Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Rihanna Fights AIDS With Lip Service! Learn More About Her MAC Viva Glam Campaign HERE!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 12:21 PM PST

Rihanna stopped by Good Morning America on Wednesday to talk about her charitable new role with MAC!

As we've discussed before, RiRi is going from creative partner to philanthropic partner in an effort to raise $40 million for the MAC AIDS Fund!

And you can help! How? Just by putting your money where your mouth is! 100% of the profits of Viva Glam lipstick and lip gloss are going to the Fund!

Learn more about all the selfless deets in the full interview ...AFTER THE JUMP!!!

See more US News from ABC|ABC World News

[Image via GMA/Twitter.]

Justin Bieber Would Be Deported If Up To Nick Carter! The BSB Star Even Named A Replacement Hunk!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 12:10 PM PST

Soooo...who is next in line to take the teen heartthrob throne from Justin Bieber???

Well, if it's up to Nick Carter that throne WILL be available, although we suspect he might have to throw Biebs off of it.

Or maybe he can hold out hope that the deportation petition is an actual success because it sure sounds like he wants Bieberoni out of the good ol' U.S. of A.!

And he even named a replacement heartthrob for Beliebers to swoon over in case they're feeling a void without their hair-flipping honey! The Backstreet Boys blondie commented:

"Justin Bieber's cool and all ... a whole new generation .... but he's Canadian. Aaron's American. Go back to Canada, Justin ... America, stick with my brother."

Aaron Carter??

Well, he does look pretty ripped without a shirt on. And he did once woo Hilary Duff AND Lindsay Lohan.

But, even Nick once admitted Aaron wasn't much of a macho man...

...then again, maybe that's what we all need in a heartthrob these days, a big ol' softie!

[Images via WENN.]

Paul Rudd & Adam Scott Are A Pair Of Bosom Buddies On The Greatest Event In Television History! Watch It HERE!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 12:00 PM PST

This reunion of former Parks and Rec co-stars Paul Rudd and Adam Scott may in fact be the greatest event in television history.

Paul and Adam had the lofty challenge of trying to recreate shot for shot the opening credit sequence from Bosom Buddies, which starred a young Tom Hanks and Girls' Peter Scolari, for the series The Greatest Event in Television History.

It's really a spitting image of the source material, and by that we mean you will be laughing so hard, you'll spit on the image on the screen!

Aside from featuring Paul and Adam's hilarity, this episode features a cameo by Tom, and even has Billy Joel himself performing the opening song My Life!

Ch-ch-check out the HIGHlarious recreation (above)!!!

Real Housewives' Joanna Krupa Wants To Switch From Miami To WHICH Bling Bling City!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 11:51 AM PST

She's definitely sassy enough for the 90210!

Joanna Krupa is already starring on Real Housewives of Miami, but apparently the Floridian shores aren't good enough for her!

The bicoastal beauty would allegedly MUCH prefer to star on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills or Orange County.

Oh, so THAT's why she's been hanging out with Gretchen Rossi, Kyle Richards, and Joyce Giraud so much!!!

Still, no matter how babelicious and blonde the model might be, producers likely won't be caving in to her demands!

The network reportedly just isn't into making any Housewives switcheroos.

We also imagine there would be a SEVERE lack of dramz in Miami without the fiesty new wifey.

Sorry, gurl!!!

Regardless, we're totally enjoying watching her claw for a spot in her skin-tillating outfits. HA!

Oprah Winfrey Has Strong Feelings On Turning 60! Check Out Her Opinion On The Big Day HERE!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 11:41 AM PST

Can y'all believe it??!

Oprah turns 60 today and she's "so glad" to reach the milestone year too!

Actually, Oprah is excited enough that she's spilling her thoughts for all of us to enjoy.

And they are just as wise and profound as you'd imagine.

Oprah said:

"I'm more secure in being myself than I've ever been."

Well, yeah! If we were Oprah we'd be feeling pretty confident about our accomplishments too! HA!

But how exactly will she be spending the next coming years??!

She might've retired from her talk show, but she's nowhere NEAR done changing the world:

"I simply want to share what I've been given. I want to continue to encourage as many people as I can to open their hearts to life, because if I know anything for sure, it's that opening my own heart is what has brought me my greatest success and joy."

And even though she's made a huge impact on all of us, she can't help but throw back some thanks.

Oprah continued:

"Some days the awareness of the sanctity and sacredness of life brings me to my knees with gratitude. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the idea that the little girl from Mississippi who grew up holding her nose in an outhouse now flies on her own plane -- my own plane! -- to Africa to help girls who grew up like her."

