Saturday, September 11, 2010



Lindsay Lohan tries to go back to a healthy ginger shade, still looks like a junkie

Posted: 11 Sep 2010 06:36 AM PDT


It's not really red though, is it? It's like ginger mixed with a pink tinge. I'd imagine it's difficult to go back to her natural deep red hair, after years of damaging it with breaching, extensions and whatever that dark stuff was. Much like Britney Spears and her pink wig, I think the harbinger of Lindsay Lohan's doom is always her bleached hair. Sure, she's still a crackhead with red hair and black hair, but the shenanigans are kicked up a notch when she's blonde. All of her big legal troubles come when she's blonde - all of her booking photos have been as a blonde.

So, in that way, the red is an improvement. A whole new Lindsay! But she still looks like a junkie, doesn't she? The newly red hair is thin, lank and dirty, and Linds is still giving me junkie vibes. Oh, well.

One last thing - remember how Snooki's sentencing judge called her a "Lindsay Lohan wannabe" and Dina Lohan got on her overly medicated high-horse and said that she was “very disappointed” in the judge? Well, Snooki wasn't happy with the comparison either. She told People Magazine, "I definitely thought it was harsh. I never drank and drove, I don’t do drugs – I do nothing that Lindsay does, so it was definitely a little overboard.” Damn, she's right. Snooki was just a drunken public mess, and pretty harmless. Meanwhile, Lindsay Lohan is going to kill someone one of these days. By the way, how great is it that Snooki doesn’t even want to be compared to Lindsay?



Lindsay on Sept. 10, 2010. Credit: Fame.

Jon Hamm covers Details: A grown-up, full-fledged man

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 03:08 PM PDT


Let me take this opportunity to apologize for not including Jon Hamm in this week's Hot Guy Friday. I didn't do him (I wish) because we've had a lot of Hamm photos and stories this week, what with The Town coming out and everything. Even though I could look at photos of My Hamm all day, everyday, I'm wary of Hamm overkill. But never say never, because My Hamm is the cover boy for the October issue of Details Magazine. And these photos are FABULOUS - the online slideshow is here. God, I love Details. They try to front like they're a magazine for dudes, when really it's all aimed at gay men and women. Bless them.

Anyway, as for the actual article… well, you know that The Hamm is actually a great interview, right? That he's not just a pretty face and a great actor? He actually has a lot of personality, and he actually thinks about stuff other than Hollywood, and he has a lot to say. The piece opens up with The Hamm and the Details interviewer riding a Mercedes motorcycle - The Hamm does the voice work for Mercedes, if you didn't know, and they sent him a special motorcycle that hasn't even come on market yet. Sigh… I live him. Anyway, the full piece is here, and here are the highlights:

The Hamm in his downtime - it's like he lives in a commercial: As a kind of in-town vacation, he and his longtime girlfriend, actress and screenwriter Jennifer Westfeldt, are borrowing a cottage right on the beach in Malibu. When I showed up earlier in the day, their big dog, Cora, a shepherd mix, was happily lounging in the sand. Westfeldt was waiting on friends, and she and Hamm had plans to fire up the Big Green Egg. Sinatra was playing in the living room. Hamm and Westfeldt have an easygoing sweetness with each other that comes from being together a dozen years and getting off on the same stuff. They offered me a drink (”Budweiser—in a can, no less”) and talked about a film they’re producing this fall that Westfeldt wrote called Friends With Kids.

Choosing to live in California: “All the drifters eventually end up here in Southern California,” Hamm says as we meander along the coastal highway. “I came out to visit with my mom when I was 9 years old and then again right after she died. I liked the cars, I liked the sun. I just thought, ‘This is for me.’”

On deciding to become an actor: “I never minded standing up and looking like an idiot, which is tremendously helpful in this industry and not so much in others. At a certain point. I figured I was way too far down the line for a normal career. I was waiting tables with a friend who had been a business major, and he really wanted to get this job selling copiers. I just thought, ‘Really? You really want that job?’ My dad was a salesman. He could sell anything to anybody. I was like, ‘Nah, not for me.’”

His early days as an actor: “If you didn’t look 18 years old, you weren’t working. And I didn’t look 18 years old when I was 18. I always looked 10 years older than I was.”

On LA: “L.A. represents opportunity,” he says. “And, as has been proven over and over in the current media landscape, it doesn’t take much for them to put you on TV. If that’s all you want, you can be on The Bachelor or The Real Housewives or whatever show just wants oversized personalities, ridiculous behavior, and zero dignity. “When you try to learn how to act, you approach it with respect. But if you just want to be famous . . . that’s not that much different than porn. ‘I’m a movie star!’ Well, no, you’re not. You’re a porn star, and that’s completely different. And you know, hey, mazel tov—porn probably built half the houses out here, but you’re selling your dignity in a way that I feel I’m not. And once you sell it, it’s gone. You ain’t getting it back.”

