Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business

Lindsay Lohan Fails A Drug Test [UPDATE]

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:42 PM PDT

Dang … and just when we thought that she was behaving herself. TMZ is reporting that Lindsay Lohan, who has only been out of jail/rehab for a few weeks, has failed one of her court-ordered drug tests. According to the terms of her probation, Lindsay may be forced back into jail for 30 days for failing the test!

Lindsay Lohan has failed a drug test in her criminal case … TMZ has learned. We’re told the court-mandated drug test in question occurred last week. According to the terms of Lindsay’s probation, she will get 30 days in jail for a positive drug test. One source connected with Lindsay tells TMZ … “People with addiction problems don’t get better magically, and she’s really been making an effort to make herself better.” And D.A. spokesperson Sandi Gibbons tells TMZ her office has not been “officially notified” of the test results and no court date has been set yet.

Yikes! If in fact Larry Rudolph is Lindsay‘s new manager, he’s really got his work cut out for him. You know, I had a bad feeling when started seeing Lindsay Lohan going out every single day since she was released from rehab … it just seemed like a bad idea for her to be in places with temptation when she very clearly has an addiction problem. I mean, it was only a few weeks ago that we saw her out at a club with various alcoholic beverages laid out in front of her on the table. Am I surprised that she failed her drug test? Sadly, not at all. Now we will wait and see if it’s back to the slammer for L. Lo.

UPDATE: Lindsay Lohan herself is commenting on this report from TMZ, she tells US Weekly magazine that the claim that she failed a drug test is “nuts”. After the jump, find out what she has to say about this latest controversy …

“I’m fine.” Of TMZ’s report? “They’re all nuts,” she claims. Similarly, Lohan’s attorney Ed MacPherson told Us he’s still investigating the supposed test: “I have no idea at this point whether or not there is any merit to this.” Indeed, no authorities could confirm the report. L.A. County Sheriff’s Department spokesperson Steve Whitmore tells Us, “I haven’t been officially notified by anyone” about a failed Lohan drug test or the star’s return to prison. Kathy Roberts of L.A. Superior court also said, “nothing has been filed or anything entered into the court calendar. We can’t confirm [the report].”

HMMM … who do YOU believe? Is TMZ right? Did Lindsay really fail a drug test? Is Lindsay right? Is she really “totally fine”? I suppose we’ll find out soon enough … it’s sad but despite the fact that I want to give L. Lo the benefit of the doubt, I’m not sure I believe her. What do y’all think?

UPDATE 2: TMZ has updated their original report with an update that reveals that, according to their sources, L. Lo tested positive for cocaine:

Lindsay Lohan tested positive for cocaine last week and that is why she failed her drug test … sources tell TMZ. As we first reported, Lindsay failed the court-mandated drug test — and according to the terms of her probation, she will go back to jail for 30 days as a result. Sources close to Lindsay say she’s been telling friends she’s “getting her life together.” However, we’re also told, she’s surrounded herself with some “bad influences.”

HMMMMMMMMMM. To be honest, I think TMZ has more credibility here … stay tuned …

[Photo credit: X17; Source, Source, Source]

Watch: Rihanna, ‘Who’s That Chick?’

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:41 PM PDT

Last week we got our first listen of Rihanna‘s new single Only Girl (In the World) which is the lead single off her upcoming new album Loud! Today we get to check out (while supplies last) a new Rihanna song/music video from the album that just leaked to the Internets … while the video remains online, check out Ri Ri‘s new song Who’s That Chick?

This video keeps getting yanked offline, so watch it while you can. Who’s That Chick? was produced by David Guetta and is our second taste of what Rihanna‘s album Loud! is going to sound like. What do y’all think … is this a hit? Do you like it?


Fiona Apple Will Finally Release A New Album In 2011

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:29 PM PDT

Halle-freakin’-lujah! Fiona Apple fans … rejoice! According to various sources, including singer Michelle Branch, Fiona will FINALLY be releasing a new album in the Spring of next year!

