Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Lady Gaga rallies for gay rights: “Repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell or go home.”

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 08:41 AM PDT

Singer Lady Gaga speaks at a rally in Portland, Maine, September 20, 2010 urging members of the Senate to repeal the military rule banning openly gay people from serving in the armed forces. The event was organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network to pressure Republican U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine to vote to allow a repeal of the policy. REUTERS/Joel Page (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS)

Lady Gaga gave a political speech in Maine yesterday. She made the appearance at a rally on behalf of the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (DADT). Even though Gaga has been mocked by legit newsmen and celebrity sites for her speech, I kind of love it. It's Gaga, not a senator. She can say sh-t that other people can't, and she can be unapologetically passionate about gay rights. The video is below, and her speech starts around the 1:50 minute mark.

Declaring that “Equality is the prime rib of America,” pop star Lady Gaga urged Maine’s two U.S. senators to help break a Republican filibuster on legislation that includes a repeal of the military’s ban on openly homosexual service members.

“My name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. I am an American citizen,” the singer told a Portland, Maine, rally organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. She urged Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, both Republicans, to support the repeal of the Pentagon’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule and share “the greatest cut of meat that my country has to offer” with gays and lesbians in the military.

“Shouldn’t everyone deserve the right to wear the same meat dress that I do?” asked the singer, who caught flak for showing up at MTV’s Video Music Awards in a dress made of raw meat. “Repeal ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ or go home.”

The 24-year-old singer also drew cheers by proposing a new law, titled, “If you don’t like it, go home,” which would remove homophobic straight soldiers from the military instead of gay soldiers. If you are not honorable enough to fight without prejudice, go home."

Opponents of the 1993 ban have urged Snowe and Collins, both of whom oppose the policy, to join Democrats and help shut down a Republican-led filibuster of a defense authorization bill that would repeal the restriction. Democrats are unlikely to muster the 60-vote supermajority needed to get the bill to the Senate floor without their support. But in statements issued Monday, both senators indicated they would vote with GOP leaders and block the measure. A key procedural vote is set for Tuesday afternoon.

In addition to speaking at Monday’s rally, Gaga has used her online presence to rally her fans — nicknamed “Little Monsters” — in support of repeal.

“All hands on deck Lil Monsters: Key Senate vote this Tues. on #DADT repeal. We need 60 senators. Call your senator now,” she tweeted on Thursday. She goes into more detail on her website, offering talking points for fans who make the call and urging them to voice their opposition to a filibuster or any amendments that would keep the ban in effect.

[From CNN]

I know a lot of you hate her, but I personally agree 100% with Gaga's political stance. The Senate vote on DADT - the repeal of which is part of large Pentagon spending bill - is today, and Sen. McCain has already announced his plans to filibuster. To break a potential filibuster, Democrats are seeking the support of Maine's two Republican senators - thus, Gaga's appearance at the rally in Maine. Regarding her meat dress comments - eh. On that part, Gaga just needs to give it a rest.

Singer Lady Gaga gestures as she speaks at a rally in Portland, Maine, September 20, 2010 urging members of the Senate to repeal the military rule banning openly gay people from serving in the armed forces. The event was organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network to pressure Republican U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine to vote to allow a repeal of the policy. REUTERS/Joel Page (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS)

Singer Lady Gaga speaks at a rally in Portland, Maine, September 20, 2010 urging members of the Senate to repeal the military rule banning openly gay people from serving in the armed forces. The event was organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network to pressure Republican U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine to vote to allow a repeal of the policy. REUTERS/Joel Page (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS)

Singer Lady Gaga speaks at a rally in Portland, Maine, September 20, 2010 urging members of the Senate to repeal the military rule banning openly gay people from serving in the armed forces. The event was organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network to pressure Republican U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine to vote to allow a repeal of the policy. REUTERS/Joel Page (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT POLITICS IMAGES OF THE DAY)

Did Elizabeth Moss’s Scientology beliefs lead to her divorce?

