Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Blake Lively is priceless: “My anonymity is something I treasure”

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 08:37 AM PDT


Blake Lively has a movie to promote! Let's watch her get her boobs and legs out. Nevermind that it's a small(er) part in The Town, and nevermind that that the actual female lead of the film, Rebecca Hall, hasn't gotten any magazine covers. F-ck that, Blake. No, our Blake is going to rock Allure Magazine like it's Vogue. I'm totally surprised she didn't name-drop Anna Wintour in her Allure interview, but these are just excerpts, so she may have. But guess what she does talk about? Babies! And cooking! And her "relationship" with Penn Badgley. She's not going to make the same mistakes that Megan Fox made, at all, although Blake and Megan seem about on par as far as talent goes. But Blake has more to offer us than just being a hot girl whose gravity-defying breasts fascinate men. No, Blake is a fashion girl, AND she talks about babies. Well done.

Blake Lively may play a drama queen on Gossip Girl, but in real life she is more like a domestic diva. Unlike her character Serena Van der Woodsen, Lively had a solid, tight-knit family upbringing and, as the youngest of five children, wants to create that big family for herself someday.

“I want babies. Lots of babies. Of course!” Lively, 23, tells the October issue of Allure. If she is planning to have kids with her beau and costar Penn Badgley, Lively is keeping mum.

“I don’t comment on my relationships, so you can skip that one!,” she says. “My anonymity is something I treasure. Wanting to be an actor and wanting to be famous are different.”

The actress, who is busy promoting the film, The Town, opening this weekend, is already thinking about life beyond acting and even has another career in mind – a restaurateur. “I want to have a brunch place, a bakery, and a Southern restaurant because my family’s from Georgia,” Lively says, “and then I want a place that is all-over-the-world cuisine.”

She is well on her way. An avid baker, Lively takes cooking classes when she travels to experience different cultural cuisines and has even stored away many family recipes. But when asked to share, Lively responds playfully, “They’re for my restaurants.”

[From People]

I go back and forth on Blake's relationship with Penn. They're always together, and they actually do seem pretty tight, just judging from their photos. BUT - they always look bored and boring. Plus, no one is really invested in that relationship, are they? Like, fans of Gossip Girl? Isn't everyone just kind of "meh" on them? Also - Blake strikes me as the kind of girl who will f-ck up, you know? She's going to drop Penn for someone better as soon as that dude comes along.

Also: “My anonymity is something I treasure.” Yes, that’s why she goes to the opening of an envelope and every single fashion show and gets her legs and her tits out for every camera. Because she loves anonymity.




Allure photos courtesy of Allure online.

Kate Gosselin’s “bodyguard” Steve Neild isn’t wearing his wedding ring

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 08:10 AM PDT


Kate Gosselin is currently in Cabo San Lucas, and not with her kids. No one seems to have any photos of the kids, and aren't they in school? Isn't this, like, their second week of school? Buh-bye, babies, Mama needs to go to Cabo for a week. Someone will pack your lunches, whatever, I need a Mojito. Anyway, you know who is definitely on the vacation? Her "bodyguard" Steve Neild. And he's not wearing his wedding ring! See photos of the ringless Steve here, at The Superficial. Looks like all of that speculation about the two of them boning is right on the money. Oooh, Us Weekly got a confirmation that Kate and Steve are on an "official business" vacation together:

Kate Gosselin showed off her bikini body Monday during a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Joining her at the popular vacation spot: Bodyguard Steve Neild.

Sans her eight children, the 35-year-old reality mom was spotted taking a stroll with him over the weekend.

Asked why they were traveling to a resort together, a TLC rep told UsMagazine.com Monday afternoon, "Kate is traveling on official business."

The two have been tighter than ever lately. He accompanied her to the Emmys last month.
At one after-party, a witness told Us Weekly she “mingled with guests, but spent most of her time with Steve.”

[From Us Weekly]

More like "bidness".

CB also wanted me to mention that Kate has been showing off her "boulder tits" in Mexico. Kate has been wearing lots of bikinis - the better to entice Monsieur Neild - and her boobs look especially fake. Radar has photos here.

One more thing - here are some photos of Kate on September 11th, looking like a reject from Jersey Shore. THAT HAIR. That face too - she looks like Rachel Zoe, doesn't she? And that's not good - for either of them.

