Monday, September 20, 2010



Julia Roberts is trying to bring back the shorts-and-blazer combo

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:55 AM PDT


You know what I'm talking about - that scene near the end of Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts was wearing salmon-colored culottes and a blazer and she goes to meet Kit in the lobby and they go out by the pool and Kit is all "Cinderf-ckinrella". And a fashion moment was born. I remember when the shorts-blazer combo was big, and Julia (or Pretty Woman's costumer) was responsible for it. Anyway, these are photos of Julia in Spain today, promoting Eat, Pray, Love at the San Sebastian Film Festival. Instead of culottes, Julia is rocking a mini-skort. Her ass is very close to falling out of it too, but her legs are still in pretty good shape, right?

Anyway, this is the most slender Julia has looked for the entire European tour. She either just gains weight in her mid-section, or she's pregnant. I don't know why she keeps drawing attention to her waist, either. This outfit doesn't have some hideous belt (thankfully), but Julia is still pulling at her blazer and trying to get the eye to go down. She's either pregnant, or self-conscious about the weight she's put on.

As for the actual outfit… well, I hope this doesn't start something. This is actually the second shorts-blazer combo Julia has worn during promotion - she also wore a similar combo to the New York premiere. While Julia looks nice in what seems like a very cheap blazer & skort (albeit dated), she needs to try something else. I didn't hate the dress she wore in Paris, maybe something more along those lines. Also: Julia needs to stop clinging to Javi. Every f-cking protional stop, she's been on him like white on rice. Stop with the clinging, Julia. You're in your 40s, you've been doing this for three decades, if you can't do a photo op without acting like a little girl who needs to be protected, you should just stop.




Julia and Co. in San Sebastian, Spain on Sept. 20, 2010. Credit: WENN.

Why is Rosetta Getty so smug about Balthazar coming home?

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 08:19 AM PDT


Page Six released some meager excerpts from Balthazar and Rosetta Getty's Harper's Bazaar profile early this morning, and now Bazaar sent us the complete piece, with the above photo. Balthy looks… Jesus. It all seems so weak and staged and dumb. I don't know why Rosetta is bothering me so much - she just seems so cocky, like she won some big prize by letting her husband come back after he spent more than a year publicly f-cking Sienna Miller. The full interview is here, and here are the highlights:

Balthy: "Here's the bottom line: It was a very challenging time for everybody involved," says Balthazar, 35, "but I loved and missed my family too much not to make it work. Rosetta is understanding enough and spiritual enough to let us try. In a way it—I don't know …I feel like we're better than we've ever been."

Rosetta: "I'm open to talking about it because I believe we go through things in a public way to help other people get through it. I'd love to talk about it more with people when I'm clearer about it," she says. "I'm going to have to explain this to my daughters one day. I chose not to act from ego because I just felt like it would be too crushing for my children."

Balthazar: "You can do two things in life when an obstacle comes your way: You can tackle it, or you can allow it to break you down."

Balthy: “I wouldn’t say I had an easy childhood, but I always felt loved. My mom didn’t pressure me to win. I didn’t need to be the best at anything,” he says. “Our culture is so focused on competition right now: who’s the best singer or the best designer. That’s not something we want to enforce in this house.”

Rosetta: “I was raised in sort of a commune,” Rosetta starts in her slow, thoughtful way. “An extended spiritual family they called a brotherhood. We were all named by the same guru. I’m not going to say the word cult, but …” she trails off and starts laughing. “My parents were full-on hippies in the ’70s. I was raised by artists, and there weren’t any boundaries.”

Rosetta: “I chose this. I love my kids and I love my work. I’m so grateful to have this. It’s a big life and it’s exhausting, but I wouldn’t trade it.”

Balthazar: “I’m not so good with early, so that’s Rosetta’s thing,” he says. “She’s up and gets them where they need to go, but I’m usually the last person they see at night before they go to sleep.”

Rosetta: “We’ll always have to love each other through our ups and downs,” says Rosetta. “We have to support each other.”

Rosetta: “Who wears the pants?” asks Rosetta with a sly smile. “I think we all know who really wears the pants in any family. And we can leave it at that.”