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 08:14 AM PDT

12 September 2009 - Los Angeles, California - Fred Armisen and Elisabeth Moss. 61st Annual Creative Arts Emmy Awards held at Nokia Theatre LA Live. Photo Credit: Byron Purvis/AdMedia

Yesterday, Elizabeth Moss confirmed to Entertainment Tonight that she had officially filed for divorce from Fred Armisen, her husband of less than a year. This caused Us Weekly to run some weeks-old quotes from unnamed sources about Moss's Scientology being the real problem in their marriage, not the whole thing about Fred Armisen hooking up with his 23-year-old SNL costar Abby Elliot. We covered the quotes here, when the story came out in the print edition of Us Weekly, but now they're getting more play - HuffPo's story on this has already gotten more than 400 comments. WTF? I guess people didn't know that little Peggy from Mad Men rolls with Xenu.

It’s really over. Elisabeth Moss filed divorce papers in Los Angeles Monday to end her brief marriage to Fred Armisen, Entertainment Tonight confirms. The Mad Men actress, 28, wed the Saturday Night Live performer, 43, last October.

According to court documents, the couple have been separated since late June.

“They had issues,” one insider told Us Weekly of the short-lived pair. One of those issues? Moss’s ties to the Church of Scientology.

“Her religion was as important to her as their marriage, if not more,” another pal told Us. “He could not get with it.”

Armisen isn’t brooding on his own. After their separation, he connected with SNL costar Abby Elliot, 23. “Fred sought comfort in her after the split,” another source says, adding that Moss is “fine” with his new relationship.

“They are both moving on.”

[From Us Weekly]

I'll say it again - I think Moss's Scientology probably played a role in their split, but I'm not giving Fred Armisen a free pass either. He moved on so quickly it is suspicious, and it makes me sympathetic towards Moss. Plus, I just think she's really talented and adorable, and I want her to hook up with someone interesting. Not The Hamm! But maybe Vincent Kartheiser…? He seems so weird though. Who would be good for my girl? I'm still drawing a blank.

WASHINGTON - MAY 01: Actor Fred Armisen and his wife, actress Elisabeth Moss, arrive at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner on May 1, 2010 in Washington, DC. The annual dinner featured comedian Jay Leno and was attended by President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)

NEW YORK - DECEMBER 14:  Actors Fred Armisen and Elisabeth Moss attends the premiere of 'Did You Hear About the Morgans?' after party at The Oak Room on December 14, 2009 in New York City.  (Photo by Bryan Bedder/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CA - SEPTEMBER 20:  Actors Elisabeth Moss (L) and Fred Armisen arrive at the 61st Primetime Emmy Awards held at the Nokia Theatre on September 20, 2009 in Los Angeles, California.  (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Mel Gibson: “I really am losing my grip… I’m a f-cking failure”

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 07:55 AM PDT

404281 06: Actor Mel Gibson addresses the media at a press conference for the Australian launch of his new movie 'We Were Soldiers' April 22, 2002 in Sydney Australia. (Photo by Chris McGrath /Getty Images)

TMZ is still extraordinarily butt-hurt about Radar getting all of those tapes of Mel Gibson's ranting about blow jobs and glum c-nts (amongst other gems). So "somehow" TMZ got their hands on a series of emails/texts between Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva. "Somehow" being "when Mel Gibson's lawyer hand-delivered the printed exchange directly to TMZ's office." TMZ is still running blatantly anti-Oksana stories nearly everyday, by the way - and they're pretty much the only ones. For some "reason" I guess Mel's team just feel safe leaking sh-t to them, but whatever.

