Saturday, September 18, 2010

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton

MileyBird Revisits Another Former Flame!

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 11:00 AM PDT


Well, would you look at that!

That MileyBird has been hitting up all of her former flings! Skanky! Charming!

Cyrus was spotted ringing in former boyfriend Nick Jonas' 18th birthday Wednesday night at a bowling alley with his brothers, as well as Joe's ex Demi Lovato, and Rob Kardashian!

Inneresting group!

Not to mention effing AWKWARD!

Too much Disney-cest for our liking, thank you very much!


Image via WENN.]

Shannen Doherty On How To Be A Badass!

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 10:40 AM PDT


If you ever wanted to know how to be controversial, you might want to check with 90s star Shannen Doherty. Her book, Shannen Doherty Badass: A Hard-Earned Guide to Living Life With Style and (The Right) Attitude, is breaking it all down and giving some tip on how to achieve controversy.

Here are some HIGHlights:

On the benefits of her rep:
"Becoming a Badass has given me the ability to break free of my insecurities. Becoming a Badass has given me the confidence to live my life in full authenticity."

On stalking:
"I prefer to go with three of my friends, because we make it fun for ourselves…I rarely do this sort of stalking and can remember only one time we did this for me… Never, never go in your own car or a car he knows well. Borrow your friends' care and be polite and considerate and pay for the gas. (Yes, even in stalking there are manners.)"

On relationships:
"I wasted a lot of time in my twenties. Not that I didn't have a great time and great loves…I won't burden you with the details about my two relatively brief and tabloid-worthy marriages – the first to Ashley Hamilton (George and Alana Hamilton's son), and the second to Rick Solomon (who, after we split, went on to become legendary for unleashing the Paris Hilton sex tapes on the world). When it comes to Rick, I'm not going to lie and say I didn't love him. I did love him. And he provided a lot of great things for me during our relationship, especially humor. He was great at making me laugh, and we had some good times. But, my God, they sure didn't equal the bad times."

The book will be released in November. Will U be getting your copy?!

Snooki Wants To Date A Businessman

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 10:20 AM PDT


It looks like Snooki is ready to move past guidos and meatheads. She announced yesterday that she wants to date a businessman.

"The past luck that I've had with these gorillas isn't amazing. It's not a fairy tale. I want a fairy tale and I feel if I can get a fairy tale with anybody, it would be like a successful businessman and his last name needs to end in a vowel."

Good news, all of you eligible businessmen out there! Personality and looks aren't important — just be rich and have a name that ends in a vowel!

Go get her, boys!

[Image via Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.]

Bad Blood Between Vampire Bill & Edward Cullen?

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 10:00 AM PDT


Probably, but not between Stephen Moyer and Robert Pattinson. At least, Stephen hopes he can smooth things over.

The True Blood vamp once referred to RPatz's Twi-vamp as a "pussy" and "the Diet Coke of vampires." Of course, the Twi-hards got all bent out of shape about it and the media even got involved, speculating that Stephen was also taking shots at RPatz.

Well, Vampire Bill wants to clear the air and explains he was only joking, since he has never even met Rob. When asked about if he actually called Edward Cullen a "pussy," Stephen said:

"I really did. But just his character. The truth is, you get asked and asked and asked this stuff. One day I was with my daughter in the car and the paparazzi stood in front of me so I couldn't drive away. I had to give them something. I haven't even seen Twilight. I don't know the books but all I know is that Edward drinks cow blood instead of human blood. So I went, 'He's a pussy, he doesn't even drink real blood, he's the Diet Coke of vampires'. I sent him a message saying, 'Dude, I hope you realize this is a joke'. I've still never met him."

Rob seems like the kind of guy who get that kind of humor. Hell, most of the time he makes fun of himself! We're sure he doesn't care.

But good thing you cleared things up for those Twi-Hards! They aren't as forgiving!

[Image via WENN.]

Winona Ryder Says Fame Drives You Crazy!

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 09:40 AM PDT


Ya think?!

Winona Ryder recently opened up about some of the downsides of celebritydom, and revealed that it can drive a person crazy!

She says:

"To be looked at and judged, you read something about yourself and you think, 'OK, that's who I am, that's how I should be', it gets very confusing. [It] can drive a person crazy, it can!"

Ha! Crazy enough to steal, maybe?