Kate Gosselin looks tired but forces a smile after leaving Regis and Kelly in NYC, NY on September 10, 2010 where the outspoken mother of 8 continued to badmouth her former husband. Fame Pictures, Inc

Kate Gosselin looks tired but forces a smile after leaving Regis and Kelly in NYC, NY on September 10, 2010 where the outspoken mother of 8 continued to badmouth her former husband. Fame Pictures, Inc

Kate Gosselin looks tired but forces a smile after leaving Regis and Kelly in NYC, NY on September 10, 2010 where the outspoken mother of 8 continued to badmouth her former husband. Fame Pictures, Inc

Header: Kate and Steve in NYC on April 23, 2010. Credit: WENN.

Rachel McAdams & Michael Sheen: new couple?

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 07:48 AM PDT


Earlier today, I saw these photos of Rachel McAdams and Michael Sheen leaving a screening together a few nights ago. I didn't really think anything of it, other than "Oh, I bet they're working together or something." I'm ashamed to admit it didn't even occur to me that they could be hooking up. But that is a distinct possibility, according to Lainey at LaineyGossip. Lainey has a behind-the-scenes account of their hardcore flirtations at an after-party, and basically, I think it's on.

Rachel McAdams showed up at the Beautiful Boy (starring Michael Sheen and Mario Bello) screening on Sunday night and at the film's afterparty at Cheval. SO pretty. Loose blonde hair in waves around her face, great tight black dress with an exposed zipper running all the way down the back – she has an amazing ass – and stacked black heels, hot.

Michael Sheen was there already. I saw her walk up to the rooftop patio. She spent a few minutes talking to randoms, and shortly after Sheen had joined her. To me it was like they were being introduced. He's an actor, she's an actor, she watches his movie, they meet, they chit chat, he goes back to his people, she hangs out with hers, the end.

But then they went to sit together on a couch and kept talking and not talking to anyone else. And then together they went over to the bar to talk some more. On the way they ran into others, and talked to those others together, and after getting more drinks they went back to their couch and kept talking and new others came and went while they continued to not be apart.

And that's not usually just a friend thing. That's a thing thing. By the time I left, they'd been together like that for over an hour. So of course I asked around. Heard from a couple of sources yesterday that it's early days in the courtship but they're definitely checking each other out. Cute, right?

[From LaineyGossip]

They're both single, from what I know. Michael used to be married to Kate Beckinsale, and they share custody of their daughter Lily. Michael is 41 years old - Rachel is 31 years old. So the age difference isn't as wide as you'd think, and, hey, they're both very talented actors who generally fly under the radar. So, here's the question: Is this just a film festival hookup (hot), or is it a potential relationship? They could be a very actorly power-couple, a Canadian-Welsh New Hot Couple. We'll see.


Rachel and Michael on Sept. 12, 2010. Credit: WENN.

Ryan Reynolds in GQ: My marriage is not “some covert operation”

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 07:32 AM PDT


I've never been a big fan of Ryan Reynolds. Actually, I usually find myself mystified by the hype surrounding him - I've seen some of his films, and while he's certainly got some comedic chops, I find I have problems believing him as a dramatic actor. Plus, he's always seemed kind of surly or goofy - like those are his only two modes. But I've read various sources say that he's beginning to chill out a bit, so maybe there's hope. Plus, his marriage to Scarlett Johansson is lasting a lot longer than I thought, and they seem to be a good influence on each other. Eh.

So, anyway, Ryan's new movie is Buried, where he pretty much spends the whole film in a coffin, buried underground with only a cell phone and a pen light. The film is getting some buzz, but… I don't know. I'm not sure if it's my kind of film. Anyway, Ryan made the cover of GQ to promote the film - here is the GQ slideshow and here is the full interview. These are some highlights:

NEW YORK - Ryan Reynolds is handsome, funny, charming, extremely ripped, married to one of the most desirable women on the planet, Scarlett Johansson, and likable to boot. After a string of comedies, some romantic, some mediocre, Reynolds has been busy making himself a movie star, especially with his latest role as a man who's been buried alive. Buried is unusual to say the least, the entire film consists of footage of the buried man—Reynolds—in his coffin. GQ's Chris Heath spends some time with Reynolds, where he opens up about his family, his career, the toll filming Buried took on him, and says that marriage is the "best part" of his life.

