center the night before during the coronation ceremony. That’s where this picture of The Coop and his main man, Benjamin Maisani was snapped. To up the queer factor, we hear Bravo honcho Andy Cohen was rolling with the group, too. It makes perfect sense for Ben to be there. He’s the perfect Mardi Gras “companion,” because he has no compunction about going shirtless in public.

It has long been rumored that Andy and Ben are romantically involved but Anderson has never confirmed the speculation, as is his right. Clearly the folks at Gawker seem pretty certain what is going on betwixt Anderson and Benjamin but, again, it’s all merely speculative. That being said, we know what is going on here. As long as Anderson is happy, it doesn’t matter who he chooses to celebrate Mardi Gras with. It looks like the boys had a blast … despite being all buttoned up in those suits. My guess is that the guys got down to more dressed down fun elsewhere … and out of sight.


Eva Longoria & Eduardo Cruz Still Together, Still Kissin’

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 07:16 AM PST

When last we saw Eva Longoria and her younger toyboy Eduardo Cruz sharin’ a smooch together, they were holidaying on a yacht off the coast of Miami, FL. It would appear that the couple are still going strong and still in the kissy-kissy phase … but they have moved their lovefest to LA. Eva and Eddie were spotted this week at the Chateau Marmont and they were not shy about showing off their new love affair in public.

New couple Eva Longoria and Eduardo Cruz have been playing it coy over the past few months. But as the pair’s romance heats up, it looks like they don’t care who knows it as they put on a passionate show of affection in Los Angeles yesterday. The Desperate Housewives actress, 35, and Spanish singer/songwriter Cruz, 25, shared a heated kiss as they lunched at the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood. After months of incognito dates, Longoria and Penelope Cruz’s little brother finally looked comfortable to be photographed in public together. Their choice of Chateau Marmont, well known by paparazzi for its celebrity patronage, suggests they were happy to be snapped together. Perhaps Longoria is feeling more content about going public after her ex-husband Tony Parker apparently gave his blessing two weeks ago, saying: ‘She can do whatever she wants.’ The couple have been dating since at least December – a month after Longoria announced her split from San Antonio Spurs basketball player Parker. The Texas-raised actress was first spotted with Cruz at her Los Angeles restaurant Beso in October – before she had gone public with her marriage split. Eduardo was seen leaving Eva’s home on Christmas Eve morning, and then they were seen enjoying a flamenco dance troupe at Hollywood cabaret club Cafe Was in January. Her publicist played down rumours of a romance at the time, saying that they are ‘just friends’ and that ‘Eva does not have a boyfriend’. Longoria and Parker’s divorce was finalised in a Texas court on January 28, just two months after they filed their respective petitions. Soon after, Longoria wrote on her Twitter page: ‘Starting over is hard to do, but life goes on. I pray for strength, courage and wisdom on my new journey.’ The couple split suddenly in November amid allegations that Parker had cheated on her with his team mate’s wife. While Longoria gave her blessing to close friend Mario Lopez to claim Parker had cheated on her, the basketball player remained silent. Lopez told U.S. TV show Extra: ‘She found hundreds of text messages from another woman on Tony’s phone. She is devastated, so [she] decided to end it.’

Whoa! I guess I didn’t know that Eva and Eduardo had been creepin’ around for so long. By the time the photos of the pair holidaying together in Miami early last month, they had already been well hooked up for months. To be honest, they seem to make a much better match than Eva did with Tony. It’s clear that these two are really into one another. We’ll have to wait and see if this romance turns out to be a fling for something more serious … for now, tho, it just looks like the couple are having fun together. What do y’all think of Eva and Eduardo together? Are you a fan?

[Photo credit: X17; Source]

Newly Fired Charlie Sheen Brandishes A Machete, Drinks Tiger Blood, Releases Another Ep Of ‘Sheen’s Korner’

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 07:01 AM PST

Just hours after he was tersely fired by Warner Bros. from his hit CBS TV series Two and a Half Men, Charlie Sheen was spotted yesterday high atop the Live Nation building in LA after he reportedly attended a “top secret meeting” there. Sheen was photographed waving around a machete and drinking from a bottled labeled “Tiger Blood”, in fine wackjob style. Apparently, Sheen feels that he is now “free at last” from the constraints of his WB contract but still plans to sue the studio for terminating his contract. So, yeah, it was basically your typical Monday afternoon for Charlie Sheen.

