Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Illustrious Illustrations: Ariel Schrag

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 10:40 AM PDT

Ariel Schrag is a cartoonist who draws autobiographical graphic novels chock full of wide-eyed  versions of the people in her life. Her book Potential, which chronicles Ariel’s (drama filled!) junior year at Berkeley High School, is currently being developed into a major motion picture. Also a TV writer, Ariel is currently staffed on the jeans-and-tees-centric HBO show How To Make It In America and penned scripts for Seasons 3 and 4 of The L Word. Ariel also writes an epically hilarious web comic with her friend, comedy dude Kevin Seccia, called Ariel and Kevin Invade Everything.

What’s your background?

I've been drawing since foreverish, but in high school I got really serious about being a cartoonist. I wrote my first comic, Awkward, about my freshman year of high school during the summer after that year and then photocopied it and sold it around school. I decided I should write a comic about every year of high school and it became this epic project I was obsessed with that ended up taking 10 years to finally finish. The series is 737 pages in all.

Your comics are autobiographical, using characters from your life. Anyone ever get mad about the way you portrayed/drew them?

Well, it was definitely complicated. In short, yes, people got mad. Very mad. But for unexpected reasons. This one girl who is barely in the comic, like she just appears in a few background scenes, got really upset because she claims I drew her "fat." She is not "fat" and I swear to god she is not drawn any different from any of the other characters. But that was her gripe. Never mind that I drew her getting wasted and me trying to make out with her girlfriend. It's the physical details that really get to people and I'm the same way. My friend Gabrielle Bell draws autobiographical comics that I sometimes appear in as a character and I'm always like: "STOP DRAWING ME WEARING GLASSES I DON'T CARE IF EVERYTIME YOU SEE ME I'M WEARING GLASSES I DON'T WANT TO BE WEARING GLASSES." The thing is though, that if given a choice most people would rather see any depiction of themselves, flattering or not, than no depiction at all. I mean, is there anything more fascinating than seeing someone else's creative representation of yourself? I don't think so.

What’s your dream collaboration?

My dream collaboration is that me, Gabrielle Bell, Chris Ware, Adrian Tomine, Dan Clowes, Joe Matt, and Lynda Barry all have some crazy, debaucherous, mystery-solving, life-altering day together, then each write a comic about our individual experiences of that day, and then publish all the stories in one big book.

You recently designed a tattoo. How did that process work?

The last tattoo I designed was a Tegan and Sara tattoo, which was great since I love Tegan and Sara. The girl who commissioned it wanted the tattoo to reflect several of their songs. She gave me a rough description of what she wanted and I sent her several sketches until we landed on the design she liked.

Post from: Crushable

Illustrious Illustrations: Ariel Schrag

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 10:18 AM PDT

Oh Good, Another Social Network Parody – This one is called Zuckerberg, and makes us glad that the movie is actually coming out on Friday. These fake trailers are getting worse than the summer’s Inception mashups. (via Urlesque)

Post from: Crushable

Video: 'Divorce Court' Musical Actually Really Sad

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 10:19 AM PDT

Madea's Family Reunion stage star Dietra (D'atra? Deistra?) Hicks certainly made Divorce Court interesting this month with her obvious and kind of sad Tourettes very funny inability to stop singing! All the trappings of a good viral video, with the added bonus of getting your daily schadenfreude hard-on.

Now, we’re not Deistra apologists: Obviously this woman is an actress, and you don’t go on Divorce Court to not not get seen. Hell, she might get some more IMDB listings from this! But we don’t think it’s far off the mrk to say this woman is mentally ill, and laughing as she tries to drum out her husband’s voice with a constant “MHMMMM!” is probably just as mean as laughing at obese women on Judge Judy at half speed.

Do you think it’s wrong to like this video?

Post from: Crushable

Video: 'Divorce Court' Musical Actually Really Sad

Exclusive: Vanessa Minnillo Gives Us Her Top 5 Male Grooming Tips

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 10:30 AM PDT

Vanessa Minnillo is the new Axe Shower spokesperson, and while the product may be for dudes, it makes sense to have a hot chic telling guys how they should smell. We asked Vanessa for her top five tips for guys looking to capture ladies’ attention.

