Friday, September 3, 2010

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Meet Ashley Horn, Lindsay Lohan’s Other Sister

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 11:46 AM PDT

Lindsay Lohan‘s life just keeps getting more interesting … not only has she seemingly NOT ceased her partying ways despite being freshly released from rehab, not only has her estranged father moved all the way across the country so that he can live closer to Lindsay in order to try and infiltrate her life … but NOW she is learning that she has another sister, fathered by Michael Lohan as a result of a brief love affair in the early 90′s. Life & Style magazine has all the deets:

Just a week after Lindsay Lohan was released from jail, an unexpected family member is reaching out to help, claiming she is the stars long-last half sister! Life & Style has exclusively obtained the birth certificate of 15-yr-old Ashley Horn — and it names Linday’s father, Michael Lohan, as her dad. Ashley's mother, Kristi –who had a brief affair with Michael in the early 1990's while he was married to (but separated from) Dina–came forward with their story in 2008, but Michael denied that he was the father. "In December 2008 we had a court hearing that Michael was ordered to appear at for the DNA testing," Kristi tells Life & Style. When Michael didn't show (he says he was on probation and couldn't travel), a judge ruled that his name could be added to the birth certificate. But Michael is still denying that he's Ashley's father, telling Life & Style, "I'd be glad to take a DNA test!" Kristi also claims that Michael owes a staggering $300,000 in back child support (a ruling his lawyers are contesting). Now, Lindsay Lohan's not the only one ripping into Michael for not being there for his family. "I do not trust him, and I don't want to be around him or part of his life," Ashley tells Life & Style. "I could never call Michael Lohan 'Dad.' A dad is a person who is there for you and takes care of you." Ashley says she wanted to reach out to Lindsay this summer when the star was in jail and rehab, but having no ties to the family made it impossible. "I wanted to help Lindsay in some way, but what was I supposed to do?" Ashley tells Life & Style. "I don't even know how to contact her."

In response to this story by L&S, Daddy Lohan is telling TMZ that Ashley is not his daughter … and he is willing to go to Maury Povich to prove that she is not:

Michael Lohan is trying to put an end to allegations he fathered an illegitimate daughter 15 years ago … and to clear his name, he’s turning to the expert in daddy DNA drama — Maury Povich. Sources tell TMZ … Lohan is currently talking to “Maury” producers about going on the show and taking a paternity test to prove he never impregnated Kristi Kaufmann … who claims she had an affair with Mike in the ’90s. Lohan tells TMZ Kaufmann has demanded child support in the past … and even changed the child’s birth certificate to bear Michael’s last name … which would make the kid Lindsay adjacent.

I mean, how much more trashy can all of this get? Wait a minute, don’t answer that … I’m afraid we may find out. If I were Ashley Horn, I’d want to keep news that Michael Lohan was my father a HUGE secret. UGH. Trust me, Ashley … you do NOT want to actually become a Lohan.

[Source, Source]

Kellan Lutz Likes To Walks Around Shirtless, Shoeless

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 11:26 AM PDT

Earlier today we got to see a few photos of Supernatural star Jensen Ackles playing a bit of shirtless soccer with some friends in Vancouver, British Columbia … right now we get to see a few photos of Twilight star Kellan Lutz walking around LA, CA sans shirt and shoes:

DAMN!! Homie is lookin’ foine! Don’t you just want to take a bite out of his beefiness? Recently, Kellen admitted that he does not want to be typecast as a “piece of meat” for the rest of his film career:

SEXY Kellan Lutz says he doesn't want to be a "piece of meat" for the rest of his career! The hunky Twilight star is keen to be appreciated for his talent — and not his hunky physique. "Producers and studios know what sells," Lutz told Us Weekly magazine. "It's nice to be one of the guys that can help sell a movie by taking his shirt off. By no means do I want to be a piece of meat for the rest of my career. It's funny when you get asked to do a talk show, and then they follow it up with requesting you take your shirt off."