So, the email exchange… it's interesting. TMZ focuses only what Oksana wrote - and this is back in March of this year, after Mel not-so-allegedly beat the hell out of her. But what Mel wrote to Oksana is interesting too. Here are the basics:

Mel: “I really am losing my grip. I desperately need a solution. Sorry it has to affect you. I can’t stand anything any more … I’m stuck. I try to be ok but it overpowers me & i’m (sic) something I don’t want to be. It’s a primal scream thing. The pain is too great & everywhere I turn is making it heavier. Oh to have peace! Oh to have joy. Oh to be able to provide it for another. I’m a f—— failure.”

Oksana: “Please don’t torcher urself like that, please!!!! U dint do anything to be so hard on urself. U r amazing man and always will be in my eyes and I will make sure Lucy knows it. U r an anusually extraordinary person. Ur versitile talent speaks louder than the words! U r capable to make a masterpiece about jesus and to build the church for him! U r just one person, but u did this! In itself it’s a lifetime wearthy atchivements, but for only chosen one. I love u, that doesn’t change. Even if u don’t want it anymore.”

Mel: “I felt a high degree of agitation in you when u left tonight. I’m sorry. I guess I’m in a process of being torn down so I can rebuild … I love you … I was terrified of where we were going & my outbursts & the potential for damage.”

[From TMZ and Us Weekly]

Ugh. What is there to say? I could try to explain away Oksana's message as a beaten woman trying to soothe the Monster known as Mel. But obviously, they had a very complicated relationship, and as we already know, Oksana was not the most perfect "victim" of domestic abuse - she went back to her abuser, she kept in contact with her abuser, and obviously, she still had and has a vested interest in her abuser's life - he is the father of her daughter, after all. But Mel's initial message is interesting - he's such a classic stereotype - he is so petty and jealous and insane and he has a breaking point and lashes out violently, and then he "comes down" and is meek and self-loathing. My opinion? There is something wrong with him, chemically. Not that a chemical imbalance is an appropriate justification for hitting the mother of your child, but it does explain the Monster.

404281 07: Actor Mel Gibson addresses the media at a press conference for the Australian launch of his new movie 'We Were Soldiers' April 22, 2002 in Sydney Australia. (Photo by Chris McGrath /Getty Images)

Oksana Grigorieva left her lawyer's office in Santa Monica, CA looking quite happy. Perhaps she just got some good news concerning her never ending disputes with ex Mel Gibson! Fame Pictures, Inc

Wearing a cross and a saint necklace, Oksana Grigorieva, ex-girlfriend and mother of Mel Gibson s child, made her way into yet another attorney's office this afternoon in Los Angeles, Ca on July 23, 2010.  Fame Pictures, Inc

Charlie Sheen’s arresting officer on Brooke’s strangulation injuries

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 07:42 AM PDT

Actor Charlie Sheen gestures toward the media as he leaves the Pitkin County Courthouse after his sentencing hearing in Aspen, Colorado August 2, 2010. Sheen was sentenced for assaulting his wife during an alcohol-fueled Christmas Day quarrel in Aspen. REUTERS/Rick Wilking (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT CRIME LAW)
Somehow Charlie Sheen has managed to maintain a television career for which he earns millions an episode despite the fact that two of his ex wives claim he physically abused them and threatened to kill them. E! Online has an interview with one of the police officers who responded when Sheen attacked his estranged wife, Brooke Mueller, on Christmas day, and she helps remind us of Brooke’s very serious allegations. She also says that it’s clear from the extent of Brooke’s injuries that she was abused by Charlie, and that she wishes those photos could have been made public. Charlie has managed to avoid even very lenient jail time for that incident by skirting through a series of loopholes. I’m glad that this is getting more press now. Charlie can only personally attack Brooke’s character for so long. It doesn’t matter if she was drunk and drugged out of her mind too, it doesn’t excuse what he’s done. Here’s E!’s report:

You’ve read about the morning Charlie Sheen was arrested for assaulting wife Brooke Mueller in Aspen, the police report stating that he pushed her onto their bed and held a knife to her throat.

Former Aspen Police Officer Valerie McFarlane interviewed Mueller and took close-up photographs of her injuries following her Christmas Day fight with Sheen, which, according to official accounts, turned violent after Mueller said she wanted a divorce.