Ryan Reynolds on his family's reaction to his acting career:
"My family is as far from a stage family as you could ever possibly find. Even if my father wasn't speaking to me, he would never, ever miss a baseball game. Even if he was upset with me for a month at a time over some trivial bullsh-t, I would still see him standing in his trench coat over there at my football games in the rain. But the acting world, that whole stuff was just so foreign to him. He would never come to that stuff."

…on forever being known as Van Wilder:
"It made me the party guy. I would walk into a bar and people would start lining up the shots. You could sum up my career at that point as a free shot at a bar. I know it affected me more than I'm revealing, because I know I went years without even saying the worlds 'Van Wilder.' Even now, when I say it, it's a bit of a stretch for me."

…on filming Buried:
Reynolds was constantly cut by contact with the unfinished wood of the coffin, and a bald patch formed on the back of his head where it rubbed against the sand on the coffin's floor, not to mention the terrible insomnia he suffered from. "I'll never, ever in my life complain on a set again after being on that set. Sixteen, seventeen days of doing that… It was such a state of emotional distress."

…on how things have changed since marrying someone famous:
"Things change when you get married in general. But in terms of being a couple that's in a public situation and speculated about and all that nonsense, it's changed a little bit. I'm a little more guarded, I think. I'm just a little bit more wary of having my relationship turning into a soap opera. I've just unilaterally not addressed it. That's kind of been the fail-safe for me."

…on keeping his private life private:
"I think it's embellished upon. It hasn't been some covert operation. I mean, certainly the wedding was, but I believe anyone should have the right to have a private wedding ceremony."

[From GQ]

He does seem chilled out, doesn't he? A year ago, if an interviewer asked about ScarJo, Ryan seems like he would have walked out of the interview, never to be heard of again. But it's nice that he feels confident enough to make some general comments about their marriage, and maybe seeing how his buddy Sandra Bullock's marriage imploded has made him less… cocky? Less sanctimonious about how everything is so PRIVATE and how that makes him better than everyone else.





Photos courtesy of GQ online.

CA Med Board investigating Lindsay Lohan’s doctors at her creepy father’s urging

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 07:07 AM PDT

44690, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Thursday September 9th, 2010. Michael Lohan stops by his daughter Lindsay's apartment building in West Hollywood, but she wasn't home... Photograph:  David Tonnessen, PacificCoastNews.com
The California Medical Board is conducting some sort of investigation into the doctors that presumably over-prescribed Lindsay Lohan’s various medications, including a prescription painkiller that is 8-10 times stronger than morphine. This comes at the loud insistence of her famewh*re dad, Michael, who has sold old just about every person who has ever been close to him, including his daughter, Lindsay. He’s also been (accused of) abusing at least two of his recent girlfriends, and now he’s sold nude photos of each of those women to the press. (Again, allegedly, we can’t prove it’s him, etc.) Given all we know about Michael Lohan, it certainly helps explain, although it doesn’t excuse, how Lindsay turned out to be such an entitled addicted mess. At least he’s doing something useful for once, despite his motivations and the fact that it might not help much. If she wants to keep taking heavy duty meds she’ll doctor shop until she gets them.

TMZ has learned … the Medical Board of California is investigating doctors who prescribed a variety of medications to Lindsay Lohan.

TMZ obtained these photos of investigators for the Medical Board at the law offices of Michael Lohan’s lawyer, Lisa Bloom. The photos, which were taken on Sept. 2, show Michael, Bloom and investigators.

Bloom sent a letter to the California Attorney General back in July, asking for an investigation into “the unscrupulous doctors [who] overprescribe medications …”

We’re told the A.G. referred the matter to the Medical Board, which launched an investigation.

As TMZ first reported, prior to entering UCLA, Lindsay had various prescriptions, including Dilaudid, Adderall, Nexium, Zoloft, Trazodone and Ambien.

As we’ve told you … UCLA determined Lindsay had been misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and prescribed meds she should not have taken.

Bloom confirms with TMZ, “The Medical Board is investigating and Michael and I are cooperating with them.”