After five years of waiting, Fiona Apple fans will be happy to learn that the singer/songwriter has a new album on the way. According to a recent profile in Modern Drummer magazine of Apple’s drummer and co-producer Charley Drayton, the follow-up to her highly acclaimed 2005 LP “Extraordinary Machine” has a spring 2011 release date. The article states that Drayton, who has toured with Apple since 2006, co-produced and mixed the record, as well as played on it. An exact release date and album title is still not known, but according to singer-songwriter Michelle Branch, Apple’s new material should be worth the wait. “Hate to brag but I heard a couple new Fiona Apple tracks today. Amazing,” Branch wrote on Twitter Sept. 12. Fans most recently heard new music from Apple earlier this year, when a collaboration with her longtime producer Jon Brion leaked online. The song, titled “So Sleepy,” will be featured on the “Chickens in Love” benefit album, a yet-to-be-released compilation of songs co-written by Los Angeles youth at the creative writing non-profit 826LA.

Thank ye gods!! I’ve been a huge Fiona Apple fan for, like ever … I was SO obsessed with her last album Extraordinary Machine (both the rough version that leaked in full online and the mastered final version that she officially released a couple years later). I am DYING for new Fiona. Ugh, I wish the album was slated for a late Fall release rather than a Spring of next year release … but I think I can stand the wait. I’ve spent the last 5 years waiting already … what’s a few more months. Any Fiona fans in the hiz? This is fantastic news, yeah?


‘The Roommate’ Releases A First Movie Trailer

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:23 PM PDT

In May of 2009 we saw photos of Gossip Girl star Leighton Meester filming scenes for her new Single White Female-esque movie The Roommate … in September of 2009 we got our first look at a promo pic from the film. Today, a year later, we get our first look at the first movie trailer for The Roommate:

Basically this is the film version of that one episode of Gossip Girl where Blair Waldorf gets SO obsessed with Serena van der Woodsen that she decides to hurt/maim/kill Dan Humphrey, Georgina Sparks and anyone else dumb enough to get in her way … but, you know, with different character names. After the jump, check out the trailer in full …

I am not gonna lie … I loved Single White Female (the obvs source material for this younger remake) when it was released in the early 90′s and I think I’m gonna love The Roommate. I am really looking forward to seeing how far Leighton‘s character takes her obsession … will she be boiling alive the little kitty? I cannot wait to find out.


Britney Spears Takes Her Sons To The Mall

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 01:46 PM PDT

Last weekend we saw photos of Britney Spears and her sons Sean Preston and Jayden James enjoying a fun birthday weekend together at Disneyland … today we get to see photos of mother and sons doing a bit of shopping together at a mega mall here in SoCal yesterday afternoon … behold:

As you may recall, we learned last weekend that Sean Preston has started Kindergarten this year so it has become harder and harder for Britney to be able to spend this kind of bonding time with her sons whenever she likes … now that SP is on a school schedule, she has to plan accordingly. They sure make a cute little family when they venture out together … tho, I gotta be honest … I am not feeling Britney‘s outfit. I hate pretty much all of it … but still, I just love her — fug outfit and all.

[Photo credit: INFdaily, X17]

Let Him Eat Cake

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 01:12 PM PDT

Last night David and I met up with our dear friend Josh to enjoy an impromptu birthday dinner with him at Hugo’s in West Hollywood, CA. Even tho Josh wasn’t all that interested in celebrating, we did manage to impose a piece of chocolate cake on him:

Josh is seriously one of my best friends and it was our pleasure to celebrate in even a small way with him last night. We had short but very sweet fun last night.

Tonight, Josh and I will be making our way to the El Rey Theater to see Marina and the Diamonds play her second LA show. I got to see her in concert back in July and I’m really curious to see her again, with a fuller band. It should be fun. Happy Friday, Happy Weekend!!

Les News, 091710

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 12:08 PM PDT

Sandra Bullock Hangs With The Boys In West Hollywood

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 11:25 AM PDT

A few weeks ago Sandra Bullock made her long-awaited return to the public spotlight when she appeared on The Today Show to talk about her new baby son Louis Bardo as well as the somber 5 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Last night, RadarOnline informs us that Sandra ventured out in public again but this time she did so here in SoCal … in West Hollywood, CA more specifically … at The Abbey in particular. Here is a fun photo of Sandra and a scantily clad male dancer at the bar last night:

Come on, Sandra — it’s OK to take a peek! The Blind Side star seemed to be taking a blind eye to some hunky ‘man-candy’ at The Abbey — a popular gay bar — located in the heart of trendy West Hollywood, and has the brand new pics. The Oscar winner seemed to be enjoying herself on the couch late Thursday night, chatting with some pals as the bar’s scantily-dressed go-go boys roamed the establishment, entertaining its patrons. The new mom left the bar around midnight.

