Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Posted: 14 Sep 2010 11:24 AM PDT

First The Simpsons‘ Characters, Now Oprah? – Either as a viral part of her epic “going away” media event, or some weird Internet meme that has caught on, there is now a site where you can “Oprah-fy” yourself. But can you give a member of your studio audience a free car? (via Urlesque)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Cat In The Bath

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:45 AM PDT

Nope, Cat in the Bath isn’t a new Dr. Seuss book — it’s just a video of a cat. In the bath. Looking incredibly grumpy. We think we’ve found our new spirit animal.

Post from: Crushable

Video: Cat In The Bath

Textual Healing: The Guy Who Only Texts

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:43 AM PDT

Textual HealingText messaging might be the easiest and most convenient way to send a note to your friends, but when it comes to communicating with a guy, it can be anything but simple. Whether his messages are short and sweet or lengthy and in-depth, you're usually left wondering: what is he really trying to say? And even worse, how do I respond? Here at Crushable we want to help you sift through all the subtext and emerge, textually healed.

No doubt you’ve experienced it before — that guy you’re seeing won’t bother to pick up the phone and call you, instead he’ll only communicate via text. My ex used to tell me he wasn’t “a phone guy,” and I would text him asking him to call me, then he would and I’d miss the call and we’d play phone tag for a few days before I’d give in and text him again. At least he tried. Still, it was annoying that he never wanted to really talk on the phone with me. I felt like I wasn’t a priority to him.

But what if the guy you’re seeing absolutely refuses to communicate with you in the way that you want? You ask him to call you, and he doesn’t even bother, texting you “What’s up?” instead. Frankly, if this is the way your guy is acting, he has no respect for your wishes and what you want out of the relationship. If it’s just a hook-up, that’s one thing. If you’re in the early stages of dating, that’s another. But if you’ve been seeing this guy for awhile, and you haven’t transitioned into a consistent communication method that makes you feel comfortable, you need to stand up for yourself.

Relationship expert Rachel Greenwald gave YourTango some advice on how to handle such a sitauation, and I agree with her:

So here’s the bottom line: decide for yourself what is acceptable in terms of communication with your guy. Maybe you’re okay with him texting you to set up a date, but you want him to call and ask you how your day was when you haven’t seen him in awhile. Maybe you want to abolish texting altogether. Figure out your own limits first, then approach him and be clear and honest about your feelings and needs. If he doesn’t respond and change his ways, follow Rachel’s advice and refuse to engage him until he communicates with you in the way you want.

Now, you may say, ‘Isn’t this playing games?’ In a way, yes. But if you are clear and honest about what you want and he is still not respecting that, it’s time for you to reevaluate your relationship. It’s better to figure this out now with this relatively simple test than realizing that he doesn’t respect or value you later on.

Do you agree? Have you ever tested out this theory? Leave your stories and opinions in the comments below, or send them to submissions AT crushable dot com and you might see them featured in an upcoming installment of Textual Healing.

Post from: Crushable

Textual Healing: The Guy Who Only Texts

Gallery: Betsey Johnson's Runway Show

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:23 AM PDT

Wacky design legend Betsey Johnson debuted her fall line yesterday, adding a splash of color to the runway. She offered see-through pantsuits and pink two-piece tutus (of which Kelly Osbourne is a fan). What do you think of her outrageous looks? We say the line’s pretty awesome — but our prom dress was Betsey, so we may just have a nostalgic soft spot for the designer.

(photos via Getty)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Betsey Johnson's Runway Show

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 10:01 AM PDT

Scientists find antidote to glasses – London scientists have found the gene that causes short-sidedness, and are developing eye drop treatments that may cure blurry vision. Boys, get ready to make passes. (via BBC)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Taylor Momsen Pulls Double-Doody

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 09:59 AM PDT

It makes sense that Taylor Momsen pulled this little move onstage during John Galliano ‘Eau de Toilette’ launch. Get it, because she looks like she’s going to the toilet? You get it. (Note to Taylor: Stop trying to steal Amy Winehouse’s signature pose!)

(Photo via WENN)

Post from: Crushable

The Daily WTF: Taylor Momsen Pulls Double-Doody

Video: Kids Reenact Keeping Up With The Kardashions

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 09:50 AM PDT

Babelgum’s Kids Reenact series is one of our favorite things on the Internet. Previously we’ve seen pre-teen Speidis and toddler Snookis. In this installment, a group of youngsters step into the too-tall shoes of Kim, Khloe and the gang. With cupcakes!