[From Harper's Bazaar]

Rosetta… what are you doing? God knows what sort of international STDs Balthy brought home, and now the whole world knows… what? That you think it's fine to allow your husband to f-ck another woman - very publicly, mind you - for more than a year? Granted, we don't know how Rosetta made Balthy "pay" and we only get to see this very staged and ridiculous photo shoot and interview. Maybe it's not all roses, and maybe she's not really that f-cking smug. Perhaps part of Balthy's apology to her was this sh-t-eating interview. But now I'm mad at both of them! I know that's wrong - after all, Rosetta is probably just thinking about her family, and she and Balthy really do seem pretty strong in this interview. But it also seems like Balthy now knows what he can get away with and how far he can go and his wife will still take him back. And judging from the photo shoot, it also seems like Rosetta's main concern is that they now look like this big happy family. Am I wrong for thinking that Rosetta is partially aiming these photos at Sienna, like "Look at this, whore, you didn't break us up"? Meanwhile, Sienna completely forgot she ever f-cked Balthy. She's all "who?"



Photos courtesy of Bazaar.

Will Colin Firth win the Oscar this year for ‘The King’s Speech’?

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 07:39 AM PDT


The Toronto Film Festival is over (boo!) and a surprising winner dominated all of the buzz: a little British film called The King's Speech, starring Colin Firth as King George VI, and Helena Bonham-Carter as Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mum), and Geoffrey Rush as King George's speech therapist. The film is all about the war years, after King Edward/The Duke of Windsor's abdication, when King George reigned the Empire during World War II, and was beloved by his people. King George had a noticeable stutter, and he, like Churchill and FDR, felt the need to buck up his people with radio addresses during the war, especially during the bombing of Britain. So… the film is about that. The King trying to learn how to give a speech, trying to keep the British people's hopes alive, and how much he struggled during the war years. Anyway, The King's Speech won the "fan favorite" award at TIFF, and Colin Firth is now being discussed as a major Oscar contender. Could this be the year where a suave, dapper, lovely, talented Englishman takes home Best Actor? God, wouldn't that be lovely?

“The King’s Speech” was crowned the fan favorite at the Toronto International Film Festival on Sunday, a possible precursor to an Academy Award nomination.

The British/Australian film is a critically acclaimed portrait of a stammering monarch preparing for war. It stars Colin Firth as King George VI, Geoffrey Rush as his Australian speech therapist and Helena Bonham Carter as the Queen Mother.

It won the Cadillac People’s Choice Award as the most popular film. The festival itself doesn’t give out awards, but there are a few awards from sponsor companies. The film festival’s director, Piers Handling, predicted Oscar nominations for the three leads and a possible best picture slot for Tom Hooper’s film, noting it garnered steady attention throughout the 11-day movie festival that ended Sunday.

“So many people were talking about that film during the festival,” said Handling, noting that previous audience-pleasers including “Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire” and “Slumdog Millionaire” went on to multiple Academy Award nominations.

The Toronto International Film Festival is a prime launching place for big Hollywood movies and Academy Awards contenders. Unlike such festivals as Cannes, Venice and Sundance, Toronto is a noncompetitive event where filmmakers are not up against one another for prizes.

[From Huffington Post]

Yes, I could see Rush getting nominated, because he's like the Aussie Meryl Streep - Rush gets nominated just for breathing at this point. Not to diminish his talent, which is considerable, and I do love him. It would also be nice to Helena get nominated - if it happens, it would only be her second nomination (she got her first for Wings of the Dove). But my guess is that producers will probably throw big money at an Oscar campaign for Colin - he's the kind of actor where you could easily say "It's his turn to win." He's turned in solid to wonderful performances for two decades, he has no drama in his personal life, he's happily married and loves his family, and plus, the Academy loves rewarding actors who play kings and queens and political leaders. Colin seems like he's acting his ass off in The King's Speech too - I imagine it would be hard to act out a stutter without it seeming like you're making fun of the condition. Colin does it brilliantly:


11 September 2010 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Colin Firth. The King's Speech Press Conference during the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival held at the Hyatt Regency. Photo Credit: Brent Perniac/AdMedia

11 September 2010 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada - Colin Firth. The King's Speech Press Conference during the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival held at the Hyatt Regency. Photo Credit: Brent Perniac/AdMedia

TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 11: Actor Colin Firth speaks at 'The King's Speech' press conference during the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival at the Hyatt Regency on September 11, 2010 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images)

Header: Colin at TIFF on Sept. 10, 2010. Credit: WENN. PR image courtesy of promotional site.