On life/work beyond Mad Men: “I do this show for four months of the year. I can’t live on it—I gotta keep hustling. I went right from the show into The Town, working with Ben Affleck for six weeks up in Boston,” he says. “Then right from that up to Canada to shoot a little part in Sucker Punch with Zack Snyder, who did Watchmen and 300. This guy is a genius-level-weird artist. It was just amazing—a-mazing—how much energy he puts into it day to day, how excited he was about it. This guy is totally inspirational, in every way. It was like, ‘I’m on board! Let’s do it! F-ck it! F-ck, let’s do it!’”

On The Town: “It’s almost like an old Hollywood movie,” he says. “It’s got a love story, it’s got a crime element, but it’s very much for adults. There’s not a lot of candy for the Twitter-obsessed. It just deals with adult shit—no werewolves, no vampires. Yet . . . they’re retooling it for 3D.”

What if Mad Men hadn't come along? “If [Mad Men] had been on any of the major networks,” Hamm says, “I never would have been cast, ever, period, done, never, no way. They would want someone like Rob Lowe who’s got a proven track record. I would’ve gotten all the way to the end . . . and then I wouldn’t get cast… I would have been perfectly happy, I think, continuing my career the way it was. Just being that guy in shows. I probably could have had a very nice career doing that. And still may, honestly. The big book ain’t written yet.”

Elisabeth Moss on The Hamm: “[He is] the leader of our little gang. We do defer to him. If there’s something that we need to fix, we go to Jon. It’s funny. There definitely are a lot of similarities between how Jon and I get along and the relationship between Don and Peggy. But Jon doesn’t yell at me as much—thank God. That would be a bit rough.”

The Hamm on his later-in-life success: “You get to sit at the big table with the big boys and hang out,” Hamm says. “Sean Penn and Meryl Streep are having a conversation, and you’re standing next to them, and they stop and turn to you and say, ‘Oh God, we love your show.’ Yeah, that wasn’t happening with my work in What About Brian.”

Is he happy with his later-in-life success? “Absolutely, I don’t know how the Twilight kids or Miley Cyrus or whoever handle it. You f-ck up, make one bad decision, and people in Thailand Twitter about it.” Hamm’s mostly left alone, he says: “I’m old, I’m boring. I usually just duck the paparazzi. It’s literally someone waiting for you to pick your nose or scratch yourself. I’m sorry, I scratched my balls—who doesn’t do that? You’re really going to run that story? What the f-ck?! Everyone has picked their nose at one point in their life too.”

I love this: “I don’t know what the alternative is,” he says. “I don’t have this huge, overarching plan. I don’t know what I’m gonna wake up and feel like doing tomorrow, let alone five years down the line. I think that’s enabled me to get to where I am. I certainly go after what I want. But I just have detached amusement about a lot of it. Because it’s silly. This job is ridiculous. There’s a line from 30 Rock that Tracy Morgan says that makes me laugh out loud: ‘I remember that movie—I got paid one million teacher salaries.’ It is what it is.”

[From Details]

It's amazing to me that The Hamm was knocking around Hollywood for more than a decade without ever breaking out - I mean, for God's sake, look at him. Somewhere, a casting director is pouring herself a stiff drink and thinking back to the day she made the biggest mistake of her life - not hiring him. But he seems happy that fame came to him in the way it did, in his mid and late 30s. And he is a MAN, not a boy, not some 20-something twit who can't hold a conversation without whining or masturbating.

By the way, does anyone else find this photo below slightly disturbing? The Hamm in shorts… and not just any shorts, crisp white shorts. He has great, athletic legs, for sure. But I'm disturbed.







Photos courtesy of Details Magazine.

“Blake Lively tries a brave new look: modesty” links

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 11:26 AM PDT


Blake Lively tries to cover up, looks dumb and miserable. [LimeLife]
Brit-Brit is covered up too! She's wearing pants, y'all. [PopBytes]
Kelly Ripa gets hot for Megan Fox. Oh, Kelly. [ICYDK]
Posters for For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf are out. Damn, I love Loretta Devine. [Bossip]
Ice-T's wife Coco & her disappearing thong (NSFW). [CityRag]
If Katy Perry doesn't get 8 hours of sleep, she's a bitch. [I'm Not Obsessed]
There's dumb, and then there's "too stupid to exist." [Jalopnik]
David Spade's Twitter: pretty awesome, actually. [Crazy Days and Nights]
Ellen DeGeneres: Runway model. [Hollywood Rag]
IKEA + Kitties = Joy. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Angelina Jolie makes an offhand remark to Sanjay Gupta, and suddenly her friendlessness becomes a bigger story than Pakistan. [Celebnewswire]
Baby Pygmy Hippo! [The Frisky]
New poster for 'Fair Game'. [Cinematical]
Johnny Depp is the highest paid actor for 2010. As he should be. [Starpulse]
Megan Fox & BAG arrive in Toronto - she looks weepy. Probably the 'Tox. [INFDaily]
Mmm… Simon Baker. [Accidental Sexiness]