Um, if he continues to walk around in public looking like this, well, that’s pretty much the only way we’re gonna see him. I, for one, have NO PROBLEM with Kellan being used as a piece of meat … a piece of fine, hunky meat. MMMMM. Shirtless, shoeless, I’ll take Kellan Lutz any -less he likes to give ;)

[Photo credit: X17; Source]

Watch: Rick Astley, ‘Lights Out’

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 11:17 AM PDT

Rick Astley, the British popstar who took the world by storm back in 1988 (and then notsomuch in the years since), is back with his first new single in 17 years! Here is our first look at his new music video for his new single Lights Out:

As you may know, Rick‘s biggest hit song is Never Gonna Give You Up (a track that I was obsessed with back in 1988 when I was just getting to know an Aussie popstar who had just released her debut album, Kylie Minogue) … so how does this new track compare to that one? After the jump, check out the video and judge for yourselves …

In all honesty, the song doesn’t really grab me. It doesn’t have that Stock Aitken Waterman sound that made Astley a superstar … but if Kylie can grow and evolve beyond the SAW produced sound, so can Astley. I’m glad to see the guy is still alive and kickin’ … I can’t wait to hear what the rest of his new stuff sounds like. What do y’all think, do you like?


Happy 8th Birthday, Romeo Beckham

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 10:46 AM PDT

Romeo James Beckham celebrated his 8th birthday yesterday in SoCal and did so with a fun game of Laser Tag with his entire family! Les Beckhams, David and Victoria, funded the fete and invited a select group of Romeo‘s friends for a day of family fun … here are a few photos:

The Beckhams entered a futuristic world of lasers and mazes to celebrate their son Romeo’s eight birthday yesterday. Victoria and David took their family along to the Ultrazone amusement centre Los Angeles, with the likes of Heidi Klum and Seal bringing their brood along to join in the fun. However it is quite possible that Victoria, in her tottering high heels, might have decided to sit the game out. The venue boasts a 5,000 square feet multi-level arena. Players have to run around and laser each other to score points. Romeo’s brother Brooklyn, 11,and five-year-old Cruz were, of course, in on the action. Victoria, 35, was snapped outside the venue with the family, wearing a bright green dress. The front of the building was decked out with a masses of yellow balloons and guests could be seen milling around enjoying the spread laid on.

It turns out that Heidi Klum, Seal and their children were also in attendance at yesterday’s party … which sounds like it was a total blast! In birthdays past, Romeo has had karate parties, costume parties and pizza parties. I think a game of Laser Tag sounds like a lot of fun. Let’s send all our birthday lurve to the middle Beckham child … here’s hoping his 8th year will be his best yet!

[Photo credit: Fame; Source]

Sandra Bullock Does ‘Entertainment Weekly’ Magazine

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 09:52 AM PDT

Sandra Bullock, the girl that everyone loves to love, is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue Entertainment Weekly. As you may know, Sandra is finally talking to the media again (earlier this week she appeared on The Today Show) after taking many months off and the media is welcoming her back with open arms. EW has dubbed Sandra The Most Powerful Woman on the Planet … and while that title may be a bit hyperbolic, there’s no question that she now wields a lot of power. Here is our first look at Sandra on the cover of EW and a preview of the coverstory article:

As Sandra Bullock mulls her next move — most likely starring opposite Tom Hanks in an adaptation of Jonathan Safran Foer's novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close — EW takes a look inside her stunning comeback, examining how she consciously retooled her career, how she transcended the tabloid noise, and where she might go from here. One thing's for sure: Bullock has no shortage of options. At age 46, a decade and a half after she jumped on the bus in Speed, the actress is being courted for virtually every female starring role Hollywood has to offer … "Every movie you hear about and every script I see, they say, 'We're going after Sandra Bullock for the woman,' " says Ben Affleck, who costarred with Bullock in 1999′s Forces of Nature. "She's the golden girl," says a top Hollywood agent. "Everyone is rooting for her. I've never seen anything like it." Indeed, it's been quite a year for the actress: The two biggest hits of her career. A Best Actress Oscar. A tabloid firestorm. A new baby. EW examines her rising status in Hollywood, and how, thanks to the intangible chemical reaction that creates stardom, she's always had a knack for making audiences fall in love with her. "From the minute we saw her in Speed, she just had this quality that people want to be around," says Bradley Cooper, who costarred with Bullock in last year's All About Steve. "It's like being around a source of light."

I will forever contend that Sandra Bullock‘s best movie is The Net but, yeah, she’s appeared in a string of other beloved hits. She is in such a unique position right now … not only does she have the acting chops to take on practically any role she wants but she also has the cred (in the form of the current Academy Award for Best Actress) to demand practically any role she wants. Add to that powerful combination the fact that she has the love and support of pretty much everyone on Earth because of what she endured from her scuzzball husband AND because she’s a new mother. Sandra finds herself in a perfect storm of celebrity … AND she’s a nice person! The sky is the limit for Sandra Bullock, I’m certain that whatever she does next … she will do with flying colors. This issue of EW hits newsstands tomorrow.