McFarlane, in an exclusive interview with E! News, says that the public should see what Mueller looked like after that fight.

“When you see those photos, it changes everything,” McFarlane says. “You see the pictures, you get it. You really get it.”

The police report stated that Mueller had “visible” red marks on her neck, “consistent with a strangulation attempt,” and faded bruises on her arms from a “huge fight” in October 2009.

Though they had been in “previous altercations,” McFarlane says, “this one really scared her because he had her on the bed with a knife. She really feared for her life.”

Mueller told her that Sheen spit on her while holding her down, McFarlane says, and held that knife to her throat for “approximately 20 minutes.”

McFarlane, who was fired by the department for allegedly parlaying her insider status on the Sheen case into perks and favorable treatment from an Aspen Daily News reporter who was covering the proceedings, tells E! News that she’s speaking out now to raise awareness about domestic violence.

When she talked to her in December, Mueller showed her the bruises from the October fight, McFarlane says.

“Then she explained that they previously had a fight which he threw her like a rag doll and she had hit her head on a table ,and she eventually had to visit four different doctors—and I think one was a neurologist because of the injuries that she sustained,” the former cop says.

According to the December police report, Mueller did have a CAT scan after banging her head in October. Sheen characterized her fall as an accident and the incident was never reported.

After months of negotiations that ultimately worked in his favor, Sheen ended up pleading guilty to third-degree domestic violence, for which he spent 30 days in a treatment facility for “behavioral modification.”

[From E! Online]

That last line in E!’s article make it sound like Charlie actually faced consequences for his behavior. He was sentenced to 30 days in rehab, but that was reduced to time served because he’d already been a rehab earlier this year. It’s not like he had to even go to anger management counseling as a result of beating Brooke. Also, the officer mentioned in the video interview on E! that Charlie told Brooke he knew ex cops he could hire to kill her without leaving a trace. This is exactly what he told his ex wife, Denise Richards, as she alleged in the divorce decree, and seems to be his M.O.

Meanwhile this guy is making at least a million bucks an episode for Two and a Half Men and is one of the highest paid actors on television. How has he managed to maintain his image amid all this? He’s very slippery, I’ll give that to him.

ASPEN, CO - AUGUST 02: Charlie Sheen departs the Pitkin County Courthouse on August 2, 2010 in Aspen, Colorado. (Photo by Riccardo S. Savi/Getty Images)

July 14, 2010 - West Hollywood, California, U.S. - Jul 14, 2010 - West Hollywood, California, USA - Actress BROOKE MUELLER arriving to Lia Sophia Previews the Ianaya II Collection with an cktail party at the Sunset Tower Hotel. © Red Carpet Pictures

Carey Mulligan’s Nina Ricci dress: adorably chic or totally boring?

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 07:20 AM PDT


As CB already partially covered, the Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps premiere was last night in NYC. All of the star were in attendance, including Michael Douglas (and his wife Zeta), Carey Mulligan, Shia LaBeouf and Josh Brolin (without wife Diane Lane). Noted lovers Carey and Shia absolutely refused to pose for photos together, much to my dismay. This is the film where they met and fell in love! And they posed together when they were promoting the thing in Cannes. But alas, they're only in the same frame for the group shots.

In her Vogue interview, Carey explained why she doesn't like to pose with Shia on the red carpet, saying "it feels like you're selling something that has nothing to do with you…'Oh, we come as a pair! Would you like to buy both of us? We're available for weddings and bar mitzvahs.'"

Anyway, I love Carey's little Nina Ricci outfit (from Ricci’s Fall collection), and everything about the way she's styled. She looks very pretty and appropriately dressed-up for a premiere, and the styling suits her very well. I love her hair too. As for Shia… well, you know that boy brings out the cougar in me. He looked lovely too - he shaved his dirt lip, he was wearing a good suit, and he looked gorgeous. He's a good looking kid!