[From TMZ]

TMZ reports this great stride forward in Michael’s never-ending “search for Lindsay’s dealers” but they don’t have anything on the fact that “someone” sold very explicit photos of Michael’s ex fiance, Erin Muller, to website TheDirty.com. (I’m not going to link to those, you can search on that site if you’re interested.) Radar Online has that story, along with some suspicious tweets that Michael Lohan made on the matter suggesting he’s involved, which he denies.This is exactly the guy’s M.O. as he did the same thing to another ex-fiance and sold nude photos of her to a different website.

Michael has moved to LA with all his Louis Vuitton luggage and is trying to get his daughter to see him. She should stay far away. He’ll only continue to use her like he uses everyone he’s supposedly ever cared about.

44844, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Monday September 13, 2010. Lindsay Lohan arrives at LAX airport and is handed a pink top by a fan waiting for her, with puffy looking lips and a black beanie on. The actress, recently released from the UCLA Medical Center, was part of a VMA skit aired last night during the MTV Video Music Awards hosted by Chelsea Handler. Photograph:  PacificCoastNews.com

A healthy looking Lindsay Lohan arrives at a sushi restaurant in West Hollywood, CA on September 8, 2010 in a Grunge inspired ensemble where the actress met with lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley. Fame Pictures, Inc

Natalie Portman looks radiant, plus other TIFF fashion & hottie photos

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 07:06 AM PDT


I get that not everyone loves Natalie Portman in general. She alienated a lot of people with both her defense of Roman Polanski, and her equating eating meat to rape. That makes her quite underwhelming as a person - however, if we're just going on fashion and who brings it on the red carpet, Natalie is almost always my girl. This is what she wore for last night's Black Swan premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. She's just so… f-cking beautiful. It actually hurts me a little. Natalie is earning rave reviews from the festival circuit too - many think she might get an Oscar nomination (her second) for Black Swan. We'll see - it might be too avant-garde for Academy voters, but Hollywood people seem to love her.


So I thought we'd do more photos from TIFF, just because there are so many. Here is my lover Vincent Cassel, also at last night's Black Swan premiere. He looks delicious.

French actor Vincent Cassel arrives at the gala presentation for the film Black Swan during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival, September 13, 2010. REUTERS / Adrien Veczan (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 13: Actor Vincent Cassel arrives at the 'Black Swan' Premiere held at Roy Thomson Hall during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival on September 13, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

Ooh, this is a good one - Cassel, James Franco and Oscar-winning director Danny Boyle.

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 12: (L to R) Actors Vincent Cassel, James Franco and director Danny Boyle attend Day 3 at The Variety Studio at Holt Renfrew during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival at Holt Renfrew, Toronto on September 12, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Alexandra Wyman/Getty Images)

Here's Franco doing press at TIFF:

Actor James Franco attends a news conference to promote the film 127 Hours during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival September 12, 2010. REUTERS/Fred Thornhill (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT HEADSHOT)

12 September 2010 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - James Franco. 127 Hours Premiere - 2010 Toronto International Film Festival held at Ryerson Theatre. Photo Credit: Brent Perniac/AdMedia

Winona Ryder! Why is she at TIFF? No idea.

U.S. actress Winona Ryder arrives at the gala presentation for the film 'Black Swan' during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival, September 13, 2010. REUTERS/Adrien Veczan (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

U.S. actress Winona Ryder arrives at the gala presentation for the film Black Swan during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival, September 13, 2010. REUTERS /Adrien Veczan (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

Catherine Deneuve… classic.

French actress Catherine Deneuve arrives at the gala presentation for the film Potiche during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival, September 13, 2010. REUTERS/Adrien Veczan (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

Ryan Reynolds promoting Buried:

Canadian actor Ryan Reynolds reacts during a news conference for the film ' Buried at the 35th Toronto International Film Festival September 13, 2010.  REUTERS/Mike Cassese  (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

Actor Ryan Reynolds (L) and director Rodrigo Cortes attend the Toronto International Film Festival press conference for 'Buried' at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Toronto, Canada on September 13, 2010. UPI/Christine Chew Photo via Newscom

Thandie Newton, who I can't stand.