He may have been sacked from his sitcom, but it is becoming increasingly clear that Charlie Sheen is perfectly capable of creating his own drama. The crazed actor topped off a week of bizarre antics by brandishing a machete and drinking a red substance from a bottle labelled Tiger Blood – on top of a roof. Sheen, 45, was pictured on the roof of live-events company Live Nation’s headquarters in Beverly Hills where he held a ‘top secret meeting’ with contacts, according to U.S. reports. It came hours after the star lost his $2million-an-episode gig on the CBS show Two And A Half Men yesterday. Makers Warner Bros fired the actor after sending a damning 11-page letter to his lawyer, accusing him of breaching his contract due to his drug use and failure to seek proper help. As he stood on the roof of Live Nation, joined by one of his girlfriends Natalie Kenly, Sheen exclaimed: ‘Free at last… free at last,’ reported … Sheen is now preparing to file a lawsuit against Warner Bros and the show’s creator Chuck Lorre, according to RadarOnline … ”Warner Bros’ position is ridiculous,’ Singer told the website. ‘We will proceed with our claims against Chuck Lorre and Warner Bros. Nothing has changed in terms of that.’

Altho we do not know, yet, what possible deal he may have worked out with Live Nation (a US tour, perhaps?) we do know that Sheen continues to try his hand at Internet stardom via his new Ustream webseries. Episode 3 of Sheen’s Korner was broadcast last night, the ep was titled Still Winning:

If you consider that Charlie Sheen is still making money hand over fist despite being fired from Two and a Half Men, I suppose the argument could be made that he is, indeed, “still winning”. Tho, it’s hard to watch the jittery mess of a man in this video and consider him any kind of winner at all. My guess is that his now defunct contract with Warner Bros. was the only thing really keeping him in check before now. He might unleash a whole new level of crazy now that he is “free at last”. Be afraid, be very afraid.

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source, Source]

Watch: The Lindsay Lohan Surveillance Video

Posted: 08 Mar 2011 06:13 AM PST

Yesterday we got to see screencaps from the infamous surveillance video that reportedly shows Lindsay Lohan in the act of stealing a $2,500. necklace and today we get to see a portion of the actual video footage itself. Entertainment Tonight struck up a deal to broadcast the video on their show and they have made a portion of the footage available for posting online. Check out the footage for yourselves and see if YOU can tell if Lindsay Lohan is stealing or not. [Be warned: the video behind the cut autoplays]

We’ve already brought you the revealing photos of Lindsay Lohan shopping at the Venice, CA jewelry store trying on the $2,500 necklace in connection with the reportedly stolen goods and now we bring you the exclusive video! The video, obtained by The Associated Press and licensed to ET and its sister show “The Insider,” shows four different camera angles and is 42 minutes in length. Lindsay, accompanied by a male companion, was dressed in shorts and hiking boots as she tried on several jewelry pieces. The actress was charged with one count of felony grand theft in connection with the stolen goods. Lindsay and her lawyer, Shawn Holley, have maintained her innocence.

The HUGE ET logo really obscures a lot of the video but I’m still not sure what I’m seeing. Yes, Lindsay appears to be putting on the necklace and we know that she had possession of it after she left the store. I think it’s pointless for us to determine her guilt or innocence based on this footage (no matter how much of the 42 minutes is seen). Lindsay‘s freedom is in the hands of the court system. If she plea bargains, she’ll get jail. If she goes to trial and she loses, she’ll get jail. She may even get jail no matter what decision she makes based on the fact that her arrest for the theft constitutes a probation violation. This video is merely entertainment. We’ll have a better understanding of Lindsay‘s fate when she shows up in court on Friday. As for this video … what do y’all think? Is your mind made up?


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