Oh, gurl! You're a true visionary!

Just keep doing you and keep spreading all that amazing positivity for us to learn from.

We hope you have the BEST DAY because you definitely deserve it!!!

P.S. Craving more inspiration from Oprah?! CLICK HERE to read her 15 most aH-Mazing quotes!

Demi Lovato Is Asked About Ke$ha's Difficult Stay In Rehab. Her Kind Words Of Encouragement Will Melt Your Heart

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 11:22 AM PST

Demi Lovato knows all too well what it's like to drop everything and learn to re-love yourself!

So when she was asked about Ke$ha's current stay at Timberline Knolls treatment center (the same one Demi lived in three years ago) the Neon Lights singer only had the kindest words!

In a new interview during Grammys week, Demi-corn explained that Ke$ha is currently in the best hands and couldn't stop sending well wishes her way:

"Yeah, I wish her the absolute best and I think she is doing a really great thing for herself. It's really great when you take time out of a schedule that everybody wants you. There are so many things, you work so hard and then you kind of forget about yourself, and you don't really get to treat the things that everyone has... like stress."

She then revealed a bit about her experience at the Chicago-based treatment facility:

"When I took that experience, I needed it to live. It taught me a lot and it helped me a ton. I wish her the absolute best. She's a really sweet girl and she's going to be fine."

Maybe Demz will act as a sponsor of sorts for the recovering Timber singer!

We know she loves to give back---and since they're in the same industry, she can totes relate, no?!

Ch-ch-check out the full interview...AFTER THE JUMP!!!

[Images via Instagram/BauerGriffinOnline.]

One Direction Stumbles Into A Kebab Shop & Takes Over The Late Night Eatery! Watch The Midnight Memories Teaser HERE!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 11:10 AM PST

Friday can't come soon enough!!

One Direction released the first video teaser for their new music video Midnight Memories and it was just enough to whet our appetite!

No pun intended. LOLz!

The teaser shows a too-short clip of the boys stumbling into a late night kebab eatery stirring up some cray cray fun in the restaurant!

But srsly, is anyone else surprised that Harry Styles would put on an apron to serve his bandmates and everyone else there?!

But where-oh-where are the cute scooters and boat rides we've been teased?!

Ch-ch-check out the teaser (above)!

Justin Bieber's Confident In New Music Video Teaser! But Is It HOT Enough To Distract From Legal Dramz?! Watch HERE!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 10:50 AM PST

Justin Bieber might be recovering from a brief stay in jail, but that isn't slowing his career down!

In fact, he's about to release the music video - later TODAY - for his song Confident, from his latest album Journals.

As any good musician does (who isn't as cool as Beyoncé), he's released a teaser of the music vid to whet our appetites.

And that teaser has just what you'd expect of lil' Bieberoni! A seXXXy lady, some dance moves, dark and mysterious staring. But is that enough???

Fans are most def still reeling from his DUI and resisting arrest disaster in Miami, so we're not sure this music vid is spicy enough to heat fans up so much they can't even spell DUI. LOLz!

We mean, it doesn't even look like he takes his shirt off in it!

Ch-ch-check it out (above) and tell us what U think!

Emma Roberts Takes Her Engagement Ring On A Shopping Spree! But When Will It Be For A Wedding Dress?!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 10:40 AM PST

Emma Roberts certainly loves getting her shop on.

Gurlfriend was spotted yesterday picking out some fab items while shopping along Melrose Ave. in El Lay, just like she was caught doing last week!

Perhaps she's searching for some gorge new items to wear during all her upcoming wedding activities?!

Or maybe she just needs to get some new clothes to match that sparkling diamond on her finger that she's FINALLY happily showing off!

Whatever her reason for shopping, we just wish it would be for a wedding dress already. Can you imagine how fun that'll be to see??

[Image via BauerGriffinOnline.]

Robert Pattinson's Shirtless & Mildy Terrifying In The Rover! Watch The First Teaser Trailer HERE!

Posted: 29 Jan 2014 10:35 AM PST

Robert Pattinson may have made it through the vampire battles and violent lovemaking sessions of Twilight, but this may be a bit more harsh!

In Animal Kingdom director David Michôd's new thriller, R-Patz and Guy Pearce are taking a little trip across post-apocalyptic Australia.

Unfortunately this looks less like a seksi bromance and more like The Road.

Ch-ch-check out the video (above) to see if R-Patz makes it out of The Rover in one piece!

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