Friday, September 24, 2010



Jersey Shore Cliff Notes: The 5 Most Homoerotic Moments

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 11:09 AM PDT

We’ve seen a lot of hookups on Jersey Shore this season: Vinny and Snooki, Vinny and Angelina, The Situation and anything with a pulse, Pauly D. and some girl who seems relatively normal and attractive, Ronnie and Sammi (ostensibly: we’re told they do it in between screaming at each other), and now, finally, JWOWW and her juiced-up jackass boyfriend Tom (even if there ‘loving’ consists of picking each other’s noses and wiping it on their faces).

But there is a love that goes unnamed on the ‘Shore, and that may be the most important love of all. After all, we’ve discussed how little regard the men of Jersey Shore actually have towards women, so that leaves the manliest love to be found: Bro love.

1. When The Situation watches Pauly D. make love to a woman while he sits there eating a sandwich and commenting.

2. When Snooki tries to join in on her best friend JWOWW’s love-fest by grabbing on to her BFF’s feet during sex.

3. Uh, when the Sitch hooked up with a friggin’ dude? You guys remember that?

4. Whatever that fight was between Sammi and JWOWW, not to mention the upcoming fight between Angelina and Snooki (“Hold my earrings!)

5. #1 most homoerotic moment of Jersey Shore: Vinny and Pauly D., giggling and scampering in the sand this week, unencumbered by the weight of actually having to deal with women.

Post from: Crushable

Jersey Shore Cliff Notes: The 5 Most Homoerotic Moments

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 11:05 AM PDT

Bill and Ted 3 is on its way – Eeexcellent! Franchise stars Keanu Reeves and Alex Winters have confirmed that the third installment of their sci-fi slacker series is in development. We’ll be there on opening day. (via MTV)

Post from: Crushable

'My Generation' Just As Boring As Real Life!

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 11:04 AM PDT

My high school friend Dustin recently posted a documentary he'd made in the 10th grade to Facebook. It’s an expose on the school's health and life planning classes full of hard-hitting interviews (“What do you think of the school’s health and life planning classes?”) with my friends about their Cleveland High experiences. I'm in it, but instead of answering Dustin's questions I just roll my eyes.

Dustin's video was about 100 times more interesting than last night's pilot episode of high-school-ten-years-later "mockumentary" My Generation. The show compares footage of its characters in 2000 — the year they gradated HS — with present day stuff. Shockingly, the "overachiever" turns out to be a slacker bartender in Hawaii, the "beauty queen" ends up an ultra-domestic married woman, and the "rockstar" (term used loosely) has the kind of drinking problem where he orders margaritas at noon. Also, everyone in high school is still in love with someone else from high school, though not the person (from high school!) they're actually dating.

Basically? It plays out like fan fiction written by an unpopular freshman from the bleachers of the homecoming game.

The show also goes insanely overboard with the way real national crises affected its characters. 2000's botched presidential election caused one woman ("the brain") to switch her major from science to politics, and September 11th led NBA-bound basketball star (played by Mehcad Brooks, True Blood's Eggs!) to join the marines. Also, two of characters were directly affected by the Enron scandal via their criminal mastermind fathers.

At the end of the hour, my roommate turned to me and said "Is it just me or did that felt like an entire season in one episode?" Very true indeed — My Generation most certainly did not live up to its trillions of taglines plastered on billboards throughout the country.

Might I suggest a better tagline, courtesy of The Who? "I'm not trying to cause a big s-s-sensation. I'm just talking about My Generation."

Post from: Crushable

'My Generation' Just As Boring As Real Life!

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:45 AM PDT

Outsourced: Thoughts, Anyone? – We were wondering if the NBC show could possibly been as bad as it looks. Apparently it was worse. (via Stereogum)

Post from: Crushable

The Flight 815 Hoodie: Is It Photoshopped?

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:48 AM PDT

Is this even a real thing? We want one so badly. But that is definitely not Terry O’Quinn posing as Locke from Lost to promote some random dude’s brand, is it?

We mean, ostensibly it could be, right? After all, Christina Hendricks models scarves on, and until Odd Jobs comes out, ole’ Terry’s got to pay the bills somehow.

Post from: Crushable

The Flight 815 Hoodie: Is It Photoshopped?

Wow, The 'Glee'/'Cleveland' Show Crossover Looks...Great

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:20 AM PDT

Great? Great. Sure, we’ll go with great. I mean, I wouldn’t be able to identify those drawings as Lea Michele, Cory Monteith, and Chris Colfer over there on the left if my life depended on it, but then again I’m not a Fox executive/Seth McFarlane, standing to make millions from having America’s favorite show combined with a spin-off that no one watches. So…good for them! Glee meets The Cleveland Show, all the way!