Happy 09.02.10 Day!

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 09:39 AM PDT

Huzzah!! Today is September 2, 2010 … or 09.02.10 which, as you should know, is arguably the most famous zip code in the world:

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by watching a string of classic eps of Beverly Hills, 90210 which — I am happy to report — Sarah always keeps plenty of on her DVR. Yes, I made it to Detroit safe and sound yesterday … well, better than safe and sound. At last, all of my traveling has started to pay off. I have finally banked enough Sky Miles with Delta Airlines to get enough status for FREE first class upgrades! I flew home to Detroit yesterday in high style, y’all. I know I always complain about how much I hate flying but … if I keep getting first class upgrades, I may just become a very happy flier after all :)

Tonight Sarah, Agnes, Mark and I are heading out to Comerica Park in downtown Detroit to attend the Eminem & Jay-Z concert there!!

The whole city is just really amped for this concert … I cannot wait! I’ll do my best to get some fun photos to share .. damn, is it good to be home in Detroit again :D

Les News, 090210

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 09:04 AM PDT

Michael Lohan Moves To LA

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 08:23 AM PDT

Ugh … I got some bad news for Lindsay Lohan … well, actually, it’s bad news for the entire Los Angeles, CA area … her estranged father and all-around fame monger Michael Lohan has moved to LA from NYC, NY. In an attempt to be closer to his supposedly sober daughter, Daddy Lohan has taken up residence in an apartment in Santa Monica, CA which is just a hop, skip and a jump away from Lindsay‘s SoCal home. Here is a photo of Lohan moving into his new digs with his luggage:

Michael Lohan just moved into his new L.A apartment — and he tells us, the place has two major perks … 1) it’s right by the water … and 2) it’s only 11 miles from his newly-sober daughter. According to Michael, his new crib is right by the Santa Monica Pier — just a short drive from Lindsay’s West Hollywood apartment … depending on traffic. Lindsay has previously stated that she wants absolutely nothing to do with Mike … but it seems daddy just won’t take no for an answer.

Blah! As if California didn’t have enough problems … ugh. Tho, I guess we really shouldn’t be all that surprised that Daddy Lohan wants to be as close to Lindsay as possible, how else can he bask in the glorious glow of her spotlight unless he’s right behind her, following her every move. Personally, I think if Michael truly wanted to keep an eagle eye on his daughter, he should’ve gotten a room at the Chateau Marmont … we know that Lindsay loves hanging out there very free second she gets. Ugh … I’m just so grossed out by this news. See, even when Lindsay doesn’t mean to harm others … she harms others!


Neil Gaiman’s ‘The Sandman’ Is Being Adapted For TV

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 08:05 AM PDT

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting today that Neil Gaiman‘s amazing comic book series The Sandman is being in the early stages of development for TV. The worrisome news is that Gaiman is NOT involved with the project at this early stage … tho, that may change a bit down the line as development continues. The good news is that Warner Bros. is the studio who is planning to bring The Sandman to TV and that HBO will be the network to air the series:

"The Sandman," the Neil Gaiman-penned comic book series considered a seminal work in the medium, is in the early stages of being developed into a TV series. Warner Bros. TV is in the midst of acquiring television rights from sister company DC Entertainment and is in talks with several writer-producers about adapting the 1990s series. At the top of the list is Eric Kripke, creator of the CW's horror-tinged "Supernatural." "Sandman" told the tale of Morpheus, the Lord of the Dreaming, a deity who personifies dreams. The book began in the horror realm but quickly made its mark in fantasy and mythology as Gaiman introduced the Endless, a group of powerful brothers and sisters that includes Destiny, Death, Destruction, Despair, Desire and Delirium (as well as Dream). The book helped establish DC's Vertigo imprint and won several awards. It also was one of the few comics that segued from the comics crowd, entering the intellectual and art worlds and winning over a large non-comics-reading audience, particularly via a devoted female following. A movie version of "Sandman" had been in development since the mid-'90s, with an early version involving Roger Avary. That cooled earlier in the decade, with the thinking that to the best way to tackle an adaptation is the TV route. At one point DC was in talks with HBO and James Mangold to develop a show without WBTV's involvement, but that never coalesced. Gaiman was not officially involved with the HBO attempt, though he and Mangold held several rounds of talks surrounding characters and story. The author is not involved in the latest development, though because it is early in the process, that could change. Kripke has been described as interested in tackling an adaptation but cautious because the comic book has such a passionate following and is held in such high regard. It's the kind of series where each production decision, from casting to script to design, would be scrutinized by devotees.