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 12: Actor Thandie Newton attends the 'Vanishing On 7th Street' Premiere at Ryerson Theatre during the Toronto International Film Festival on September 12, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

Minnie Driver's hit-and-miss styles:

Actress Minnie Driver arrives at the gala presentation for the film Barney's Version during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival, September 12, 2010. REUTERS/Fred Thornhill (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

British actress MInnie Driver attends the Toronto International Film Festival press conference for 'Barney's Version' at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Toronto, Canada on September 12, 2010. UPI/Christine Chew Photo via Newscom

Matt Damon looking cute.

12 September 2010 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Matt Damon. Hereafter Premiere - 2010 Toronto International Film Festival held at the Elgin Theatre. Photo Credit: Brent Perniac/AdMedia

U.S. actor Matt Damon arrives at the gala presentation for the film 'Hereafter' at the 35th Toronto International Film Festival September 12, 2010.  REUTERS/Mike Cassese  (CANADA - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

Rachel Weisz's outfit is kind of pajama-y, but I still kind of like it. She manages to make it look chic.

Actor Rachel Weisz arrives for the Toronto International Film Festival premiere of 'The Whistleblower' at the Elgin Theater in Toronto, Canada on September 13, 2010. UPI/Christine Chew Photo via Newscom

Carey Mulligan looks perfect.

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 11: Actress Carey Mulligan attends the 'Never Let Me Go' Premiere held at the Ryerson Theatre during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 11: Actress Carey Mulligan attends the 'Never Let Me Go' Premiere held at the Ryerson Theatre during the 35th Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

There will be more photos in the coming days - TIFF always has drama and good celebrity sightings, so I'm positive there will be some more good photos.

Natalie in Toronto on Sept. 13, 2010. Credit: WENN.

Was someone trying to sabotage Jennifer Lopez’s ‘American Idol’ gig?

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 06:14 AM PDT

Jennifer Lopez photographed at Macy's Herald Square to launch her new fragrance Love and Glamour, as Fashion's Night Out, in New York City, New York on September 10, 2010.  Fame Pictures, Inc

Don't even ask me what's going on with Jennifer Lopez these days. She's been putting in appearances for New York Fashion Week, and while not every look has been hideous, there are definitely some styling issues that you'd think a diva of Jennifer's caliber would be beyond. I just want to shake her and say "You're 41 years old! You should have this figured out by now." But still, we're getting bedhead and fringe and transparent coochie dresses and miniskirts and tacky styling. Ugh.

Anyway, after weeks (months) of speculation, it's looking more and more like Jennifer Lopez will be the next diva judge on American Idol. Us Weekly's sources claim it's a done deal… which could mean anything, but I tend to think it's on. I know 'Idol' die-hards aren't too happy with this, but honestly, I think Jennifer will make a good judge. She's bitchy with a heart (that should be this site's tagline, right?). Anyway, TMZ and PopEater claim that getting J.Lo on Idol was such a long process because there were some mysterious forces out there trying to sabotage her and c-ckblock her. J.Lo has made some enemies!

Are there shadowy forces at work trying to sabotage Jennifer Lopez’s bid to become the next ‘American Idol’ judge? According to a new report, FOX execs believe enemies of the show as well as Lopez’s competition are planting rumors about the star’s so-called “diva demands” before signing on the dotted line.

Well-connected sources tell TMZ that negotiations between the two parties have in fact been “normal” and that Lopez is expected to become the show’s judge any day now.
Among the rumors floating around about Lopez include that she was demanding too much money was insisting on a movie deal to be included. Some sort of movie component is involved with negotiations, but it’s not a key part of it.

In early August, sources told PopEater’s Rob Shuter that Lopez was only offered the job after several big-name celebrities, including Elton John and Barry Manilow, turned down offers to be permanent judges.

Lopez’s people have been working on the deal for over a month, shortly before Ellen DeGeneres announced she was leaving the show. Since then, Kara DioGuardi also exited though it’s unclear if she was actually fired. Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler has told friends he is replacing Simon Cowell, mean when the dust settles it will be Tyler, Randy Jackson and presumably Lopez at the judges table come season 10.