1. Hygiene and grooming are key but I notice little things about guys' hygiene like dirty finger nails – so don't overdo it but also don't rush – girls notice these things!
2. Clean is Sexy – Girls prefer a guy with a just-showered smell. Cleanliness and sexiness go hand in hand.
3. Confidence is a turn-on and you CANNOT be confident if you do not look and smell clean. Take the time to ensure you get the most out of your shower.
4. Wrinkled clothes are just not sexy. I can guarantee you can't find one woman who would say, ‘I want a guy who has that I-just-pulled-these-out-of-a-hamper smell and look.’
5. Spice it up – I love when my man smells different for different occasions – don't be afraid to spice it up.

Do you agree with Vanessa’s tips? Let us know how you like your man to smell in the comments.

Post from: Crushable

Exclusive: Vanessa Minnillo Gives Us Her Top 5 Male Grooming Tips

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 09:29 AM PDT

Sex advice from Danny McBride – Nerve’s got a hilarious guest column from the Eastbound & Down star, wherein Danny talks about avoiding bad sex and not getting dumped by someone hotter than you. Also, tacos. (Nerve)

Post from: Crushable

Gleek of the Week: Who Won Last Night's 'Glee'?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 10:29 AM PDT

Last night was the highly-anticipated Britney Spears episode of Glee, and although queen Brit-Brit’s actual screen-time was way shorter than we were expecting, the episode had all the elements that makes this show more of a guilty pleasure than Michael Bolton. John Stamos? Check. Amazing speech by Jane Lynch about Ladybird Johnson’s tramp-stamp? Check. A Lea Michelle solo at the end that had nothing to do with the rest of the episode? Er…check.

But in the world of the all-losing team of New Directions, not all losers were created equal. Here were the three winners and three losers of last night’s episode. First and last prize is a slushee to the face, obviously.


First Place: Brittany. No d’uh. This episode was even named Britney/Brittany. Ryan Murphy has obviously been listening to the Internet/common sense. He gave Heather Morris her own starring episode this week. She’s the crowd-favorite: the funny, blonde anti-Rachel Berry, whose non-sequitors compete with Sue Sylvestor’s insults about Matthew Morrison’s hair for the best part of any episode. After taking liberal doses of anesthesia provided by John Stamos’ toothy dentist, Britney also voiced what we’ve long thought true: She is better than the rest of the club. And next week she’s doing Ke$ha.

2nd Place. Santana: Usually regulated to being the new mean girl out to topple Quinn, it was good to see some role reversal, with Heather leading Naya River’s Santana in an amazing rendition of the Britney Spears/Madonna duo “Me Against the Music.” That’s right Santana, know your place: as the brunette backup for your BFF who spent her summer vacation lost in the sewers.

3rd Place. Mr. Shue: Bear with me here. Usually I’m as anti-Shooster as Sue Sylvestor, but this episode showed a different side of that curly mop-headed boy band reject. Shue has a tendency to become a one-dimensional plot device to move the episodes forward each week, so when he actually succumbs to his petty and not-so-pretty jealousies, shit gets kind of interesting. He yelled at Kurt! He (almost) bought a sports car (but ultimately didn’t…lets not get crazy here)! He put himself in the starring role of the high school homecoming performance just to impress Ms. Pillsbury who was like “Are you serious? I have John Stamos. GTFO.”


Kurt: Uh, hello? The gay character who spends the entire episode championing to sing Britney Spears at the game — even defying Mr. Shue to the point of being sent to the principal — doesn’t get one solo? Not even in Artie’s football-fantasy rendition of “Stronger?” Isn’t Kurt on the football team??

Mercedes: As with Brittany and Santana, Mercedes and Kurt always go hand-in-hand. When one is side-lined in an episode, you can be sure the other won’t even get a sentence in edgewise.

Mike and Tina: Duuude, you guys! We were so psyched to see another shirtless Mike episode, but the Asian twosome were totally overlooked in the face of Queen Brit. Apparently even in high-school fantasies, Britney Spears’ world is populated only with white girls.