This is very … good news, overall. I’m very encouraged at the way that Kripke has managed to keep Supernatural going for so long and that show deals pretty exclusively with fantasy themes. The Sandman is a vast treasure trove of material that, IMHO, will make for an outstanding TV series. I am a bit worried to hear that Neil Gaiman is not yet involved with the project … but if WB and HBO plan to make this show a smashing success, they MUST have Gaiman‘s involvement. I am confident that at the very least Gaiman will be brought on as a consultant but I’m really hoping that he has the opportunity and time to be as involved with the series as possible. I recently re-read the entire Sandman comic book series and was reminded how wonderful a story it is. I would love to see the books adapted for TV in a real way … let’s see if they can do it right.


Mariah Carey Names Her New Xmas Album

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 07:47 AM PDT

A couple of weeks ago we learned that Mariah Carey is planning the release of her second Xmas album due out later this year, 16 years after she released her first Xmas album back in 1994. Today we learn the title of said new Xmas album:

Mariah Carey may or may not be pregnant, but one thing's for sure, she will be delivering a bundle of joy this holiday season. The sequel to the pop songbird's Christmas album has been given an official title and due date. has exclusively learned that Mimi's upcoming holiday project will be called Merry Christmas II You. The II represents the follow-up to 1994's multi-platinum Merry Christmas album, which spawned the now-classic "All I Want for Christmas Is You." The new offering is scheduled for a November 2 release and will include original material as well as covers of holiday classics. An accompanying DVD will also be released the same day, but there are currently no details on what exactly it will contain. The packaging was shot in the spring by famed photographer David LaChapelle and features a festive setting with fake snow, tinsel, and wooden reindeers. Mariah's manager Chris Lighty tweeted that she is working with the Home Shopping Network (HSN) to promote the project.

As I said before, Mimi‘s original Xmas song All I Want For Christmas Is You which is featured on her 1994 Xmas album is one of my all-time favorite Xmas songs:

We learned previously that a new remix of that track will be included on this new album Merry Christmas II You. I’m hopeful that there will be at least one other hit Xmas song on this new disc … but I’m not holding my breath. Mimi struck pure gold with AIWFCIY and I doubt she’ll be able to match the success of that track … but she’s gonna try, gosh darn it. Merry Christmas II You will hit stores on November 2. Do you think you’ll be stuffing your stockings with this new offering from MC?


Britney Spears & Jason Trawick Hit The High Seas

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 06:43 AM PDT

Our dear Britney Spears and her hot beau Jason Trawick spent a lovely afternoon on a private Lurve Boat of their own earlier this week as they continued to holiday together on the island of Maui, HI. Here are a few photos of Britwick as they enjoyed their afternoon cruise together … as you can see, Britney used the time to work-out a bit while Jason used the opportunity to do a whole lotta nothin’:

Britney Spears shows she’s a dancer at heart as she struts her way through a series of moves on board a boat. The singer has managed to bounce back into shape over the past month, proudly showing off her newly svelte bikini body while holidaying in Hawaii with boyfriend Jason Trawick. And it would seem the 28-year-old mother of two is determined not to let things slip. Britney was pictured putting on her entertaining workout on Monday clad in yet another bikini, watched on by a doting Jason, the star’s former manager. The pop princess has been taking some time out in Hawaii following a hectic schedule which has included recording new material and filming her guest appearance on musical comedy Glee … Britney and Jason, who have been dating for over a year now, are staying in a luxury hotel suite overlooking the ocean on Maui’s beautiful Wailea coast. Spears and Trawick, 44, have been making the most of their time together in Hawaii, hanging out at both the pool and beach, enjoying spa treatments, shopping at the mall and feasting on gourmet meals. And it’s not just Britney who has been flaunting her body. Her 44-year-old former agent boyfriend has also been looking in good shape, and has been showing off his washboard stomach in boarding shorts on their many beach visits. The couple appear to be happier and more in love than ever, frolicking in the surf together and partaking in plenty of PDAs.

Britney and Jason on their very own Love Boat … I can’t even stand how much I love the sight of these two looking so happy together. And now we have a definitive answer as to how Britney managed to get her bangin’ body back … homegirl works it out every chance she gets — even while on vacation — to stay hot and fit! I have a feeling that Britney is working hard to keep her body in shape because she has something in the works. I am really hopeful that she will release a new album by the end of the year … and that means there will be a new single and music video to lead the way. I predict the first single Britney releases from her new album will be a very upbeat track accompanied by a music video with heavy emphasis on dancing … just like the good ol’ days. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see but … I got a feeling. Now that we have photos of Britney working out and practicing dance moves … well, let’s just see if I’m right.