[From PopEater]

Well, it's good to know that Jennifer is not a self-saboteur, going all diva throughout the negotiations - it seems now like that was just speculation from someone very anti-Lopez. Gee, who could it be? The myriad managers and handlers that she jettisoned as she got more and more famous? The yes-men who had to deal with her for years? The peasants who had to do her makeup and hair, who she's obviously pissed off? Granted, I don't think Jennifer is a monster or anything. I just think she's a diva. And she's a diva who has found her home on American Idol.

Sept. 12, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - JENNIFER LOPEZ .Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Spring 2011 Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Show - Backstage. Lincoln Center, NYC 09-12-2010.Photos by - - Photos Inc. 2010.I15319BT. © Red Carpet Pictures

Sept. 12, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - JENNIFER LOPEZ .Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Spring 2011 Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Show - Backstage. Lincoln Center, NYC 09-12-2010.Photos by - - Photos Inc. 2010.I15319BT. © Red Carpet Pictures

Sept. 10, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - JENNIFER LOPEZ launches her new fragrance, Love and Glamour during Fashion's Night Out at Macy's Herald Square in New York City on 09-10-2010.  2010...K65855HMc. © Red Carpet Pictures

Sept. 12, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - LENNY KRAVITZ, JENNIFER LOPEZ, CHRISTINA HENDRICKS .Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Spring 2011 Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Show - celebs.The Tents Lincoln Center, NYC 09-12-2010.Photos by ,  Photos Inc 2010.K65878SMO. © Red Carpet Pictures

Angelina Jolie & Johnny Depp in the first mini-clips from ‘The Tourist’

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 05:50 AM PDT

Photo by: KGC16/starmaxinc.com 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2/25/10 Angelina Jolie on the set of her new film, The Tourist . (Paris, France)

Oooh, some tiny little snippets of The Tourist have come out! Apparently, the full trailer is going to debut later on today, so we'll be able to see with better detail whether Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie have any chemistry together (hint: they could both have chemistry with a pile of dirt). The basic gist of the story is that Depp plays "the tourist" traveling in Venice, where he meets Jolie's character, and danger and seduction happen. Here are the clips, combined from various entertainment shows last night:

Um… are they both playing it with accents? Or am I hearing things? Depp sounds like America by way of France (naturally), where Angelina seems to be doing some kind of English lilt? Is it just me?

One more piece of Jolie news - in a poll conducted by WENN (the photo agency based in the UK), Angelina won the title "Best Celebrity Role Model". Other celebrites who made the list: Clooney, Bono and… Miley?

ANGELINA JOLIE’s dedication to campaigning against atrocities around the world has earned the big-hearted Hollywood star the title of Best Celebrity Role Model in a new online poll. The United Nations Goodwill Ambassador, who last week (ends10Sep10) visited victims of the devastating floods in Pakistan, won nearly half of all votes registered on WENN.com.

Jolie scored 43 per cent, ahead of Oscar winner George Clooney, himself a United Nations Messenger of Peace, who took second place with 23 per cent. Teen superstar Miley Cyrus was a surprise entry in third place with 15 per cent - she even scored more votes than campaigning rocker Bono, who had to settle for fourth place and just 14 per cent of votes. Christian musicians The Jonas Brothers rounded out the poll in fifth, with five per cent of votes.

[From WENN]

Good for them, I suppose. Um, Miley? She's not the worst role model ever, but really? It also sucks for Bono to come in fourth, right? Speaking on Bono, did you guys here that he's The Worst Investor in America? Bono can't pick a winning stock to save his life, apparently.

38683, VENICE, ITALY - Wednesday March 17, 2010. Johnny Depp, dressed in a long overcoat and carrying leather duffel bags and a map, is spotted filming a scene for his upcoming film The Tourist . The dramatic thriller co-stars Angelina Jolie and will be released sometime next year. Photograph: PacificCoastNews.com

38648, VENICE, ITALY - Tuesday March 17, 2010. Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp film scenes together on a massive speedboat in Venice, Italy for their upcoming film The Tourist . The thriller, being directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, is slated to release sometime next year. Jolie plays a seductive Interpol agent who sleeps with unsuspecting American Tourist (played by Depp), to get rid of a criminal she was intimate with previously. Photograph: PacificCoastNews.com