George Clooney & Eli’s Sardinia trip turns into a happy photo op

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 07:04 AM PDT


Yesterday, I put up People Magazine's story about George Clooney going to Sardinia to visit Elisabetta Canalis' parents. Some of you took issue with my designation of her "cokewhore" status, and for that, I apologize. I mean, if the shoe fits, etc, but CB wants me to stop calling Eli that until we have confirmation both of her hooker status, and of her years of cocaine use, something more than Eli's former hooker friends calling her a cokehead prostitute/escort to rich men, I guess. Anyway, we have some of the photos of Clooney and Eli out and about in Sardinia. Gee, I wonder how in the world the paparazzi knew to go to Sardinia? I wonder how they knew the exact location Clooney and Eli would be so that they could set up their cameras right in front of where they were walking?


Maybe I'm bothered by how happy they look. Fame Pictures notes: "Clooney and Canalis were all smiles as they strolled hand in hand, and it appeared things were going very well as he met her family for the first time. The duo stayed in her family’s country home for the first few nights before sneaking off to the exclusive Hotel Villa Las Tronas for a romantic night." Damn…Eli either really has the goods on Clooney (my theory about him killing a hobo still stands), or they are really happy together. WHY? I just don't get it. What do they have to talk about? Or are they all coked up in these photos? I hate to admit it, but they just look happy and sober and like they're enjoying their time together. That Eli certainly is playing it well. Damn her.




Clooney and Eli on Sept. 18, 2010. Credit: Fame.

Kate Walsh wears a sushi dress after getting bashed by Lady Gaga fans on Twitter

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 06:43 AM PDT

Private Practice and Grey’s Anatomy star Kate Walsh wore a dress adorned with sushi and sashimi on The Tonight Show on Friday. Walsh said it was in homage to Lady Gaga, some of whose fans went after her on twitter for making a comment about the meat dress that Gaga wore to the VMAs. On Twitter Walsh wroteJust saw the meat dress…dunno. Love her, but her argument for wearing it is lame and doesn’t track…” which is an accurate assessment but of course Gaga’s “monsters” went after her. That doesn’t jibe with how she explained the Twitter controversy to Leno, as she made it sound like she just joked that it looked like prosciutto that she could eat with some melon. Walsh says that she also wore the dress to bring awareness to the Oceana organization. Unlike Gaga’s real (but cheap!) meat dress, Walsh’s sushi was all fake, as she later admitted to on Twitter.

‘Private Practice’ star Kate Walsh paid tribute to Lady Gaga’s meat dress with an alternative for seafood lovers everywhere. “It’s a sushi and sashimi dress,” the “Private Practice” star told host Jay Leno on Thursday.

Walsh’s dress included a lobster-tail shoulder piece and was packed to the gills with maki rolls, bits of yellowtail, tuna, salmon, and edamame, and was accessorized with a maki-roll ring and sunglasses, and peep-toe Louis Vuitton heels with a prawn across the toes.

“It’s an homage, if you will, to Lady Gaga,” Walsh explained of her outfit. “I was inspired by her meat dress.” The actress added, however, that she and the superstar singer recently hit a rough patch.

“I was on a plane during the VMAs and one of my Twitter fans said, ‘What did you think of Lady Gaga’s meat dress?’” said Walsh, who hadn’t yet seen the show since she was in transit.

“They sent me a link, I opened it up, and I was like, ‘Oh!’ The first thought I had was, like, ‘A nice plate of prosciutto with melon,’ thinking that’s kind of witty,” she told Leno. “But oh no, no, no, no! It set off the Little Monsters [Gaga's fans]. It opened up a whole can of whoop-ass.”

