Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Joaquin Phoenix's 'I'm Still Here' Turns Out To Be A Hoax, Not Very Well Executed

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 10:43 AM PDT

I'm Still Here is the title of the Joaquin Phoenix documentary opening this weekend. I'm Still Here is also the title of another film – one Joaquin helped narrate along with several other movie stars in 2005. The rest of that movie's title? Real Diaries of Young People Who Lived During the Holocaust.

So why would Joaquin choose to call a project about himself, one that centers on his own hideous emotional breakdown, the same thing as a serious-minded film about kids victimized by the Holocaust? That might be the most interesting question the documentary brings up, and one that we wanted answered when we arrived at a preview screening of I’m Still Here in New York last night.

Overall, the film feels like a documentary about a mockumentary. Director Casey Affleck (Joaquin's brother-in-law) follows Joaquin as he announces his decision to leave the acting biz and become a musician — a rapper, to be exact. All of this was well-publicized in 2008, when it happened. The film includes performance clips that the Internet gave us ages ago and devotes much time to Joaquin's infamous Letterman appearance. The one that caused the world to ask: "Um. Is this a giant hoax?"

At the time, one of Joaquin’s friends told a reporter that he’d said, "I'm going to pretend to have a meltdown and Casey's going to film it." A long portion of the film is devoted to figuring out which member of Joaquin’s inner circle took that quote to the press. It's a childish statement straight from a late-night bong session — something most people would forget by morning (or mid-afternoon, when they wake up with a headache and still in yesterday's jeans).

But Casey and Joaquin are not most people! They are grandiosely self-indulgent. Joaquin first announced his decision to quit the biz at a tribute event for Paul Newman, who had recently died. And whom do the boys head straight for when they need someone to produce JP's rap album? Diddy — who is not the least bit amused.

Are we to doubt that somewhere along the line Joaquin did feel legitimately inclined to quit acting? Certainly not. The impulse does feel honest, and the method organic to that impulse. And it seems that at some point during his bizarre experiment, Joaquin did actually start to inhabit shades of his character. But the persona he created is ultimately too close to the truth to be effective satire and too self-conscious to be taken seriously. Plus, the persona is nightmarish: bearded, bloated, emotionally abusive and grotesque in every way — an Andy Kaufman just doing it for the chicks. Sometimes Joaquin does appear to be acting and sometimes he's merely exploding unadulterated id. Throwing tantrums and straddling coked-up prostitutes. What's brave about that?

So what's real and what isn't? Well, that's only a worthwhile question if pondering it actually leads to some sort of enlightenment. Otherwise we're simply playing a game of theatrical Sudoku, having our time wasted on our own dime. Joaquin and Casey ultimately fail by being arrogant enough to assume people will care about their charade. And people did care, at first, but not for nearly long enough to sustain the project. We were interested then we moved on — and now we're left with the scraps of some gesture that isn't nearly as profound as the filmmakers assumed it would be.

At its core, I'm Still Here is a portrait of two people so utterly bored with life that they can't even see how irrelevant they're being. And that's where the true parody of the film lies. The Hollywood Beast has trapped Casey and Joaquin after all – not the other way around. The far more interesting story is what happens next. How Joaquin (recently photographed back at fighting weight, in a suit and clean-shaven) handles the shitstorm he brought down upon his own image after a hoax gone too far.

Post from: Crushable

Joaquin Phoenix's 'I'm Still Here' Turns Out To Be A Hoax, Not Very Well Executed

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 10:38 AM PDT

What the what? If you thought you caught a glimpse of the Material Girl on the subway in New York yesterday, you were right! Madonna rode the hot, smelly, underground PUBLIC transportation yesterday while in NYC. But why? (via Gawker)

Post from: Crushable

Memoir: I'm Not Your Typical Vegan

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 10:54 AM PDT

What do you think of when you hear the word “vegan”? A straight-edge hardcore kid with neck tattoos? Your hippie aunt who never married and lives in Northampton with five cats? That willowy girl from your high school who ate only lima beans? How badly you want to eat a steak right now?

Personally, it makes me think of getting a snack, because it describes all the food I’ve eaten for the past seven years. That’s right, I’m one of those people. After I get some hummus and pita from the fridge, I will tell you how I, an otherwise hedonistic person, got this way.

