Monday, September 6, 2010

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

First Look: Rooney Mara On The Set Of ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 09:11 AM PDT

Last month we learned that Rooney Mara has been cast in the coveted role as Lisbeth Salander in the US movie version of the hit Swedish book/film series The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and today we get our FIRST LOOK at Rooney in costume as Lisbeth on the Swedish set of Dragon Tattoo:

These first photos show the harsh hair and make-up required to turn sweet-faced Rooney Mara into the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (played so expertly in the Swedish film series by Noomi Rapace). After the jump, check out the first set photos from Dragon Tattoo …

This US version of the movie is being filmed in Sweden, where the story is set … and that is a good sign that director David Fincher is serious about staying as true as possible to the original source material. The hair and make-up look a’ight but it’s far too soon to make a judgment on Rooney as Lisbeth. I’m looking forward to seeing more from the set of the US version of Dragon Tattoo … but this first look is a very nice tease for what’s to come. What do y’all think … does Rooney Mara look enough like Lisbeth Salander to you in these photos?


Down By The River

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT

After spending some time with my parents yesterday, I met up with Sarah and a bunch of her friends so that we could all celebrate her birthday at J.B.’s Wharf in Wyandotte, MI … that’s right folks, we had ourselves a Downriver soiree on the banks of the Detroit River. Here are a few fun photos that were snapped last night:

After much eating and some drinking, we made our way to a little karaoke bar that was nearby to take the celebration to a whole other level. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or not but a group of us, me included, got up to serenade Sarah for her birthday … naturally we (attempted) to rap Gin and Juice by Snoop Dogg. I don’t know that we were good but we did have fun. It was really fun getting to see the gang all together again … and I’m certain that Sarah had a very fun night out :D

Today is my last day here in D-town … I’m planning to brunch with Sarah and Mark, dine with mom and dad and then fly my buns home. Delta, my FAVORITE AIRLINE ON EARTH, alerted me to the fact that my new elevated Sky Miles status has gotten me another First Class upgrade for my flight home … so I’m actually looking forward to the flight home :D

I’ve had a great time here in Detroit, much love to all my Detroiers for showing me a good time. I’ll be back soon! XO

Les News, 090510

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 08:52 AM PDT

Hot Dudes Of The Week: The Carlson Twins

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 08:37 AM PDT

It is time, once again, to gawk and gander at the Hot Dude of the Week … but this week, we’ve got TWO Hot Dudes to gawk and gander at. Lane and Kyle Carlson, collectively known as The Carleson Twins in the modeling world, are featured today in photos shot by Richard Phibbs. The Carleson Twins fancy themselves soccer players … as you can see from these photos:

Lane and Kyle rose to fame when the were photographed by Bruce Weber for the Abercrombie & Fitch catalog The A&F Quarterly back in 2001. Back then, they were but fresh-faced babes … these days, they are fully grown men. It’s nice to see that the guys are still gettin’ work … hotness like this should be shared with the world, and often. Anyone want to kick around some balls with these two? Enjoy!!

[Photo credit: Richard Phibbs; Source]

Victoria Beckham & Eva Longoria Take London

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 08:25 AM PDT

Yesterday we learned that Victoria Beckham has finally joined Twitter in order to share her personal “love and light”ness with the masses and today not only do we check out her latest tweet message but we also get to see the accompanying photos. VB stepped out in London, England last night with her BFF Eva Longoria who was decked out, according to VB‘s tweet, in a dress from VB‘s dress collection … behold:

Out with @evalongoria who is looking amazing in one of my dresses from the fall love and light,vb xxxx

See, now VB knows how to be photographed by the paparazzi … Eva could use a bit more help but the ladies did look very lovely. VB and Eva dined at fellow BFF Gordon Ramsay‘s restaurant Maze and used the entrance/exit of the eatery as their personal runway. I have to say, it’s kinda cool to hear from Victoria Beckham personally … I can’t wait for her to share more.

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source[

The True Face Of William Shakespeare Revealed?

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 08:15 AM PDT

The History Channel is set to air a special program called Death Masks in the UK this month and claims to have recreated, thru cutting edge 3D technology, the true “warts and all” face of the most famous writer in the English language — William Shakespeare (as well as other famous men in history). According to The History Channel, this is what the Bard really looked like when he was alive:

Scientists have used state-of-the-art 3D computer technology to create what they say is the first true likeness of William Shakespeare. The image shows every wrinkle on the playwright’s face and the figure’s haunted stare is radically different from existing images which purport to be of the Bard. The warts-and-all image is featured in a TV documentary called Death Masks, due to be screened on the History Channel on September 13. Director Stuart Clarke said: ‘The results from this forensic examination are startling. ‘They show strong evidence both forensically and historically that this 3D model may be, in fact, the way Shakespeare looked in life. ‘Breakthroughs in computer imaging mean we may have to rewrite the history books on Shakespeare.’ Clarke’s team have also produced 3D likenesses of Napoleon, Julius Caesar, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The recreations are based on scans taken from death masks – and in some cases masks made during life. The producers of the show claim that the images will challenge viewers’ perceptions of what some of history’s most famous figures looked like. The image of Napoleon is said to be significantly different from that which the French have become accustomed to, while the ‘real’ face of Washington is nothing like his image on the dollar bill. But the recreation of Shakespeare is likely to cause the most controversy. The Bard’s true likeness has been the subject of speculation for centuries and many experts dispute that the death mask used in the programme is Shakespeare’s. It was found in Darmstadt, Germany, in the 1840s and German scientists linked it to Shakespeare after carrying out a series of tests. They say it proves the writer suffered from cancer towards the end of his life. Forensic anthropologist Dr Caroline Wilkinson insisted there were ‘a large number of consistencies’ between the 3D image and portraits of the writer. But Shakespeare Birthplace Trust chairman Stanley Welles rejects the validity of the new image and the death mask, adding: ‘Shakespeare was not a national figure at the time, not in the way he is today, and it is unlikely a mask like this would have been made.’