Post from: Crushable

Wow, The 'Glee'/'Cleveland' Show Crossover Looks...Great

The Daily WTF: Creative Meats?

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:58 AM PDT

Creative Meats? Interesting name, but we’ve always kinda preferred our beef to be left-brained. Makes it much easier to eliminate the possibility we’ve just squirted mustard on the Mozart of cows or the bovine Virginia Woolf. (Virginia Moof is her name. Or is it Virginia Cowf?)

Or maybe they mean they get creative with their butchery? “Here’s a sirloin in the shape of a star. Would you like this abstract-expressionist flank steak?” Yeah, still not super reassuring.

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Creative Meats?

Fried Chicken, Watermelon, and Sweet Tea: Going Home Again

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:57 AM PDT

I’ve lived in New York for a little over a year now and the last time I went home was in May. I always look forward to visiting home because anyone who has visited Charleston knows that it’s a great town with something for everyone: beaches for the sun obsessed, history and sightseeing for the history buffs, and decent nightlife for the younger crowd.

Right now, I am reporting to you from Charleston, SC. Today being my younger brother Joe’s 18th birthday, I was flown home to celebrate his big day in southern style. Last night we had family dinner at one of three local hibachi restaurants – unfortunately when we arrived, they told us that they don’t cook it in front of you anymore. We asked the waitress if she would mind still tossing us the shrimp but she didn’t think it was as funny as we did. After he gets out of school, Joe and his friends and I will go with him to do all the fun exciting stuff that he hasn’t gotten to do before: buy a lottery ticket, a pack of cigarettes, and an adult magazine. A smoke shop downtown even gives out a free cigar to someone on their birthday! Tonight the boys might go to a strip club, but with the whole brother-sister thing I might sit that one out.

Upon coming home after being in the city for four consecutive months, there are so many things I noticed right away – but the number one difference was attitude. From the moment you step off the plane you notice a generally more calm atmosphere. The plane ride is short and comfortable and the plane itself is so tiny that there are maybe 18 rows and no room for separate classes. Everyone is looking forward to their own holiday from realty in a place where the people talk slower and actually stop to listen to a homeless person’s story as to why they need money.

As far as my brother’s birthday goes, I couldn’t think of a better way for someone to celebrate an 18th birthday. In NYC, most of the kids turning 18 already have fake ID’s, so their birthday celebration is more discotheque oriented to say the least. Down here, we’d rather drive an hour out to someone’s country house, drink cold Bud Light and let music play loudly from whomever’s truck has the best sound system. Some call it primitive, we call it comfort.

Post from: Crushable

Fried Chicken, Watermelon, and Sweet Tea: Going Home Again

Daily Cat Video: Falling Asleep In A Glass Of Orange Juice

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 10:01 AM PDT

Looks like we’ve got to add a glass of o.j. to our napping in public kit. This whiskery Maine Coon fell dead asleep with his face planted in a cup, and his owners were there to document the occasion. The little guy eventually woke up feeling pretty grumpy (wrong side of the orange?) — though for once he’s lucky his glass was half-empty.

(via Daily What)

Post from: Crushable

Daily Cat Video: Falling Asleep In A Glass Of Orange Juice

Freakiest Movie Promotion Ever?: Watching 'Buried' While Buried Alive

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 09:20 AM PDT

Look, I’m not even that claustrophobic, and I’m still getting squeamish about the upcoming Ryan Reynolds’ movie, Buried. The film spends the entire 90 minutes confined in the same coffin as the movie’s main character, which is enough to give anyone the heebie-jeebies. But the viral promotion for Buried may be even scarier: Do you dare actually watch the movie while buried alive???

That was the question for four (un?)lucky viewers at Austin’s Fantastic Film Festival, who:

were selected from a group of entrants all vying for a spot in the coffins. The winners were blindfolded and driven out to a random location. Once there, they were buried alive inside coffins equipped with LCD TVs that showed the movie.

Guh, whaaaat? So many questions: Why would anyone think this is a good promotion for a movie? That’s like seeing the James Franco cutting off his own arm movie by having people watch it while crushed under boulders. Secondly: Who is lining up for this activity? Is being buried alive some fetish that we have yet to learn about?

*Shudders all over.*

Post from: Crushable

Freakiest Movie Promotion Ever?: Watching 'Buried' While Buried Alive

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