Sept. 20, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - Actor SHIA LABEOUF attends the New York premiere of 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' held at the Ziegfeld Theatre. © Red Carpet Pictures

Sept. 20, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - Actress CAREY MULLIGAN attends the New York premiere of 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' held at the Ziegfeld Theatre. © Red Carpet Pictures

(L-R) Cast members Shia LaBeouf, Frank Langella, Carey Mulligan and Michael Douglas arrive for the premiere of the film Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps in New York September 20, 2010. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson (UNITED STATES - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS)

NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 20: (L to R) Shia LaBeouf, Michael Douglas, Carey Mulligan, and Josh Brolin attend the 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' premiere at the Ziegfeld Theatre on September 20, 2010 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)


By the way, Zeta looks refreshed, doesn't she?

45215, NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Monday September 20 2010. Catherine Zeta Jones at the Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps premiere in New York. Photograph:  Darla Khazei, PacificCoastNews.com

Wall Street premiere pics, from Sept. 20, 2010. Credit: WENN.

Anthony Hopkins explains how he dropped 75 pounds in two years

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 06:50 AM PDT


I had noticed that Anthony Hopkins had lost a great deal of weight in the past few years, but I always assumed that he was sick and that we would find out at some point what terrible illness he was fighting, and until then, we should just respect his privacy. As it turns out, however, Sir Anthony was actually on a diet. He wasn't sick. At least that's what he claims. He's promoting his supporting part in the Woody Allen ensemble, You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, and he did an interview with NYP's Cindy Adams. He tells Adams that his wife put on a diet and made him go to the gym six days a week (Jesus), and that he lost 75 pounds in two years the old fashioned way - through hard work. Just so you know, I find this whole interview charming, and I would hit it:

Sir Anthony Hopkins. In Woody Allen’s delicious new film “You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger” — about how after you get older, des perate, divorced, Viagra and so sexy you marry a hooker, it all goes lousy. Said Hannibal Lecter:

“Comedy is not my usual role. I’m not Dick Van Dyke, but this was a good part, and I enjoy offbeat New York Jewish humor. I can play any situation. My character is ‘afraid of being alone.’ I know one divorced Hollywood guy in his 60s who got into hookers. He died, alone, in six months. They can have it. I’m in my 70s, and I know."

“For seven years I’m with my third wife, who’s 18 years younger and a nurturer. I’m a loner. Very few friends. None actors. She has her Spanish lady friends around, and I love that. We have a ball. I’m not looking for women, but I do love the ladies.”

Said newly slim Tony Hopkins: “I lost too much, 75 pounds in two years. But I gained a little back in Europe. I was addicted to bread, cookies, whatnot. I love all the bad stuff. My wife’s no dictator, but she said I must stick to a regimen. So I’m in the gym six days a week, I power walk, live on 800 calories a day. No pasta. No seconds. A sandwich occasionally. Now I’m a health nut. I can’t get back into my wardrobe. I gave it all away to some mission. I tried tailoring the pants but they look ridiculous."

“I can’t do anything but act. I stumbled into the profession 55 years ago. I’m careless. I go astray. Misplace things. As an impractical kid I was hopeless. I’d do odd jobs. If I weren’t an actor I’d be a burglar or seafarer.”

[From The NY Post]

"She has her Spanish lady friends around, and I love that. We have a ball. I’m not looking for women, but I do love the ladies.” How much would you love that? To be one of his wife's girlfriends and get to go over to his house and flirt with him? But it does strike me that he probably is more comfortable being around women - he seems like that kind of man, doesn't he? I love those men. As far as his dieting and exercise - he's 73 years old! I understand that his wife wants him to be healthy, but let him have a cookie, for the love of God.