38648, VENICE, ITALY - Tuesday March 17, 2010. Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp film scenes together on a massive speedboat in Venice, Italy for their upcoming film The Tourist . The thriller, being directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, is slated to release sometime next year. Jolie plays a seductive Interpol agent who sleeps with unsuspecting American Tourist (played by Depp), to get rid of a criminal she was intimate with previously. Photograph: PacificCoastNews.com

Penelope Cruz confirms her pregnancy - she’s 4 and a half months along

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 05:14 AM PDT

Penelope Cruz arriving to the screening of 'Los Abrazos Rotos' during the 62nd Cannes Film Festival at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, France on May 19, 2009. Photo by Nebinger-Orban/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom Photo via Newscom

CB pointed this out to me yesterday - there were photos from the set of the new Pirates of the Caribbean where Penelope Cruz looked totally knocked up (Us Weekly ran a photo here). We didn't do the story because A) We didn't have access to the photos and B) She's looked pregnant before, and we've been burned before. But now it's official - Pene's Spanish agency just confirmed that she's four and a half months pregnant. Hurray!

Penelope Cruz is pregnant! Kuranda, a Spanish agency that represents the Oscar-winning actress, 36, has confirmed that she is four-and-a-half months pregnant.

Wearing a flowing top, Cruz sported a baby bump recently on the Puerto Rican set of her upcoming movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.

In July, she wed Spanish actor Javier Bardem, 41, in a hush-hush wedding in the Bahamas. The two costarred in the Woody Allen comedy Vicky Cristina Barcelona, for which Cruz won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar in 2009.

Bardem’s sister Monica recently said a baby will likely be on the way for the newlyweds.
“They have shown the world they are in love,” she told Hola!, “and it would be only normal and natural to have children.”

Kuranda gave no more details on Cruz, other than to say she is en route to London to complete filming of “Pirates of the Caribbean: on Stranger Tides.”

[From Us Weekly & HuffPo]

Congratulations to Penelope and Javi on what will likely be the hottest Spanish baby ever. I'm so, so happy these two are procreating. Considering they both look like sex on a stick, I don't see why they waited so long to get pregnant anyway. I feel like I'm getting pregnant just by looking at photos of the two of them.

By the way, for us math lovers, Pene and Javi did have a shotgun marriage! They got married probably right after Penelope's pregnancy was confirmed. Of well - I'll take it any way it comes. Hot Spanish baby!

Actor Javier Bardem (L) arrives with his partner actress Penelope Cruz (R) at the award ceremony of the 63rd Cannes Film Festival in this May 23, 2010 file photo. Spanish actors Bardem and Cruz have joined the ranks of Oscar-winning married couples after tying the knot in the Bahamas earlier this month, according to several celebrity magazines on July 14, 2010.  REUTERS/Yves Herman/Files (FRANCE - Tags: ENTERTAINMENT)

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem leaving the 'Palais des Festivals' during the screening of 'Biutiful' presented in competition during the 63rd Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France on May 17, 2010. Photo by Hahn-Nebinger-Orban/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem leaving the 'Palais des Festivals' during the screening of 'Biutiful' presented in competition during the 63rd Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France on May 17, 2010. Photo by Hahn-Nebinger-Orban/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom

Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem leaving the 'Palais des Festivals' during the screening of 'Biutiful' presented in competition during the 63rd Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, southern France on May 17, 2010. Photo by Hahn-Nebinger-Orban/ABACAPRESS.COM Photo via Newscom

E!: Taylor Swift refused VMA duet with Kanye, didn’t decide up until the last minute

Posted: 14 Sep 2010 04:45 AM PDT

LOS ANGELES, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: Singer Taylor Swift performs onstage during the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards at NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
I was pretty surprised over how much debate there was yesterday on the Taylor Swift and Kanye West VMAs performances story. In my opinion, Kanye was still a douche and Taylor was still hurt by him crashing her acceptance speech at last year’s ceremony. Many of you said that Taylor had more than benefited from that whole debacle and that she should get over it. Her pain seemed as genuine to me as Kanye reveling in his assh*le status and telling us to drink to it. I liked how commenter Atticus wrote that Taylor is young, which explains how affected she was by the incident. “Taylor Swift was 19 when the ‘moon man hijacking’ happened. Of course it was a big deal to her, and of course she’s going to be dramatic about it - she was 19! Now she’s 20! When I read my journals from those ages I just shake my head and think, good Lord, the melodrama.” Now E! has a story that may show just how bothered Taylor still is by the whole thing. They claim that VMA producers were pushing for a duet between Kanye and Taylor on which to end the VMAs, but that Taylor hemmed and hawed and decided not to go through with it at the last minute. I don’t like Ted Casablanca’s bitchy take on this story, but at least the way he tells it makes sense:

If you thought Taylor Swift’s performance at last night’s MTV Video Music Awards—in which she replayed Kanye West stage-jacking from last year then crooned about how he’s still growing but remains innocent…uh, we think—was a tad uncomfy, you’re not the only one.

Certain MTV execs were not pleased with Ms. Swift’s performance—or lack-there-of, as it might be. Not only did her appearance leave some viewers scratching their heads, but Tay also shied away from a proposed duet between the two superstars—according to impeccable MTV sources. Keep in mind this was never an official duet planned by the hip network, but, merely one several key MTV players were very much pushing for.

For the record, MTV was gaga on everything Taylor. Certainly its president, Van Toffler, who said, “There was never a plan for Taylor Swift and Kayne to perform together and we were absolutely thrilled with her performance.”

Also, Swift’s reps claim likewise—that there was never any kind of a request or a push for such a joint performance. Which is unlike what other uber-inside MTV sources are telling us. But, alas, that’s what a goss column’s for, right?

Before we get to rest of the good dirt, trust us, folks in the Nokia Theatre, where the VMAs were held, were just as confused listening to T.Swift—wandering around her bizarre broken down home set sans shoes and singing a little ditty that everyone knew was addressed to the Kanye—as we’re sure you viewers at home were.

“The house is dead! The house is dead!” An überpowerful source that helped plan the night cried as Tay slowly walked back across stage after her performance to silence from the stunned crowd.

And not stunned in a good way, that’s for sure.

The whole performance was over-the-top melodramic—Taylor’s signature style, natch—for an incident that, in retrospect, really wasn’t a big deal. And from a gal who is supposedly totally over the whole ordeal, no less. Guess not, huh, Taylor?

‘Cause if Tay put the incident in her past, then she’d be up to show there are no hard feelings by taking the stage with Mr. West himself, which everyone at MTV and Team Kanye thought would happen.

Yep, despite what’s been reported, a performance was proposed for Taylor to take the stage and help Kanye close the show, finally putting to rest the ordeal that everyone else is so dunzo with.

The only person left to sign up for the onstage show of forgiveness (and, let’s be honest, a huge press moment for both of the two, no doubt) was Taylor. And she reportedly took her sweet time deciding…Like the entire friggin’ show.

Apparently, Tay refused to go on with Kanye, and she had people from MTV, Camp Kanye and her own folks working on overdrive throughout the duration of the show to see if she’d change her mind.

Guess she never did.

“Well, she’s a major-ass rising talent, girl’s got her right, right?”

[From E! Online]

Taylor asked us to forgive Kanye in her song, but she might just have been asking herself to do that, too. I think the whole thing really got to her, I think she had more than every right to let it get to her, and the way she’s handled it has shown what a sensitive caring person she is. Kanye is just a douchey showman and he knows that too. It doesn’t mean he’s a big old creep or that he had nefarious intentions. In no way do I think he should continue to be bashed for it. These two are who they are and they were both affected in their way by their very public run-in. All that considered, as Atticus and many of you wrote on that story, it’s time everyone moved on. It would have been nice to see these two publicly mend fences though, maybe to get some damn closure. US Weekly reports that they did this behind the scenes and talked in Taylor’s dressing room backstage. They quote a source that said “everything is good between them now.”

Easy A Premiere held at The Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California on September 13th, 2010. Taylor Swift                                            Fame Pictures, Inc

Easy A Premiere held at The Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California on September 13th, 2010. Taylor Swift                                            Fame Pictures, Inc

Easy A Premiere held at The Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California on September 13th, 2010. Taylor Swift                                            Fame Pictures, Inc

LOS ANGELES, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: Kanye West performs onstage during the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards at NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES, CA - SEPTEMBER 12: Kanye West performs onstage during the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards at NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE on September 12, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

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