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

Jensen Ackles Likes To Play Shirtless Soccer

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 06:21 AM PDT

Jensen Ackles, who is currently in Vancouver, British Columbia filming the new season of his hit CW series Supernatural, took a bit of time from filming to play a game of soccer with some crew members from his show. As you can see from the following photos, Jensen likes to play soccer shirtless … behold:

While it’s a damn shame that Jensen‘s Supernatural co-star Jared Padalecki didn’t join in the shirtless soccer fun but, trust me, I am not complaining. We don’t normally get to see Mr. Ackles in any state of undress so this is a nice treat, yes? I’m not certain if Jensen‘s team won this game of soccer but I think we, the outside spectators, are the real winners here ;)

[Photo credit: Bauer-Griffin]

Lindsay Lohan Probates By Day, Parties By Night

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 05:28 AM PDT

Earlier this week we learned that Lindsay Lohan, who is featured on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Vanity Fair magazine this month, had another run-in with the police in Los Angeles after she failed to stop at a Stop sign in West Hollywood, CA (you may recall she was in a desperate hurry to get to the Chateau Marmont, her fave party place on Earth). We also learned that Lindsay has been very good about making all of the required meetings with her probation officer in Santa Monica, CA. Today we get to see a couple photos of L. Lo making another successful check-in with her probation officer …

… but we also get to see a couple of troubling photos sniffed out by TMZ that show Lindsay partying with her BFFs at the Chateau at a table littered with questionable beverages. Check out those photos, after the jump …

As you know, Lindsay is currently on probation which bars her from drinking any alcohol … and, yet, she seems to have no problem putting herself in situations where alcohol is readily available … and apparently at arm’s length. I understand that Lindsay is subject to random drug and alcohol testing and, thus far, she has managed to stay clean and out of trubs with her probation officer. It just seems very suspect and very troubling that Lindsay, who is running around sans court-ordered SCRAM alcohol-monitoring bracelet, is already hanging out at bars and clubs just a week out of rehab. Oy!

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

Paris Hilton Banned From The Wynn Hotel Properties In Las Vegas

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 05:06 AM PDT

Last Saturday we learned that Paris Hilton got busted in Las Vegas, NV on cocaine possession charges and on Monday we learned that Hilton was officially charged with felonious possession of a controlled substance. Now, because celebrities like Paris Hilton tend to get off when these sorts of inconvenient things happen to them, I’m not holding my breath that Hilton will actually be punished in any real way for this alleged crime. BUT, we learn today that Paris Hilton has been BANNED from all Wynn Hotel properties in Las Vegas as a result of her most recent run-in with the law … which, it turns out, took place on the grounds of the Wynn Hotel resort in LV. Additionally, Paris Hilton‘s boyfriend Cy Waits, the gentleman formerly employed by the Wynn Hotel and was arrested himself for drunk driving at the time of Hilton‘s bust last weekend, has been fired from his employment with the Wynn Hotel company:

In light of her arrest Friday for possession of cocaine, socialite Paris Hilton has been banned from the Las Vegas resorts Wynn and Encore, a spokesman for the properties confirmed to PEOPLE. The ban comes after several Las Vegas insiders claimed that the heiress might be blackballed from nightclubs. After the car in which she was riding was stopped, Hilton, 29, was taken inside the Wynn, where it was allegedly discovered that she had cocaine in her purse. Coinciding with the ban, Wynn Las Vegas also announced in a vague statement that Hilton’s boyfriend, nightclub executive Cy Waits, has been “separated from the company and is free to pursue other interests.” No further comment or details was provided … Charges have yet to be filed against Waits, the Clark County Attorney’s office said. Just days before his arrest, Waits was recently promoted to Co-Chief of Nightlife Operations at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore. Hilton and Waits have been dating since June.

Yes, Hilton and Waits may have been officially dating since June but we didn’t get to see the couple out in public together until early August … and just like that, methinks the relationship is over. It’s funny what being arrested on felonious charges together can do to a relationship … but, I digress. Apparently the only way that Paris Hilton can effectively be punished is by banning her from the social party scene. Paris may never actually see the inside of a jail cell as a result of this latest bust but at least we know that she will actually feel the sting of punishment by being banned from the Wynn Hotel properties. See, celeb justice can actually be served, y’all.


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