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 12: Actors Anthony Hopkins attends the 'You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger' press conference held at the Four Seasons during the 35th 2010 Toronto International Film Fesitval on September 12, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 11: Actor Anthony Hopkins attends the Sony Pictures Classic Dinner held at Cr me Brasserie during the 35th oronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Toby Canham/Getty Images)

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 12: Actor Anthony Hopkins arrives at the 'You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger' Premiere held at the Hyatt Regency during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival on September 12, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

Actor Anthony Hopkins and his wife Stella Arroyave arrive for the Toronto International Film Festival premiere of 'You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger' at The Elgin Theater in Toronto, Canada on September 12, 2010. UPI/Christine Chew Photo via Newscom

Header: Hopkins at TIFF on Sept. 10, 2010. Credit: WENN.

Kate Winslet takes her hot piece, Louis Dowler, on the road

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 06:23 AM PDT


It's always funny to think about Kate Winslet as a tabloid celebrity. She isn't really, in America at least. But I guess she's had some bouts with tabloid fame in Britain - and she's even sued a few tabloids and magazines, and that's probably why she lives in America most of the time - she gets treated like an actress, not a tabloid celebrity. However, Kate has been doing some Jessica Simpson moves lately. Since her split from husband Sam Mendes, Kate has only been dating one dude that we know of - male model Louis Fowler. Kate and Louis have probably been dating for about two months or so, and Kate pretty much gave him a tabloid roll-out, posing for candid photos with him just weeks into their relationship. If she was American, she might be getting a "Revenge Divorce Diet" tabloid cover right about now.

Not to say I dislike Kate's moves - she and Louis were in Madrid last night for a Vanity Fair party, and they amiably posed for lovely-dovey photos that I tend to think are aimed partially at her ex-husband. Something like, "See, he doesn't think I'm boring! I'm fabulous, a–hole!" And Kate does look fantastic. I don't know if she's on a Revenge Divorce Diet or whatever, but her figure looks great and her face has settled down after it looked like she was heavily Botoxed late last year and earlier this year. As for Louis… well, he's no David Gandy, but he'll do. He's very cute, but he's not "pretty" which is nice. Kate can be the pretty one!




Kate and Louis in Madrid on Sept. 20, 2010. Credit: Target/Fame.

Lindsay Lohan’s E*Trade “milkaholic” lawsuit settled out of court

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 05:59 AM PDT


Earlier this year, back in March, Lindsay Lohan and her team of batsh-t crazy lawyers decided to file a $100 million lawsuit against E*TRADE. What had the company done to our little crackhead? Well, they had mocked her, terribly, and destroyed her fragile little mind and damaged her unblemished and sterling reputation. E*TRADE had used their talking babies, and their new commercial featured a talking baby identified as "Lindsay" - and this baby was a "milkaholic." Lindsay's lawsuit stemmed from the idea that she's so famous and important that she's known as just "Lindsay" - like Cher or Madonna. Dina even got into the act, claiming that E*TRADE were "babies" and they were "mocking a child." It was beautiful. Here's the commercial that started it all:

Anyway, yesterday the announcement came down - E*TRADE and the poor maligned Lohans came to a settlement agreement, and the lawsuit was withdrawn:

Lindsay Lohan just milked E*Trade all the way to the bank — and it’s all over a Super Bowl commercial that may have insinuated Lohan is a “milkaholic.” TMZ has learned Lohan’s $100 million lawsuit against E*Trade has been settled.

The terms of the settlement are confidential — but we’re told Lindsay’s team is “very happy” with the results … and sources say Lindsay got some cash out of it. As we previously reported, Lindsay claimed the stock trading company violated her rights by featuring a baby character named Lindsay who happens to be the “milkaholic” other woman in a baby love triangle.

Lindsay’s high-powered attorney Stephanie Ovadia tells TMZ, “The case between Lindsay and E*Trade has been settled … there is no further comment.”

E*Trade reps tell TMZ, “E*TRADE has always maintained that the claims were without merit, which is why we moved to dismiss the case. With the case now withdrawn, we are pleased to have the matter behind us.”