I grew up chowing down on chicken and fish, with the occasional steak ordered in a restaurant. My parents, health conscious hippies who eschewed red meat and pork, did their best to introduce me to a wide variety of foods, which I generally hoovered up with haste so as not to be denied membership in the Clean Plate Club. I was the kid everyone made fun of for bringing ratatouille for lunch instead of boring ass PB+J. Philistines.

In addition to liking weird foods, I loved animals. Our cat, Crystal, was pretty much my best friend from ages five through 15; I’d carry him around the house and put clothes on him and tell him my secrets, and he was very understanding about all of it. (I realize Crystal is a girl’s name; I did not realize this when I was five). I went to nature camp. I went to farm camp.

Somewhere between the ages of five and ten, I grew aware of the fact that meat is made of animals. This caused a queasy, visceral discomfort; I didn’t need to read Peter Singer to feel that there’s something sort of weird and fucked up about gnawing on the leg of something that was only just recently walking around, squawking, pooping, and generally being cute. Whose idea was that in the first place? Was it really okay to kill our animal buddies just because they might taste good? It seemed crazy to me. It still does.

It took a while for me to articulate these feelings to my parents, but I eventually asked them if there were people who didn’t eat meat, and if such a thing were even possible. They took me to the bookstore, bless their hearts, where I picked up Judy Krizmanic’s A Teen’s Guide To Going Vegetarian. In it, eleven-year-old me found many compelling arguments as to why this was a good idea, delivered in a snappy, easy-to-read fashion. It described the horrors of factory farms, as well as statistics as to just how environmentally destructive the meat industry is. It also talked about the health benefits of a balanced vegetarian diet, but I’ll admit I didn’t really care about that part. I was sold.

Post from: Crushable

Memoir: I'm Not Your Typical Vegan

Make Your Own: The Nature Girl Look

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 09:51 AM PDT

After spending the last weekend of summer communing with nature in the hills of upstate New York, we decided to celebrate fall with jewelry and accessories that will let us carry a little piece of the great outdoors with us as we head indoors when the days turn cool. And now, thanks to our partnership with OpenSky, you can buy all these recommended goodies directly from Crushable.

Julia Failey

Jewelry designer Julia Failey’s love for nature and wildlife is clear throughout her entire eco-friendly line of earrings, necklaces, bracelets and rings. She also uses reclaimed metals to create her delicate designs, which reduces the environmental impact of her work. Though we love lots of Julia’s pieces, these cute 1/2″-inch brushed, reclaimed Sterling Silver & Vermeil owl stud earrings with gemstone eyes are our favorite. And did you know that owls symbolize knowledge, introspection and intuition? Sounds perfect for a back to school gift or splurge.

Julia Failey Owl Stud Earrings

Buy now

Post from: Crushable

Make Your Own: The Nature Girl Look

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 09:10 AM PDT

If you’re into celebrating birthdays of fictional characters, here’s one way to do itSummit Entertainment is re-releasing Twilight Saga: Eclipse on Friday, so the movie will be in theaters for Bella Swan’s birthday, which is September 13. But if you already knew that, you probably already have tickets. (via Hollywood Crush)

Post from: Crushable

Video: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 06:38 AM PDT

Warning: Watching this video of Joseph Gordon-Levitt growl his way through Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” may lead to uncomfortable, early-morning lady boners. Ostensibly, old Joe is doing this as some sort of promotion for his company Hit Record Joe, though we haven’t really figured out they do over there? (Produce little cartoon shorts with Channing Tatum?) At any rate, it’s both hot and informative: Who knew the song contained 3 Hitchcock references??

Post from: Crushable

Video: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Off The Market: Kymera Magic Wand, A Button-Less Remote For Muggles

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 08:56 AM PDT

Finally…a magic wand for adults! That's what she said. Ha. But seriously, the Kymera Magic Wand is a must-have for all magic loving muggles, especially ones who hate using their remote control and want to look super cool in front of their friends/coworkers/book club/kids/nieces/nephews/neighbors/mailmen — well, just about everyone.

I am not just ranting and raving about this wand because I eat, sleep and breathe Harry Potter. It's so much more than that. Remotes are so 2000's. Don't you get sick and tired of pressing buttons on a stupid remote? Me too. I'm so thankful that there's something we can finally do about it. With the Kymera Magic Wand, everything is so easy and button-free! A simple swish-and-flick and you're at the guide screen.

