Saturday, May 28, 2011



Video: Travel the Galaxy in this ‘Star Tours’ Ride-Through

Posted: 28 May 2011 10:20 AM PDT

In last weekend’s drinking game, we walked you through the old version of the classic Disney ride Star Tours in honor of the opening of the new-and-improved Star Tours: The Adventure Continues. This weekend, we can give you a peek at what the new ride actually looks like with a snazzy ride-through video!

The video starts in the queuing area, which is by far one of the most entertaining queuing sections I’ve ever seen. They’ve added some new stuff, including a galactic TSA baggage screening scene, which is worth a laugh. Also, if you look carefully through the droid animatronics that pepper the area, you can even spot Rex, the former pilot of the original ride, with a “defective” sign stuck to him. Even though the new ride allegedly takes place before the last one did in terms of timeline, discontinuity aside, it’s a nice touch. The footage of the ride itself is less a full ride-through and more a montage of clips from the possible paths the ride can take. I caught a glimpse of the Death Star, some Mos Espa pod racing, the forests of Endor, and a couple of AT-ATs on Hoth, among other things. It’s a neat little look at what a good redesign can do. Bonus: Keep your eyes peeled for an amusing Queen Amidala cameo.

[Via The Daily What Geek]

Post from: Crushable

Video: Travel the Galaxy in this ‘Star Tours’ Ride-Through

15 Awesome Pirates Who Were Around Before Jack Sparrow

Posted: 28 May 2011 08:45 AM PDT

Don’t get me wrong: I love me some Captain Jack. The first Pirates of the Caribbean movie was far better than it really had any right to be, given that it was based on an amusement park ride, and Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow was a major part of that success. But Sparrow isn’t the only awesome pirate out there; on the contrary, there are boatloads (‘scuz the terrible, terrible pun) who have done their time swinging from the mast. Here are some of our favorites– get ready to buckle some swashes!

Post from: Crushable

15 Awesome Pirates Who Were Around Before Jack Sparrow

Rapture Follow-Up: The Rapture Happened, We Just Didn’t See It

Posted: 28 May 2011 07:15 AM PDT

So hey, remember that whole Rapture thing that was supposed to happen last Saturday? Remember how it kind of, um, didn’t happen? Well, apparently it DID happen; we just didn’t see it. At least, that’s what Rapture predictor Harold Camping is telling us these days.

It took Camping a couple of days to get himself together, for which I honestly can’t blame him; I mean, the dude is 89 years old, this is the second time he predicted something that didn’t happen, and he probably suffered a major crisis of faith right after the Big Nothing. But people REALLY wanted to know what he thought was up ASAP, even going so far as to knock on his door:

Okay. I may make fun of Camping. But knocking on an 89-year-old man’s door at weird hours after a faith-driven disaster? Come on, people! Have a little courtesy!

But I do admit, I was kind of curious as to what would be going on in the heads of those who were absolutely POSITIVE they were going to be shot up into the sky on May 21. Would they believe they hadn’t been chosen to be saved after all? Would they realize the Rapture didn’t happen? Would their faith be shaken, or would they continue to believe? It struck me that it was entirely likely that a lot of hard-core believers might have been absolutely destroyed by the lack of heavenly partying. But once Camping had some time to think about the situation, he seemed to work something out that explains everything: It wasn’t a PHYSICAL Rapture. It was a SPIRITUAL Rapture.

Camping broadcast his pronouncement the evening of Monday, May 23 on his Family Radio station. He admitted that he had been reading the Bible with a “factual mindset,” rather than a “spiritual” one, and subsequently, he had misinterpreted what the Rapture was actually going to be. According to him, everyone did in fact get judged, and yes, the world and/or universe is still ending on October 21.

So here’s my question: Is it going to be a literal end of the world, or just a metaphorical, spiritual one? Or, perhaps more precisely: If the End of the World falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, did it still make a noise? My guess is no, but maybe I’m wrong. What do you guys think?

Post from: Crushable

Rapture Follow-Up: The Rapture Happened, We Just Didn’t See It

STD Week: Interview with Museum of Sex Curator Sarah Forbes

Posted: 27 May 2011 07:07 PM PDT

New York City’s Museum of Sex opened in what used to be the city’s red light district — not that they knew it! — in 2002, and curator Sarah Forbes has been there since 2004. An anthropology major with a focus in gender, Forbes began working with the museum by doing research, and worked up to where she is now, overseeing the museum’s varied exhibitions: Kink: Geography of the Erotic Imagination; The Sex Lives of Animals; Action: Sex and the Moving Image.

In 2010, the museum presented RUBBERS: The Life, History, & Struggle of the Condom, which traced the condom’s origins and identity as a contraceptive, but also featured literature and artwork inspired by the rubber. Sadly, the exhibit lasted only until late 2010, but we spoke with Forbes about what inspired this deconstruction, and what we have yet to learn.