Dina Lohan also weighed in, saying, “The family is pleased that the case has been settled.”

[From TMZ]

First: Mother Crackhead speaks! This is her first statement since the milkaholic tested positive. Second: This news was kind of lost because the announcement came out within the same hour as Lindsay's probation being revoked, and a bench warrant being issued, because she's a cokehead, a crankhead and a f-cked up cracked-out liar. I hope E*TRADE didn't have to pay too much - honestly, the Lohans are such f-cked-up, hustlers, I doubt the settlement was anything beyond the low 6-figures. Which they shouldn't have to pay, but whatever, it's easier then taking this thing all the way. Stupid milkaholic Lohans.

One more Lohan story: Fox News' legal experts think that the judge will likely throw Lindsay back in jail immediately after Friday's hearing. The whole thing is here - apparently, at this point, it's totally up to the judge's discretion whether or not she goes to jail for violating her probation. Eh.

45091, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday September 17 2010. Amidst reports she failed a court ordered drugs test, Lindsay Lohan shows off her tattoo I restore myself when I'm alone during a night out in LA. Reports suggest the troubled star could return to jail after supposedly testing positive for cocaine. Photograph:   Anthony, PacificCoastNews.com

44907, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Tuesday September 14, 2010. Lindsay Lohan makes her way to Santa Monica County Court court for a court mandated urine test accompanied by her assistant Eleonore. The two are seen leaving in a white Porsche. Photograph:  PacificCoastNews.com


Lindsay on August 30, 2010, and with Ali on Sept. 20, 2010. Credit: Fame.

Raising Sextuplets dad resisted arrest, fought in front of kids and was nearly tasered

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 05:52 AM PDT

Yesterday we reported on the news that Bryan Masche, the immature dad who stars in the WE reality show Raising Sextuplets, was arrested for a domestic incident while visiting family in Arizona earlier this month. I was surprised by how many people had seen the show, and many of you co-signed my opinion (solely based on the clips that I’ve seen) that this guy is a mean assh*le. Now several outlets have the police report details, and contrary to earlier stories the cops noted that this guy’s six three year-old kids, three boys and three girls, were there and witnessed their dad flipping out, swearing and threatening their granddad. Here’s E! Online’s story, which notes that when police tried to cuff Masche he folded his arms and pouted like a toddler, resisting arrest until he was threatened with a taser:

Police are raising some big questions about the Raising Sextuplets’ dad’s behavior.

Bryan Masche, the reality-TV patriarch who was arrested Sept. 11 on suspicion of domestic violence while visiting family in Camp Verde, Ariz., threatened to “flatten” his father-in-law and screamed profanities while in the presence of his 3-year-old kids, according to the police report.

And, per the cops, Masche continued to refuse to play nice until he was confronted with the threat of a Taser zap.

Masche at first refused to let the arresting officers cuff him, yelling “I didn’t do anything!” and firmly folding his arms in front of him to prevent them from getting at his wrists, the report states.

Finally, one officer told another to deploy his Taser, after which Masche wised up. Sort of.

“Bryan complied prior to the Taser being deployed,” the report continues. “Bryan was then assisted back to his feet and escorted to my vehicle where he was secured. While in my patrol vehicle, Bryan continued to be belligerent.”

Wife Jenny Masche told the police that the belligerence started when she informed her husband that she was going to visit friends in Phoenix, while he wanted to take their children—Savannah, Bailey, Grant, Cole, Molli and Blake—to Lake Havasu City, where they lived before moving to Destin, Fla.

Bryan started yelling and using profanity in front of the kids, Jenny said, and also threatened Jenny’s father when he tried to intervene.

The incident remained verbal and never got physical, the report says, but firearms were present in a nearby vehicle and Masche was becoming “more aggressive” as the fight dragged on.

Bryan, 32, has pleaded not guilty to three counts of domestic violence involving disorderly conduct and threats, as well as one count of resisting arrest. He’s currently free on $3,500 bail and is due in court Oct. 7.