Atta girl … when life gets you down, you go to a gay bar and whoop it up with the hotties! My guess is that Sandra got dragged to The Abbey last night but, then again, it’s possible she went there of her own volition. Britney Spears is known to visit The Abbey every now and again and Dame Elizabeth Taylor shows up all the time. It’s nice to see Sandra out and about and having a good time again … I wonder if she’ll be hanging out in West Hollywood any more this weekend.


Tim Gunn Opens Up About His Attempt At Suicide

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 10:59 AM PDT

Tim Gunn, co-shot on Project Runway and all around fashion guru, made an appearance on Access Live here in the US recently and he opened up about an attempted suicide from his youth. Tim talks about the incident in his new book Gunn’s Golden Rules: Gunn’s Golden Rules: Life’s Little Lessons for Making It Work but shared very candidly why he attempted to take his own life on Access Live:

Celebrity style guru Tim Gunn was a tortured teenager who tried to commit suicide at the age of 17. The “Project Runway” star makes the shocking revelation in his new book, “Gunn’s Golden Rules”, admitting he was plagued with depression as a teen and tried to swallow pills to end his life. Appearing on America’s “Access Live” news programme, he explains, “I was a very, very unhappy kid and I thought, what does the world have to offer me? And more importantly, what do I have to offer the world? And I had incredibly low self-esteem and made a decision. Fortunately I wasn’t successful.” The 57 year old credits his friends and family with helping him to get through the struggle, adding, “It’s only because of a lot of wonderful people who nurtured me and cared about me that I’m still here.”

Wow … I find this heartbreaking and very surprising. Knowing Tim Gunn‘s confidence now, it’s very hard to believe he was ever in a place where he attempted suicide. I shudder to think what we all would’ve lost if he had been successful. I’m glad Tim decided to share his story because it goes to show that a person can overcome their personal demons and go on to achieve huge successes in life. There are countless young people out there struggling with the same darkness that Tim endured … here’s hoping Tim‘s story will inspire those people to soldier on and preserver. I’ve been fortunate to have never been in a suicidal frame of mind but I can see how hearing stories of survival like this might help others to deal with their own pain an hopelessness. Thank goodness Tim Gunn was unsuccessful at least once in his life.


Jeremy Renner Does ‘GQ’ Magazine

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 10:24 AM PDT

Academy Award-nominated actor Jeremy Renner is featured in the new issue of GQ magazine lookin’ gruff, hot and sexy. Jeremy‘s GQ appearance is timed to coincide with the release of the Ben Affleck-directed film The Town which he stars in and attempts to get y’all familiar with his status as “the next big thing”:

“The first one, and the craziest one,” Jeremy Renner is saying, “was Sean Penn. I was backstage at the Palm Springs Film Festival, and it was really dark back there, and he comes over and gets in my face. And he’s like, ‘Dude, you were tremendous in Hurt Locker. You’re going to the afterparty, right? ‘Cause me and you are gonna have a few drinks, and I’m gonna talk to you.’ ” Most of the past year or so of Renner’s life has been about this weird. An invitation to tie one on with one of our finest acting drinkers? Nuts. This sort of thing isn’t supposed to happen. Not to guys like Renner, nearly 40, previously best known for nothing in particular, drawn to parts in movies about tough-sell subjects like Jeffrey Dahmer and the Iraq war. Guys like that aren’t supposed to end up as leading men in films that win Best Picture, let alone at the afterparty with Sean Penn calling them “dude.” But dude—Renner was indeed tremendous in The Hurt Locker, playing Will James, a risk-junkie army explosives expert who “saw a little bit” in Afghanistan, who was broken in ways not immediately apparent. We were supposed to wonder, along with the rest of James’s bomb squad, if his scary calm indicated confidence or craziness; the part demanded an unknown quantity with the self-possession of a veteran. Somebody, in short, like Renner, who’d done fifteen years of quality work under the radar, quietly accumulating the kind of on- and offscreen experience that gives an actor a gravitational pull, becoming scuffed-up enough to be believable as a man who’d seen a little bit … For now, anyway: As the loose-cannon bank robber who guilts Affleck into One Last Score, Renner steals The Town so decisively the performance qualifies as a heist in itself. And he’s set to play the super-archer Hawkeye in Marvel Films’ 2012 crossover-event movie The Avengers. It’s as close to a sure-thing blockbuster as movies get these days, and it will make him as famous as Robert Downey Jr. and/or the Hulk.

