Monday, September 13, 2010

Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever

An Episode Of Tiny Apartment About A Bunch Of Episodes Of The Wire

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 09:27 AM PDT

As you have probably seen on this internet website before, there is a web series called Tiny Apartment.  The web series is made by friends of the BWE blog, Mike O’Gorman, Jess Cantrell and Pat Driscoll.  In this particular episode, there is much discussion about The Wire, and there are cameos by Will Forte and BWE’s own Sarah Walker and Noah Garfinkel (me).  I say all three of those names in one sentence because we are all on the same level success/career-wise.  Me, Sarah, and Will Forte are doing great with our lives.  Sometimes, the three of us all sit together and count our money and future projects, and we all finish counting at the exact same time because that’s how identical all of our money/present/futures are.

Senior Citizens Keep Antoine Dodson Meme Alive!

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 08:32 AM PDT

As readers know, Michelle Collins was an early champion of Antoine Dodson, deeming him a national hero worthy of his own Smithsonian display. Ever since she first posted the clip of his anti-rape rant on a local Alabama news station, we’ve watched his meme grow in fascinating ways.

But nursing home folks lip-syncing the auto-tuned “Bed Intruder” rap? That’s a first! Thanks VH1.

REMIX: Kanye’s Awful VMAs Piano Performance

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 08:10 AM PDT

There weren’t too many standout-WTFey moments during last night’s Video Music Awards, but personally, I thought Kanye West’s piano intro to “Runaway” left a little something to be desired.

Footage has definitely not been altered in any way maybe:

Your Official “Intense Bieber” VMAs GIF

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 07:57 AM PDT

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