If the Museum of Sex opened in 2002, was it something specific that prompted the RUBBERS exhibit in 2010? Why did you wait so long to do an exhibit on safe sex?

Forbes: I think what's very difficult with a museum of our type and a museum of our size is that people want to see everything all at once, and we can't be a museum that covers the largest topic possible—sex and sexuality—in three gallery spaces. There wasn't a particular impetus for doing an exhibition at that time; it was more that I went to my director and I really wanted to do this exhibition. I felt it was really important to have this conversation, particularly because we're really coming off a time period where we did not have sex education in this country, mandated by various political issues.

You go through all these news sources and [read that] the statistics of various things are on the rise; or we're only talking about HIV/AIDS in Africa, we're not talking about real-life information in our own country, our own community, our own city. For instance, reading articles that since 2001, syphilis has been on the rise. I think that many people don't even think of syphilis as something a contemporary person needs to be concerned about. The fact that it's actually been on the rise, it's something we need to stop and have a conversation about. I'm 29 years old, and I don't know a world that doesn't have HIV/AIDS in it. But I still wonder why people… We've had all of these campaigns, all of this messaging, and people still aren't using condoms.

Some activists believe there's something called condom fatigue. We've heard this conversation so many times, we've been inundated with it since we were small children, it's almost become part of the background noise. We're not paying attention to the necessity, or we're thinking, OK, it's not really an issue here in the United States, it's only an issue in sub-Saharan Africa. And so deflecting it is still very much an issue here—not to the degree it is in other nations, but that doesn't mean we have to turn a blind eye to it. I wanted to take this topic we've had maybe a bit of fatigue for and vamp it up. Make it the same idea of educational, but make it in ways you haven't thought about it. Or bring in artwork made out of condoms. Bring in the history, bring in that social narrative, bring in every discipline you possibly could to intersect with it.

Can you talk about some of the other artifacts or materials that were in the exhibition? I read about one called the “Cruel Condom”—was that a medieval condom with spikes?

Forbes: It's so funny—a lot of people latch onto that even though it's a contemporary designer. It's not something that's meant to be used as a contraceptive. It's more of a BDSM kind of sex toy. It was in a section talking about how we've had all these different forms of penis sheaths, in all these cultures. Talking about all the different materials that condoms have been made out of: Animal intestines, fish bladders, linen in ancient Egypt, also various forms of rubber as rubber has itself evolved as a material. So some of the earliest condoms were as thick as bicycle tires, and they had seams along the edges; you were meant to use them over and over and over again. So even in the space of having the rubber available to us, there has been a huge amount of diversity. The early condoms they had a very strong sulfur smell… It was in a time period where syphilis was a very real concern; it was something that you could contract, then pass along to your partner, then pass along to your children. There was no cure, and your whole body would eventually decompose. It just impacted every single level of your being. So with that kind of fear lurking, you might put on the bicycle-thickness, sulfur-smelling rubber to protect yourself.

Post from: Crushable

STD Week: Interview with Museum of Sex Curator Sarah Forbes

Parting Tweet: Alec Baldwin Is Too Shy to Tweet

Posted: 27 May 2011 01:13 PM PDT

Alec Baldwin has joined Twitter! He posted his first tweet this morning. Don’t be shy, Alec. Have a glass of wine, call us thoughtless little pigs, and then you’ll feel right at home.

Post from: Crushable

Parting Tweet: Alec Baldwin Is Too Shy to Tweet

Fan Fiction: ‘Hunger Games’ Extra Set Diary

Posted: 27 May 2011 04:07 PM PDT

While spying on the Hunger Games production down in North Carolina, we found these pages from a District 12 extra’s account of her time on the set.

Day 2. Hand cramp, ow. Would’ve been easier to type this on iPhone, but no electronics allowed. Want to say, “But this movie set in future.” Poor future. Hope the U.S.A. doesn’t end up like this. Depressed.

Day 2, later. OMG!! We get to shoot the reaping in a couple of days! That’s gonna be awesome. Haven’t actually seen Jennifer Lawrence or any of the famous actors yet, but looking forward to seeing if her blue dress matches the books.

Director tells us not to shower? Because we’ll look more authentic? Hmm, don’t want to be standing in group of unwashed people for several hours.

Day 3. Casually tell director that it might make Peeta’s character more sympathetic if he has a secret girlfriend that he grew up with but who dies tragically of starvation, which is why he doesn’t care that he gets reaped for the Games. You know, just a thought. He laughs, walks away.

Day 4. Not allowed to come directly to the set — they bring us from another town’s truck area. Being brought into abandoned town like cattle every day gives me the willies.