Sept. 9, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - Actress BLAKE LIVELY attends the celebration of Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld re-opening of the Chanel Soho Boutique. © Red Carpet Pictures

Sept. 9, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - Actress BLAKE LIVELY attends the celebration of Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld re-opening of the Chanel Soho Boutique. © Red Carpet Pictures

Sept. 9, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - Actress BLAKE LIVELY attends the celebration of Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld re-opening of the Chanel Soho Boutique. © Red Carpet Pictures

Tim Gunn: “Hell will feeze over” before I see Anna Wintour again

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 10:30 AM PDT


If he was anybody else, I would be telling him to move on. But because it's Tim Gunn, and because he refuses to stop talking sh-t about Anna Wintour, I want him to keep talking. While Tim promotes his book, he's been verbally bitch-slapping Anna Wintour - nay, all of Conde Nast - for the past few weeks. He's been talking sh-t about just about everybody though - but for some reason, it's the Wintour stuff that gets the most play. Anyway, Page Six caught up with Tim at the Project Runway show yesterday, and he was in good spirits. Probably because he knows Anna doesn't have the balls of steels it would take to come over and bitch him out in person:

Tim Gunn says he expects “hell to freeze over” if he runs into Anna Wintour this week. The fashion expert writes in his new book that he saw Wintour being carried by bodyguards down the stairs after a 2006 fashion show. Gunn, promoting his book, “Gunn’s Golden Rules,” said Wintour went “ballistic” at his comments.

He told us after the “Project Runway” show, “I wasn’t slinging mud or criticizing her character. More than 30 people must have seen it. I’m just the only one brave enough to tell the truth. Lord knows hell would freeze over if I came face to face with her here, but I probably wouldn’t be able to see past her handlers.”

[From Page Six]

Another beautiful slam - Anna is surrounded by "handlers" - meaning, she's out of touch, she consciously surrounds herself with sycophants, she's a f-cking joke. I want to marry Tim.

Page Six had another story about Wintour too - although it started out as a Naomi Campbell story. Tonight, there will be a big charity event (that CB and I were invited to, alas, we aren’t going!) called Fashion's Night Out. Wintour is one of the organizers, and designers donate their clothes, models donate their time, and it raises a lot of money for charity. Well, Naomi Campbell was one of the models, and many sources claimed that Naomi was a big, fat pill (shocking). Some claimed that Naomi wouldn't agree to come unless Wintour put her on an upcoming cover of Vogue (ha). Anyway, Naomi threatened Anna with a phone or something, because Anna released a brisk statement: "Naomi was on time, professional and a joy to work with." She said, cowering in fear of The Naomi.

Model Naomi Campbell and her boyfriend Vladimir Doronin arrive at the Miral red carpet event at the 67th Venice Film Festival September 2, 2010. REUTERS/Tony Gentile (ITALY - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

44666, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Thursday September 9, 2010. Tim Gunn cannot stop laughing as he exits a taxi cab following the 'Project Runway' fashion show at the Lincoln Center in NYC. Photograph:  Wagner Az,

NEW YORK - MAY 03: Editor-In-Chief of American Vogue Anna Wintour attends the press preview for the 'American Woman: Fashioning A National Identity' Costume Institute exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 3, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Jason Kempin/Getty Images)



Anna in Sept. 2009 & January & March 2010. Credit: WENN.

Ryan Gosling & Michelle Williams are intense, sexy for W Magazine

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 09:46 AM PDT


I knew W Magazine had put Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams - costar in the upcoming Blue Valentine - on the cover of their October issue, but I had no idea it would be this hot. I just… wow. They really have chemistry together, don't they? Good for Michelle. She strikes me as a wall flower/wilting flower most of the time, but it's good to see her find some bombshell moves and sex it up.

Regarding their film - I thought it was just a tearjerker romance, but apparently it's got some kind of edge to it? According to sources, it's about "David and Cindy, a couple who have been together for several years but who are at an impasse in their relationship. While Cindy has blossomed into a woman with opportunities and options, David is still the same person he was when they met, and he is unable to accept either Cindy’s growth or his lack of it. Innovatively structured, the narrative unfolds in two distinct time frames, juxtaposing scenes of first love and youthful sexuality with those of disenchantment and discord." Hm…

By the way, just a word about W Magazine - I like that they're doing more multiple-star covers. Jon Hamm and Rebecca Hall a few months ago, and that weird overly-Photoshopped Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston shoot in the Spring. W has a new editor now, but I'm glad to see they're keeping with this two-star cover thing. It's nice to see male stars on the cover of a fashion magazine, in a highly stylized editorial.



W Magazine photos courtesy of Hollywood Dame.

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