Raising Sextuplets reared its head on WE tv in 2008 as a one-hour special, OMG! Sextuplets!, before becoming a full-fledge series last year. Its second season premiered in June.

But as was the case with another cable reality show with many kids, there’s been plenty of trouble in paradise for the Masches.

“We have totally brutal fights,” Jenny told People in 2009. Added Bryan: “When you understand that there’s no way out of marriage that forces you to work on your marriage. If we’re going to be stuck with each other for the next 80 years, we better make it good.”

[From E! Online]

People Magazine has more on how the fight started. They note that the police report states that Bryan wanted to take all their kids to a lake 200 miles away while Jenny wanted to take the family to visit friends in Phoenix. The report claims that “Jenny did not know if Bryan planned to return with the children.” As for those “firearms in a nearby vehicle,” I hope they were just for hunting and that no one threatened anyone with them. The way it’s stated like that sounds pretty ominous, but that’s the only reference to the guns and there’s no allegation of a shooting threat.

So what’s next for this manchild, his clueless wife and their poor six kids? Is WE going to continue to reward them for their irresponsible behavior? I wouldn’t be surprised if they do, considering that this is the most publicity any of their shows has received in ages.

Photos are form 6/11/10. Credit: WENN.com



Michael Douglas looks healthy, talks cancer treatment & remains positive

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 05:43 AM PDT

Michael Douglas made an appearance at the premiere of Wall St. 2: Money Never Sleeps last night. There was speculation as to whether he would be able to make it, as he’s been open about the fact that he’s currently undergoing treatment for stage four throat cancer. He came, although some outlets claim that he’s having trouble speaking and barely spoke to reporters. His voice was weak just one week into his chemotherapy, when he went on Letterman, and he said at that time that the chemo and radiation burned his mouth and that he couldn’t take solids. Still, he spoke a little at the press conference ahead of the premiere, according to People, and talked about what he’s been going through.

“I’m in the middle of my program, and it’s going along fine,” Douglas, 65, told PEOPLE at a press conference for Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps on Sunday. “I’m very optimistic and hopeful right now.”

He added: “My family has been very supportive. There’s not a lot that anybody can do. You’ve just got to kind of do the program. But it’s the world you [learn to] understand about cancer. You get to know cancer survivors, and the kind of support and outpouring I’ve been getting has just been amazing.”

Despite his intensive course of radiation and chemotherapy to treat a tumor in his throat, Douglas said he has “a lot of things to be grateful for.”

Among those things is his work. The new Wall Street film opens this Friday, and Douglas said he’s “looking for a great opening night.” He also credited costar Shia LaBeouf for being the heart and soul of the movie.

“He carries the movie,” Douglas says. “I had to do that before, and I know the responsibility, but Shia carries every scene. It’s a tremendous responsibility for anybody.”

[From People]

It’s clear that there’s a lot of love between Douglas and his young co-star, Shia Labeouf. Shia also heaped praise on Douglas ahead of the premiere. He called him a “wolf” and a “strong man” in an interview with the Associated Press, adding “all I know of his vulnerabilities is that when he first came to set he had just gone through knee surgery, his kid just went into the drum… he was dealing with a lot, never was it ‘woe is me,’ never. I think he’s one of the strongest American actors we have… my mom’s still’s got a crush on him. I feel like I have a little crush on him. Everybody’s got a crush on him.”

Douglas had an extensive interview in Parade magazine recently and I really admire the stance he’s taken toward cancer and life in general. He said that he went public with his diagnosis because “Millions of families are going through the same thing my family and I are now going through. If I can bring any relief or encouragement to those suffering, that's the good news.” As for his own health battle, he says he’s remaining positive and is planning for a full recovery. “I'm in good spirits. I'm an optimistic guy… Nothing has deterred me from my belief that I am going to beat this.” We’re rooting for you Michael!

Photo credit: WENN.com

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