The film I remember Renner from pre-Hurt Locker is 28 Weeks Later … and he was great in that film, too. I’m so glad that he is finally getting the recognition that he deserves. I love a story about an actor who’s been working diligently yet under the radar for years and then BAM! over night success. I think I’ll take a pass on seeing Renner in The Town but I am really looking forward to seeing him in The Avengers as Hawkeye. Even tho I can appreciate Renner‘s gritty good looks, I think I’m mostly a fan of his acting prowess. Keep your eye on this one, he’s gonna be huge.

[Photo credit: Nathaniel Goldberg/GQ; Source]

Adam Lambert Goes Apeshizz On A Paparazzo

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:31 AM PDT

For some unknown reason, singer Adam Lambert lost his shizz and started attacking a paparazzo photographer in Miami, FL … and is now being investigated for assault. Naturally, the whole thing was captured on film by other paparrazos in the area … behold:

TMZ has learned … the Miami Beach Police Department is now in the middle of a violent incident involving “American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert … after the alleged victim filed a police report. Law enforcement sources tell us the paparazzo seen grappling with Lambert on the beach yesterday walked into a Miami Beach police station around 10:30 PM last night and filed a report … accusing the singer of misdemeanor battery. According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, the victim claims Adam grabbed his backpack “where the camera was placed” … and “wrestled [the photog] to the ground forcefully.” One big problem — in photos that were taken of the incident, the camera appears to be in the photog’s hand … not in his bag. The police report also notes that the photog didn’t sustain any “bruises or lacerations.” Cops tell detectives will decide if the case is worth turning over to the State’s Attorney — who will decide whether to prosecute Lambert. If convicted, Lambert could face up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. After yesterday’s clash — Lambert went right to his Twitter account and posted, “I lost my temper for a sec but wow it felt great lol MIAMI!!!”

Because this incident is still under investigation, we do not know what really went down … it’s possible the paparazzo had another camera in his backpack but even that is beside the point. It’s clear that Lambert got physical with this man … and then all but confessed to the crime in his own words on Twitter. After the jump, check out the police report from this physical altercation …

Yeah, I’m not sure what exactly cased Adam Lambert to freak out like this … either the pap is a Kris Allen fan or maybe he said something mean about Adam’s fug hat but something set off The Glambert. Even so, I doubt any sort of real punishment will come from this incident.

[Photo credit: Splash News; Source]

AEG Live Responds To Katherine Jackson’s Lawsuit

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:12 AM PDT

Yesterday we learned that Jackson family matriarch Katherine Jackson has decided to file a lawsuit against AEG Live which alleges that the company’s negligence resulted in the death of her son, the late King of Pop Michael Jackson. Today, we hear from AEG in an official statement that denies any wrongdoing on their part:

AEG is finally lashing back at Katherine Jackson’s lawsuit over the death of her son Michael Jackson — claiming it had nothing to do with the hiring or supervision of Dr. Conrad Murray. n a statement released through AEG’s lawyers — the company calls Katherine’s lawsuit “inaccurate, unsubstantiated and meritless” and then goes on to explain its relationship with Dr. Murray. The statement continues … “Dr. Murray was Mr. Jackson’s longtime personal physician. AEG did not choose him, hire him or supervise him. That said, and in honor of our professional relationship with Mr. Jackson and his Estate, we will have no further public statements.” It is true that Michael handpicked Dr. Murray — but Katherine claims that AEG was negligent because they didn’t check Murray’s credentials. Katherine also claims AEG pushed Michael way too hard during rehearsals.