We hope you've come to terms with your fame, bb, and have continued to keep those sticky fingers to yourself!


Image via WENN.]

For All You Gamers

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 09:20 AM PDT


For all you gamers out there…

Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami and No More Heroes designer Goichi Suda have collaborated to create the hellish game, Shadows of the Damned.

The game is about Garcia Hotspur, a demon hunter, as he travels to hell to save he true love.

Sounds intense!

Goichi Suda is excited to unveil the game, and says that"This is one of the greatest games [he has] ever worked on."

Shadows of the Damned will be released on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 in 2011.

[Image via Kotaku.]

Kid Cudi Is An Idiot

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 09:00 AM PDT


Kid Cudi spilled his idiotic guts to Complex magazine, and we've gotta say…we are NOT impressed.

Here are some excerpts from the interview, which should give you the gist of why he's a Kid CudIDIOT:

Everybody think they Hov. Niggas ain't got the magic like they think they do; there's only a couple of wizards in this game. I'm a wizard and I know it.

Sounds like the makings of another Bed Intruder Song! More from CudIDIOT on his cocaine usage:

I never thought it was a problem, but I was definitely high-fiving death a couple of times.

That's right, Cudi. It's only a problem if you ACTUALLY die. Almost dying is fine.

Here's CudIDIOT on Perez:

Even Perez Hilton said some shit about me. He might be a good person and have a good heart, but he does a lot of fuckhead shit. Who are you to talk about people? That's not cool. That's why the world is so fucked up, because of hate. And he's gay? I just don't get that. The gay people I know are about peace and love and coming together. That shit doesn't register with me. He's a chump and a coward, and it's fucked up because I met dude so many times and he had nothing but love to show me. Then when that shit happened with Lady Gaga kicking me off her tour, he had to run his mouth and judge me on that shit.

We'd recommend Cudi look up the word "nonsensical" in the dictionary, but we'd probably first have to explain the concept of a dictionary to him, which wouldn't be worth our time.

Check out the full interview here, and let us know if U can think of any words other than "nonsensical," "idiot", or "moron" to describe the man kid.

[Image via WENN.]

Quote Of The Day

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 08:40 AM PDT


"Next time I'll wear a tofu dress and the soybean police will come after me!"

- Lady GaGa at her concert in Philadelphia, about her VMA meat outfit controversy

[Image via WENN.]

Foxy Will See Transformers 3…And She Will Be "Jealous!"

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 08:00 AM PDT


It didn't have to be this way, you know! If you could have just kept your pretty, little mouth shut…

Ah, what's done is done. When the movie makes $7 gagillion, maybe then you'll learn.

Megan Fox recently admitted that she has every intention of seeing the next installment of Transformers, despite getting the axe from the leading lady role. However, she also admitted that it won't be easy for her to sit through, watching someone else get all up on her man! She explained:

"I might be a little jealous when I see somebody kissing my Shia [LaBeouf], wearing my jeans that I … already had been fit for. It's kind of weird, actually."

Yeah, sounds like. Must be for Shia too. He already made mention of how much he missed having Foxy around!

Perhaps you two can join forces again someday. Just make sure you both agree on a director first!

[Image via WENN.]

Bieber Fans Doing Good!

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 07:40 AM PDT


In a contest thrown by Saskatoon radio station C95, Justin Bieber fans were desperate to win the Feed It To Bieber contest.

Whoever collected the most cans and packets of soup for the Saskatoon Food Bank won front row tickets and backstage passes to Justin's show at Credit Union Centre on Friday.

At the end of the contest, the food bank was loading up more 21,000 cans of soup.

C95 morning show co-host Ramblin' Dave Scharf said:

"Imagine a half-ton truck, the whole bed filled. There probably then would be 10 of those. 21,000 cans of soup later, you're just amazed at how much a part of the community C95 is, and how much our listeners are all kind of part of the same group and on the same team. It was a lot of fun."

The winners, Kelsey Salzsauler and Kayla Findlay, collected 2,507 cans and packs of soup while runner-up Cindy Madland brought in over 2,200.

"They just worked their behinds off and went door-to-door and asked for soup and/or money," added Scharf. "And what money they got, they bought soup."

Amazing. And now everyone is happy!

Enjoy the show, ladies.

[Image via WENN.]

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