The pair have since patched things up, and Walsh decided to pay tribute to the “Alejandro” singer with her ensemble and also raise awareness for her favorite charity, Oceana, which aims to protect our planet and its waters.

“I’m a huge fan of Lady Gaga. Whatever her statement was with her meat dress, I thought, Why not give a shout out to one of my charities,” Walsh explained.

“These are all totally sustainable fish, by the way,” she noted of her dress. “There’s no bluefin on here. You want to stay away from that.”

[From Popeater]

You can watch the full interview on and there’s a segment below, thanks to AOL’s popeater. Of course that old perv Leno made some dumb jokes about the sushi and said “this is the first time I thought I [would] really enjoy having some sushi.”

Walsh got flirty and asked “you feel like going fishing?

Yeah I don’t mind going fishing. Actually, I like deep sea fishing.”

Walsh said that Amy Brenneman got her into tweeting, and that she resisted at first thinking “No, that might be the end of Western civilization.” She said she’s really into it now and enjoys interacting with her fans. “There’s no other way to kind of do that. [Talk to fans] I love my fans.

She seems nice enough and the sushi dress was kind of funny. It’s clear she doesn’t take herself seriously, and you have to admire that. She’s not above using the same tactics as Gaga to get some press, but at least she’ll tell you where she got her inspiration and not make up some muddled excuse.



Radar: “Lindsay Lohan is in serious trouble financially”

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 06:33 AM PDT


You know how Lindsay Lohan spent her weekend coked out of her mind and partying with friends and getting all high and going to AA meetings? Well, there's another layer to the massive FAIL that is Blohan's life. According to Radar's sources, Lindsay is having major cash flow problems. Apparently, Mother Crackhead is worried about Lindsay's lawyer's bills, and how there probably won't be anything coming in for a while once Lindsay goes back to jail (likely) for violating the terms of her probation/parole. But the quotes from the unnamed sources are kind of funny - like "Everyone thinks the Lohan family is so well-off, but if they knew the truth, it would be shocking." Um… no, most people think Lindsay is massively in debt and blows through whatever cash she has by buying clothes (and being a cracked-out hoarder), or by buying drugs.

Lindsay Lohan’s drug relapse has gone hand in hand with another major headache for the troubled actress — her desperate financial shape. has exclusively learned — from sources close to the Mean Girls starlet — that she is broke and is suffering from a major cash flow problem.

“Lindsay is in serious trouble financially,” one well-placed source told “Dina is struggling to make ends meet and pay Lindsay’s lawyers and this latest development doesn’t help things. Everyone thinks the Lohan family is so well-off, but if they knew the truth, it would be shocking.”

Lohan, who is awaiting her legal fate after failing a court mandated drug test, has been left to live off the occasional magazine cover — most recently Vanity Fair — while the handful of movies she has done have either bombed at the box office, or gone straight to DVD.

One source even suggested to that mom Dina is so desperate for money she hired Lindsay’s current business manager, Lou Taylor, because she agreed to take the job for free.

And now that she’s fallen off the wagon once again, Lindsay is facing 30 days behind bars which could cost her the role she was hoping would reinstate her as a legitimate Hollywood actress. Executives behind her upcoming film Inferno are reportedly “beyond irritated”, and are reconsidering insuring her for the role of ’70s porn star Linda Lovelace.

“She’s in a tight spot, the family’s in a tight spot,” the source told “It’s really a very sad situation.”

[From Radar]

Is it sad? Or is it just more of the cracked-out same? Or both? Because none of this is shocking to me, personally. Lindsay has put herself in an odd cocoon of privilege, entitlement, crack drama, and little to no consequences. Not even jail and UCLA rehab has changed anything. And just my opinion: even more jail time and more rehab won't really change her either. My mom and I were talking about Lindsay, and my mom said very sadly, "It won't stop until she kills someone." It's true - and as much as people want to say, "Oh, Lindsay is going to OD" - I don't think that's going to happen. I think one of these days this entitled, cracked-out little bitch is really and truly going to run over someone, I really do.

