Saturday, September 11, 2010

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Simon Cowell Is Not Quitting X Factor

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:30 PM PDT


Don't worry, X Factor fans!

Simon Cowell is not leaving the UK talent show. He's just delaying the next season until January 2012 so that he can concentrate on launching the American version of the show.

As a result, Britain's Got Talent will be moved to next Fall and will have a longer run.

Cowell spoke with Radio 2 DJ Steve Wright, reassuring fans that he's committed to British network ITV.

He told Wright:

"We have a contract to put X Factor on in America next year, which we are committed to. And what we now have to look at is how much time we have got to make both shows, because I've got less time, so we are thinking about moving X Factor into a different time of the year and Britain's Got Talent to a different time. I've been reassured by ITV that we have got all the money we need to make them better, if I think they are going to be better. I've always said I could have taken a full time job in America, but I didn't want it, I want to make the shows here. All I'm trying to do is make sure we make better shows than before and if we can't make them better than there's no point in doing it."

There you go, Brits! Simon could never quit you!!

[Image via WENN.]

Kramer Being Sued For Punching A Pap!

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:03 PM PDT


He's in the headlines again!

Seinfeld's Michael Richards is being sued by a paparazzo who claims Richards attacked him on a street in Los Angeles.

Brendon O'Neal says that Richards approached him in a "menacing manner…with closed fists," punched him in the face, and then "proceeded to kick [O'Neal] numerous times, directing the blows to [O'Neal's] arms, hands, and camera."

In the suit, the pap is claiming "great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering" and is suing for damages, medical expenses, and more.

We're not sure what started the fight, but seems like Michael needs to take some anger management classes again.

[Image via WENN.]

Kate Slams Jon (Again), Says Kids Don't Like Visiting Him

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:02 PM PDT

Kate Gosselin was on Live with Regis Anderson and Kelly and she had some pretty strong words for ex-husband Jon.

She claimed that the kids don't like visiting Jon's home, saying, "I basically wait for the phone call from how many of them want to come home."


Jon, of course, used Twitter to say he refuses to respond. LOL. Nice one, Jon.

As much as I want to respond to numerous LIES recently claimed on Regis and Kelly, I will refrain. I have learned from the past that it's a waste of my time and energy. I am "rising above", and refuse to engage in any sort of public argument that could potentially harm or upset my children. My children and the people in my life know the truth, and that is what's important.

Honestly, do we blame the kids? If U had to choose between mommy's bajillion acre house and daddy's pathetic bachelor pad and his current ho of the month, wouldn't U choose to stay with Kate too??

We're just saying…

Maria Menounos To Replace Mary Hart??

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 12:01 PM PDT


And we thought Lara Spencer had the job in the bag!

According to sources, CBS execs are looking at all possible candidates to replace the Entertainment Tonight hosting spot that Mary Hart held for 29 years.

The Insider's Lara Spencer was the obvious choice, but according to an insider, Maria Menounos could be the real deal since she "has had exclusive interviews with President Obama and the first family before any other journalist. She's also has interviewed the likes of Oprah, Jennifer Lopez and Lindsay Lohan, which were quite provocative and intense interviews."

Even though Maria is currently a correspondent on three different NBC shows, she's become a hot commodity and it "may turn into quite the bidding war."

Who do U want to see as the new ET host??

[Images via WENN.]

GaGa To Be On Ellen's Season Premiere!

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 10:00 AM PDT



Lady GaGa will be on the season premiere of The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Monday, September 13 straight from the VMAs along with Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Justin Timberlake and Chelsea Handler.

Sounds like a FANTASTIC show!

Way to come back with a bang, Ellen!

[Image via WENN.]

Kevin Jonas Dissed By His Own Brother!

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 09:40 AM PDT


Ha! Will no one admit that they like Kevin Jonas best?! (Or at all!)

Because the original trio of JoBros are getting kind of old, the Disney network decided to throw Frankie Jonas into their fold to attract a new generation of Jonas fans. The littlest JoBro starred in the boy's latest Camp Rock movie and so, he's been on the media trail, promoting the movie and tour.

One reporter asked Frankie to rank his brothers from his fave to least fave and wouldn't you know it, HE DID! According to Frankie, is favorite brothers are Nick, Joe and Kevin!

Yes, you are last Kevin, as per usual! It really shouldn't come as too big of a surprise!

Hey, someone ask his wife the same question and see what the answer is!

[Image via WENN.]


Posted: 11 Sep 2010 09:20 AM PDT

Spotted: Princess Lea Michele flying from LAX to JFX Friday - in coach!

Maybe she's not such a diva after all??? Ha

Man Punches Shark, But Makes Sure To Snap Photo Before Attack!

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT


This guy is brave!

Kris Kerr was taking pictures of his friend surfing in the water off of Florida's Smyrna Beach when he noticed a shark coming toward him!

He aimed his camera as the shark was


40-Year-Old-Virgin Actor Says He Stabbed His Wife By Mistake, He Claims

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 08:40 AM PDT


We're not sure we believe his story!!

40-Year-Old-Virgin's Shelley Malil testified in court on Thursday saying he mistakenly stabbed his wife Kendra Beebe, thinking she was someone else going after him in the dark.

Sitting on the witness stand, he told the jury:

"I'm sorry. I had no idea. I saw the pictures (of her wounds) for the first time, I was stunned. When I look at those pictures, I still can't believe the knife I was holding was responsible for all those injuries."

The actor thought he was stabbing his wife's friend David Maldonado, in defense, after Malil claimed he thought Maldonado was coming after him with a gun.

Malil went on to describe that night:

"I heard the chair behind me backing up. I reach for the knife… I grab half the handle and he's pulling my arm, and I'm pulling away from him. I assume he's going for something else. I follow him to the kitchen. I'm almost positive this guy's got a gun and coming after me. I come around the corner. It's eerily quiet. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, I get hit from the back on the side of the head. It felt like cold granite countertop. It was going crazy. It seemed like it was going for a minute."

However, when he heard Kendra screaming, "Call 911!," he realized that he had been attacking his wife and not Maldonado.

It's hard to believe he didn't know what he was doing considering he stabbed her 20 times!!

Luckily, his wife survived the stabbing and has testified against him. He could get 21 years to life in prison.

What do U think? Do U believe his story??

[Shelley Malil in The 40-Year-Old-Virgin.]


Posted: 11 Sep 2010 08:22 AM PDT


Never forget!

Remembering Perez living in Manhattan at the time. We had just graduated from NYU.

Being woken up with the news. Rushing to the roof of our building on Waverly Place and seeing the first building down and the other with an impossibly huge hole inside of it.

Going into hurricane survival mode from our years living in Miami and the uncertainty of what was gonna happen next. Withdrawing our cash from the ATM, buying water and canned food and just expecting the worst.

Living with the smell of what happened for months later, especially when it rained. A constant reminder of the horror that had happened - and could happen again!

Tomorrow is never guaranteed, a lesson we're very familiar with, which we were just reschooled in yesterday.

Live. Fully. Make mistakes. Take risks. Appreciate your family, your friends and your health.

Remember lost ones.


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