Again, I simply am not on Team Jackson on this one. It seems a bit ridiculous that this new Jackson suit alleges that AEG “pushed Michael way too hard” during rehearsals when it is well-known that papa Joe Jackson notoriously pushed his children “way too hard” their entire lives … usually with corporeal punishment. While I do feel for the family still reeling from the loss of MJ, I still feel like this civil lawsuit is just a ploy to get more money from AEG. I’m confident that AEG Live will prevail in this matter … and the Jackson family will continue to find other ways to capitalize on the life and death of Michael Jackson.


First Look: Cheyenne Jackson On ‘Glee’

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 08:23 AM PDT

Glee returns next Tuesday night with the season 2 premiere ep Auditions which will introduce singer/actor Cheyenne Jackson and singer/actress Charice to the cast. You may recall that we learned back in July that Cheyenne would be joining the Glee cast as the new coach of rival glee club Vocal Adrenaline and today we get to meet that new character … named Dustin Goulsby:

I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to preview next Tuesday’s season 2 premiere ep and I gotta tell ya, Cheyenne‘s introduction on the show is very funny. His part in this ep is very brief bit it’s effective and totally hilarious. I am very much looking forward to seeing more of him on the show. Charice, also featured in this new promo photo, is simply amazing in the season 2 premiere ep. If I can spoil just a wee bit … she does a duet with Lea Michele (who plays lead New Directions diva Rachel Barry) that is uh-may-zing and a solo performance that is just stunning. If you would like to know which songs she performs, you can find out after the jump …

Charice duets with Lea on Telephone (by Lady Gaga and Beyoncé) and belts out Listen from Dreamgirls for her glee club audition performance. This little girl has got a BIG voice. We are just 4 days away from the season 2 premiere of Glee, y’all. Are you ready?


Trent Reznor Releases A Free Sampler From The Soundtrack Of ‘The Social Network’

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:42 AM PDT

On Tuesday Trent Reznor announced on his official Twitter profile that he would be releasing new music this week and today he makes good on that promise. TR is making available, starting today, a FREE 5 Track Sampler EP of songs taken from the soundtrack he created for the upcoming film The Social Network. Reznor and collaborator Atticus Ross have created 19 songs for the soundtrack and starting RIGHT NOW you can click HERE and download 5 of those tracks. Additionally, TR is offering a variety of inexpensive ways to purchase the physical version of the soundtrack and has partnered with Amazon to offer the entire disc for digital download at the extremely low price of $2.99:

The Social Network soundtrack will be released digitally on Tuesday September 28th with physical formats to follow in October. You can pre-order standard CD, Blu-ray (audio only 5.1 surround and high resolution stereo) and 2 disc 180g vinyl formats now. All preorders include an instant 5 song sampler download and a full digital album delivered by email on 9/28. Standalone digital will be available for purchase EXCLUSIVELY on at a promotional rate of $2.99 for a 48 hour period starting 12:01am on 9/28. Digital purchases will begin HERE 9/30 at 12:01am.

Here is our first look at the album artwork for the 5 Track Sampler EP which is available now and a message from TR about the soundtrack release:

This is what Atticus and I have been working on for the last few months. We had a great time working with David Fincher on this and the film turned out excellent – something we’re very proud of. It opens in theatres Oct 1 and you should check it out.

Musically, this all came out of our secret laboratory – electronic in basis, but mostly organic sounding. Lots of experiments and emphasis on sound fraying around the edges while focusing on the proper emotional tone for the various scenes.

Regarding the purchase options, sorry about the “clunkiness” of not offering the full record digital download pre-sale (and having to visit Amazon). My agenda was to be able to offer this for the lowest possible price and this was the best way to achieve that. Amazon has been a great partner with past projects and I appreciate your understanding.

- Trent Reznor, 9.16.10

Judging by just the 5 tracks being offered right now (for FREE) I have to say that I am extremely impressed with the sound and tone of the soundtrack. These tracks definitely have that Nine Inch Nails feel to them but in an updated way. As you might expect, there is an intense beauty to these dark and somber instrumentals. I applaud TR for continuing to offer his work for free in many cases and at a very inexpensive price point in all other cases. Because his music is being released via his Null Corporation, he has the control of his work that allows this sort of release philosophy … as a fan, I am most thankful. So, what are you waiting for … click HERE and download these tracks immediately. I think you will love them as much as I do. I cannot wait to hear the soundtrack in its entirety.


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