45076, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday September 17, 2010.  Lindsay Lohan arrives at a recording studio in LA amidst reports that she has allegedly failed a drug test after being tested positive for cocaine last week. Photograph:  David Tonnessen,

44907, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Tuesday September 14, 2010. Lindsay Lohan makes her way to Santa Monica County Court court for a court mandated urine test accompanied by her assistant Eleonore. The two are seen leaving in a white Porsche. Photograph:

44907, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Tuesday September 14, 2010. Lindsay Lohan makes her way to Santa Monica County Court court for a court mandated urine test accompanied by her assistant Eleonore. The two are seen leaving in a white Porsche. Photograph:

45091, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday September 17 2010. Amidst reports she failed a court ordered drugs test, Lindsay Lohan shows off her tattoo I restore myself when I'm alone during a night out in LA. Reports suggest the troubled star could return to jail after supposedly testing positive for cocaine. Photograph:   Anthony,

45091, LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Friday September 17 2010. Amidst reports she failed a court ordered drugs test, Lindsay Lohan shows off her tattoo I restore myself when I'm alone during a night out in LA. Reports suggest the troubled star could return to jail after supposedly testing positive for cocaine. Photograph:   Anthony,

Header: Lindsay on Sept. 10, 2010. Credit: Fame.

Sextuplets reality show dad arrested for domestic incident

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 06:21 AM PDT

When I heard that a sextuplets reality show dad was arrested for domestic violence I thought it was that new self righteous douche from TLC who has been blogging about his haters. That guy only has quintuplets, though, so he must be feeling the pressure to add up in the competitive multiples reality show market. The multiples dad that was arrested is someone I’ve yet to hear of named Bryan Masche, who stars on Raising Sextuplets on WE. Apparently he got in an argument while visiting relatives and someone called the cops.

Bryan Masche, the father on the WE reality show Raising Sextuplets, was arrested while visiting relatives in Arizona and charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and threatening domestic violence.

Masche, 32, was taken into custody at the Yavapi County Detention Center and released on $3,500 bond, a spokesman for Arizona’s Camp Verde Marshal’s Office tells PEOPLE.

The spokesman would not elaborate but confirmed published reports that Masche lost his temper, causing someone present to call 911. It is not known whether Masche’s wife and TV costar, Jenny, was involved in the incident.

Masche is the father of Arizona’s second-only set of sextuplets, born three years ago. The family currently lives in Florida.

According to the Camp Verde Bugle newspaper, Masche was arrested after allegedly threatening his family and beginning to yell and use profanities. When deputies arrived at the scene, Masche reportedly did not comply with authorities.

Had ‘Total Brutal Fights’

In an 2009 interview with PEOPLE, Bryan and Jenny admitted that raising six young children was not easy and that the couple argued. “We have totally brutal fights,” Jenny told PEOPLE.

Relying upon their faith, the religious couple sought to work through their marital problems. “When you understand that there’s no way out of marriage, that forces you to work on your marriage,” Bryan told PEOPLE.

“We both have an understanding in our minds that there is no out,” he added. “I know personally that I'm accountable to God, and Jenny knows she’s accountable to God, and we don’t have any way out of this thing. So if we're going to be stuck with each other for the next 80 years, we better make it good.”

Their marriage, said Jenny, “is a work in progress, and it’s totally not perfect. But we believe that the stronger the couple is, the stronger the marriage is and the better it is for the children.”


Radar online has more details about how the guy resisted arrest. It sounds like a verbal altercation and not a physical one. Still, that’s not healthy for anybody and it’s a good thing their kids weren’t there at the time. They’ll surely witness plenty of other fights, though. What kind of ass describes his marriage by saying “we don’t have any way out of this thing” and “we're going to be stuck with each other for the next 80 years“?

I haven’t seen this full show, but I saw some preview clips on YouTube, below, and to put it bluntly - the dad does not strike me as straight. Of course it’s hard to tell, but watch the clips below and tell me if I’m wrong. He also seems very combative with his wife and acts sarcastic and nasty. At one point he says to her “it’s time to stop dorking around and put on your big girl panties and get serious.” It’s doubtful that any amount of counseling is going to change that guy. These are the people that are being rewarded with reality shows. All it takes is some IVF and an unnatural number of kids at once and you too can be a star.