Post from: Crushable

Video: Kids Reenact Keeping Up With The Kardashions

Crushable Book Club: Meredith O'Hayre's 'Scream Queen's Survival Guide'

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 09:41 AM PDT

I’m not huge into gimmicky TV/movie-themed books: Although I enjoy listicles and trips down memory lane as much as the next girl, I usually find myself bubbling up with some sort of pent-up resentment. After all, I love movies/tv! Why don’t I have a book deal yet??

And Meredith O’Hayre’s The Scream Queen’ Survival Guide had two strikes against it, because if there is one thing I know, it’s my horror movies. From campy horror-comedy like Eli Roth’s first (and best) film Cabin Fever and Freddy Vs. Jason (I actually have a whole thesis written about that film), to the gore-fests of Dario Argento and psychologically haunting films of David Lynch, I am a sucker for anything that involves future nightmares.

But maybe that’s why I found myself actually loving Meredith’s books: She’s as much as scream-buff as I am. Packaged as “tips” for living to see the end credits role should you find yourself in a horror film, the book actually delves pretty thoroughly into the myriad of horror movie tropes. From the ridiculously specific (“If you have anger issues, don’t take a job as caretaker for an isolated hotels”) to the obvious, (Don’t have big boobs, don’t try to find the fuse box, invest in a GPS system should you go on a camping/road trip), the book sometimes got a little bit repetitive, especially with all the “Don’t Lose Your Head” puns the author was fond of making.

Still, The Scream Queen’s Survival Guide didn’t just entertain me…it inspired me to stay up till 4 a.m. last night watching both Hostel films.

Two (disembodied) thumbs up.

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Book Club: Meredith O'Hayre's 'Scream Queen's Survival Guide'

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 09:01 AM PDT

Most Used Words On TV This Year Include “Dysfunctional,” “Guido,” and “BP spillcam” - So sad that two out of three have to do with an alarming amount of oily substances. (via LemonDrop)

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Party Report: No One Talks to John Mayer at LES Gallery Opening

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 08:52 AM PDT

Last night, our awesome intern Palmer Huff gave us the heads up that Tumblr/Twitter quitter John “My Dick is a White Supremacist” Mayer would be at the Reed Space on the Lower East Side, supporting the premiere solo exhibit of his “hired gun” tour photographer, Tim McGurr (aka 13thWitness). How could we pass up an opportunity to possibly get hit on by John Mayer?? (Hey, even if he’s sworn off women, we know he has a soft-spot for chatting up girls in bars about his dogs.)

But when we got to the show, we were in for an odd scene: First of all, John Mayer was there…all 7 feet of him. Okay, that may be exaggerating, but the dude was huge. You could see his head bobbing in and out of the crowd, hanging out with an older couple and engaging in polite conversation with people mainly over the age of 40. Not that there was a lack of young, downtown hipster types with cameras, just that nobody was approaching him. Originally I chalked it up to the cooler-than-thou manner of scenesters, until I did a lap around the room and realized that John’s presence was all anyone was talking about.

“Oh my god, is that really him?!” squeaked a girl with dark, Taylor Momsen-esque eyeliner and an asymmetrical haircut, nudging her friend in the site and motioning with her head, “I can’t believe that’s him!”

“It’s just like, really weird that he’s here,” she said, quickly regaining her composure.

The guys weren’t much better: Ostensibly snapping pics of Tim’s photographs (which were pretty awesome by the way, and can be seen at the gallery until September 30th), a gaggle of red-flanneled dudes were as bad as the paparazzi as they looked in one direction but flashed their cameras and snapped candid photos of Mayer. (Like he doesn’t know when you’re taking a photo of him.) At one point while trying to enjoy my free Grolsch beer, I was actually shoved aside by a guy with an expensive video camera because I was “blocking the scene of the party.” Except for the most part, people formed a 5-foot radial distance from the “Your Body is a Wonderland” singer, so the only “party” I was blocking involved John and two other people old enough to be his parents.

Not that I was exempt from this behavior. Unlike Los Angeles, New Yorkers have an uneasy relationships with celebrities: We don’t want to bug them or get in their face, but more importantly we want to show them that we don’t care…no…even more than that…that we aren’t even aware of their existence. So despite the fact that I had bought my Flipcam and fully intended to ask John Mayer some hard-hitting questions about his recent decision to quit Tumblr (also, about his dog, because I know that’s his thing), I found myself literally moving in the opposite side of the room from wherever he was standing. Though there were no obstacles to me talking to John besides my own hang-ups, the closest I got to the star was glaring at him when he brushed past me on his way out.

“Jerk,” I thought, “Who does he think he is?” Or more importantly: Didn’t he know who I was??

Post from: Crushable

Crushable Party Report: No One Talks to John Mayer at LES Gallery Opening

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