When I first brought home the wand, I was very confused as to how it would know just what I wanted to do. And because of how truly fantastical the idea of using a wand instead of remote control is, I assumed that it would be too hard for me to figure out. However, upon carefully reading the instructions, I quickly understood how to use it. And, I became a fourth year wizard in about an hour. Some may consider that time consuming, but it's a magic wand that works as a remote for your television — if you expected it to be much easier then you don't really deserve to be a wizard at all.

Since I’ve been through this once already, I have some advice on how to best approach setting up the Kymera Magic Wand. When you begin reading the instructions, take it slow. Make sure you understand what each paragraph is trying to tell you. To minimize stress levels, use the buddy system. Have a friend nearby to help you understand how to program the wand. I would recommend reading the instructions several times before first attempting to program it. Yo’llu get to choose which motion will control each function on the television, so act out the motions with your buddy to make sure you've got it down before committing to each one. I won't spoil the excitement by telling you exactly how it works, but I can assure you that the instructions are straightforward and the result is so worth your time.

Beyond it’s entertainment value, the wand can be beneficial to you, and it's also great for non-believers. When you tell your friends that you control your television with a magic wand, it will sound like you're making a childish joke. But you'll have the last laugh when your dubious friends come over to watch the game and, with a quick flick of the wrist, your television has not only been turned on, but you've found the HD channel and set it to the volume of your choice — with a magic wand.

As for storage, it comes equipped with an elegant black box with red velvet interior so that you'll never have to dive into the depths of your couch for your remote again. Harry Potter taught us that the wizard doesn't choose the wand, but the wand chooses the wizard. Your Kymera Magic Wand is waiting for you.

Post from: Crushable

Off The Market: Kymera Magic Wand, A Button-Less Remote For Muggles

Gallery: Lea Michele, John Stamos And The 'Glee' Cast Clean Up For Season 2 Premiere

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 08:25 AM PDT

These photos of last night’s Glee Season 2 premiere are making us salivate with anticipation. We honestly can’t believe we got through a whole summer without Lea Michelle’s power lungs or Cory Monteith’s adorablly goofy attempts at choreography (seriously — don’t they have people who can help him with that?). The show doesn’t return until September 21, so hopefully these seriously sexy premiere photos will help you make it until then.

  • Lea Michelle looks ready to sing.
  • John Stamos plants a big, sloppy one on Jayma Mays.
  • Matthew Morrison does not look happy about that kiss.
  • Amber Riley seems pleased the show's back.
  • Kevin McHale! Always in a bow tie, always adorable.
  • Jane Lynch does her best Jane Lynch.
  • Chris Colfer looks very un-Kurt in plaid.
  • Sultry Dianna Agron. Can someone cast this girl as Helen of Troy already?
  • Cory Monteith in a cardigan? We'll take it!

(Photos by Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Lea Michele, John Stamos And The 'Glee' Cast Clean Up For Season 2 Premiere

Twitter Feed You Need To Check Our Right Now: @English50cent

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 07:41 AM PDT

50 centDon’t be the last of your friends to discover this hilarious parody Twitter feed — English50cent — that takes 50 Cent’s already unbelievable tweets and makes them just a little more ridiculous by “translating” them into the Queen’s English — or something that the rest of us can understand. The results are hilarious.

Take this recent post for example:

50’s tweet:

50 tweet


english 50 tweet

We like reading the English version and then trying to guess what the 50 version said. Like this one, “Serena (Williams) displays great strength. I find it sexually intimidating. I would like her to initiate intercourse with me. *laughs*” What did the great Tweeting rapper actually say? “Serena looks like she would tear a niggas ass up. I be like pick me up take me to the bed baby!lol”

Post from: Crushable

Twitter Feed You Need To Check Our Right Now: @English50cent

Gallery: Angelina Jolie Visits Pakistan

Posted: 08 Sep 2010 07:35 AM PDT

Angelina Jolie hopped a plane to Pakistan to speak with victims of the devastating flood that has claimed more than 1,500 lives. She visited in an official capacity, representing the U.N. as a Goodwill Ambassador. Jolie spoke firsthand with victims and held a press conference to discuss her experiences. The actress hopes the publicity around her visit will help draw attention to the crisis. It’s working so far!

(photos via WENN)

Post from: Crushable

Gallery: Angelina Jolie Visits Pakistan

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