Preparing for the big reaping scene in two days. There’s one line that a District 12 person says after Katniss volunteers herself for Prim. It will be mine.

Grimy boy argues that it would sound better coming from a guy. I say line should go to a character with a name, instead of Townsperson #17. He says no extras have names. I say not technically, but I gave myself name of Lizmet to get more in-character. Am obviously more dedicated than these amateurs.

Day 6. Shoot at the Hob is taking forever… didn’t make it over to the craft services table beforehand. Between takes, sneak a taste of Greasy Sae’s soup.

Shit is vile. They call action on Hob scene, try to rub taste off tongue discreetly with sleeve of shirt. Sleeve rips off.

Day 6, later. So. Hungry. Need. Fooooooood. Nowhere to go in random town. Fake District 12 has more going on than this place.

Day 8. Reaping!

Woody Harrelson stumbling around fake-drunk. Loved him in 2012.

What. Is. Jennifer. Lawrence. Wearing.

Consider offering to switch dresses, even with torn sleeve.

Time for line! Open mouth to say “What a brave girl” when Townsperson #17 swoops in and takes it! Glare daggers at him through seven takes.

Everyone does two-finger salute. Cry like a baby. Dream come true.

Post from: Crushable

Fan Fiction: ‘Hunger Games’ Extra Set Diary

Gallery: Celebrities In Nautical Gear for Fleet Week

Posted: 27 May 2011 02:30 PM PDT

It’s one of New York City’s finest holidays – Fleet Week! That’s when tons of attractive men and women in naval uniforms suddenly populate the streets of New York. It’s such an institution that even Sex and the City had a Fleet Week episode. So, in honor of this important occasion, please enjoy these pictures of celebrities in nautical clothes.

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Celebrities In Nautical Gear for Fleet Week

Awards and Predictions for the ‘American Idol’ Top 10

Posted: 27 May 2011 03:00 PM PDT

American Idol fever is winding down after crowning its new king, Scotty McCreery. But what of the rest of the finalists we watched sing their hearts out week after week? Here are our superlatives and future predictions for the Top 10 of Season 10:

1. Scotty McCreery – Best All-Around

Scotty will have a legitimately successful career as a country artist. His anthems will appear in commercials for products like Ford pick-ups, breakfast cereals, and America.

2. Lauren Alaina – Most Ambitious

Celebrity Rehab
Season 10. And then a best selling memoir called Hate You This Big.

3. Haley Reinhart – Most Improved

Haley will star as Roxie Hart in a Broadway revival of Chicago to critical acclaim. Then she’ll play Velma Kelly in Rob Marshall’s 2020 film adaptation of the musical, which both he and the rest of the world will forget he’s already made.

4. James Durbin – Most Adam Lamberty

James Durbin will go on to have a successful music career and will sell millions of records. For about two years. Then he’ll go on to lead a nice, comfortable life with his wife and child, both of whom he genuinely loves.

5. Jacob Lusk – Most Magical

Jacob will step out of his suit and reveal he's been a unicorn all along. And, somehow, after this revelation his singing voice will get even more beautiful.

6. Casey Abrams – Best Beard

Casey will record some stuff and front some bands, greatest accomplishment will be holding the Guinness Record for Longest Scatter. (17 uninterrupted hours, which also helped in lose 4 pounds.)

7. Stefano Langone - Swooniest

Stefano will get mad laid for the next couple years, and then the world will forget about him, but he’ll still get sorta-laid for the next few decades when he drops the show’s name.

8. Paul McDonald – Most Likely to Get Arrested

He'll have a three-episode arc on a CW show, playing a struggling singer/songwriter with a mysterious past. He’ll cut a record and it will be featured on that show. One day, Taylor Swift will write a song about him.

9. Pia Toscano – Best Looking

Pia will release an album, it will be boring, then she’ll learn to figure skate and she'll spend the next 10 years performing Disney on Ice.

10. Naima Adedapo – Most Overstood

Naima will continue to perform with her reggae band at street fairs and swap meets. One of her five children will follow in her footsteps and go on to win The X Factor.

Post from: Crushable

Awards and Predictions for the ‘American Idol’ Top 10

The Daily Bieber: Justin and Selena in the Sea, K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Posted: 27 May 2011 02:07 PM PDT

And groping and straddling and acting like teenagers. But it’s still pretty shocking considering they both come from such squeaky-clean backgrounds in religion and Disney (which are basically the same thing). There’s a strange thing going on in Maui: In some shots they seem really offguard and relaxed, and in others it’s obviously posed. From the looks of it, their handlers told them, “You’re gonna be photographed no matter what, you might as well have fun.”

Post from: Crushable

The Daily Bieber: Justin and Selena in the Sea, K-I-S-S-I-N-G


Post from: Crushable

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