We.TV has clips of this show, but I couldn’t get them to run for me.

Photos are of the sextuplets’ third birthday on 6/11/10. Credit:





Randy Quaid and wife Evi arrested for burglary

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 05:56 AM PDT

The drama just doesn’t stop for crazy Randy Quaid and his crazier wife, Evi. In the latest saga of their wacky misdeeds, they were busted squatting in the guest house of a home they used to own years ago in Santa Barbara. The current owner called police after alarms went off. Evi resisted arrest (i.e. fought with the cops) and they were eventually arrested, charged with felony residential burglary and are being held on $50,000 bail. The last we heard of these two was in April when they served a few hours in jail for their part in defrauding an innkeeper out of $10,000 in charges. They missed multiple court appearances for that case and Evi even brought her husband’s Golden Globe with her to court when she decided to show up. I wonder what stunt she’ll pull next.

The Quaids were busted Saturday afternoon on charges of felony burglary — after they were found to be living in a home they once owned.

A source close to the situation tells TMZ the owner of the home sent a realtor to the house after an alarm went off Saturday morning. We’re told the realtor found the gate codes had been changed, security cameras had all been moved to face up, and Randy had carved his initials in the mailbox.

When the realtor went inside, we’re told he found the place trashed — dirty dishes in the sink, footprints everywhere and clothes that didn’t belong to the owner were hanging in the closet.

The kicker — the Quaids allegedly broke a $7,000 mirror that had been over the fireplace and, according to our source, replaced it with a photo of themselves.

The Quaids were arrested and charged with felony residential burglary and entering a noncommercial building without consent, a misdemeanor. Evi was also charged with resisting arrest.

[From TMZ]

Are these two really this insane or are they gunning for some kind of reality show or movie deal? They don’t have anything else going on as it’s not like they’re getting acting work. Randy got banned for life from the stage actors’ union in 2008 for bad behavior during a play he was working on. Evi came to his aid at the time by assaulting an elderly receptionist and verbally abusing union members in an attempt to defend her husband. They seem well suited to each other in that they’re in it together. Neither of them is trying to talk the other one out of hairbrained schemes involving free vacations. They should aim a little lower next time and try to stowaway on a Princess Cruise.

Official mugshots via Santa Barbara Police Department

PARK CITY, UT - JANUARY 18:  Filmmakers Evi Quaid (L) and husband Randy Quaid attend the Slamdance Film Festival opening night premiere of 'Real Time' held at Treasure Mountain Inn on January 18, 2008 in Park City, Utah.  (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

Randy & Evie Quaid arriving at the screening of Gomorrah at the American Cinemateque's New Films from Italy Screening Series at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles, CA on .November 11, 2008.2008 Kathy Hutchins / Hutchins Photo... . . Photo via Newscom Photo via Newscom

Kim Kardashian & Miles Austin officially split (but it really happened a month ago)

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 05:56 AM PDT

BEL AIR, CA - JULY 12: Dallas Cowboys football player Miles Austin and actress Kim Kardashian attend professional tennis player Serena Williams' Pre-ESPYs House Party held at a private residence on July 12, 2010 in Bel Air, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for SW)

Back in August, I was pretty sure that Miles Austin and Kim Kardashian had split up. There were rumors of the split going around the tabloids in the first week of August, and I bought them. Although Miles was and is a cutie (great eyes!), I don't think Kim gave the relationship a chance, and I think she was just using Miles as a way to make Reggie Bush jealous, because she wasn't (and perhaps still isn't) over Reggie. Anyway, now Miles and Kim have officially split - it's in People Magazine and everything. It just reads like they probably split up a while ago, and Kim just remembered she never confirmed it.

Barely more than a week after a source claimed that Kim Kardashian’s long-distance romance with her Dallas Cowboys beau, Miles Austin, was going “stronger than ever,” the couple have gone their separate ways.

“There’s no huge reason except their distance apart,” a source close to the couple tells PEOPLE, explaining that the decision was mutual. “With his season and Kim’s filming [Keeping Up with the Kardashians] it just slowly split them apart.”