I understand that Death Masks on The History Channel already aired here in the US last Fall but obvs I missed seeing/hearing about it the first time around. As a huge fan of Shakespeare (and history overall), I am terribly interested in this show tho. It is so cool to think that today’s technology can possibly show us what the most famous people in the world really looked like despite the fact that they died centuries ago. Because we can never be certain about the accuracy of this kind of thing there will always be controversy (ie. is this really what Shakespeare looked like?) but still, even a close estimation or approximation is very very cool. This reminds me of the item I linked a few weeks ago from io9 about how ultraviolet light can now show how colorful those white marble statues in Greece looked when they were first created. History gets rewritten and amended all the time, so none of this is new in that sense … but that technology can shed new light on what one was in this way is just way cool … well, for a nerd like me ;)


Zac Efron Shows Off His Sexy New Beard In SoCal

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 07:49 AM PDT

A few weeks ago we got our first look at Jake Gyllenhaal sportin’ a full face of beard in Colorado and then earlier this week we saw Jake and beard in SoCal. Today we get our first look at Zac Efron sportin’ his own facial hair in SoCal as well. No, Zac‘s beard isn’t quite as thick as Jake’s beard is … but even in its infancy, Zac‘s beard is kinda hot:

I know it’s difficult to see Zac‘s face but it’s him alright. I don’t know if Zacy poo is actually serious about growing a beard or if he just got lazy for the past few days and just hasn’t shaved yet but … I hope he keeps the hair. If done right, a beard can really butchen up his look … make him appear more manly. Just think about it … Zac‘s hot bod glistening in the SoCal sun AND a fuller but groomed beard? Sounds good to me … let’s see if that image will ever come to fruition. As for the state of Zac‘s beard now, what do y’all think? Do you like?

[Photo credit: X17]

‘Paranormal Activity’ The TV Series?

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 07:41 AM PDT

Last Fall the low budget horror film Paranormal Activity became a movie box office hit of nearly The Blair Witch Project proportions and this Fall a sequel to the effectively scary film is already scheduled for release. Today we learn that not only do the makers of Paranormal Activity plan to scare the Hell out of us again in theaters but they are also planning to scare the Hell out of us … on TV:

The tremendous success of indie flick “Paranormal Activity” is stretched much wider with a TV deal. The small screen viewers may soon have trouble sleeping for a TV show is being worked on based on the movie about unknown being which disturbs a young couple’s sleep at nights. Creator of the movie, Oren Peli, is teaming up with Dreamworks TV and ABC Studios to develop the series which is going to be called “The River”. Executive producers Steven Schneider and Jason Blum who worked on the first installment and “Paranormal Activity 2″ screenwriter Michael R. Perry are also involved in creating the horror series. Not much different from the movie, “River” will show a recording from a video camera that captures inexplicable happenings. However, instead of being set in a bedroom like in the original movie, the series is bigger in spectrum by covering people who went missing on the Amazon River. A famed adventurer disappeared in the area and was looked for by his friends and crew … No idea when the project will come to life but THR said Dreamworks is “near a pilot deal” with ABC. And since this is a coveted project, ABC is bound to produce the pilot or a penalty is incurred. NBC is said as the other network which had an interest in the project.

No. Just … no. I loved the first film and I’m actually very excited for the sequel but this sounds like a bad idea. The surest way to kill the novelty of stories being told thru “found footage” is to serialize it for TV. I don’t understand how a TV series would even work … do we get to watch a portion of the “found footage” one hour at a time over the course of 22 episodes? And then what? No, story-telling conventions like this must be told singularly and wholly … we watch the footage, the end. This just sounds like a bad idea to me … which bums me out cuz I loved the film. Let’s hope this planned TV series never sees the light of day … let’s also hope that Paranormal Activity 2, due out next month, is just as scary (or scarier) than the first film was.


Britney Spears & Jason Trawick Say ‘Aloha’ To Hawaii

Posted: 05 Sep 2010 06:54 AM PDT

As they say, all good things must come to an end … and alas, the same can be said for Britney Spears and Jason Trawcik‘s romantic 2 week holiday on the island of Maui, HI. Yesterday we saw photos of Britwick frolicking in the ocean one last time on their last day in Hawaii and today we get to see the couple as they made their way to the airport this weekend, bound for home:

For the past 2 weeks, Britwick made the Grand Wailea Resort their Hawaiian home away from home … and we watched them engage in all sorts of fun, relaxing activities. We saw the couple go sailing, we saw them chillin’ out in the poolside cabanas, we watched them bear witness to a wedding, we watched them go shopping and we watched them hold hands on the beach. Yes, they’ve had a nice time in paradise … but, apparently, it is finally time to return to the “real world” and get back to work. I truly hope the lovebirds had a great little vacay together, I know I for one enjoyed following along with them :)

[Photo credit: Splash News]

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