Post from: Crushable

Gleek of the Week: Who Won Last Night's 'Glee'?

Video: Beyonce Crashes A Block Party, Dances, Is Awesome

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 09:16 AM PDT

You guys, Beyonce is the raddest! During a visit to Jay-Z’s mom’s house in Jersey, the singer happened upon a huge block party and stopped in for a quick line dance. We’re a little bit confused about how these women all knew the same steps, but then again, we’ve never been to a block party. Perhaps the street permits come with choreographers?

Also, it’s great how the girls are all: no big deal, just dancing with Beyonce in the middle of the street in perfect unison. Amazing!

(via Videogum)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Beyonce Crashes A Block Party, Dances, Is Awesome

Memoir: It's Not OCD, It's 'Personality Quirks'

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 09:28 AM PDT

He called it "OCD" but I prefer to think of it as "UGF".

The doctor and I managed to get to the topic of children during one long and memorable appointment. He asked for my thoughts.

"Well, they aren't my favorite…"

He could not understand how someone could dislike children. After all, children are cute and loveable. How could I say such a thing? My answer was simple and honest.

"Their hands are always sticky."

He looked me straight in the eye.

"You have OCD."

I was not concerned with the "diagnosis" of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I know I do not have it. I merely have "personality quirks."

To me, the best part of living is observing how others react to various issues, occurrences, and challenges. I believe the best way to understand someone is to learn about a person's quirks, the weird things that separate him or her from everyone else. In other words, to understand a person you must understand his or her Uniqueness, Geekness, and Freakness. My dislike of children is not OCD but part of my own UGF.

I have other personality quirks, too. For example, I cannot stand odd numbers. This may stem from my fear of being left out or rejected. Odd numbers mean there is always an odd one out. Though individualism is important to me, I also strongly believe in inclusion. No one wants to be rejected. It's human nature after all.

When I told my doctor I disliked odd numbers, he told me I definitely have OCD. When I told him that I especially like the number twenty-eight because it is the perfectly even number, he shook his head and said, "You're going to the funny farm."

The conversation did not end there. The doctor also told me that I was his funniest patient and that my unique opinions were refreshing compared to those of the other teenagers with whom he has worked. He said that I looked perfectly normal on the outside, but that I was far different on the inside.

"Quirky," he said. "You're quirky."

Before the end of my appointment, he told me that I ought to stretch more and try Tai Chi. He also threatened to send me to the "loony bin" if my "OCD" caused me to become "weirder." But isn't our weirdness what makes us who we are? What good are we if we are all the same? Everyone ought to be a little weird. Everyone ought to be quirky.

The doctor sent me off with a promise to call him if I had any trouble. Of course, he meant trouble with my new shoe inserts, not my head. After all, he was a podiatrist, not a shrink.

Post from: Crushable

Memoir: It's Not OCD, It's 'Personality Quirks'

Seth Green Holds Onto Wife For Dear Life

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 08:41 AM PDT

We appreciate the fact that Clare Grant isn’t afraid to wear heels around pint-sized hubby Seth Green. The couple was photographed at the Hatchet II premiere looking more than a little attached-at-the-hip. Maybe Seth’s afraid Clare’s going to get dragged away by a demonic swamp-dwelling madmen? Keep the heels and you’ve got the plot for Hatchet III.

Post from: Crushable

Seth Green Holds Onto Wife For Dear Life

Is Shakira Too Thin In Her New Video?

Posted: 29 Sep 2010 08:34 AM PDT

The video for Shakira’s new song Loca premiered last night. And she looks hot as usual. But decidedly thinner. Perhaps too thin?

One of the many great things about Shakira is her dance moves. And like most belly dancers, she’s not too scrawny. But it looks like the pressures of Hollywood might be causing her to shed pounds. In the new video, you can clearly count all of Shakira’s ribs.

Check it out for yourself. The photos above show Shakira in Loca on the left. On the right is Shakira during a performance at the Plymouth Jazz Festival in 2008.

And of course, we wouldn’t tease you with all this talk of Loca without giving you the video itself:

(right photo by Wenn)

Post from: Crushable

Is Shakira Too Thin In Her New Video?

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