The source adds: “They tried to keep it as low profile as possible when they were together. They were acting as if they were single or just having fun, but they never were – it was the real deal. They were always strong, but before Kim left for Europe they decided it’s not fair that they don’t get to spend more time together and ended it.”

[From People]

Yeah… poor Miles. He seemed like a sweet guy, but Kim just wasn't that into him. If she had wanted it to work, she would have been trotting him out for photo ops and made sure that they walked a million red carpets, like she did with Reggie. Poor Kim… she's still not over Reggie at all, I think.

BEL AIR, CA - JULY 12: Dallas Cowboys football player Miles Austin and actress Kim Kardashian attend professional tennis player Serena Williams' Pre-ESPYs House Party held at a private residence on July 12, 2010 in Bel Air, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for SW)

BEL AIR, CA - JULY 12: Dallas Cowboys football player Miles Austin, actress Kim Kardashian and guest attend professional tennis player Serena Williams' Pre-ESPYs House Party held at a private residence on July 12, 2010 in Bel Air, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for SW)

44814, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - Sunday September 12, 2010. Kim Kardashian is spotted leaving Locanda Locatelli after a short dinner out on her first night in London. Earlier in the day, Kim did a bit of shopping at Westfield and Harrods. Photograph:

Joe Giudice, Teresa’s husband on RHONJ, sentenced to 10 days in jail

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 05:49 AM PDT

May 03, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - TERESA GIUDICE AND JOE Bravo's ''Real Housewives of N.J.'' kick off thier 2nd Season in Patterson N.J. 05-03-2010. 2010.K64721JBB. © Red Carpet Pictures
In an episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey, Joe, Teresa’s gangster husband, tried to explain his DUI by claiming he ran his SUV into a pole, went to his friend’s house nearby, called the cops and did a ton of shots while they were waiting for the police to get there. It was a ridiculous explanation for why he was drunk at the scene of an accident, and Teresa, Jacqueline and Jacqueline’s husband accepted it at the time without questioning him.

When Joe was arrested for DUI, he was even turned over to a nearby police department which had other warrants out for his arrest. Joe’s license was suspended for a year after that incident, but he still thought he could drive anyway (just like Paris Hilton) and now he’s been sentenced to ten days in jail. Can’t say I feel sorry for him.

A judge sentenced Joe to ten days in prison and Joe is expected to begin his sentence next week. According to the document obtained by exclusively, he was also fined $1,000 and his license is suspended for at least another year. Oddly, the court action document does not list Giudice’s name. Sources tell that the reason for the jail time is because Joe drove with a suspended license.

In January, he was charged with driving under the influence after crashing his car into a telephone pole in Montville Township, New Jersey. He was taken to the hospital and then released to the police due to outstanding warrants. In March, he was fined $864, had his license revoked for 12 months, and was sentenced to 30 days of community service.

[From Radar Online]

Joe might not be the only one going to jail. Teresa and Joe have been accused of fraud for trying to hide over a quarter million in earnings when they filed for bankruptcy protection from creditors earlier this year. Teresa is said to be so afraid of prison that she wants to drop off the show to ensure she doesn’t incriminate herself. We’ve already heard that Teresa might be leaving due to feuds with producers and the fact that her nemesis sister-in-law might earn a spot next season. Somehow she’s scored two In Touch covers this month, though. Either In Touch is sadly desperate for an exclusive or Bravo is getting some paid promotion. Either way, this woman is earning a ton of publicity for her bad behavior and she’s owning up to none of it. Just like her husband.

May 03, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - TERESA GIUDICE AND JOE Bravo's ''Real Housewives of N.J.'' kick off thier 2nd Season in Patterson N.J. 05-03-2010. 2010.K64721JBB. © Red Carpet Pictures

PATERSON, NJ - MAY 03: (L-R) Joe Giudice, Gia Giudice, Milania Giudice, Gabriella Giudice and Teresa Giudice attend Bravo's 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey' season two premiere at The Brownstone on May 3, 2010 in Paterson, New Jersey. (Photo by Mike Coppola/Getty Images)

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